Feral Heart

Community => Leaving => Topic started by: wolf48877 on September 25, 2014, 12:33:21 am

Title: leaving...maybe for good...idk yet
Post by: wolf48877 on September 25, 2014, 12:33:21 am
Hey guys...i have some very bad news...well..i have been having huge headaches
..so I went to the doctor...turns out I have a tumor the size of a 5 year olds fist in my head...im actually still at the doctors right now, I told my mom to bring my phone XD...anyways..apparently I have 60/50 chance of living ;-; the doctors put me on medication..and if that doesn't work then they gave me about a year  to live ;-; I will try to stay active...im sorry ;-; I cant type anymore..its makin me way to upset...i guess this is my last post until tomorrow..hope its good news....bye guys.         Edit: I'm back home now..so far everything looks good, my headaches are a little better but I'm still far from being completely free of this tumor, In 2 weeks I need to go back for an xray, hope everything looks good with that ;-; thank u all for ur prayers, ur all such wonderful ppl and I'm very happy to have been here with u all, if it takes a turn for the worst..then I guess this is a small goodbye just in case I wont be able to post a good bye ;-;
Title: Re: leaving...maybe for good...idk yet
Post by: Necropossum on September 25, 2014, 12:41:58 am
Oh Raven! *hugs* I hope you get better soon *pets* We'll all miss you but we're here for you!
Title: Re: leaving...maybe for good...idk yet
Post by: greenart6 on September 25, 2014, 01:16:45 am
I'm terribly sorry that you have to learn such a thing. :( Due to having two grandparents who have had cancer (one who is fighting it right now and one who didn't survive it), the advice I can offer is once it begins to get worse, with all the treatments which I can imagine seem endless, just don't stop fighting it.

I do wish that you'll be able to skip these treatments and be able to live much longer than a year, for it's a terrible thing to go through. We'll be here for you! <3
Title: Re: leaving...maybe for good...idk yet
Post by: hugrf2 on September 25, 2014, 02:19:12 am
I'm really sorry for you, hun. I really am... But do me a favor and try to stay strong and don't let this take you down, okay? Stay optimistic, and live life at it's best, even if things don't turn out for you. That's what I can advice you in addition, and I'll keep you in my prayers. <3
Title: Re: leaving...maybe for good...idk yet
Post by: StarrieNova on September 25, 2014, 02:32:29 am
I am so sorry Raven! *Huggles tightly*
I hope more than anything you get better hun I love seeing you here on the forums everyday and would hate to see you not be around anymore.
If it helps know you will be in my prayers to get better soon darling.
Title: Re: leaving...maybe for good...idk yet
Post by: wolf48877 on September 25, 2014, 03:21:24 am
Thank u all for ur prayer's...its so sweet to know that ur there for me..all of u :'3 I will try my best to beat this tumor, again thx for all of the lovely thoughts...this song always makes me feel better :3. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fwh9MR_8Kho. (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fwh9MR_8Kho.) (dont mind ticci Toby I couldn't find the lyrics)
Title: Re: leaving...maybe for good...idk yet
Post by: PrettyReckless on September 25, 2014, 04:54:10 am
Hnng. I'm really so sorry, Raven.
I hope everything goes alright for you.
Title: Re: leaving...maybe for good...idk yet
Post by: raggedpelt98 on September 25, 2014, 06:49:55 am
I really hope your medicine works, stay strong and fight the cancer! ;-;
Title: Re: leaving...maybe for good...idk yet
Post by: Rizzla on September 25, 2014, 11:19:18 am
Oh my gosh... That's terrible!


I hope that medicine knows what it's doing (xD). Stay strong, kiddo <3
Title: Re: leaving...maybe for good...idk yet
Post by: Wyldercat on September 25, 2014, 01:16:11 pm
Oh.... Oh, Raven that's terrible.
*hugs through computer* Best of luck, and keep on fighting, girl. <3
Title: Re: leaving...maybe for good...idk yet
Post by: forks on September 26, 2014, 01:05:37 am
Ohmygosh that is terrible! I'm so so so sorry this had to happen to you, Rave. You will be in my prayers. Stand strong and be brave, girl. I hope you and your family stay well and that this problem may pass. Best wishes.
Title: Re: leaving...maybe for good...idk yet
Post by: saffron on September 28, 2014, 01:00:11 am
OMIGOSH!!! I hope you live hun. We can't have someone die on us!!!! Best wishes and strong prayers to your soul. </3