Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Rizzla on September 25, 2014, 09:45:07 pm

Title: Have We Been Overreacting? [Mini-Rant]
Post by: Rizzla on September 25, 2014, 09:45:07 pm
Now, I think we all know and understand that there is indeed trolls on FH. We've all seen them. Mate beggars, Parent Beggars, Attention Beggars... Buttswingers... The list is long.

But what I don't think you understand is that these are human beings behind the screen. Just like you. Have you taken the time to think about it? Most of these people are only Kids. And yet, we're making giant Rant threads here on the forum, going on and on about such terrible players they are, and how they just ruin everything for everybody else?

Has it occurred to you that some of these people aren't even 10 yet? That they may not even know what they're doing is wrong?

I don't think they're the trolls.

I Think WE ARE.

THINK about it. Does that seem fair? That we're bullying them for something they never knew was right or wrong? It sounds like a great example of harassment if you ask me. I've seen this happen much too often.
Not all of them are terrible people. They're just newcomers that haven't learned their place. Maybe verbal violence isn't the answer!

Keep in mind that I'm not trying to stop the staff from Banning them if they have to. This is geared towards all the players that shout from the roof tops those nasty remarks.

I apologize if I sounded a little harsh.
Well, that wasn't a very long rant. What are your opinions on this? Do you think it's wrong of us to be so hard on the "Trolls" of FH?
Title: Re: Have We Been Overreacting? [Mini-Rant]
Post by: Kastilla on September 25, 2014, 10:27:00 pm
Yup, ya, oui, yes.
I know I over-react to everything too much, in real life, everywhere.
Just bein' honest.
I agree with ya though.
Title: Re: Have We Been Overreacting? [Mini-Rant]
Post by: Vespian on September 25, 2014, 10:32:05 pm
Vespian smells contradiction. I'm receivin' mixed signals here, Ms.

Before I voice my own opinion, ye' claim that negatively labelin' users who make a Beggar of any kind or another creation viewed down upon here is wrong when ye' then turn 'round 'n utter:

That they may not even know what they're doing is wrong?

They're just brats that haven't learned their place.
Correct me if I'm wrong but callin' another a brat is not the right term to use. I know I'd be offended bein' labelled somethin' inferior. Neither is statin' that what they're doin' is wrong when it's not. Beggin' for example breaks no rules if not taken to the extreme, it just becomes a bit annoyin' for some users who can easily just block the beggar and problem solved. There is no need to consider the harmless curiosity of another a sin.

Now, I do agree that users who make it look like these characters are the almighty harbingers of great evil is a little excessive. They're just users seekin' the same thing we all seek here. Fun. Entertainment. Friendly memories and lots of smiles and every feral meets that goal differently. There is no wrong in that as long as they are not violatin' the rules here. I agree twice that there's a chance the users might be younger players 'n the like so they (any user really) do not deserve bein' treated like the rat plague. If they come to bother anyone, well there's a block button for a reason.

The threads created here on the forum over these certain characters are made more so for the honest opinions of others and the freedom of discussion. Not solely for bashin' or indirect cyber-bullyin'. Normally such threads are locked on the spot and/or deleted. As long as things remain civil, there's no harm in sharin' one's viewpoints- pretty similar to what we're doin' now. There's always a certain somethin' people grow to dislike. It's human nature, really but we all like and dislike different things. There's no need to gag everyfloof over mere judgement, again as long as the topic as a whole is not over-exceedin' it to the point its just a wad of drama. Of course, there's gonna be users who agree/disagree with others but we encounter that practically every single day.

Butt-swingin' characters, I don't mind either. As long as they're not dancin' over anyone, all I see is a floof dancin' 'til their heart's content.

I do dislike seein' users who verbally strike down others in a harsh manner just because of their preferences. I can understand a floof dislikin' a character but that gives 'em no leeway to slap 'em aside like they're some peasant. If ye' can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all. I'm sure we've all heard that quote from dear Thumper, geh?

All in all, Vesp agrees with ye' ma'am almost 100%.
Title: Re: Have We Been Overreacting? [Mini-Rant]
Post by: ~Stargazer~ on September 26, 2014, 02:06:57 am
Aye, I see where you're going here.
Most of my opinion has already been stated by Vespian. And I also know that when I was 10, I made some rude remarks. It would be understandable.
Title: Re: Have We Been Overreacting? [Mini-Rant]
Post by: KatanaWolf on September 26, 2014, 02:48:25 am
I must admit that their are times where people will overreact to some things done by other users, and as said before me they could be younger players who are just looking for something fun to do. Others might not agree with them and would make quite rude and nasty remarks to them which is not necessary. As long as their not breaking any rules I don't see anything wrong with what their doing. But other than that I agree with what you said.
Title: Re: Have We Been Overreacting? [Mini-Rant]
Post by: StarrieNova on September 26, 2014, 03:58:55 am
I see and understand were you are coming from hun. I must admit when I see users that creating annoyances like that I tend to move away or ask them to leave. If not I just act as if they are invisible and look right through them instead of blocking them.

I dislike blocking.

Though I must say if they continue to be a booger then I just log off for a bit, and go on another character then go back later, and they will be gone. Though seeing other members over-react to it very silly. You shouldn't do that to fellow floofs, but people do it anyway. So if I see issues going on I try to help people come to an understanding.
Title: Re: Have We Been Overreacting? [Mini-Rant]
Post by: PrettyReckless on September 26, 2014, 06:21:55 am
I agree to disagree, to a point.
I do like the main message you're trying to give, even if some of it seemed weirdly worded, as Vespian already pointed out.

At the same time.
I don't see any point in discussion threads like this, nor the ones that complain about these people.
Of course certain situations may get annoying, and people tend to disrespect each other.
Whining about it won't get anyone anywhere.
Ranting isn't forbidden. It's always good to rant.
I just don't see the point in the threads, as much as I see no point in name-calling.

Also. Sure. A lot of them might be under 10.
But  most I've bumped (thank god I saw a typo before posting. Phone changed the previous word's b into a h.) into have ranged between 13 and 20.
Title: Re: Have We Been Overreacting? [Mini-Rant]
Post by: TheApplePie on September 26, 2014, 08:10:13 am
This is where the mixing parts start, madam Rizzla.


THINK about it. Does that seem fair? That we're bullying them for something they never knew was right or wrong? It sounds like a great example of harassment if you ask me. I've seen this happen much too often.
Not all of them are terrible people. They're just newcomers that haven't learned their place. Maybe verbal violence isn't the answer!
Firstly, there aren't as much threads ranting about such people.
If so, we are only talking about them. We aren't saying anything bad about them, exept that they might be a little bit annoying.We say it in lots of different ways, shapes, forms and phrases, But that's it.

Look at it from the naughty 'against-the-rules' side.
If the members of this community were ranting to much about them and cause bullying, threads as such would be locked, bans would be sent, ect. It is against the rules to say bad things about people, and as long as we keep it to an appropriate point, it's a fine thing. I bet you and your friends talk about people and what you don't like about them, but not to harsh, am I right? Everyone does.

Some people are just looking for something to do. Like you said, they might be new. They might be trying to find someone to rp with or to talk with. But there is no point of getting too fussy about them. Mate begging, if you don't want to marry someone you just met five seconds ago, fine. Don't. Ask them to go or just ignore them. Parent beggars, there are many many people that may just want to rp, so If you have nothing better to do, you can show them what the adoption center is for. Nothing to get in rage about. Butt swinging? It's a form of dancing like any other. But when we get to the other side of buttswinging, in the non dancing form, things would have to go upside-down slightly. It's against the rules, and any behavior of people buttswinging in the form of 'mating' should be on a screenshot and ready to send off to a mod if they don't stop. But before you do that you can actually tell them that it's against the rules. If they ignore you/block you and/or go somewhere else and carry on, then you have the right reason to report them.

If they come to bother anyone, well there's a block button for a reason.
Like Sir Vespian said before there is a blocking button to instantly make a specific person go invicible to you. If they annoy you or threaten you, make sure you have evidence and report. That isn't allowed either. After that, just do all you want and block them. Nothing's holding ye' back.

if they continue to be a booger then I just log off for a bit, and go on another character then go back later, and they will be gone
Another good quote. This time from our dear Domino_NQ, stating that you can always go on a different character and go back on the previous one later if you have nothing to do.

One of my ways of getting away is quite wierd, making it fun too. If someone keeps on following you and you don't like blocking people, is  to  say no the final time, go to Acsension Island and jump until they give up. They got their answer, and you just have a little fun jumping around, right? c:

Most I could say is already posted, and I do agree with you, although there are a few misunderstanding in your post.
- I don't know if you're on this side or this one, cause calling someone a brat is acusing someone. So it's not really others, but now it was you.
- We, are not trolls, since they don't exist. cx (See what I did there) And no one in this community is, because we all have our right to speak out of what we think. So it isn't really overreacting.

Exept from that, I agree with you quite a bit.