Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: saffron on September 12, 2014, 09:29:27 pm

Title: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: saffron on September 12, 2014, 09:29:27 pm
Okay. New text color too. Anyway...

It's embarrassing to let out this much anger on all things Bonfire. In fact, it embarrasses me to let out rage on people who think they're fab when they've been here for only months or something like that. I'm letting out anger on everything that angers me, embarrassing to share or not.

Okay, so first off, the mate beggars. They are not cool, hilarious to watch, and just flat out dumb. Just watching them mate beg, running around asking random strangers to be their mate when they don't even know who they are. Stupid! Complete stupidity! One mate beggar I was honestly trying very hard to be nice to and reason to just plain argued with me instead of stopping. They said I was making it worse, when they were the ones that were fighting against me. I honestly tried so hard not to feed the mate beggar, but it went on. I was bluffing that I might report her, because obviously I wasn't, and she just flat out turned whisper off and blocked me a million times. Not kidding. Makes me laugh to know she doesn't know she's just making herself look more stupid.

Suicidal peeps. I don't get them. All they do is run around, looking all sad and pathetic, because they don't have a mate or something about their parents dying when he was the one that killed them off. 'Cause, it's obvious, he's the one that made his back story. The most famous suicidal death is drowning, and they do that all the time. I actually talked to one, and they said they were being suicidal because... THEY WERE BORED. Bullcrap, bullcrap. Lose your character just because you are bored? Not cool.

Mom beggars. They aren't fab. They just aren't. They aren't. They are also the ones that cry and weep because their mommy is deceased when obviously, once again, he made his back story. If he wants to weep and cry just because he killed his parents, just to attract attention from a mommy, that ain't cool. But attention beggars? Woah, a way bigger story than this.

Attention Beggars. The crap of the community. All they do is try to look pathetic because they killed their mom, killed their mate, their mate died, their mom died anonymously, and other bullcrap. Just makes me want to type shiz [With the T] instead of crap. But that's breaking the rules, so nah. But still, this game is about having fun, right? Obviously that's wrong to these pieces of crap. They want the game to be as sad as it possibly can by begging, pleading, killing themselves. Your the ones that made your OH-SO-SAD-WAAA- back stories, get an invisible mom, or I'll shove that invisible mom in your brain so you look smarter, at least.

The users of strong language. Also the crap of the community, literally screaming out strong words for no reason. I just wanna shove soap into their mouth so they'll shut up. Young players here! "Nope, don't care, I'll cuss anyway!".  Seriously, I wish people had common sense and read the rules before playing a game with young children in it. For goodness sake, maybe you're 5 or 8. Who knows?

All these people are just bullpoop to me, and make me want to shove a boot up their buttocks. Pardon my language, but seriously, you can tell I'm really mad here. I've let only SOME of my rage. More rage is yet to come.
Who ever thought a cub could be so mad? And say the same words all over again so much?
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: Wyldercat on September 12, 2014, 09:46:27 pm
Ahem. Excuse my inner weirdness. I must say, I agree with most of your opinions a lot. Attention beggars and suicidal characters are the only ones I agree with 100%. True, Mate Beggars and Mom Beggars are annoying, as well as repetitive, unrealistic "Everyone I love is dead" crap, but keep this in mind:
1. Mate/Mom beggars are mostly young players looking for a roleplay, and don't know about the MC's
2. These backstories are likely from either younger players who don't know how to make a dark, but still creative/original plot, and also from Movies/Books character backstories.

But overall, I agree with everything else. Suicide is NOT something to be taken lightly or laugh at. It's a real problem in this world, and I don't think most people notice how serious it is... taking your own life is NOT a fun thing. And in a way, it's kindof a big finger in the face to people who know someone who committed suicide. And yet another point, young kids play this game, and little kids can be very open to suggestion, so it's teaching them that killing themselves is a fun thing. Seriously?!

Anyway, I agree Cubby. Interesting topic overall.
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: saffron on September 12, 2014, 09:53:28 pm
Ahem. Excuse my inner weirdness. I must say, I agree with most of your opinions a lot. Attention beggars and suicidal characters are the only ones I agree with 100%. True, Mate Beggars and Mom Beggars are annoying, as well as repetitive, unrealistic "Everyone I love is dead" crap, but keep this in mind:
1. Mate/Mom beggars are mostly young players looking for a roleplay, and don't know about the MC's
2. These backstories are likely from either younger players who don't know how to make a dark, but still creative/original plot, and also from Movies/Books character backstories.

But overall, I agree with everything else. Suicide is NOT something to be taken lightly or laugh at. It's a real problem in this world, and I don't think most people notice how serious it is... taking your own life is NOT a fun thing. And in a way, it's kindof a big finger in the face to people who know someone who committed suicide. And yet another point, young kids play this game, and little kids can be very open to suggestion, so it's teaching them that killing themselves is a fun thing. Seriously?!

Anyway, I agree Cubby. Interesting topic overall.
Aye, dude. Thanks. Yes, I know that they are most likely young players but still, they are annoying and besides I'm just letting out anger so I be so cray cray I don't care.
Also, I don't even know what the block option is anyway. Jk. I do. But I barely use it because like I said I'm full of abalone- dang it
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: Scarlet[]Death on September 12, 2014, 09:58:39 pm
I'm sorry that all of these people have really angered you. They anger a lot of other people here as well. ;-;
Not only in Bonfire does this happen but a lot of other maps as well.

The few things that anger me the most are: the first one you stated about people thinking they're fab just because they've been here for a few months or so, so they rub it all in on the new members and treat them like they are lowly peasants. The second one that angers me are the attention beggars. Do they really think they are going to get good, respectful attention with what they do? And when they see that they don't, the crying and whining starts. It get's very annoying. Third thing would be the suicidal people... Because... this gives a bad influence to the people of the community, possibly encouraging true suicide -- and that... Is... really something that isn't wanted... It's rather sad to see these kind of people.  
The mate begging and parent begging also bites at me a little... It sometimes gets to the point where I just log off and leave them there then wait 30 minutes later to log back on again. Yeah... Truly sad indeed.

All of these are problems we wish would stop but people can be people... It seems like they all need a good kick in the butt.
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: saffron on September 12, 2014, 10:02:30 pm
I'm sorry that all of these people have really angered you. They anger a lot of other people here as well. ;-;
Not only in Bonfire does this happen but a lot of other maps as well.

The few things that anger me the most are: the first one you stated about people thinking they're fab just because they've been here for a few months or so, so they rub it all in on the new members and treat them like they are lowly peasants. The second one that angers me are the attention beggars. Do they really think they are going to get good, respectful attention with what they do? And when they see that they don't, the crying and whining starts. It get's very annoying. Third thing would be the suicidal people... Because... this gives a bad influence to the people of the community, possibly encouraging true suicide -- and that... Is... really something that isn't wanted... It's rather sad to see these kind of people.  
The mate begging and parent begging also bites at me a little... It sometimes gets to the point where I just log off and leave them there then wait 30 minutes later to log back on again. Yeah... Truly sad indeed.

All of these are problems we wish would stop but people can be people... It seems like they all need a good kick in the butt.

Yes. They anger me a lot, but it's not your fault so no reason to be sorry darling. I agree with both the TwistedReptile and you. Suicide isn't wanted, nor is mate begging and people who brag and brag. Thanks for posting and have a good day darling. Just don't be like those guys who get me on my bad side.  :P  Jkjk. You wouldn't do that.  :) xD
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: Scarlet[]Death on September 12, 2014, 11:29:00 pm
I'm sorry that all of these people have really angered you. They anger a lot of other people here as well. ;-;
Not only in Bonfire does this happen but a lot of other maps as well.

The few things that anger me the most are: the first one you stated about people thinking they're fab just because they've been here for a few months or so, so they rub it all in on the new members and treat them like they are lowly peasants. The second one that angers me are the attention beggars. Do they really think they are going to get good, respectful attention with what they do? And when they see that they don't, the crying and whining starts. It get's very annoying. Third thing would be the suicidal people... Because... this gives a bad influence to the people of the community, possibly encouraging true suicide -- and that... Is... really something that isn't wanted... It's rather sad to see these kind of people.  
The mate begging and parent begging also bites at me a little... It sometimes gets to the point where I just log off and leave them there then wait 30 minutes later to log back on again. Yeah... Truly sad indeed.

All of these are problems we wish would stop but people can be people... It seems like they all need a good kick in the butt.

Yes. They anger me a lot, but it's not your fault so no reason to be sorry darling. I agree with both the TwistedReptile and you. Suicide isn't wanted, nor is mate begging and people who brag and brag. Thanks for posting and have a good day darling. Just don't be like those guys who get me on my bad side.  :P  Jkjk. You wouldn't do that.  :) xD

Oh, haha. XD I would never be like them. I'm more of the silent/shy type anyway. ^^ And you too!
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: Shally on September 13, 2014, 04:25:01 am
Alright, so it is true that there are people that can annoy you - and there always will be, because we all are different and we might see things in a different way.

But, it's still not better of you to rage down on these people like this. If they want to "mate-beg" then let them, all you have to do is turn the other way around. It's perfectly fine for you to get annoyed, but don't let it build up inside of you. Just ignore them.

I was bluffing that I might report her, because obviously I wasn't, and she just flat out turned whisper off and blocked me a million times.

This is something that caught my eye.. It's against the rules to unblock another users if they choose to block you, if she did block you you should respect that decision. And you can get reported if you unblock another users. So consider this a warning.

All these things you write about, I see were you are coming from and how this can be something you react to.
But again what you can do is simply let them do their own thing, and ignore it. You can also use the block button if you simply don't want to "listen" to them in chat.

If you see someone breaking a rule you should report them, or if they are about to break a rule you can tell them they can get reported by that. But please don't go around and threaten other users that you will report them if they haven't actually been breaking any rules.

Be the better human, and do your own thing. Have fun, and let the other members do the same - even if their fun is something that would annoy you.
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: PrettyReckless on September 13, 2014, 11:47:12 am
I can personally see how some of these things can be rather annoying.
However, it's somewhat about learning to ignore certain behaviour.
It's good if people don't ignore cussing and rulebreaking, but people are just trying to have fun in their own way.
If you don't like what they're doing. Don't interact with them.
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: saffron on September 13, 2014, 11:59:05 am
Alright, so it is true that there are people that can annoy you - and there always will be, because we all are different and we might see things in a different way.

But, it's still not better of you to rage down on these people like this. If they want to "mate-beg" then let them, all you have to do is turn the other way around. It's perfectly fine for you to get annoyed, but don't let it build up inside of you. Just ignore them.

I was bluffing that I might report her, because obviously I wasn't, and she just flat out turned whisper off and blocked me a million times.

This is something that caught my eye.. It's against the rules to unblock another users if they choose to block you, if she did block you you should respect that decision. And you can get reported if you unblock another users. So consider this a warning.

All these things you write about, I see were you are coming from and how this can be something you react to.
But again what you can do is simply let them do their own thing, and ignore it. You can also use the block button if you simply don't want to "listen" to them in chat.

If you see someone breaking a rule you should report them, or if they are about to break a rule you can tell them they can get reported by that. But please don't go around and threaten other users that you will report them if they haven't actually been breaking any rules.

Be the better human, and do your own thing. Have fun, and let the other members do the same - even if their fun is something that would annoy you.

Okay, I'll take the warning. Sowwy.

I can personally see how some of these things can be rather annoying.
However, it's somewhat about learning to ignore certain behaviour.
It's good if people don't ignore cussing and rulebreaking, but people are just trying to have fun in their own way.
If you don't like what they're doing. Don't interact with them.
I'll take this as another warning. Sowwy.
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: Yognaught on September 13, 2014, 07:14:14 pm
i see truth behind your rage. i do.

but i must say, most of the mate/parent/pup beggars are 8-12 year olds, they do not see the supposed wrong of doing it.i we need to have patience and understanding because i think you know we were all like that once. we all change over time.

Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: Shamouseyxx on September 16, 2014, 02:48:23 am
Honestly, if there's a Mate Center when I'm in the room, I just join it because it seems funny in some way. People choose to do it.
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: wolfdog01 on September 16, 2014, 11:18:22 am
I can see where your rage is coming from but to be honest, I love watching these people, mainly when I am on Maxwell. Because on him, I can make him troll the crap out of them if he wants because he is blunt and careless.

For the mate beggers, those are my favorite, I just say "No." as soon as they ask, people around me laugh because of how quick and heartless the response is.
Parent beggers, I've had a few of those, I either walk away if they lay near me or ask them what are they doing. Being a parent begger? Oh okay... I don't want kids. And then I walk away again. They pout and complain and some people get mad at me but I'm just laughing behind the screen.
For the suicidal ones, I will usually see if something is actually wrong and if they refuse to cheer up then I just toss my hands in the air and walk away.
Attention beggers, I will admit those bug me a bit. Usually I just watch them and then slowly start trolling them if I can, sometimes it works, sometimes the person blocks me lol
As for the cussing, I hate to say this, but I really could care less if you cuss or not. I don't do it a lot. The only time when I will say something is if a lot of people are getting mad at them for just tossing cursses out like confetti, then usually I report.
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: Scarlet[]Death on September 16, 2014, 01:32:49 pm
I can see where your rage is coming from but to be honest, I love watching these people, mainly when I am on Maxwell. Because on him, I can make him troll the crap out of them if he wants because he is blunt and careless.

For the mate beggers, those are my favorite, I just say "No." as soon as they ask, people around me laugh because of how quick and heartless the response is.
Parent beggers, I've had a few of those, I either walk away if they lay near me or ask them what are they doing. Being a parent begger? Oh okay... I don't want kids. And then I walk away again. They pout and complain and some people get mad at me but I'm just laughing behind the screen.
For the suicidal ones, I will usually see if something is actually wrong and if they refuse to cheer up then I just toss my hands in the air and walk away.
Attention beggers, I will admit those bug me a bit. Usually I just watch them and then slowly start trolling them if I can, sometimes it works, sometimes the person blocks me lol
As for the cussing, I hate to say this, but I really could care less if you cuss or not. I don't do it a lot. The only time when I will say something is if a lot of people are getting mad at them for just tossing cursses out like confetti, then usually I report.

-Claps- I agree fully with this! BI
Thank you, Thyme. Thank you. //cheers.
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: Fallenleaf on September 16, 2014, 10:50:38 pm
I understand your rage. It's true, most of them are annoying in their own way. As someone who has been suicidal in the past, I must admit that I'm shocked by these "suicidal peeps" you wrote about. If you want to make a suicidal character, do it right. Develop its personality, make it more than just "suicidal". People who create a character just to make it commit suicide ten minutes later because of "BOREDOM, LOL!!!" really tick me off.
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: StarrieNova on September 17, 2014, 06:06:43 am
I must admit I do understand your raging very much I in all honesty do. Though I must say it is very silly of you to rage so badly at them. Once you realize how silly they are being for begging so much then take that realization, and walk away. Yet if they continue to harass you about it, and continue to beg then simply block them.

I also do agree with Buffy though on the whole unblocking glitch situation is against rules. The best thing to do is if they block you to respect their wishes to block you and let it be. It tends to stop the issue all the way around. If you unblock them just to harass them or anger them cause they can't block you then you are being just as bad as them.

Try to ignore their childish acts or just pretend to be afk. I know I bump into those types a lot, but I don't rage to them. If they beg I play along at times to make them happy knowing they will most likely forget the next day or you can simply un-add them once they log and they won't tend to find you again. Each of your angers do have a simple solution behind them.

So please try your best to think before some actions may occur.
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: saffron on September 19, 2014, 05:17:48 pm
Come on, guise

Stahhhp  :'( :'(

I've taken all of these warnings and took the advice, thanks. I'm a better person [ or at least i think i am ] from getting my anger out and all that rage out, along with reading the advice. but seriously you guise hurt my feelings like serious. NOW BE MY M8
Also, all I wanted to do is let out my anger though. I didn't mean to make you guys offended or mad, I honestly didn't. I know it's really bad to speak to you like this and it's a really really bad move but I don't like being told off like this. -Walks away-
And I know, you're probably not even telling me off but it's like that because I'm just a derp and I have no idea. -Walks away again-

stahhhhhp ;o;
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: TheApplePie on September 19, 2014, 08:21:06 pm
All I can say was just fit into your thread, Cubby.
1- Mate beggars can just go to the mate center, and not bother people that they don't even know! No, we haven't ever even seen you, so we won't be your mate.

2- Adoption centers exist, too. I just don't get why they try the hard part.

3- Suicide isn't something to laugh about or make fun of. Many people find the light in it, and actually get to far into it.
I personally find it very offensive, since my 23 year old brother living in Sweden committed suicide for real, and no one even knew about it untill it was to late. It really isn't something appropriate for a game like this. I agree with you on this. Suicide because of boredom is stupid. Why make a character and kill them in front of kids, when you could have just found a roleplay and not wasted time in the first place.
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: wolfdog01 on September 19, 2014, 08:37:18 pm
Come on, guise

Stahhhp  :'( :'(

I've taken all of these warnings and took the advice, thanks. I'm a better person [ or at least i think i am ] from getting my anger out and all that rage out, along with reading the advice. but seriously you guise hurt my feelings like serious. NOW BE MY M8
Also, all I wanted to do is let out my anger though. I didn't mean to make you guys offended or mad, I honestly didn't. I know it's really bad to speak to you like this and it's a really really bad move but I don't like being told off like this. -Walks away-
And I know, you're probably not even telling me off but it's like that because I'm just a derp and I have no idea. -Walks away again-

stahhhhhp ;o;
Cubby, I don't think we were trying to warn you or bash you for anything O.o...
We were just saying how we deal with these things, at least I did anyways. The people who annoy you annoy us as well, which is why we are all posting on this thread lol
Don't take our posts as being mean or offensive :3 we're not trying to be
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: PrettyReckless on September 19, 2014, 10:04:04 pm
Come on, guise

Stahhhp  :'( :'(

I've taken all of these warnings and took the advice, thanks. I'm a better person [ or at least i think i am ] from getting my anger out and all that rage out, along with reading the advice. but seriously you guise hurt my feelings like serious. NOW BE MY M8
Also, all I wanted to do is let out my anger though. I didn't mean to make you guys offended or mad, I honestly didn't. I know it's really bad to speak to you like this and it's a really really bad move but I don't like being told off like this. -Walks away-
And I know, you're probably not even telling me off but it's like that because I'm just a derp and I have no idea. -Walks away again-

stahhhhhp ;o;
It's a discussion thread, after all. ^^'
As Thyme mentioned, I don't think most of us mean something personal towards you.
Some may have worded it a bit faulty, but eh.
Don't take it too much to heart.

Everyone finds certain things to be more annoying than others.
It's good to let out some steam at times.

Don't worry, okay?
Title: Re: Letting out so much rage it's embarrassing >:c
Post by: saffron on September 20, 2014, 05:34:59 pm
All I can say was just fit into your thread, Cubby.
1- Mate beggars can just go to the mate center, and not bother people that they don't even know! No, we haven't ever even seen you, so we won't be your mate.

2- Adoption centers exist, too. I just don't get why they try the hard part.

3- Suicide isn't something to laugh about or make fun of. Many people find the light in it, and actually get to far into it.
I personally find it very offensive, since my 23 year old brother living in Sweden committed suicide for real, and no one even knew about it untill it was to late. It really isn't something appropriate for a game like this. I agree with you on this. Suicide because of boredom is stupid. Why make a character and kill them in front of kids, when you could have just found a roleplay and not wasted time in the first place.

Thanks for understanding. ^^

Come on, guise

Stahhhp  :'( :'(

I've taken all of these warnings and took the advice, thanks. I'm a better person [ or at least i think i am ] from getting my anger out and all that rage out, along with reading the advice. but seriously you guise hurt my feelings like serious. NOW BE MY M8
Also, all I wanted to do is let out my anger though. I didn't mean to make you guys offended or mad, I honestly didn't. I know it's really bad to speak to you like this and it's a really really bad move but I don't like being told off like this. -Walks away-
And I know, you're probably not even telling me off but it's like that because I'm just a derp and I have no idea. -Walks away again-

stahhhhhp ;o;
Cubby, I don't think we were trying to warn you or bash you for anything O.o...
We were just saying how we deal with these things, at least I did anyways. The people who annoy you annoy us as well, which is why we are all posting on this thread lol
Don't take our posts as being mean or offensive :3 we're not trying to be

-Micheal Jackson voice- But you wanna be bad

Come on, guise

Stahhhp  :'( :'(

I've taken all of these warnings and took the advice, thanks. I'm a better person [ or at least i think i am ] from getting my anger out and all that rage out, along with reading the advice. but seriously you guise hurt my feelings like serious. NOW BE MY M8
Also, all I wanted to do is let out my anger though. I didn't mean to make you guys offended or mad, I honestly didn't. I know it's really bad to speak to you like this and it's a really really bad move but I don't like being told off like this. -Walks away-
And I know, you're probably not even telling me off but it's like that because I'm just a derp and I have no idea. -Walks away again-

stahhhhhp ;o;
It's a discussion thread, after all. ^^'
As Thyme mentioned, I don't think most of us mean something personal towards you.
Some may have worded it a bit faulty, but eh.
Don't take it too much to heart.

Everyone finds certain things to be more annoying than others.
It's good to let out some steam at times.

Don't worry, okay?
Okay. I just misunderstood. ^u^