Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Animal & Non Human Roleplays => Topic started by: Senrova on September 25, 2014, 07:47:08 pm

Title: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: Senrova on September 25, 2014, 07:47:08 pm
Wide Wild City
You live in a city where all anime wolves live. It is a normal city but with wolves. But there are terrorists planning on a attack. What are you going to do?


All FH rules apply
No godmodding
No role-playing
If you agree to the rules put `Anthro` in your app
Be literate
No short posts
If you are inactive for a week with no good reason you are banned from this RP for a month
Please use this for your wolf`s age: http://webkinzbeach.gooforum.com/t2317-wolf-age-calculator-d (http://webkinzbeach.gooforum.com/t2317-wolf-age-calculator-d)
Have fun :3
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: Senrova on September 25, 2014, 07:54:12 pm
Name: Hurrizar
Gender: Male
Age: 4 years
History: He spent his life doing thievery and is a very wanted character.
Personality: He is sly, cocky, clever, swift, agile and selfish sometimes.
Job: Thief
Power: He can jump higher than most and can do wind attacks.
Extra: He`s based on Sly Cooper actually. XD
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: Vask on September 26, 2014, 12:00:35 am
This actually looks very interesting! I myself find anime wolves incredibly unique. I'd love to join. I assume there are normal jobs as their are in the real world except with wolves. Correct me if I'm wrong xP ))

Name: Stella
Gender: Female
Age: 4
History: She grew up as a traveler. She left her parents at a younger age and traveled the world. At first she was an artist, drawing, painting, pottery, and anything else of the sort was her passion. In Rome she disocovered her love for healing. From then On she studied healing/nursing as she traveled the world but eventually settled in Paris after a while. One winter she got lost in a deep forest in a snow storm. After a while she survived by finding a glowing blue necklace in the snow. She discovered some of its power and used it to her advantage. After nursing terminal patients in Paris for a long time, she decided to recide more peacefully. The busy streets of Paris was no longer a place Stella desired. She did not wish to retire, since she was still so young, but she wanted to heal more peacefully. Heal with non-terminal patients, and only use the necklaces power when she needed to.
Personality: Stella is incredibly intelligent, and very adventurous. Her witty and perfectly timed comments make her seem very funny, and she is also undoubtably loyal to those she loves. She is somewhat reserved and to herself, but isn't afraid to stand up for herself. Stella is constantly kind and a genuine friend as well. Many find her to have a very determined attitude and is very passionate about things she loves. Although she isn't always as sympathetic as she could be, Stella is always one of the most reliable people you can know.
Job: Nurse
-Very advanced at healing
-Has a magic glowing blue necklace that she uses for healing but is built in with several other abilities
-Speaks fluent French but has no accent
-One blue eye and one red eye


Name: Jazz
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown [Most likely very old- but doesn't show any signs of being an elder]
History: Jazz had been living in the city for years and years, often before many other people. He used to be a regular wolf, who was all white. He was incredibly kind and honest to everyone. As he grew up he experienced some very dark times and went through very dark years. Evil deeds, bad decisions, and even more clouded his life. His fur blotched black and eventually more then half of his fur was black. Eventually he got himself out of those times, and his white fur returned to many parts of him. When he was out of that time he tried to understand what kept the balance of good and bad. Years after he discovered what this was and discovered Inner Peace. His fur balanced itself out and became half white and half black. He knew the perfect way to live, how to balance his life, and how to be happe with himself 24/7. The leaders of the city saw him and knew he could be of use to the city. They asked him to take the position of Head Judge. He quickly accepted, and a spell was put on him to take away his ability to speak permanently. Barely anybody still lives in the city that knew Jazz before he became Head Judge. Now he loves doing his duty to the city.
Personality: Jazz is absolutely silent, but portrays his personality very well. He is obviously very mysterious, but incredibly good-mannered. He can be rather formal at times, and is seen to be very serious. Although his job dictates he must do what is right- and not what he always wants to do- he can clearly be very warm hearted. Since he is silent, almost nobody gets to know him very well. He is naturally incredibly intimidating to others, however is very respectful to other people.
Job: Head Judge. Doesn't inforce rules(like a police officer)- but is taken to when they must determine if the person is guilty or innocent. He is very well respected in his line of work, as he has given up his ability to speak to attain his mind powers.
-Possesses the ability to look into someone and determine if they are guilty or innocent
-Can sometimes sense if someone is lying or telling the truth
-Can talk into peoples minds
-Can cause excruciating pain to someone's mind
-Jazz has willingly been made mute (by a spell) to obtain his mind powers
-The more power he uses the more energy he uses. Often after a 'Judging' he will go back and rest for a while.
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: sparticles on September 26, 2014, 02:07:22 pm

Well, this seem's very interesting. I'm going to have to join! Even though this is the first 'anime' type role-play I have joined.

Name: Mystique
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
History: Myst doesn't really have much of an interesting history to go by. She was brought up in the town all wolves are currently in and has lived here ever since she was a young pup. Her mother and father are still around as well as her three brothers, but she rarely sees them now - life is busy and they have jobs and what not, but also she is always busy herself. Many people around the town seem to no her however, they don't know much about her. She is a rather mysterious character.  
Personality: Mystique is a very adventurous young character whom you will always see on the move, whether it be running through the streets or bounding over roof tops. Being a rather independent character she will often do things alone and will decline whenever someone offers her some help, it makes her feel useless - which sometimes can cause a bit of a stuggle for her doing everything alone. Rarely being around the others of the town her personality is rather unknown, some will try to get an encounter but the more intelligent ones know to stay away. Myst has a rather bad temper which make's her prone to snapping, she is easily provoked and is known to lash out - usually resulting in and argument and even a fight. Being the character she is Mystique is also very, very stubborn and doesn't take lightly to things. She is mischievous and manipulative, often getting what she want's by sweet talking. Yes, with her cocky personality she will flirt with a male now and then, also using this to manipulate them. She love's causing havoc and taunting others - that is something she does on a day to day basis. Because of her bad past on apparently 'attacking' others she isn't to liked around the town. However, she still has a personality that is hidden inside.
Job: She doesn't really have a job, as you would say. Mystique doesn't agree with the law but nore does she totally go against it. If she feels the caring side which is hidden deep inside she will help certain individuals out, however she does like to harass members of the public by teasing them - sometimes stealing things whether it be from someone in the street, home or store. Some would see her as a bandit of some sort.
- She is able to easily manipulate others to get what she wants
- Can climb better and jump higher than most - like an assassin you could say
- Eyes are a deep red/maroon
- Has the same voice as Elsa, skip to 3:30 and onwards http://youtu.be/CuFLaSqNvQk  (http://youtu.be/CuFLaSqNvQk)

Name: Etzio
Gender: Male
Age: 5 years old
History: Like many others Etzio has lived in the town ever since he was a young pup, his parents living in the same location ever since being younger two. He has grew up in the town and gotten to know many different individuals, he's made friends and gained enemies - like everyone does. Etzio is well known around the town, because of his helpfulness and loyalty towards others. His parents and sister still live around, but they live more on the outskirts of town. Growing up was of course easy for him, resulting in him having a beautiful house and a great job.
Personality: Etzio is a very outgoing individual. Despite always liking to have something to occupy him he loves sitting down, having a chat with the locals. Yes, he does have a temper on him however it is rarely shown unless he is provoked to use hostile behaviour. When people are in need he is always there to help, whether they need someone to talk to or someone to help them out with a task - he is guaranteed to help 99% of the time. Towards both strangers and ones he knows Etzio is a very welcoming being, towards friends and family he is very loving and protective as well as being completely loyal. Often he will fight and argue with those who try and make a fool of him, being one of the bigger wolves of the town gives him and advantage and makes him slightly more feared, he will never back down and will hold his ground. He doesn't hold grudges and often forgives pretty easily, unless hurt badly. He's a very king canine who is rather romantic also. Many love him and seek advice from him.
Job: Delgado doesn't have a sturdy job, he just works shifts around the village when he is asked by a store owner. Previously he has worked in stores, doctors, police stations, markets and many many more.
- He is larger than most dogs so is there fore stronger - you could say 'super strength', he also has the ability to run faster.
- On of his more exciting powers is the own being able to sense when danger is about the approach and sense many different things when it is either miles away or before it has even happened.
- Speaks with a sort of Spanish/Mexican tone http://youtu.be/hAgLg9jvptQ (http://youtu.be/hAgLg9jvptQ)

Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: Senrova on September 27, 2014, 09:43:30 am
All accepted! :3))
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: Senrova on September 30, 2014, 02:56:21 pm

Just to let you guys know, you can go outside the city if you want to. But the main setting is the city. :3))
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: sparticles on September 30, 2014, 11:35:56 pm

I am allowing others to post before I do, don't do great first posts.
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: Senrova on October 06, 2014, 08:01:02 pm
Hurrizar lazily slept in his bed. He didn`t have a home, so he stayed with his friend, Krinton. Krinton wasn't very popular. The blue and white wolf woke up and vaguely walked to the fridge for a quick snack before starting a heist. After the snack, he leapt out. Full of energy, Hurrizar made for the city bank. First, he needed a disguise. He wore a red cap and wore a red cape so he looked like a fan boy. Not one of the most best disguises, but it was enough to fool the guards. They were hot on his tail at the moment. It was as if they knew the heist would happen today, they looked fierce and dangerous. Hurrizar trotted over to the till for step one.
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: jjkkyukie on October 06, 2014, 08:28:12 pm
Name: Sugar
Gender: female
Age: 1 year
History: She and her siblings, Crow and Cream, are orphans. They live on their owns in the city, always together. They have no family. Except each other.
Personality: She is brave and pretty. The oldest of the litter.
Job: somewhat a thief. Have to steal food to survive
Power: hasn't been discovered
Extra: they gave themselves their names. Anthro, Anthro for all applications, lol.

Name: Cream
Gender: female
Age: 1
History: Same as Sugar
Personality: She is happy and jumpy. Runt of the litter.
Job: same as Sugar
Power: strong hearing
Extra: nothing

Name: Crow
Gender: male
Age: 1
History: same as Sugar
Personality: quick and smart. Middle of litter
Job: same as Sugar
Power: faster than most wolves
Extra: hates being the only boy
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: Senrova on October 07, 2014, 04:04:20 pm
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: jjkkyukie on October 07, 2014, 07:31:43 pm
The white she was pacing at the entrance of the alley. She and her siblings haven't eaten for days, and she was starving. Slowly, she walked over to the black male. "Hey, Crow. Wake up!" She whispered to her brother, Crow. He stirred and groaned. "Wha, can't you see I'm sleeping?" She nudged him up, looking him in the eyes. "Crow, we are starving. You are the fastest of us." "Fine, fine. I'll snatch us some food. Just don't be so snappy Sugar." Sugar looked at her brother then sat near the entrance of the alley way, watching Crow leave. "Where's Crow." A serious voice came behind the white she. Sugar turned around seeing her dusty creamy sister. "He's of to get us food. How'd you sleep?" "Good-ish, I'm still tired though." Sugar licked her sister's ear. "Well go on and get some more sleep, Cream. Better for you." Cream walked over to her spot, curled up, and fell asleep

Crow was wandering through town. I hate being the fast one, I always get sent on these "missions." It's not fair. he saw a wolf unloading a truck, waiting for him to leave. Crow dashed in, taking a bag of 5 baguettes. perfect, this will do. the bag fit perfectly over his neck, he slunk out. "Hey, you!" Crow looked back, the truck driver saw him! Crow dashed using his speed, trying to lose his chaser. He reached his alley way, the wolf lost him! "Crow! You look like someone ripped your fur off, what happened?!" Sugar was standing next to him. "I've been seen be the driver, but I got the food. 5 whole baget, bagguet, beguat, bagu- ba-" "baguettes?" "Y-yeah, that's what I mean." Sugar nodded, she woke Cream up. "Food!" They ate a whole baguette, enough to fill their bellies. They don't eat much, since they are orphaned.
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: Senrova on October 07, 2014, 07:42:25 pm
"Hey," he began, handing over a fake cheque. "Yeah, only 50 pounds." The wolf at the till looked suspicious, then he went off to fetch the money. Hurrizar followed him into a tunnel that lead him to the safe. Step two; take the costume off and tie up this mutt. Once he done that, he turned to see Krinton. "You didn`t think I would let you do this by yourself, would you?" They smiled. The safe was open with 5,239 pounds! The duo took the money in bags and blasted an entrance with a bomb. This was the shortest, most sneakiest way of pulling of a successful heist. Krinton and Hurrizar climbed a house and watched from a distance, police and the SWAT arriving. They laughed and sneaked into Krinton`s house.

Name: Krinton
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years
History: He had always hung out with Hurrizar. Krinton knows secrets about him that others don't.
Personality: Clever, Independent, Swift, Cocky,
Job: Works for a secret villain website.
Power: His ice blue eyes can repel any power that requires looking into someone's eyes to trigger.
Extra: Anthro.
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: jjkkyukie on October 08, 2014, 08:00:53 pm
As the three took their breed and hid it somewhere safe, they went to explore the city. Sugar and Cream went off one way, Crow the other. The black male found himself sitting at a park, he was starring in the pond. "You're not thinking of catching a fish, are you?" Her quickly turned around, a blue and white female stood there. She was his age. The girl had two silver bracelets on each front paw. There were strange red marks under her eyes. "Sorry, my name is chastity. You are?" He never liked telling anyone but his sisters his name. "I-I'm Crow." He looked down. "I don't know my real name, that's what I call myself." Chastity sat next to Crow. She was a bit bigger, and well fed. "You're and orphan." He looked away. "Yes." It was barely audible. "I live with my sisters in an alley, alone." She nudged him. "You can come with me." "Who are you, like, you know." "My dad is the owner of that real fancy restaurant, my mom works at the bank." It explained Chasity's bracelets. "Sure, but where?" She giggled. "To my dad's restaurant, of course." He looked at her. "I'm broke, I have no money. No pounds!" "I do!" They got up and walked all the way to the restaurant. They ate some nice food, and Crow had leftovers. "My dad wants me to stay, can you find your way back?" He nodded and noticed she didn't say home. Crow sighed and left carrying a bag of extra food. He got to the alley, sugar was mad. "Where were you!! I was worried sick!!" "Calm down, you're acting like my mother!" The girls gasped, and Crow didn't care. He dropped the leftovers and curled up. He fell asleep in his small "bed."

Name: Chastity
Gender: female
Age: 1 1/4
History: She loves in a big house with her mom and dad. She is very rich
Personality: She is kind and funny. She has a sweet voice and is like a kid, even if she is a richy
Job: helps out with her dad sometimes
Power: She is good at acting, and her red stripes help healing. But she doesn't know the healing power.
Extra: Anthro
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: sparticles on October 08, 2014, 08:03:14 pm


It was early in the morning and Myst had been up early, around 6:00 am you could say. At this time many would still be in bed; unless having an early shift that was. However, Mystique was a rather unusual character. She wasn't like most wolves around this area. She was mysterious, many knew her from around the streets but they hardly knew her personally; it was a mysterious thing really. Everyone around the city would often go through there day greeting one another and interacting in friendly conversations, but for her it was much different. Some would greet her in the street and try and make a conversation, but she wasn't one to stop and do so - she wanted everyone to know as little about her as possible; just like her name states, she is a mysterious character. But that's the way she liked it, the less they knew the less they would be able to watch for.

As the sun slowly rose the mixed coloured wolf remained seated on the rooftop of her house, glaring down at the large city that sat beneath her paws; a smirk across her face as people slowly begun to wake and head off to work in the local stores. From where she was seated everyone looked like ants, which did bring a slight sense of amusement however, she pushed the urge to laugh down as she stared narrow-eyed at the creatures below; many she recognised but had never engaged in conversation with. Running her tongue across her dry lips the she-wolf allowed a sigh to blow past her lips; it was now time for her to go, down to the city below. Swiftly lifting to her paws, her long tail swaying like a piece of ribbon in the wind. Looking down at the grass below that lined the garden of her house she smiled. Taking a step back she charged forward; leaping off the ledge and landing on the branch of a tree - then jumping from branch to branch. Suddenly, her paws collided with the ground. Looking around her garden it also showed she was a mysterious character. Trees, bushes and hedges lined her garden; keeping it rather private so no-one could see in. Now, set neatly on the floor the slender wolf quickly trotted across her garden, small paws thudding roughly against the ground as she hurried across the lawn; reaching a hedge she crouched down and allowed herself to lung up; up and over the hedge she went.

Quickly running across the field Mystiques paws soon left the soft texture of the grass, which was quickly replaced by the hard, rough surface that was known as pavement. Looking down at her paws as they scattered across the ground she smiled; passing a few wolves she slightly angled her head and looked at them out of the corner of her eye - winking at the two males who stood at their porch. Chuckling she continued strutting her way down the street and towards the centre of the city - tail swaying behind her nicely as she flicked out her paws and a strut; ears perked at the many sounds and her head would whip around now and then to get better views of the city. Even though she had been here several times and basically knew the area like the back of her paw. As she hurried across the streets, Mystique quickly and mysteriously headed into an alley, many not even noticing she had went that way. Turning around to make sure no one had followed her she grinned. Leaping up she leaped between the two buildings; like she was using each as a platform. Once reaching the top she looked around, grinning she shot off across the buildings, swiftly leaping over the large gaps until landing on the bank; where a large brute seemed to enter, one she had seen around a few times. Setting herself on top of the bank she glanced in through the glass windows which were located on the roof.


Parting his jaws the large wolf allowed a yawn to brush past his lips, laying on his left side the large brute stretched out on th large king-sized bed; his body taking up more than half as he sprawled out; several bones cracking and his muscles stretching as he done so; a groan then escaping his maw. Stirring a little he allowed the lids of his eyes to lift "Ay, ay, ay!" he spoke in his usual, gruff, Mexican tone.The light suddenly hit the brutes optics as the sun shone through the glass window panes, his eyes squinting causing his to give his head a slightly aggressive shake; but this only make him laugh at himself. Leaping up from the large mattress Etzio decided it was time to head off into the city; he had a big day ahead of him and wanted to get off and start some work. Turning, he grabbed the metal handle to the door of his room and pulled it slightly shit; only leaving it a few inches open. Then he quickly trotted downstairs and exited his door; leaping up and grabbing the handle, pulling it shut behind him as it let out a rather loud bang. Walking down the path of his garden Etzio then leapt over the white fence which surrounded his garden.

Now, the large brute was located on the streets. A brisk wind ruffling the brutes long fur as he hurried along the street; tail arched and wagging as his claws clicked against the pavement. As he passed by many people greeted him and of course he done so back; around the area he was rather well known for being a 'gentle giant' however, many knew he still packed a punch so would rarely mess with this hunk of muscle. Nodding his head at passers by a smile remained across the males face revealing his straight, white teeth; a smile many would see every morning. Orange eye's flicking around as he darted around corners and leapt over boxes that were on the floor. Now onto the main street Etzio slowed his pace and glanced around at the  beautiful city; tail remaining to wag as he trotted peacefully across the street.

Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: Senrova on October 09, 2014, 07:13:51 pm
Accepted, maddie.))
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: Senrova on October 18, 2014, 09:44:12 pm
Bump. Secondary school is getting us busy, isn't it?))
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: Senrova on November 01, 2014, 08:57:08 am
Bump. I am now allowing winged wolves!!!))

"Some great job we've done there!" Hurrizar cheered.
"Yeah. They'll never find us in this house. It looks abandoned on the outside!" Replied Krinton. Then Hurrizar felt a struck of worry.
"Are you sure, you know, they won't take the house down?"
"I didn't say they didn't know this wasn't abandoned! I'm still paying the bills!"
"Hey, but what if you stopped paying the bills and when they come, oh we could make this a haunted house!" Hurrizar liked the idea of not worrying about Krinton's money going down- well. They did pull off a successful heist which gave them lots of money but how long would that money last for?

"Hmm. We'll talk about that sometime." he smiled at Hurrizar's idea. He then remembered something. "Hey, remember that wolf who winked at us?" (Mystique, I suspect she winked at them right?)
"Yeah. You think she likes us?" said Hurrizar.
"Maybe. We gotta be awsome! We gotta get that swag! You know what I mean?"
"Aw! Yeah! But now's not the time since the fuzz is hot on our tails." They laughed.
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: duna the killer on November 01, 2014, 03:42:03 pm
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: Senrova on November 01, 2014, 08:26:10 pm
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: duna the killer on November 02, 2014, 01:02:43 am

Nebula was at the bank, redeeming a check a friend gave her. She looked over as a blue and white wolf and some of his followers set off a bomb and ran out, bags of money clenched In Their jaws. The wolf and his gang ran off, and mere seconds later the SWAT and Police arrived. Nebula stood, jaw slightly agape as the police and SWAT investigated everywhere. Nebula slunk out and flew to her house, which was several blocks away. She landed by her door and rand inside, using the key around her neck. Nebula ran into her house and locked the door. {Dang it..} Nebula had forgotten the groceries!
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: sparticles on November 02, 2014, 05:18:03 pm



Tail swaying to and fro the maroon eyes canine continued to watch the scene below unfold; two wolves appeared to be trying to pull off a heist, which so far seemed to go rather well. Watching with amusement her ears perked at the sound of sirens, which caused her to lift herself to her paws and glance around; the irritable sound getting closer. Looking down she watched as the two wolves were about to leave, seeing one of them had taken a look up she grinned and whirled around, sprinting across the flat surface of the roof; then, reaching the end she pushed her paws onto the roofs edge and leapt over the street and landed on the roof of the opposite antique store. Stopping and taking one last look behind her she watched as the two brutes sprinted through an alley way then completely out of site, seconds later the police arrived. A smug look grew across the canids face as she turned and clambered up the slanted roof, reaching the top she lowered into a sitting position and allowed herself to slide down; reaching the end she leapt onto yet another building and carefully ran across. Allowing her tail to wag the mysterious canine continued to leap from roof to roof, of course with ease. People would watch as she leapt across the open gaps, amazement spread across their face, but they were yet to figure out who this mysterious character could be.

After a few more minutes of dazzling the crowds below Mystique came to a halt on the roof top, stepping towards the edge but still staying out of sight she watched as the bi-coloured police cars sped through the streets; this only caused the tri-coloured canine to chuckle to herself, they were always to late, she could have stopped them if she wanted, she knew she'd do a better job. She just wasn't into busting folk. Turning, she leapt down into an alley way then revealed herself to the streets, but she didn't dare to communicate with any of the passers by; she would only send off a small smile in their direction. Heading on up a street that was lined with houses; her tail swayed behind her as she set off on a walk.



Etzio had only been walking for a few minutes and thanks to his large, quick strides he was already at the door to the cafe' he usually worked at, at this time. Giving himself a shake the large brute shoved his way through the wooden door, as he done so the bell rang and Clarise, one of the staff there smiled "Hello Etzio" she smiled as she continued to serve people at the counter. Smiling, the tri-coloured wolf nodded his head, lowering himself to a crouch and leading himself into the back "Morning miss." the orange eyed male said as he stepped around the she-wolf and placed his front paws on the counter, ready to look at the orders. Looking down onto the mahogany counter he read out an order "Coffee with 2 sugars and a chocolate doughnut..." nodding, he headed over towards the counter and began boiling the kettle, putting in the coffee, sugar, then adding the water and milk afterwards; stirring he placed it on a small place along side the chocolate doughnut. Looking at the paper once again Eztio leapt down and grasped the tray firmly in his jaws; delivering the order to table 2 and collecting a tip to put in the jar. Then, he made his way back into the back and begun on another customers order.
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: Senrova on November 13, 2014, 07:53:21 pm
Title: Re: Wide Wild City [OPEN] [Anime Wolf RP] [Literate] [Anthro allowed too!]
Post by: duna the killer on November 14, 2014, 12:54:13 am

Nebula unlocked the door and walked out.  She perked her ears up, looking around. Even though the wolves that robbed the bank would most likely not try to mug her or something, better safe than sorry right? She got onto the sidewalk and trotted over to the local grocery store. When she arrived, she trotted in and got some groceries, includies raspberries and blue berries, and some steak for tonight. When she got to the cashier she began paying for her stuff. The cashier looked at her, "Hey,you have wings! You an angel or something?"
"No.." Nebula chuckled, "Sorta born with them."
"Well, you look like an angel or something with dem wings 'o yours!" The cashier said. Nebula smiled and gave her some money, then took the bag of items and left. When she left, two wolves approached her. "Hello Ma'am. We were informed that your were spotted at the scene of crime where several wolves robbed the local bank. We would like to ask you some questions."
"Umm...ok?" She said, dropping her groceries. They began asking her questions.