Feral Heart

Community => Praise => Topic started by: Insoholic on December 06, 2014, 08:12:48 am

Title: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: Insoholic on December 06, 2014, 08:12:48 am
Happy Birthday, Sura!
I wish you a year with loads of fun and beautiful memories. Thanks for the friendship we share. You are an amazing person, with a good heart.
Thanks for the amazing memories, that we have made. Thanks for everything, Sura!
It's your day, hun! Celebrate, laugh, live, love! <3

I wish you a verry Happy and warm Birthday! <3


Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: Kastilla on December 06, 2014, 12:10:47 pm
Happy Womb Emancipation Day!
Have a spectacular day, dear Sura!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: forks on December 06, 2014, 01:03:20 pm
Happy birthday, dear Sura. I truly hope that your birthday is as wonderful as you are. Have fun, laugh alot, and derp around. But most of all....

Eat Cake!!!

Happy birthday, Sura!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: S. Italy/Romano on December 07, 2014, 04:50:19 am
Indeed, have a most wonderful birthday Sura ^^

Remember to have fun and take the time to truly relax and unwind, after all, we only get one birthday every year.

I also hope you'll have wonderful cake (unless the cake is a lie...)
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: Morqque on December 07, 2014, 02:47:44 pm

Happy Birthday to you, Sura!
Hope your day is awesome!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: wolfdog01 on December 07, 2014, 03:13:12 pm
Happy birthday Sura! Being an awesome person is tough huh? Lawl, have a wonderful day Sura and I hope your day is filled with happiness and cake!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: Wyldercat on December 07, 2014, 03:57:19 pm
Happy Birthday, Sura!
May your day be filled with cake and happiness....
and more cake. <3
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: Bawfle on December 07, 2014, 05:55:11 pm
Happy Birthday, Sweetie! <3
[Much cuddles for you]
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: Delija on December 07, 2014, 06:06:12 pm
Happy birthday love! <3 You have been there so much for this past year, being such a compassionate and loving friend, you truly are a woman of many talents. I hope you have the best birthday yet and look forward to making more memories with you. Love you <333
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: Kerriki on December 07, 2014, 06:07:22 pm
Happy birthday, Sura! Hope your day is as special as you are~<3
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: Feareh on December 07, 2014, 07:59:45 pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORD <33333333333333
You didn't think I would forget my sister from another misters Birthday did you? HELL NO!!!! xD
Oh gosh where to begin with this xD I have no clue. I'm finally out of school and went ahead and started drawing this and 2 other birthday pics, been a very busy bee I have xD.


My gosh the big 24 QQ, You getting old -flings a cane at you-
Actually im not that far xD,shouldn't be talking -rides my granny scooter-
But seriously I wish you a wonderful birthday gurl. I love you with all my heart and I hope we still will be friends till the end. I love ur goofy, crazy nature. I love your big heart. And most importantly....if not the UPMOST reason for our friendship....is that big ol fluffy butt of your -faceplants ur bum- OuO
-holds you dramatically- never let go Jack....NEVA LET GO
I've known you for like...2-3 years now, oh my GOSH xD.
Well Happy Birthday Lord, <333333333 ill post this on DeviantART so you can download OR you can message me on Skype if you prefer it that way so I can give you Art and the icon that goes with it.
Hope to see you at that Christmas party ;D so I can give you that birthday luv dance. <333

Love always,

Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: Raphilion on December 07, 2014, 08:59:15 pm
Baconbutt Sura!! Happeh Birthday dude!!!
Wishing you a great day filled with happiness and that you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating this gift (http://fav.me/d8909ro) for you.

As one of my best friends in this community, I'll always treasure our friendship. <3 I hope you understand that.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: Whisperingwaves on December 07, 2014, 09:47:54 pm
Happeh happeh birfday tew yewz! Meh gusta <3 The big 24 aye? Hehe, 24 years young. Eat lots if cake and enjoy this special day m'dear, and beware the random puffy fox tail pillow awaiting it's cuddles. Happy bithday hun bun! -throws fluff everywhere and noms cake-

~ Whisper
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: Jackkdaw on December 07, 2014, 10:05:28 pm
Have a very merry-
Oops wrong occasion- ahem

Hope you have an amazing day, you sure deserve it! <33

*throws pizzas*
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: raggedpelt98 on December 08, 2014, 10:08:45 am
Happy Birthday baconbutt<333
-tosses clay bombs everywhere and accidently knocks Olaf over a cliff-
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: StarrieNova on December 08, 2014, 10:52:00 am
Happy late birthday Sura!
I swear I am so grateful I met you hun. More than anything you are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. When I talk to you it helps brighten my day, and you do nothing but make things fun when you are around. I love you so much Sura and hope when I did talk to you some on your birthday it helped cheer you up some, and brighten your day. <3 <3
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: Luna. on December 08, 2014, 11:19:52 pm
HARPY ANNUAL ESCAPE FROM THE WOMB! :D Have an amazing day! *blows fireworks and tosses pickles*
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: LordSuragaha on December 09, 2014, 04:45:48 pm
It's been such a wonderful morning waking up to all these lovely messages. Thank you Moontwist for starting this thread for me and thank you all so much for taking the time to wish me a Happy Birthday. I feel so blessed to have the privilege to know so many kind and thoughtful people. Each of your messages mean so much to me and it really makes my day just to sit here and read through them. Thank you also all of you who left me such beautiful birthday art gifts (Yoshiro, Buff, Raff, Feareh,  TwistedLizard, and Jim). I'm really honored that you guys would take the time to draw these lovely things for me. I will treasure each of the pictures always but most especially those who drew them <3

All of you have made my birthday all the more special and memorable and for that I am grateful. I love you all very much. Thank you for the well wishes <3 This 24th year in my life will be a good one :3
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: Whinp on December 14, 2014, 08:29:24 am
came really late but oh well, happy late bday sura xD i wasnt sure if your bday was on the 12th or something
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: darkknight on December 14, 2014, 02:25:50 pm
A very late Happy Birthday wishes from me, Lord Suragaha. I hope your the week of your birthday was wonderful and full of sweet desserts. Happy December Birthday, Suragaha!   
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Sura!
Post by: LordSuragaha on December 14, 2014, 03:34:56 pm
Better late than never <3

Thank you both for taking the time to send me your well wishes. Indeed I really did have a relaxed and enjoyable birthday :3

Btw very funny signature Fox xD