Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Media => Stories => Topic started by: duna the killer on October 04, 2014, 01:59:06 am

Title: An act of selfishness or love? (Story)
Post by: duna the killer on October 04, 2014, 01:59:06 am
{Story is based off of the Greek myth Eos and Tithonus}

In a land of amazing creatures called Ferals, there lived a beautiful goddess. Her name was Uraza. She was as wise as she was gorgeous. Every morning she would let out a beautiful howl that awakened all of Feralheart, and they rejoiced seeing her lovely face. But she was very lonely. She wanted a Mate. She wanted someone to love, and to be loved by another.
 One day as Uraza gazed upon the land, her eyes spied a young Wolf Prince. He was very handsome and strong. His name was Briggan. It was love at first sight. So after her morning duties, the goddess took the Prince to the Creator of Feralheart, a great wolf named Razmirz. She said to Razmirz, "Please, make this wolf immortal so we shall spend many happy years together!" The great Razmirz replied, "But aren't you forgetting something?"
"No. We shall be together forever!" Uraza said. Then Razmirz made Briggan immortal. Uraza took Briggan to her palace where they spent many happy years together.
Many years later..

They were both very happy together until Uraza realized she did forget something. She had forgotten to ask to give Briggan eternal youth. Now her mate, who was once powerful, now had feeble limbs. His once manly voice turned to a whine. He was once able to bring down the most powerful elk. Now he needed help on hunts. Every day he grew older, but he couldn't die, for he was given eternal life. Uraza only watched in sadness as her mate's shiny onyx coat turned to a dull grey. When he was probably 1000 years old (way older than a Wolfs life expectancy) she took him to Razmirz. The great Creator smirked, "You've learned your lesson Uraza. This poor wolf has lived much longer than he should have. What do you have to say for yourself?"
"I want to put him out of his misery." Uraza whined. She wanted him to be free, instead of keep on aging.
"Very well. He shall be with the rest of his family now." Ramirez then took away Briggan's immortality. He almost immediately died.
  But Uraza stayed young and happy forever. Every morning the Ferals rejoicing to see her beautiful face.

Now.. do you think Uraza's choice to make Briggan her mate was made out of selfishness, or true love?
Title: Re: An act of selfishness or love? (Story)
Post by: Likopinina on October 04, 2014, 11:57:50 am
Very nice story, however the question is hard to answer...
Title: Re: An act of selfishness or love? (Story)
Post by: greenart6 on October 04, 2014, 02:18:47 pm
Ooh do you read Spirit Animals? *Just wondering because of the names Briggan and Uraza*

Great story! I think that it was made out of both selfishness and love (not true love, but love), kinda a hard decision.
Title: Re: An act of selfishness or love? (Story)
Post by: duna the killer on October 05, 2014, 12:06:10 pm
Yes, I do read Spirit Animals XD I couldn't figure out a name for them so I just chose Uraza and Briggan