Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Media => Stories => Topic started by: Berrymutt on September 29, 2014, 06:53:28 pm

Title: A Gaming World Without Razmirz. (Slightly Sad/Creepy Short Writing!)
Post by: Berrymutt on September 29, 2014, 06:53:28 pm
           So It has come to my attention that people are not appreciating the FeralHeart Administrator ''Razrmiz'' as much as all the other Admins/Mods. And this is extremely upsetting to me for the Big Blue Soul Reaper we have seen around at times is being forgotten. This is wrong. I'm not saying dis the mods and throw trash at them because I'm not. They do alot for the Game Itself and should be thanked. But I've seen hardly anyone give a big thank you to Razmirz. He may even need a bigger thank you than the mods itself. He puts all of his time into the game...Yes he works I work to it's a rough life when you live in your own house with animals/computers/etc. to take care of. Also when you put your dedication towards a said game and it crashes everyone flips out. Once you fix said game everyone is happy but I don't see any thank yous. All I see is a bunch of kids going back to the game so they can troll others. Sorry for being so harsh but I'm getting pretty tired and sick of it. Razmirz is a person no different from the random guy at the supper market. And he needs to be thanked and to be given credit when needed. So I decided to write a little story about him to open up blind people's eyes and to say ''Hey Razmirz actually does all this stuff to make me happy. Wow I never knew this maybe I should go leave him a thank you!''
           Again sorry for being so Bluff about this I really needed to give members this message before reading the actually story. I love all the feedback I've been getting lately and think about every message carefully. Just thank you for your support and time, and I'm sure I should be able to get up my better stories and what not soon. Don't forget to leave Razmirz a ''Thank You'' for all the stuff he does for you even tho he might not know you!
Title: Re: A Gaming World Without Razmirz. (Slightly Sad/Creepy Short Writing!)
Post by: Berrymutt on September 29, 2014, 06:54:06 pm
-Reserved For The Actually Story-