Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: greenart6 on September 25, 2014, 01:02:25 am

Title: Canines or Felines?
Post by: greenart6 on September 25, 2014, 01:02:25 am
Another question for chu guys :3

1. Are the majority of your characters feline or canine? (Only counting your canine&feline charries of course)

2. Do you enjoy making feline or canine characters more? Why?


The majority of my characters currently are canine, with only about one or two felines. I prefer making canine characters more, because I kinda like wolves, coyotes, etc. more than lions, cats, etc. and are more comfortable making them. Plus, I enjoy the options in character creator for canines more than felines. *Has terrible reasons :D*

So, how about you? c: Canines or felines, and why?
Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: Wyldercat on September 25, 2014, 01:38:26 am
Canines. I only have 3 feline characters, and two of them are joke characters. All of my other characters are canines. I still like roleplaying felines, but I prefer canines. Also I like more of the canine options.
Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: StarrieNova on September 25, 2014, 02:14:55 am
1} The majority of my characters on Feral Heart are feline. For some reason I have taken a liking to the felines more than the canines on the game even though my favorite wild animal is a wolf.

2} I indeed do enjoy making feline characters more than canines because of the fact that the feline body is nicer looking than the canine body in my opinion. Though I must admit I do like to make a canine from time to time, and my main furry for my DA is a wolf character. Yet again felines conquer my Feral Heart.
Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: WildWolf#1 on September 25, 2014, 02:30:52 am
I enjoy making canines, and I have always loved wolves and canines. Don't get me wrong though, I adore felines of all kinds and actually prefer my cat over my dog at times since my dog is a bit, well... Rough. I find it easier to make canines and the models seem easier to use, whereas I've always found the felines very stocky and strangely positioned, plus I never really get any good ideas for feline characters except the odd role play character which I delete days later. I never get the satisfaction that I get when making canines compared to felines. But, that's just my opinion.
Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: Infinity117 on September 25, 2014, 07:15:35 pm
Well, pretty hard to decide. I guess canine, since it's sorta... Better-looking. I like the muzzle of the canine better than the feline in FH. Maybe that's part of the reason? I dunno. Plus, there are many prides, but they don't have many members. There are a lot of packs that frequently recruit and gain a lot of members, so I tend to create more canines. The canines sorta look more.... Elegant than the felines. And if you wanna make a housecat, you'd usually use Neko Ears instead of Cat Ears (Neko doesn't look right for a housecat, but Cat Ears look worse...)

Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: Kerriki on September 26, 2014, 01:59:11 am
Even if I like the feline model more, I have more canine characters for some reason. Not sure why, I do like wolves/canines more than lions/felines in general, but I dunno (I'm complicated)
Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: KatanaWolf on September 26, 2014, 03:17:43 am
I have more canines than felines since I just prefer them more in general or because wolves are my favorite animal. I guess you could say I'm more comfortable with creating which I am plus canines have more variety when creating a character. I like the felines but their isn't really a lot of options to choose in my opinion.
Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on September 26, 2014, 01:14:15 pm
a) I have an even number of canines and felines.
To be exact, two of each. Aela and Ahkrin, who are both small wild cats. Qahnaarin and Starry are my canines.

b) I can't be certain... really could lean either way for me. I love doing both. Honestly, I would enjoy having a bad arse wolf fursona like some other users here have. But I also love drawing designs for cats. I don't know... it takes a ton of inspiration to make a new OC/fursona for me, and I don't want to go past four characters.
Its like I want to have so. Many. Characters. But I limit myself so much ;-;
Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: Insoholic on September 27, 2014, 07:23:48 pm
1. Are the majority of your characters feline or canine? (Only counting your canine&feline charries of course) [

To be honest, I have only three characters. I think, I just don't need other charries, but in the near future, I'm planning to create new ones.. xD (I will keep my old charries too!) My main character is called Tooru Sonohara and it's a wolf (canine). My other character is a feline (lion) and my third character is another wolf. But I don't count my third character, because he looks like Tooru (just without a preset).. So, I can't answer this question. ^^ When I joined FH, I loved felines (I still love them), but now I play with a canine. c:

2. Do you enjoy making feline or canine characters more? Why?

Canines. Just for me, it takes a but longer to make a canine character and it's more funny for me. xD I really get mad, when I can't choose a color or wonder which mane or marking to wear. ;D

--- Really interesting topic, btw. ^^ +floof

Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: S. Italy/Romano on September 28, 2014, 07:09:06 pm
Hmm... I don't dislike felines, but I must admit that the way the model is built gives an impression of bulkiness to it, even on the lowest weight setting. Then there's the problem that on the lowest weight setting, you have some manes that have transparent gaps where they're supposed to be attached to the body (this is most visible when lying down).

The wolf model, has a better variation of the weight slider; you can go from a husky-like canine, to a more slender, near greyhound variant, while the feline one scales pretty much the same all around the body. There's also the fact that the wolf model has the option to be without a tail, whereas the feline one pretty much has two of the same options (both the lynx and tailless options share the same model).

The manes on the canine appeal to me a lot more than the ones on the felines; the only one on felines that I actually think looks nice is the center half mane. The wings are also a problem, (hence why I liked FH better without wings) since they "stick out" more on the back of the feline model than they do on the canine.

Overall, I like the canine model better because of its customization options and elegant look. I have a preference towards canines in both real life and roleplay, don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against felines, but by personal preference, I have to go with canines.
Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: TheSenseless on September 28, 2014, 09:29:41 pm
You shouldn't feel like that, because none of us are convincing you to be a canine and even if you are one of the rare ones on this thread that like felines over canines. It3 your opinion, and our job about it is to respect it.
P.S FeralHeart was actually created for both models, being the canine and feline.

The majority of my characters on my previous accounts were canines, since I just like them more over felines. Even though I'm a feline photography worker in a zoo, I just like canine like creatures over felines . No particular reason.
Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: Redlinelies on September 28, 2014, 10:01:51 pm
Felines has always been the focus, but it was first in FeralHeart Canines got their own model that so many people wanted. It makes sense the game creator decided to make this a game that focused on both. To my understanding there's just more canine liking users out there as a whole, but of course the mileage might vary depending on which place you actually look directly at. If you like a certain species more however, a few rough edges on the appearance of a certain species shouldn't keep you or anyone away from still playing as your favorite animal, fursona, or characters.

Personally I am a feline user in the game, but as far as the thread goes I don't really create that many characters either since I just feel home on one. I Don't think I ever even made a canine and used it in the game so I'd most certain take part in the feline crowd. Why I personally enjoy feline characters is because that's where my heart is at, where other interests and activities has been linked to for some time but also being stuck in the lion king fandom which glues me stuck to animated lions. Felines just appear more graceful to me and playing on FeralHeart as one never felt odd or like I should switch to a canine.

In that way FeralHeart is very interesting too since it's a place where more feline only users and canine only users actually play the very same game together more or less, it creates very interesting situations.
Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: Jackkdaw on September 29, 2014, 12:57:21 pm
As for me, all of my characters- ever- are proudly sporting the canine model.
Personally, I like canines much more than I do felines, so naturally I would chose the canine model over feline in a heartbeat. Also, since my characters are all roleplay characters, the level of knowledge I have of each species has to be taken into consideration for roleplaying, and I simply don't know anything or care to study up on felines.

Another thing is I'm not particularly a huge fan of the way the feline model looks to be honest.
I simply enjoy the basic appearance of the canine model more, and the numerous different customization things you're able to do- such as the various different tails and ears.
Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: KingRex on October 06, 2014, 02:55:55 pm
I have more feline chars. I enjoy making feline chars because there r more options for feline chars to wolf chars.
Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: LukaszKiller on October 11, 2014, 05:50:32 pm
I like canines more because they look better than feline and have prettier faces ;D
Title: Re: Canines or Felines?
Post by: rapid123 on August 12, 2015, 11:29:38 pm
 i don't know when the other comments where posted, but i'll give it a chance that someone will see this post.   

i cant really decide between the two because my favorite animal is a wolf, but i also very much like the tiger/lion. i like tigers and lion for their strong jaws. tigers and lions have strong jaws and good mussel, though wolves don't. although, feral heart does't need this stuff. i like wolves for girls because wolves are pretty and easy to make eyelashes on. i like using the felines for girls, too, but i mostly use them for boys.

-your welcome if this helped ;D