Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => In-Game Based Roleplay => In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement => Topic started by: Nephrite on November 16, 2014, 06:48:47 pm

Title: { LAETUS INQUINATUM v3 } Advanced and mapped roleplay! Rebuilding & Recruiting
Post by: Nephrite on November 16, 2014, 06:48:47 pm

What is it like to be imprisoned? What is it like to be stripped from all that you knew; your family, your friends, your home? To be sent to a cold, hard place to be poked and prodded, to where no one loves you, you are only used for another's benefit. To be infiltrated with alien things, just for the sake of curiosity, without regards to your health or even your life. And to be in a room, with many others of the same circumstance, some crying until they lose their sanity, calling out to anyone to hear them. And then to watch others, quiet and solemn, letting the walls close in on them. What is this? Slavery? Torture?

We are Laetus Inquinatum.

 ... Laetus inquinatum is the scientific name for a species of genetically modified species of ex-wolves. The name roughly translates to "tainted colorful", referring to the markings on these canines.

Scientists believed they had found a serum, that when injected into the subject, would send tiny electrical particles into the bloodstream, which would paint their body with vivid, pulsing markings reflecting their inner aura. They didn't know what good it would serve, besides perhaps for fashion, so they tested it first on animals captured out of the wild.

Many wolves were captured and caged to be tested on. Each subject was injected with the serum, and each slowly developed their own, unique markings reflecting their own, unique character.

This really surprised the scientists! Who would've known wolves, animals, would have such intricate personalities? This pushed many zoologists to experiment with these new creatures, the Laetus inquinatum.

And the poor creatures themselves, many crying in misery every day and others just waiting to starve themselves to death, could do nothing about it. One of these wolves, would sit days at a time in his cell, intricately planning a breakout.

He talked to all of the wolves, who were caged, and promised their freedom. At first, many were skeptical, but then they grew desperate, and trusted him. He told them each what they were to do. Each of the species was told to do a specific job. It would be risky, but they fell through.

Eventually, it happened. Everything went as planned, and soon the creatures were back home. The male who had planned the escape was given the nickname Decode, and it what he still goes by today. Many of his species, in shock, ran away from the lab. It would be tricky to cope with others as they were, and he wanted them all to stick together. However some did not listen. And Decode still looks for them today.

 ... Hello, Feral-Hearters!
This is the basis of an old roleplay I had, but had died out. We're advanced/literate, semi-realistic, and soon to be mapped! I'm looking to bring this roleplay back and I may give out higher positions to those who join first.

Our site is http://laetusinquinatum.webs.com (http://laetusinquinatum.webs.com). If this interests you so far, please post here, whisper me in game [ Earyn ], or preferably note me on dA at LogicalEaryn.

Samples are required and your character must be approved. Thank you!