Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Animal & Non Human Roleplays => Topic started by: kayla1235 on October 17, 2014, 09:18:26 pm

Title: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: kayla1235 on October 17, 2014, 09:18:26 pm
Dead beings reported to 'Rise from the dead.'


Ebola victim Grace Combs was said to have 'risen from the dead' and is now said to be roaming the city. Panic has already risen in the city since the news has gotten out, and the Health Organization has been already looking into the details of this, while the Organization is trying to find the little girl who is said to have 'rose from the dead'. They suggest to stay inside while the search for the little girl takes place. Are dead Ebola patients really turning into these zombie creatures? And what will happen to us?

"Its true, death is among us..."


Dead Ebola patients all over the world are now being reported to 'rise from the dead'. And are reported to be highly aggressive. People are reporting to have seen these dead beings to eat living beings. They have a taste for us... Is this really the end for us humans and others in the world? Is a dawn of a new age beginning to rise? Are zombies going to take over the world? God... Help us now. Please... We want to be forgiven for all of the terrible things we have done to this world you created for us. Don't let us die like this...

Dawn of a New Age
Now that the dead has taken over, its up to what's left in the world to survive. There are little humans still living, so its up to the animals. Mans best friend. The canines. Wolves have teamed up with each other and formed packs to live with. While other wolves and canines think its best not to get to close to others and stay alone, only traveling with maybe a few others, but not a pack like some. These Zombies are what the canines now refer to as 'The Walking' or in short terms 'Walkers'. Will you survive this new age of life? Its time to find out.

Suggested that you are 13+ to join this RP.
Mild cursing is aloud
Don't kill others characters without permission, that will result in instant kick out of the RP
Don't spam RP posts
Please be as active as possible
You can have up to three characters in this RP!
At first, everyone starts out as a loner, then as we get to the RP we can start forming packs
Mhm, have fun!

Everyone starts out as a Loner, then we can start forming packs later in RP. This will be changed soon!

Character Name
Character Nicknames
(Optional other picture of character)

Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: kayla1235 on October 17, 2014, 09:26:30 pm

Name: Krona(Crona)

Nicknames: Nah

Age: 2

Personality: Krona is a bit bipolar now that the world has changed. One moment he can be totally nice, then the next moment, SNAP. He's the worst wolf you'd ever meet. But most of the times, Krona is a very hard working wolf. He can be quiet, but that means he's highly into what he is doing. But besides that, Krona is very protective.

Backstory: Krona lost his sister when the dead started to rise. Ever since then he hasn't been quite the same playful wolf as he used to be. Now he works mostly alone, but that doesn't mean he won't help others. Now Krona helps whoever is in need from these horrid creatures that he calls 'Walkers'. But Krona is a bit insane as others think, he likes to get into trouble with the walkers as it seems. But that's just him. He made a promise that he would enjoy killing the walkers, like the walkers enjoyed killing his little sister.

Crush: To be Changed

Mate: To be Changed

Siblings: Dead

Other: Krona has the voice of Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: PandaPie23 on October 17, 2014, 10:35:44 pm
((I assume that dogs are allowed, seeing that you used the word 'canine', but if they aren't I'd be happy to use another character of mine.))


You can't define who I am,
Or who I'll become.
You can try to define me,
But you can't because I define myself.

Name:: Blair Hamilton
Nickname(s):: Snaps, Bree, BeeBee
Age:: Two
Strong: Blair comes off very confident, it's no question to whether or not she's comfortable in her own skin. She acts as if she can take on the world, even if it's sometimes a bit too much for her. For even the smallest of feats Blair is proud of herself, whether it be jumping onto the couch in one try or surviving that trip the the vet.
Independent: Blair isn't influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion. She acts and thinks for herself and doesn't let anyone control her. Blair refuses to be under obligation to others, and she rejects others' aid and support. Many see her refusal of help as her being snobbish, but Blair is far from it. she just doesn't like to be pinned under obligation or controlled.
Ambitious: Blair has a very strong desire and determination to succeed. She has an earnest desire for some type of achievement and she's willing to do whatever she can in order to obtain success. Though, she'll often take on goals that are too much for her, and usually only ends up half-way there.
Daring: Blair is audaciously bold. She does what she wants without thinking about it, and while it can be dangerous, the thrill makes up for it. She's willing to do the most difficult things, sometimes doing things even the most physcotic of people wouldn't. Many are intimidated by her lack of self-preservation and will often dismiss her as "that crazy chick". Blair isn't crazy, though, and she makes sure to nip at those who think that, which earned her the nickname "Snaps".
Backstory:: Blair's life has been, for the most part, uneventful. She was born on the streets under an abandoned house. She was brought into this world with three other siblings, all four of them wiggling hungry masses of fur. Her mama took exceptional care of all four puppies, making sure they each got enough milk and would lick each of them until her tongue bled to keep them warm. They aged well, and once they were developed enough to walk around and play all four of them marched straight from under that house and into the yard. Only to find themselves in the back of Animal Control's van minutes later. One of the neighbors had seen them, and reported them to the pound. It wasn't bad, though, and within weeks Blair was adopted to a nice family, the Hamiltons. The family was a great one, and they loved her unconditionally. But then disaster struck. It was sudden, one day everyone was happy, smiles on their faces, and the next.. They were all gone. Walkers had broken into the house and eaten her family. Blair had barely squeezed out the doggie door before her beloved girls almost succeeded in having a dog dinner.
Crush:: None
Mate:: None
Siblings:: Unknown names and location
-Blair has a very feminine, american accent that has a striking resemblance to Keri Russell

Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: kayla1235 on October 17, 2014, 11:59:49 pm
((I assume that dogs are allowed, seeing that you used the word 'canine', but if they aren't I'd be happy to use another character of mine.))


You can't define who I am,
Or who I'll become.
You can try to define me,
But you can't because I define myself.

Name:: Blair Hamilton
Nickname(s):: Snaps, Bree, BeeBee
Age:: Two
Strong: Blair comes off very confident, it's no question to whether or not she's comfortable in her own skin. She acts as if she can take on the world, even if it's sometimes a bit too much for her. For even the smallest of feats Blair is proud of herself, whether it be jumping onto the couch in one try or surviving that trip the the vet.
Independent: Blair isn't influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion. She acts and thinks for herself and doesn't let anyone control her. Blair refuses to be under obligation to others, and she rejects others' aid and support. Many see her refusal of help as her being snobbish, but Blair is far from it. she just doesn't like to be pinned under obligation or controlled.
Ambitious: Blair has a very strong desire and determination to succeed. She has an earnest desire for some type of achievement and she's willing to do whatever she can in order to obtain success. Though, she'll often take on goals that are too much for her, and usually only ends up half-way there.
Daring: Blair is audaciously bold. She does what she wants without thinking about it, and while it can be dangerous, the thrill makes up for it. She's willing to do the most difficult things, sometimes doing things even the most physcotic of people wouldn't. Many are intimidated by her lack of self-preservation and will often dismiss her as "that crazy chick". Blair isn't crazy, though, and she makes sure to nip at those who think that, which earned her the nickname "Snaps".
Backstory:: Blair's life has been, for the most part, uneventful. She was born on the streets under an abandoned house. She was brought into this world with three other siblings, all four of them wiggling hungry masses of fur. Her mama took exceptional care of all four puppies, making sure they each got enough milk and would lick each of them until her tongue bled to keep them warm. They aged well, and once they were developed enough to walk around and play all four of them marched straight from under that house and into the yard. Only to find themselves in the back of Animal Control's van minutes later. One of the neighbors had seen them, and reported them to the pound. It wasn't bad, though, and within weeks Blair was adopted to a nice family, the Hamiltons. The family was a great one, and they loved her unconditionally. But then disaster struck. It was sudden, one day everyone was happy, smiles on their faces, and the next.. They were all gone. Walkers had broken into the house and eaten her family. Blair had barely squeezed out the doggie door before her beloved girls almost succeeded in having a dog dinner.
Crush:: None
Mate:: None
Siblings:: Unknown names and location
-Blair has a very feminine, american accent that has a striking resemblance to Keri Russell


Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: PandaPie23 on October 18, 2014, 12:03:16 am
((Aha, thanks! I wish I could take credit for her, but I found both pictures on the website Flickr. It helps me find pictures that I can use for my characters without accidentally stealing them. ^.^))
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: kayla1235 on October 18, 2014, 02:21:59 pm
((Aha, thanks! I wish I could take credit for her, but I found both pictures on the website Flickr. It helps me find pictures that I can use for my characters without accidentally stealing them. ^.^))
We should wait for about maybe two more people before we start ^-^ Hope that's okay with you.
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: IndigoCloud on October 18, 2014, 04:35:48 pm
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: kayla1235 on October 18, 2014, 05:40:51 pm
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: kayla1235 on October 19, 2014, 02:09:47 pm
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: sparticles on October 19, 2014, 04:16:28 pm


"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

Character Name: Leauana
Character Nicknames: Lue, Ana, Alue
Age: 3 years
Leauana is a rather athletic dog who tend's to move around, rarely staying in one place for a long time; always seeming to appear as a long wolf, however she would like company from time to time. Towards those she doesn't know Leu can appear rather aggressive and intimidating. Once you get to know her she is a rather loyal and loving dog who will protect you with her life; standing up for you. If someone seeks advice she is there to give it, being wise for her age many come to her. She is known to be cocky and stubborn, sticking with what she believes she never backs down from an argument nor a fight. At time's she can be manipulative and flirtatious around males. Sometimes Alue is unpredictable and will do things out of the blue; whether it be her actions or what she says. Leauana has always had the heart and courage of a lion, and the eye of an eagle; being faced in this world makes her see it as a challenge. Despite thinking before she acts; if getting into a tight situation her ability to think quickly and work things out faster makes it easier to save her own butt. Ana is someone who you would not like to get on the wrong side off; she can be highly aggressive and say hurtful words, it takes a long time to gain her trust, let alone friendship. Sometimes, she will hold a grudge; however, it does depend.
Growing up Leauana never really experienced having a loving family. Ever since being born it was obvious she would be abandoned. Being part German Shepherd and part Wolf many said she was a 'danger' to society as she was part wild; but they had it all wrong. Despite being pushed away by the humans this didn't make her hate them, she guessed it was just something that happened. Not seeing her mother because she spent her time in the mountains and her father was always dragged away when they did meet; which did leave her slightly depressed. But somehow she made it, becoming very independent and unreliable on everyone; she managed to grow into the beauty she is today. Now, she is unaware whether her mother or father is alive;  but, as she tries to stay alive, she will also try and meet her parents one last time.
Subject to change.
Subject to change.
Not that she knows of
-Has the voice similar to Lindsay Lohan


"This is not the end. This is the beginning."

Character Name: Sitka
Character Nicknames: Ka, Kit, Sit
Age: 2 years old
Sitka is a rather outrageous, little daredevil who always acts before he thinks; using his strength instead of his brain. Often being referred to as a knuckle head. Despite sometimes being clumsy Sit doesn't usually thing; despite having something there he would prefer to use his strength to solve problems which often leads into vicious fights; which he has been taught to do. Yes, he is an aggressive canid who is prone to snap no matter what, not really caring or having feelings towards others. However, despite he seeming like a careless brute he actually does have feelings and does in fact care about others; if seeing his own kind in danger he is the first to help without taking any precautions or hesitating. Although sometimes he can be cocky and stubborn he is  a pleasure to be around once getting to know him, he has thought about searching for a pack. He won't back down if offered with a challenge and towards females he's a bit of a flirt.
When he was  pup Sitka never had the ordinary life a dog should have. He didn't grow up with a loving family who fed and watered him, gave him a home, comfy bed and the feeling of love. No. His past holds something completely different. He was bought by a large built man who seemed to have many dogs of his breed all in a shed in separate cages. They lived out their days being forced to run on a treadmill and attack other dogs. Sadly, this young pup was the victim of being a bate dog; being mounted by larger dogs on many occasions, until he grew older and was forced to fight with the dogs around his yard; then dogs all over the world. Years passed as he continued this until something strange happened. Some dogs died from injury, starvation and dehydration; other of old age and illnesses along with their owner others managed to escape and have been wondering the streets ever since.
Subject to change.
Subject to change.
None he can remember.
- Has the voice of Vin Diesel.

Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: kayla1235 on October 19, 2014, 04:43:18 pm


"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

Character Name: Leauana
Character Nicknames: Lue, Ana, Alue
Age: 3 years
Leauana is a rather athletic dog who tend's to move around, rarely staying in one place for a long time; always seeming to appear as a long wolf, however she would like company from time to time. Towards those she doesn't know Leu can appear rather aggressive and intimidating. Once you get to know her she is a rather loyal and loving dog who will protect you with her life; standing up for you. If someone seeks advice she is there to give it, being wise for her age many come to her. She is known to be cocky and stubborn, sticking with what she believes she never backs down from an argument nor a fight. At time's she can be manipulative and flirtatious around males. Sometimes Alue is unpredictable and will do things out of the blue; whether it be her actions or what she says. Leauana has always had the heart and courage of a lion, and the eye of an eagle; being faced in this world makes her see it as a challenge. Despite thinking before she acts; if getting into a tight situation her ability to think quickly and work things out faster makes it easier to save her own butt. Ana is someone who you would not like to get on the wrong side off; she can be highly aggressive and say hurtful words, it takes a long time to gain her trust, let alone friendship. Sometimes, she will hold a grudge; however, it does depend.
Growing up Leauana never really experienced having a loving family. Ever since being born it was obvious she would be abandoned. Being part German Shepherd and part Wolf many said she was a 'danger' to society as she was part wild; but they had it all wrong. Despite being pushed away by the humans this didn't make her hate them, she guessed it was just something that happened. Not seeing her mother because she spent her time in the mountains and her father was always dragged away when they did meet; which did leave her slightly depressed. But somehow she made it, becoming very independent and unreliable on everyone; she managed to grow into the beauty she is today. Now, she is unaware whether her mother or father is alive;  but, as she tries to stay alive, she will also try and meet her parents one last time.
Subject to change.
Subject to change.
Not that she knows of
-Has the voice similar to Lindsay Lohan


"This is not the end. This is the beginning."

Character Name: Sitka
Character Nicknames: Ka, Kit, Sit
Age: 2 years old
Sitka is a rather outrageous, little daredevil who always acts before he thinks; using his strength instead of his brain. Often being referred to as a knuckle head. Despite sometimes being clumsy Sit doesn't usually thing; despite having something there he would prefer to use his strength to solve problems which often leads into vicious fights; which he has been taught to do. Yes, he is an aggressive canid who is prone to snap no matter what, not really caring or having feelings towards others. However, despite he seeming like a careless brute he actually does have feelings and does in fact care about others; if seeing his own kind in danger he is the first to help without taking any precautions or hesitating. Although sometimes he can be cocky and stubborn he is  a pleasure to be around once getting to know him, he has thought about searching for a pack. He won't back down if offered with a challenge and towards females he's a bit of a flirt.
When he was  pup Sitka never had the ordinary life a dog should have. He didn't grow up with a loving family who fed and watered him, gave him a home, comfy bed and the feeling of love. No. His past holds something completely different. He was bought by a large built man who seemed to have many dogs of his breed all in a shed in separate cages. They lived out their days being forced to run on a treadmill and attack other dogs. Sadly, this young pup was the victim of being a bate dog; being mounted by larger dogs on many occasions, until he grew older and was forced to fight with the dogs around his yard; then dogs all over the world. Years passed as he continued this until something strange happened. Some dogs died from injury, starvation and dehydration; other of old age and illnesses along with their owner others managed to escape and have been wondering the streets ever since.
Subject to change.
Subject to change.
None he can remember.
- Has the voice of Vin Diesel.

Accepted! We can start the RP whenever (But Taylor knows I hate starting off RPs I think xD...)
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: IndigoCloud on October 19, 2014, 08:46:41 pm
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: kayla1235 on October 19, 2014, 08:58:33 pm

"And stay dead!" Krona growled lowly, letting go of the dead walker. "God damn I hate these things." The Grey wolf started to walk off, deeper into the forest. "I'll kill every last one with pride and joy just to avenge my sister. And if I get a family again, then I'll protect them too." Krona stopped to sniff the air. The stench of the city nearby which was packed with walkers filled the air. And a hint of something else. Another canine. Krona turned his back on the city that he was near and started to run in the opposite direction of where he smelled the canine. If there was another canine out here, maybe he or she could possibly point him into the direction of food, or anything besides walkers. "Please don't move for a few more hours canine..." He would whisper, although he doubted that he or she would do that. Its suicidal to stay put anywhere now, unless it was completely out of sight of walkers.
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: PandaPie23 on October 19, 2014, 11:38:09 pm

You can't define who I am,
Or who I'll become.
You can try to define me,
But you can't because I define myself.

The jack russell hadn't traveled much in the time since everything had gone to hell. Or at all, really. Blair was stationed in the backyard, too scared to go in or out. It had been days since she'd eaten or drank anything, the small supply of kibble and water that the Hamiltons left out in the yard were long gone, and the burning sensation running down her throat and stomach was proof of that. Weakly she swept her dry tongue over her muzzle. It wouldn't be long before she died here, without having even tried to live. No, she couldn't - wouldn't! - accept that. Her chocolate brown eyes that had been dead of life hardened, and she forced her weak limbs to stand.

Blair stumbled her way to the gate. It was supposed to be locked, but over time she had learned that the lock was faulty, and with a simple push in the right spot it would open. She leaned back onto her hind legs, lifting up her torso to reach just under where the lock would be on the other side. Pushing her weight onto it the gate flew open, knocking over the two trashcans that were left out. Blair froze, brown eyes wide with fright, terrified she had attracted something's attention. But to her delight none of those things had even turned to her. Thankfully she scurried to the now opened trashcans. It was a wonder why none of the other animals had claimed this food for theirs.. Unless she was the only dog left. What if she was the only living being left on this earth? Panic settled throughout the terrier, and as she wolfed down what food was inside the bin, that was the only thing running through her head.
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: kayla1235 on October 19, 2014, 11:49:56 pm

Krona was totally exhausted after traveling on his feet for a few hours straight. Before all this shit happened he had a cave to rest in with his pack and everything. Till those damn things ruined everything. Killing his sister was one thing but his pack was basically his entire family, and he missed them dearly like his sister. Now that it was all gone, he had been on the move every single day and starved every few days that passed and he went on without food. "Keep moving Krona..." The Grey wolf muttered to himself every now in then. Hopefully he'd find that other canine soon.
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: IndigoCloud on October 20, 2014, 06:25:17 am
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: kayla1235 on October 20, 2014, 12:04:09 pm

The scent of the other canine got closer till he spotted a little figure of him or her in the distance. Krona stood up straight, narrowing his eyes on the canine and slowly started to walk forward, his head started to hang. "Keep going Krona... It's an alive canine. It would've attacked by now if it was dead." He muttered to himself just to keep on going toward the canine figure. "It'll probably try to help me.. Because I haven't eaten in a few days or had any water since I started walking today."
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: sparticles on October 20, 2014, 10:47:19 pm


"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

A cold mist blew past the she dog as she lazily stumbled to her paws; a piercing pain running through them from the night before. She knew it would have been a bad idea running through the church yard; windows had been smashed and glass was shattered everywhere, but it was the only way she could have escaped the mob of walkers chasing her. No one would be able to fight off that group of four. Especially not alone. It had been such a tough day, another one she had went without food; it was now rare to get anything to eat around here, apart from the odd piece you would see in a junk yard or an abandoned store. This place is like a hell hole now, nothing nice to look at, the roads lined with corpses which made it look ten times as worse. Despite the buildings not being rubble like it would be in the movies some were slightly damaged, windows broke, some cars on fire, class scattered across the ground; it was not a pleasant sight. But, instead of complaining she needed to survive.

Allowing her curled tail to lay over the rear end of her back the she-dog sat atop a porch from an abandoned house, watching the day go by without a care in the world; she knew she needed to find food; but was it really wise running into the streets, all guns blazing? She needed to think it out, take precautions and most importantly not get caught. Narrowing her eyes she shook her head, watching one of the rotten, two-legged creatures stumble into an alley in the distance; its muffled grunts and groans could be heard which caused her to cringe at the horrid sound. Drawing her attention from the distant beast Alue turned her orbs onto a shop just across the road; it was a corner store, so it was bound to sell some food product; and it was still in good nick, which was a bonus. Seeing this as being one of her only chances to hopefully find food in this empty city she took no time in hesitating. Lifting to her large paws the black and white canine carefully stepped down the three steps of the porch and hurried across the lawn; leaping over the fence with ease, landing swiftly on the other side - but a pain shot through her slightly injured paws. Sighing, she decided to shake off the pain; she wanted food.


"This is not the end. This is the beginning."

A growl escaped the brutes maw as he charged through the forest and into the city; rage running through him. A good friend known in the real world as Alaska; a large white brute like himself, but older and of course more taller and stocky. Those humans had done it again. Killed another of his kind. Now, he was willing to seek revenge and take no mercy on these monsters who held a deadly disease. A shot of white darted from the dark debris and out into the open streets; hackles raised, lips curled and eyes narrowed the small yet large white male charged towards a mod of what they called 'Walkers'. Of course, the were wobbling towards him, letting out gurgles and grunts - the sight of 'food' sending them rather insane. This was only going to end one way it Sitka's eye's. "You ended the life of my greatest friend. Now you monsters shall suffer!" he roared, drawing nearer the mod; then leaping. He managed to take a few down, tearing them limb from limb and causing them pain to what he thought; but the crows was to much. They began mauling the smaller creature, biting at his skin and tearing it up; leaving rotten wounds. The dog screeched and yelped in pain, but it was to late.

At that moment the white brute awoke with a gasp, his heart racing as his brown eye's rapidly glanced to and fro to make sure he wasn't in danger; everything seemed fine. Ever since being separated from his great friend the brute had begun getting these strange yet horrific nightmares which in some way caused him to seem a little mentally unstable and the lack of sleep was taking its toll; causing the youngster to become rather snappy and aggressive. Heart calming down but still quickly beating the brute quickly hurled himself to his paws and glanced around; lifting his front paws onto the dash board of the open car as he looked into the streets; empty as usual. Letting out a growl the daring young brute decided to stay put in the safety of the vehicle for now; he had no need to exit his resting point so didn't intend on doing so. Turning and clambering into the back, Sitka lowered himself onto his haunches and placed his front paws onto the arm rest of the back door - perking his ears the white canid glared out.

Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: PandaPie23 on October 21, 2014, 12:21:50 am

You can't define who I am,
Or who I'll become.
You can try to define, but
You can't because I define myself.

Blair had feasted upon the the nearly rotten food, and even though she was always scolded for digging through the trash, she had no idea why. This was glorious! The stub on her rear end was wagging back and forth as she gorged herself on it. The terrier pulled back, pink tongue licking her maw clean of anything that had gotten on it. Food-wise she was fine, her small stomach was completely full, but her thirst was yet to be quenched. The waste bin, while it held many delicious treasures, didn't provide her with water or anything else to drink.

Brown eyes looked around at her surroundings. Those.. things were stumbling about, but none of them paid any attention to Blair. They resembled humans, but it was as if they were rotting. A whimper escaped her as she watched, and while a few looked up, none came over to investigate. She lowered her gaze, her body shivering. Reluctantly Blair started walking, eyes looking up and around every few steps.

The clicking of her nails against the cement harmonized with the moaning of the rotting beasts, creating Blair's very own horrific theme song. Her pace quickened, body tense. She was quickly leaving the suburbs that she had lived in for the majority of her life, and the beginnings of the city started to appear. A corner store here, a bar there. It started slow, then suddenly, there was the city. Unfortunately, the city meant more and more of the walking rots. The terrier stopped, taking in everything.

It was like something out of a horror scene, walls were crumbling, cars smashed into things, some were even flipped over! Blair bit down onto her tongue to prevent from making noise. She continued forward, nose quivering as she took in the many scents. Too many were mingled together to discern one from the other. Oil, rotting flesh, the overwhelming stench of sulfur, and countless others. The terrier continued, albeit slowly. She slunk across the ground, belly nearly touching the ground, as if that would shield her from the sight of the Rots.
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: IndigoCloud on October 23, 2014, 10:52:06 am
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: kayla1235 on October 24, 2014, 01:12:57 am

"You act as if you are not afraid. However, I can smell your fear." Krona said, walking beside a tree and sitting down. Watching the other canine. "Do you know where there is any food at all? I'm starving." The grey wolf suddenly blurted out, his gaze softening and a slight whine escaped his maw. "Any at all? Or possibly water. I haven't had water in hours.." He said after a moment.
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: PandaPie23 on October 27, 2014, 01:26:08 pm
Is this rp going to continue? I would hate for it to die, I like the concept.
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: sparticles on October 27, 2014, 02:39:11 pm


"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

The sharp pain from the injuries she had received the night before continued to shoot through the mix breeds paw, but there was no time for whining or worrying about a piety injury on her pads; to her, collecting food for herself was more important if she wanted to survive in this hell hole of a world. Today, she had rested enough. She was already behind on an hour or so of sleep as she wanted to rest herself in hope that the injury to her paw would go away; so she had no time to waste. Now that the walker was gone from the street she had a chance, even though it would only be a short distance away she would still be able to swiftly run past without being seen and into the store she was looking at without anything going wrong. Alue quietly growled as she looked down an alley at the crouched over flesh eater as it sniffed at the carcass of a small cat; which must have died from disease or injury. Shaking her head the shepherd, wolf mix drew her attention from the beast and glance up at the shop; it seemed to have taken quicker than she thought. Smiling, a sigh brushed past her moist lips as she managed to squeeze herself through a gap in the crumbled wall; only receiving a small scrape as she had done so.

Pulling herself out of sight the fae glanced around the store, many strange scents lingered in the small room; it was dark, only dimly lit by the light shining through the glass front of the shop. Pulling her eye's from the windows she shot off forward, through the isles of the shop with her snout to the ground; following the scent of what she knew as bread or something. But, when she arrived where the scent was coming from the single slice appeared to have small insect like creatures crawling around; this didn't cause her to step back in disgust, this caused her to swipe a paw at the slice and send it flying across the room and into a wall; low growls escaping her maw. Snout pressed once again against the ground she followed another scent; which appeared to be meat. Tail wagging Leauana hurried after the scent which grew stronger with every step. Onto the third isle she came to a stop and lifted up a piece of fabric; there lay all the packets of meat. Instantly her mouth watered and without hesitating she managed to tear open the packet with her claws and wolfed down the food source. It was like luxury. It was the first time she had eaten in day's and it was like a miracle; but even she knew it wasn't always this easy to get food. Not getting ahead of herself she pushed the packet aside and quickly exited the store.

Tail raised and wagging the black patched canine was now back on the open streets; the scent of decaying bodies wafted into her snout, but somehow she had gotten use to it and the smell didn't bother her like it use to. Glancing around the street's she decided she would venture around; maybe she would come across more of her kind or maybe she would come across some food. However, there was also a possibility she would come across more walkers than usual; but this was a risk she was willing to take. Giving her smooth coat a shake the female shot off down the street, tail arched and wagging as her claws clicked against the pavement when she walked.

[[I shall post for Sitka on my next post; he's still watching the streets from the car.]]
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: kayla1235 on October 29, 2014, 12:08:39 pm
((Yeah its still going... I can't post till Sherlolly does.))
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: PandaPie23 on October 30, 2014, 06:26:40 am
I don't think she will be, http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=48669.0 (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=48669.0)


You can't define who I am,
Or who I'll become.
You can try to define me, but
You can't because I define myself.

The terrier continued to creep about, brown eyes darting to and fro. One thing was running through Blair's mind, and that was her urgent need for water. It had been at least two and a half days since she'd even had a sip, and it wouldn't be much longer before her body would start to die. She looked around at her surroundings, eyes dropping in disappointment. It was hopeless to even look for any, she was in the middle of a post-apocalyptic city! Why would there be any water just sitting around? Whimpers started to escape her muzzle, and despite her fear of those Rots, she couldn't stop.

Blair stood, forcing herself to walk. She whispered to herself between the whimpers, "We aren't going to die. We're going to be okay. We just have to find water. It's going to be okay." Slowly she inched along, occasionally stopping to lick at dark spots on the cement, hoping that it's water. Her eyes continued to look around, to look for any rots, other living beings, and most importantly, water.

Not my best work, I had a bad case of writers block. I'm surprised I even got this much down.
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: PandaPie23 on November 04, 2014, 03:23:25 pm
I apologize for double posting but I feel this thread requires a bump.
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: DuskWolfy on November 06, 2014, 02:46:50 am

..:: Character Name ::..


..:: Character Nicknames ::..


..:: Age ::..

5 Years Old

..:: Personality ::..

.::. Kind
.::. Protective
.::. Gentle
.::. Caring
.::. Tolerant
.::. Trustworthy
.::. Loyal
.::. Anti-social

..:: Backstory ::..

I know this is short, I'm in the process of refining it.

Simja was the runt of the litter. He grew up on the streets with his family and eventually left around two years old. When the whole undead crisis hit, he was one of the confused ones. He had no idea what was happening, all he knew was he had to stay alive. He avoided other canines and if he did run into one he would show he meant no harm and be on his way again.

..:: Crush ::..


..:: Mate ::..


..:: Siblings ::..

.::. Hect :: Brother :: Deceased .::.
.::. Jinx :: Sister :: Unknown .::.
.::. Mizu :: Sister :: Unknown .::.

..:: Other ::..

Simja is very anti-social in a way so he doesn't really socialize with others.

Also, he is a Berger Picard if anyone was wondering.. You'll be able to see that once I get the picture up. Haha

(Optional other picture of character)
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: PennsylvaniaRedneck on November 06, 2014, 03:21:35 am
You're still accepting, right? I'd love to get a CS up to join this.
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: PandaPie23 on November 09, 2014, 03:56:33 am
((I believe we are, but I cannot be sure. Subject would have to be the one to say yes or no. By the way, @Subject, since Sherlolly has left, instead of just disappearing from this RP, try tapping into insanity. Like Sherlolly's character never existed, Krona just wanted to meet another person so badly his subconscious made one. Just an idea, though.))
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: sparticles on November 10, 2014, 06:53:44 pm

[[Yes, I agree. Libertea has a great idea there and it would actually fit nicely, I really don't want this roleplay to die as it will still have a lot to happen.]]
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: kayla1235 on November 11, 2014, 01:01:44 am

Krona looked around, his vision blurred then went back to normal, no wolf stood there. "Oh... It was just my imagination-" Crack! A branch snapped nearby him. "Dang, that didn't sound pleasant at all... A Walker maybe. Wait, how long has he been out for? An hour just standing there? Who knows, he should keep moving now that he was zoned back in, so Krona took of running into the forest again. ((Will edit later sorry!))
Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: sparticles on November 11, 2014, 10:52:22 pm


"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

Running her tongue across her dry lips the light pelted she dog allowed her green/brown eye's to dart around, observing the unfamiliar area she was in. The scent of death lingered in the air; blood, rotten flesh and of course the other aromas that went with it, but not only did this cause a sickened feeling to fill her stomach, the view of dead bodies scattered around here and there, with scarred, battered and rotten flesh; this did make her want to reach and be sick, but for some reason her body told her no. Forcing herself to forget about the corpses and the scent as this was something she would only have to get use to over time, if she survived that was. It had been a while since she had seen any movement but the beasties. It wasn't rare to see them hobbling around the streets and scrapping over pieces of meat or even fighting over the rotten corpses, but live people, dog's and of course prey animal appeared to be rather hard to find. Sure, she was able to find the odd piece of food in a store, around the alleys in bins and malls, but it wasn't all that much; it had been day's since she had an actual proper meal and instead she seemed to just be picking at small amounts or what she could find. This usually only lasting her for a few hours, then it was off searching for food again. To her, it was like the world was testing her, maybe it was to see whether her species was just dependent on animals? Or maybe it was to see her survival skills? Whatever the reason and whatever the cause Leauana was unsure, and despite wanting to know how and why, she would be more focused on surviving for now.

Allowing her curled tail to flick once or twice a sigh brushed past her lips, boredom had begun overwhelming this active dog and the lack of human and even other animal's company appeared to be taking it's toll ever so slightly; even if she was independent, she couldn't be expected to live out here all alone for the rest of her life, it would only drive her insane, or into a similar state of madness. Pointed ears turned on the top of her head as she listened out for any sounds out of the ordinary, but everything appeared to be still and quiet for now. Long claws clicking against the pavement, it would only be a matter of time until they chiseled themselves down; which sh e guessed would be a good thing. A cod breeze blew through her fur which did indeed send a cold feeling down her spine and caused the thick coated dog to shiver, which was rather strange. Sniffing up the regular scent's filled the canid's snout.


"This is not the end. This is the beginning."

Allowing his tail to flick Sitka continued to glare out of the window of the vehicle, his head tilted as he whined a little. Sure, he was still young and all this would be rather frightening, but it was strange to think that he actually missed the company of humans and other dog's since what happened in his past; but it was just one of those things I guess. Dropping himself from the window the large brute backed himself up, pads of his paws pressing against the leather interior of the car and looked around. Despite this car not being exactly a 'house' nor a place where he could move around a lot, but it was where he had been sleeping for the time being when this apocalypse had taken place, it was cozy, small but cozy. Sighing, the brute decided that he couldn't spend all of his time locked away in this car, he was bound to starve to death or die from dehydration, but also staying confined here would only make it less likely that he was going to meet any others, that he could hopefully form a friendship with, so he wasn't wondering this hell hole alone. Putting his front paws on a small storage box which was between the two front seats, he then pushed himself over and clambered onto the front seats, placing his paws onto the top he managed to hurl himself up and out of the sun roof, where he was now exposed to the world, instead of being in the safety of his shelter.

For a few seconds the masculine remained glaring around the streets. The beasts from earlier had now passed and everything was back to its self, all calm and boring. Nothing to entertain this hyperactive dog. Sighing, the large white brujo walked forward, paws placed carefully on the windscreen as he managed to carefully trot down; his heavy weight avoiding from breaking the windscreen of the scar. As he leapt on the bonnet the car slightly arched forward, but only bounced back into place when he leapt off onto the floor. Tail quickly whipping to and fro the lonely canine let out yet another sigh, setting off forward he headed down the street; however, he wasn't going to venture to far though, into unknown ground; he wanted to stay safe in an area which he was familiar with. Licking his lip's he slowly lumbered down the street.

Title: Re: Dawn Of a New Age((New,Canine,Apocalyptic RP. Open and Accepting))
Post by: PandaPie23 on November 12, 2014, 09:53:54 pm

You can't define who I am,
Or who I'll become.
You can try to define me, but
You can't because I define myself.

A dry pink tongue hung from Blair's gaping mouth. She struggled to lift one paw after another as she went on in her search for water. Weakly the terrier continued, whimpering every few steps. The street was eerily quiet, not a walker in sight. Her dark honey ears were flicked downward, sagging. Hope was dwindling, and the fear that she would die was starting to grow.

Dull eyes gazed at her surroundings, hoping to see anything but expecting nothing. To Blair's amazement a white mass was lumbering down the street. A short bark escaped her maw, excitement - and hope - starting to stir within her. Cautiously the terrier picked up her pace, despite her body screaming in protest. "H-Hello?" She called out softly, just loud enough for those close by to hear. Stumbling under her own feet the terrier collapsed, panting deeply before everything went dark.

Sorry for how short it is, I'm not feeling very inspired lately. Also, I don't plan on killing Blair off anytime soon so her blacking out was just so I could have some amount of length to this post, she'll come to in my next post.