Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Forum Discussion => Topic started by: Wolfie_Lover on September 06, 2014, 05:20:51 pm

Title: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Wolfie_Lover on September 06, 2014, 05:20:51 pm
-Clears throat-
As the title states, how do you pronounce your -sona's, or any characters in general, name?
My personas have simple names, Wolfie and Jagged Skies; however, I have multiple characters who have harder to pronounce names.

These are just a few names, so sorry about that.

Delathan: I just pronounce how it's spelled, though I've heard a different way, "Delithan" was how they pronounced it. -Shrug-
Heitoa: To be completely honest, I don't really know how to pronounce his name "correctly" (if there even is a correct way), so I say "Heytoeh" to pronounce his name. I guess that's one way, but I dunno.
Thalon: Again, I just pronounce how it's spelled. I haven't heard a different way of saying it yet.
Grou: For him, I say "Geroah" to pronounce it. One of my friends pronounces it like the first part of 'group'.
Kaletho: Just the way it's spelled, though I've heard "Kaul-to" and "Cailthe".
That's pretty much how I think I pronounce my characters' names, so how do you pronounce yours?
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on September 06, 2014, 06:43:06 pm
Many users have trouble pronouncing some of my OCs' names. The most confusing one is probably Qahnaarin. Said as "Ka - na - reen". Then there's M'ulahkrin, which is pronounced "Mul - a - krin".
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: rustheart on September 06, 2014, 07:13:26 pm
Most of my character names are easy to understand.  Like CharChar is clearly just Char-Char.  But other people's characters is a different story.  I pronounce LordSuragaha as Sugar-roar-ah.  I am pretty sure that is completely wrong.
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Vespian on September 06, 2014, 07:36:46 pm
Vespian: "Vez-pea-an"
Creedance: Is pretty much pronounced how it's spelled.
Rauven: "Raw-ven"
The Puppeteer: Pretty simple to pronounce, ehheh.
Yusei: "You-say"
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: TouchOfMadness on September 06, 2014, 08:33:40 pm
Carnassial-basically how you'd expect. Kar-nass-ee-uhl
Sickness-pretty obvious how you pronounce it, I would think.
So yeah, those are my three fursona names.
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Cincinnatus on September 07, 2014, 03:09:01 am
Seifer- S-eye-fur
Atrox- ah-trou-x

Those are my only active ones, pretty simple!
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: AerosArrow on September 07, 2014, 03:47:26 am
Air - oh = Aero   Rez - nof = Reznov (R3zn0v) :3
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Morqque on September 07, 2014, 04:22:37 am
Only one that some people may have trouble with.
Even if it's not pronounced like it, it's his name xD

Melchiah Kappel = Mel-kai-aah, Kah-pell
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: LordSuragaha on September 07, 2014, 04:31:13 am
But other people's characters is a different story.  I pronounce LordSuragaha as Sugar-roar-ah.  I am pretty sure that is completely wrong.

lol everyone seems to love nicknaming me Sugar so I'm fine with that xD

But yeah Lord Suragaha's name is pronounced like "Sue-Rah-Gah-Hah" :)
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Skullix on September 07, 2014, 06:39:42 am
Skelleanox : Skell-Ah-Knocks (Silent K.)
Wrexan : Reck-San
Daniel... : Come on people. BI
Haidar : Hi-Dare

So many 'sonas. Yet 'm proud.
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Mythrim on September 07, 2014, 07:10:56 am
I wish to participate \o/

Mythrim: Myth-rim. Pretty easy to pronounce I think.
Katjaa: Kat-yuh. I've heard others say "Kotch-uh" though.
Ellerysia: Ell-er-ee-si-uh. I've also seen "Ell-er-ee-zhuh" and "Ell-er-eye-zhuh".
Talara: Tuh-laur-uh. But some people switch out the sounds of the A's.
Kirmizi: "Keer-me-zee" but most people say "Kur-mi-zee".
Aniise: "An-eye-ees" but everyone goes with "Enise" usually.

I think that's all of my OC names, but for the most part I just stick to the 1st three. xD
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: greenart6 on September 07, 2014, 02:27:00 pm
Turtle - Easy enough, T err t ul? xD

Pinto - Pin toe

Wema - W M uh

Tulivu - 2 Live Ooh

Mbawa - Mah bah wah

Duni - Doo knee

Filot - I don't really have a set way to pronounce her name, but I'd usually say "Fill it"

Dyae - Die a

Tani - Ta knee

Eldu - L do

Kisi - Kiss E

Annie - I think this is easy, but An knee


Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: CatCake on February 11, 2015, 12:38:18 am
Here are a few names of my characters:
Zap-Same as you read it
Ross-Same as you read it
Tanzer- Tann-zher
Kash-Same as you read Cash

I think that's enough of character names ^^;
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Yognaught on February 22, 2015, 01:00:23 pm
For Gael, it'd be: Gale.

Gurin: Grr-rin
Akatsuki: A-caught-ski
Jacques: Sh-awk
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: StarrieNova on February 23, 2015, 07:15:38 am
Tili: Tea-Lee
Sietara: Sie-Tar-uh
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: unnbrellas on February 23, 2015, 02:06:48 pm

Arikaiden name is abit tricky, but it's Eric-eye-den

Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: ThornyDesertRose on February 27, 2015, 11:12:04 pm

Spitze - Sp ee tse
Zali - Z ah li
Skishe - Sk ee sh
Cvix - Si Vicks
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Ellen11v on February 27, 2015, 11:17:06 pm
Well, here you go:
Ellen: El-len (._.)
Banshee: Ban-shi
Mikko: Mee-ko (Pronounce the "Mee" fast so it sounds like there's 2 "k"s in the name.)
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Dngerboom on March 10, 2015, 10:18:33 am
Thing is I have several characters with semi-exotic names(?). Mainly I get the question of how to pronounce my fursona and his mother's name, Jehuty.

Ahzrukhal= Ahs-Ru-Khal
-Like for example Oohs and AHS
- Mighty simple, like Roo~
- Many get this mistaken for Cal. Like the University of Cal. But No- It's like a bird 'Caw'

Jehuty= Jet.hu.ty
-A flying Jet
-Sounds like a 'Hoo' or 'who'
-The letter T
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: TheExperience on March 10, 2015, 07:00:59 pm
Wulfric: W-ool-frick
Athelas: Ath-eh-lahs
Saoirse: Sa-or-se (I think its wrong though, lol.)
Gladys: Glad-dis
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Luna. on March 10, 2015, 11:52:09 pm
My main OC is Rava..So I guess the correct pronunciation is
Ra-va .3.
And My Stagasaberion Charrie Undiscovered(Undisco)
Un-dis-co Or her full name
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: angelre0702 on March 12, 2015, 07:01:36 pm
interesting topic, woo.

re; i've heard many people pronounce it 'ree' or 'ray'. either way is acceptable, lol.
mircalla; technically the correct pronunciation is meer-kalla, but people tend to pronounce it (like myself) mir-kalla.
rye; like the bread. r-eye.

simple enough. 'xD
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Reving32 on April 01, 2015, 04:18:46 pm
I normally say F-e-h-l-i but sometimes F-e-l-y.
it kinds change everyday.
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Sandytails on April 06, 2015, 08:34:22 pm
Neon...Well that's...disappointing
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Divergent. on April 07, 2015, 08:31:58 pm
Xalaria - Zuh - lar - ree - uh

Zocraxxe - Zock - ruh - see

Arixaia - Uh - ricks - ee - uh
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Rizzla on April 07, 2015, 10:25:21 pm
My actual fursona, Boogie's name is pronounced "Boog - eeh". Easy enough, eh?
Buuut then there's the Familiars...

Saischa - "Sigh - shay", however some people say it "Say - shay". Either way is acceptable, waha.

Scrague -  The "ague" part is pronounced the same way as the one in "Plague". Soo.. "Scr - AYg"? xDD

Summit - "Sum - it".

Pfft those are just my main OC's.. I've got like 20+ more *Cough* notthathatisagoodthing
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Alphabet on April 07, 2015, 10:58:57 pm
Alphabet: Erlferbert


I'm kidding. All of my characters are named after the letters of the alphabet. Yes... Letters... I'm not creative. -hides-
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: forks on April 08, 2015, 12:17:10 am
"Her-my-knee".. Hermione. Simple xD
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Hooli on April 21, 2015, 06:14:45 am
My -sona is Inky. Which.. is pretty easy to pronounce.

But I have OCs such as;

Madalitso; Mahd-ah-lit-soh (though I just call him Madonna)
Neztach; Nezz-tack
Ashkii; Ash-key
Etzhi; Eht-zee
Bijou; Bee-hue
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Kibacher on April 21, 2015, 06:19:01 am
Kibacher: Kee-bah-Chur
she's easily my most used character

I have another two OC's though

Iubo: I-oo-bo

Shingle: basically how you pronounce shingles without the 's'
Title: Re: How do YOU Pronounce Your -sona's Name?
Post by: Crowed on April 29, 2015, 01:54:15 pm