Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Animal & Non Human Roleplays => Topic started by: ShimmerMoonStar on December 29, 2014, 03:40:26 am

Title: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on December 29, 2014, 03:40:26 am
Welcome to the land of the North! Many animals live in this wilderness: foxes, bears, mountain lions, wolves, various types of rodents and birds and others. They all inhabit and live in peace amongst each other, even prides, clans, and packs. However, the North has changed over the past few months and many birds have come with messages from the south. These messages include various threats that the Northern animals can not understand, maybe because the birds that replay these messages don't quite understand themselves. There are many rumors that something terrible will happen to the North and the wilderness that creates various homes for the animals living there, but the animals here think it is just a rumor. Could it be true? Could some odd force really be coming to destroy their homes?

You can play as any of the following animals:

-Mountain lions
-Rodents (Ex: mice, rats, raccoons, squirrels, etc.)

There are usually smaller groups of animals, but larger ones can be formed.


Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on December 29, 2014, 03:43:09 am
Name: Pete
Species: Raccoon
Gender: Male
Age: 2.5 years(Raccoons in the wild live to be 3, so old for him)
Mate: None
Rank: Loner
Personality: Old and very grouchy
Background: During his life, he has lived in one tree in particular and is very territorial over his tree. There's only one animal alive that he doesn't mind and that's a lone wolf by the name of Ocean and that's because one day there was a storm and he was knocked out of his tree, causing him to break his leg.  Ocean came by and instead of killing him, helped him until he could climb back up safely.
Other:  He's got a small scar on his chin from a fight awhile ago.

Name: Ocean
Species: Wolf (Ethiopian wolf)
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
Mate: None
Rank: Loner
Personality: Quiet and distant with others she doesn't know and is extremely hard to find others trustful
Background: Ever since she was a pup, her mom has taught her to never trust anyone. That everyone could be a threat, never growing up with too many friends. Her mom soon passed and she had to learn on her own not to be so distant with others.
Other: She lives alone near a small creek which surrounds Petes tree. Other animals mistake her for a coyote due to her size which she finds offensive but doesn't care otherwise

Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: sparticles on December 31, 2014, 05:03:10 pm


Name: Leauana
Species: Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
Mate: N/A - Subject to change
Rank: Loner - Unless a pack is formed
Personality: Alue is a rather sweet wolf who likes to help those in need, because of her past her social behaviour, friends, and actions isn't as great as they should be. However, she is very curious and at times quite intelligent, she has picked a lot of things up and is on track with the usual behaviour of a wolf. Despite her usual caring nature she can have a mean side like most creatures. At times she will be sarcastic and maybe feisty, as well as slightly stubborn and strict. However, her pure aggressive and arrogant side is only shown when she is provoked or angered. She can be pretty tolerant at that. When you get too know her she is very loyal and protective, and towards males she is quite the flirt. Adventurous and brave would also describe Lea.
Background: Leas mother lived with her up until the age of three months. One day her mother, Ailani went out hunting and returned with severe wounds, knowing her fate her mother adopted her out too one of the more well known wolves of the area. Being young as Leauana grew she got the impression that Rune was her mother. But her life didn't go up from there. Rune wouldn't allow Lea out of the den ever; not to play, explore and nor did she learn her to hunt. The only time she was allowed out was when she went for a drink at the closest river possible. Rune would tell the pup lies about the wilderness and keep her confined, often punishing her if she stepped one paw outside.

At the age of one and a half the white pup ran away when Rune was asleep after finding out that she had been adopted. Being completely new to her surrounding she was completely unsure on what too do once she got far enough away from the creature whom use to beat her. A year or so passed and Leauana was very familiar with her surroundings and decided to go back. All that remained in the den was a rotten corpse of the wolf. Feeling no sympathy, since Rune had put her through a year of what could be classed as suffering, she left in order to start up her new life, away from the place which she once called home. Another year and a half later she has managed to survive and has been successful in learning the ways of the wolf.
~ Has a small scar on her left leg off Rune
~ Doesn't live in a specific area


Name: Ravana
Species: Mountain Lion
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years
Mate: N/A - Maybe it'll change
Rank: Loner
Personality: Ravana is a rather bitter soul, she rarely cares for another well being and only strives to keep herself alive. Towards others she can be rather aggressive and snappy, as well as quite ignorant and intimidating. She will put in a comment when not needed and she'll often say things when it's not wanted or which can offend another. She can be sarcastic and often teases others. Despite her rather horrible side she can be rather kind. Towards males she will be flirtatious and hard to get, if someone is in danger she may take it upon herself to help. Ravana does have a soft spot for younger creatures which can often calm her down. It takes some time getting too know her but when you do she's loyal and protective.
Background: Her background has been rather simple compared too other possibilities of it being worse. Through the majority of her life she lived with her mother and often visited her father who lived not to far away from where she was located. Her bitter side was shown once she watched her father being brutally murdered by a bear whilst trying to protect her and her mother. A few days later she then witnessed her mother being taken from her by a group of hunters. Rav was left alone and vulnerable at the age of 10 months. Which meant she'd be fending for herself for the rest of her life.

As she grew up she was attacked several times by other species and even her own. Being pushed away by several others this caused her to become slightly bitter and of course hurt. Classing herself as the outcast she rarely spoke to another unless it was to taunt them or flirt with one of the males. Many would class her as a ' 'psychopath' or the cat equivalent to 'Chupadogra'. However, despite her personality and her past, Rava seems to be growing soft as she gets older.
~ Slow changes in personality
~ Several scars on her body

Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on January 01, 2015, 10:23:57 am
accepted :) I'll start it off!
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on January 01, 2015, 10:43:42 am
The wind was beginning to settle down after a rather blustery day. The branches of several trees were beginning to calm themselves, and a head poked itself out of a nearby bush. A small wolf pushed herself out of the bush and instantly stuck her nose in the air to get a better feel for what was going on after the wind storm. There wasn't too many scents, besides the rank scent of the raccoon, Pete, who lived above the bush she found sanction to. She walked closer to the tree and jumped up a bit and placed her front paws on the tree, letting out a small bark, "Pete?"

She repeated the name again, though there was no reply and she gave up, figuring the coon was sleep. Old animals, I swear... They sleep through anything. She rolled her eyes and perked her ears, listening for the sound of the river as she headed that way, the thought of food on her mind, though she wasn't sure what would be there after the small typhoon.
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: sparticles on January 01, 2015, 09:13:04 pm

Sorry I can't post tonight, I shall post as soon as I wake tomorrow. But thank you for accepting me!
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on January 02, 2015, 10:26:16 am
Ok ^^ Whenever you get a chance. And you're welcome
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: duna the killer on January 02, 2015, 02:30:02 pm
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: sparticles on January 02, 2015, 05:35:07 pm



"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."

Laying quiet in the cover of a small pile of rocks the white pelted canine lifted her ears as she listened to the sounds of her surroundings. Everything now seemed rather quiet, the only sound being that of the birds which had now begun to tweet. The storm must have quietened down. Allowing her eyes too shoot open the large canine glanced around, the trees had stopped swaying and debris stopped flying through the air. Hurling herself to her paws she stepped out of the rock pile and looked as the rest of the forest was revealed. A soft smile lit up the wolfs face as she spun in a quick circle, then stopping and doing it once again. The storm had been going for a few hours, with heavy winds and rain this prevented her from wondering around - unless she wanted too be swept off her paws or soaked by the pelting drops of rain. Giving her fur a light shake to rid it of twigs and other debris that had gotten tangled in her pelt, the bottoms of her paws were a slightly darker shade from the mud where she had been treading on. Giving her paws a gentle shake Lea then whirled around once again, allowing herself to get use to the light and the different atmosphere which had been created since the storm. Now feeling quite relaxed Leauana decided now would be an exceptional time to set off on what she would call a journey, even though she wouldn't venture far from the areas she knew.

Taking a few quick bounds forward and a small leap the long legged canine slowed her pace down into a light trot, with each long step mud flicked up from beneath her paws - tail swaying in delight as she was now able to continue on her small, short journey through the now familiar forest. Despite her somewhat rough past she was managing to get on just fine. Alue was yet to make any friends she now knew her way around the forest quite well, which she considered a good thing. As she clambered through the forest she would leapt or a rock or a fallen log now and then. Which was rather fun for her, since she needed to find ways to amuse herself since she was unfamiliar with most creatures around her. Running her tongue across her lips she decided that one she had done some exploring she would go for a drink and possibly a hunt, she hadn't eaten in a few hours so she needed something soon. When hunting it wouldn't be anything large, possibly a few rabbits or even a small deer if she was given the chance, she even had the possibility of going fishing - it all depended on what tickled her fancy when finishing her adventure.



"Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven."

Ravana had remained on the ledge which lay just outside her cave. She had been watching the storm from afar, only a small breeze passed her way. Thrashing her tail in all directions Rav watched several animals scurrying down below the mountains, a grin seemed to cast an evil expression across her face. Unsheathed her claws she scraped them across the stone texture, causing an irritable screech to echo through a small distance of the land. A smug look crossed her face as she slowly lifted herself to her paws, tail continuing to sway as she slowly crept across the rocks which covered the side of the mountain, allowing her to make this an ideal place to live, which suited her perfectly. Clambering her way down the cliff side the dark marked feline allowed her eyes to dart around, watching her surroundings carefully, in case anything or anyone was trying to intrude on the area which she claimed as her own. As she made her way down her eyes rested on a small, probably young Coyote whom had foolishly wondered onto her territory. Narrowing her eyes the large she cat parted her square shaped jowls and let out an echoing roar. The loud sound startled the smaller creature causing it to dart off, tripping over its own paws in the process. Quietly snarling she watched as the canine clambered off into the distance at a clumsy trot. Shaking her head she continued on her way, later on she would need to make scent markers once again.

After a short time of around five minutes the lioness was out of the familiar area known as her territory and was now exposed too the open forested land. Lowering her head a little the 'evil' feline averted her gaze around her surroundings now and then, but nothing really caught her attention. Letting out a cold sigh Ravana sent out cold glances when she passed a creature, which would cause them to slightly cower, but this only caused her to smirk. When arriving at the river side she was greeted by a small deer and its fawn, looking at them she wasn't really bothered. Having a soft spot for youngins meant she was less likely to attack this duo. Showing no signs of hostility she just simply lowered into a crouching position and allowed her tongue to slide out of her mouth, slowly and quietly she lapped up the water from the pool, now and then lifting her eyes and sometimes her head too see the bank or too see around her.

Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on January 03, 2015, 09:08:20 pm
Accepted, and jump right in :)


The small wolf continued her steady walk in the direction of the river, though her fur began to rise as she caught the rank scent of a familiar, yet deadly animal. Dangit... I hate going this way... Maybe he'll be sleep from the storm... A bear by the name of Eli occupied a small portion near the river, using it to catch fish and fatten up. Ocean had only seen the giant from afar one time: his large claws digging into a newly caught bass, large teeth dripping with drool, and deadly malignant eyes. Ocean shivered at the resurfacing memory and quickened her pace past Eli's territory as she made it to a more desolate area. She sighed as the rank scent evaporated from her nose, and relief filled her, as she began to relax. Further down stream, she could spot the outlines of a feline of some sort making it to the river, though Ocean didn't need to go in that direction, nor would she want to. She simply sniffed around for the small bodys of prey, though instead of finding that she found the musky scent of fish. Her mouth began to drool and her stomach began to growl, not having much of a meal since the day prior. She walked towards the fishy smell and saw with her luck three rather large fish outlines under a few fallen leaves.

Stalking closer, her front paws moving slow and her back paws following, she made it to weakly buried fish and slowly and quietly uncovered them. She didn't need them all, especially since she knew someone left them there and probably for later. Instead of taking all three, she took a whole one and half of another and began to move back off for the tree she knew best, Pete's tree. Her pace quickened as she began to run, not looking back, especially as the rank scent of Eli wreathed around her, and stronger then usual.
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: sparticles on January 03, 2015, 11:11:18 pm

I'll allow Duna to post before I do again.
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: duna the killer on January 04, 2015, 01:05:13 am

Tarik stood on a ridge, overlooking a forest. Down there was prey. Of course Tarik didn't know what he was going to catch, but he wanted food, so he was going to have to go down there and end some sad animals life so he could live. Tarik turned and walked down the Ridge-past his cave home- and climbed down the sloping mountain into the forest. Tarik lifted his muzzle and sniffed the air. Squirrels, birds, rabbits, raccoons and deer were on the menu today. Deciding to hunt the deer, Tarik followed it's scent trail until he found it in a clearing. Tarik looked around the clearing from his spot under the Bush. He needed a spot to get above the deer, and drop down from above. After all, he excelled at it. There were no rocks or anything. But there were trees. He quickly climbed up it and waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. He lost track of time. Suddenly the deer walked right where he wanted. Finally... Tarik positioned himself for the jump. He was about 15 ft in the air. And he jumped. And the stupid deer moved. Tarik twisted and landed on the ground, fuming. Tarik yowled and leapt onto the deers back. The stag bucks and kicked. He crawled up it's back and landed a bite onto it's scruff, growling. After the buck fell to the ground, Tarik ate it on the spot.
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: seopard on January 04, 2015, 04:46:24 am
Though all I can see is black, the colors of the world I have painted in my mind rival those of reality."
Mollitia (Molly or Tia)
Species: Mountain Lion
N/A (see other)
Companion to Swift (Nomad)
Tia is a sweet and caring lioness, whom accepts strangers into her life with ease. She is a sucker for children of any species, and doesn't like being alone, especially because of her certain disabilities. Tia is also very soft spoken and quite a pushover. No matter how hard Swift tries, he cannot seem to get past her willingness to help others.
Background: Tia was born to a very sickly mother and an absent father, the only cub to survive in a litter of 5. Less than a month after Tia's birth, her mother passed away from disease and left the infant to fend for herself. However, a 3 week old blind cub would never had made it far had it not been for Swift and his family. The cub was taken into the care of Swift's mother and father where the taught her how to live in a world of darkness, instead using her ears, nose, and paws to see. However, her adopted parents were later killed by a bear, leaving Swift and Tia alone in the world at the age of 3 and 2, traveling through the mountains and forests for a year until they stayed relatively close to the North Woods
Tia is completely blind, but her hearing, sense of smell, and ability to pick up vibrations make up for it
She is also infertile; her mother was very malnourished when expecting, causing development to be interrupted in her cubs.
While Tia may not be able to have her own cubs, she is always looking for someone to spend the rest of her life with.

"Don't let others define who your beauty. You are beautiful because you are yourself."
Species: Mountain Lion
Gender: Male
Mate: N/A open to change
Rank: Companion to Mollitia (nomad)
Swift is a stubborn male with a quick mind and even faster paws. He is slower than his adopted sister to accept newcomers and often never does let them in completely. Being Tia's only family, he protects her fiercly and will lay down his life to ensure that she is safe. When challenged he often becomes irrational and doesn't always think things through, leading to many fights and scrabbles.
Swift is the only son of two normal mountain lions, and he grew up spoilt and bratty. However when he was almost a year old the family stumbled across the newest addition, a blind cub whom they named Mollitia meaning resilience. The two were then inseparable and Swift's terrible attitude problems disappeared as he began to take on Tia's well being. Then suddenly they were the only ones left, their mother and father had been killed by a bear. Swift, being the elder of the two adolescents, knew that where they were living was no longer safe without there father to protect it, and lead Tia on a mission to find a new home. A year of traveling built not only his body and strength, but also his wisdom and wariness of others. They now travel in and around the North Woods.
Has a large nick in his right ear from a confrontation with a wolf
Also has a large scar extending from his right shoulder to his left hip from a bear attack
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on January 04, 2015, 07:49:52 am
Accepted :) And you may jump in!
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: seopard on January 04, 2015, 04:04:42 pm

Tia and Swift

"Come on Tia, just a little ways further." Swift called back to his sister, whom seemed to be slowly lagging further and further behind. "But Swift, we have been walking for days. I am hungry and my feet are sore. Can we please take a rest?" Tia stopped, standing just a few feet away with her head bowed. Swift sighed, looking around the forest. They were in another lion's territory, and he was certain that Tia could smell the stranger's scent, but he owed it to her to rest for a little bit. "Alright. There is a cave just ahead. You can rest there and I will try to find us something to eat." Tia smiled lightly "Thank you brother." The two then walked to the cave, Swift leading the way with Tia following right behind him, keeping her cheek touching the tip of his tail. Now that they were in the cave, Swift wrinkled his nose at the overpowering scent of another male. "Just stay here, I'll be back soon." then he disappeared out of the cave. Tia stood in the mouth of the cave, doing her best to imagine what it looked like. Pushing around a few pebbles she swiveled her ears back and forth, trying to pick up the faint clicking echos that the rocks made.
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: sparticles on January 04, 2015, 11:30:16 pm



"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."

The large snow coloured canine continued to clumsily clamber across the forest floor, head darting around every so often to observe the things which surrounded her. Having a short attention span always came as a problem, she was never able to do one thing for a long period of time which meant she'd often get up to mischief as it was hard to find something which did actually tickle her fancy. Embracing many scents the young wolf soon slowed her pace as the scent of bear, fish and another wolf wafted into her snout - the srong, fishy scent causing her snout to wrinkle in slight disgust. It was obvious this fish was recently caught, or maybe left to rot. Whatever this overwhelming stench was caused by she decided it would be best to ignore it and not try and steal it. There would probably be a large, hungry bear waiting to rip off her head. Deciding the best thing to do would be to completely avoid that area she decided to hunt at one of the larger streams which ran through a short part of the forest. Hurrying once again Lea blocked out everything that was happening around her as she was more interested in getting herself some food. Leaping over several logs and rocks as she passed them, her tail wagging in anticipation as she done so. The sound of fresh flowing water proved that she was practically there and within a matter of seconds she would more than likely be there.

However, she see,ed to get there sooner than she thought. Whilst in a hurry it appeared that she had actually walked herself straight into the stream - which she was now knee deep in. Raising her brows Leaunan quickly backed out of the water and crouched herself down on the river bank. Since she had entered the water it seemed that she had scarred the group of fish, and it would be harder to hunt a few whilst they were all darted around in the stream. Remaining very still on the river bank Lea watched the water carefully, auds manly rested on the dark shapes as they slowly moved in every which way. Luckily, they slowly began grouping back up which meant her hunt would be happening soon.



"Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven."

Letting her tongue lap at the water a few more times the rather cold hearted feline then peeled her attention away from the water and onto the duo which slowly moved up the bank and off into the forest. Many would call her crazy for not taking the offer for an easy meal, but she knew how it was to have someone close to her killed - this being the main reason that she didn't kill the mother or the fawn. Allowing her amber eyes to remain on the two until they vanished out of sight. Letting out a low, quiet sigh the lioness slowly hurled herself onto her paws, then turning away from the water. Since recently eating her main priority wasn't getting food, even though she would more than likely do so once having a laze around. Running her tongue across her lips the quiet large sandy pelted feline charged towards one of the trees, leaping up she dug her claws in and with ease climbed up to the top. Once reaching several branches into the tree Ravana slowly stalked across one of the thicker ones, then placing herself down into a laying position she allowed one of her paws and her tail to hang down. After a few minutes or even an hour or so of resting Rav would probably go on a hunt. or find a way to make trouble, or probably annoy an innocent passer by.
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on January 05, 2015, 03:49:14 am

The sandy colored she-wolf continued her run until the rank scent of bear was out of nostrils. Sighing, she let relief wash over her, her guard lowering. She could see the tree further away, its height a bit taller than most of the other trees in the area and it was easier to spot if you were looking for it. She made it to the base of the tree and sat there, dropping her load of stolen fish and sighed with relief. They smelled of rain water, which meant they were probably caught before the storm and left out during that time span. They were still good, just not as fresh as they were made out to be. She bit into it, flavor bursting in her maw as she chewed hungrily, already bowing her head to get a second bite.


The raccoons ears perked, arousing him from his slumber as he caught the sudden scent of fish. His mouth dripped with drool as he peeked his head out of the tree hole and looked down. His eyes narrowed as he saw the small canine eating some bass and he let out a hiss, "Hey! Are you going to leave any for me or do I have to catch my own??" The wolfs ears perked and she glanced up, pieces of fish falling from her mouth, "Oh... Hey Pete. You finally awake? And of course, I saved you some. It was a rather easy catch. That fat bully was too busy sleeping and left these out." She smirked, her face filled with mischief and her eyes reflecting it. Though as Pete was sliding down the tree to take his own share of fish, the scent of Eli became too much for him to handle, and it made him suspicious. He asked, "What did you do? Roll around in his...scent...markers..." His voiced died down as he made it to the bottom, his eyes wide as he caught the sight of a large brown shape getting closer to the tree. Ocean stared at him, "What?" Her head turned, eyes widening, and she didn't need an answer. The large bear saw them, his eyes on the remaining pieces of fish and he let out a loud snarl as he charged, the sound leaving a rather angry echo. Pete was already half up his tree to get away while Ocean swore under her breath and took off running.
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: greenart6 on January 05, 2015, 10:16:31 pm
Name: Fashan
Species: Red Fox
Gender: Male
Age: 2 1/2 Years
Mate: Nyota
Rank: Loner (May form a group later)
Personality: Fashan is stubborn and a bit selfish of a fox. He is playful and adventurous when around his family and friends, but to strangers, he can become defensive and hotheaded.
Background: Fashan was born to two red foxes, and had a brother named Cemel. After an incident which killed both his parents, Fashan left with his brother until meeting another fox named Nyota. Obviously, they became pretty close, and by the time they reached adulthood Cemel had left them while Nyota and Fashan started their own life together.
-Has a silver coat

Name: Nyota
Species: Red Fox
Gender: Female
Age: 2 1/2 Years
Mate: Fashan
Rank: Loner
Personality: Nyota is basically the opposite of Fashan. She is hyper, selfless, and optimistic.
Background: Nyota lived with her parents, until she met Fashan, and decided to leave at a young age to travel with him.
Other: none
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on January 05, 2015, 11:20:28 pm
(~Accepted, jump right in~ And Fashan reminds me of a silver fox breed. Very pretty coats)
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: seopard on January 06, 2015, 01:02:31 am

Swift was lured on the scent of semi fresh fish, and on silent paws, he neared the source of the delicious smell. His steps faltered slightly when he picked up the faint smell of bear, but the lion dismissed the scent and kept going; he had to find something for his sister to eat. However after his ears registered the drumming sound of paws nearing, he halted. A small coyote like canine passed Swift in a blur, almost knocking the male off his feet."Hmm, I wonder where she's go-" his speech faltered as a shadow was cast on the ground from behind him, and he slowly turned his head only to be met with a loud roar. "Crap." Swift gulped before taking off after the canine, a large swipe of claws barely missing his tail.
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on January 06, 2015, 03:32:37 am

Anger pounded through him, causing his usually slow and bulky legs to move much faster. He had to catch the thief; who did she think she was, waltzing into his territory and stealing his prey? His eyes were red with rage as a lion came into view, the wolf running past him. The bears eyes narrowed as he rounded up on the mountain cat, not caring if he was the thief or not, his claws raking to claw into the lion. He let out a loud roar as the cat evaded, taking off in the direction the thief had gone. Eli would not give up just yet, even though he was becoming much more tired.


She didn't even notice the mountain lion as she rushed past him, her heart racing as she tried to outrun the bear. Strength might not be her strong point, especially with her size, though speed and stamina was what she brought to the table. She glanced back, able to see a feline running in her direction now, the bear right behind him and she ran faster. She figured the lion was after her now and asked herself, "What the heck did I do this time??"
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: sparticles on January 08, 2015, 02:42:00 pm



"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."

The young wolf had been waiting patiently for quiet some time now, watching the fish with interest as she examined each one out of the small group. Running her tongue across her lips the quiet growls of her stomach sounded, a sickening feeling was also felt as she winced a little. She hadn't eaten in a while, so this was the reason for her sickness. When she was younger Lea wasn't taught to hunt, her so called adoptive 'mother' never let her out of the den to do so, which meant Alue was unable to hunt when she finally managed to escape. However, even though she wasn't able to she managed to scavenge food for her first few weeks alone. Leauana had taken the time to follow a few lone wolves and wolf packs to see how one hunted as a team and in a group, she also observed the hunting methods of the common grizzly bear and mountain lion. After watching them do so it was only a matter of time until the white pelted canid was able to hunt for herself - which was a relief but also an achievement. Being taught to hunt and fend for yourself was the most important things to learn as a pup, but that was something which never happened. Her mother had started training her, but soon after she was gone and Rune didn't make no attempt with helping the pup on techniques, skills nor survival tops. Despite all this she has managed to educate herself and has ended up being better off than some. Which was a relief to her.

Watching the fish slowly bob around the bottom of the river, she allowed her eyes to lock onto a target. These fish were rather large, so one whole one would probably fill Lea for some time, until she found something else to hunt or until she could be bothered. Allowing the fish to swim around for a short time she parted her jaws the slightest bit, watching as the large Salomon separate itself from the group she grinned. Lunging face first into the water the large carnivore managed to snap her teeth onto the sea creatures head, the others darting off in every direction as the largest of the group was pulled out from the shallows and slung onto dry land. Quickly whirling around Lea grabbed the fish and hurried off, one hard bite to its head was enough to kill it, now she scrambled off to find a safe place where she could eat her kill.



"Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven."

The large feline remained slouched in the tree, body parts hanging down from the thick branch as she sat quietly, allowing the sights, sounds and scents to be taken in; wolf, bear, fish, raccoons and other scents of animals wafted into her snout. Scrunching up her snout the rather ignorant feline allowed herself to place her head on her paws, eyes remaining locked onto the land beneath her, now and then her eyes would wonder behind her to ensure nothing had snuck into the tree behind her, but her eyes also watched the branches of all the trees, of course in case anything else clambered into the trees at this time of day. As usual nothing seemed to catch Ravanas attention, where she was everything appeared rather silent and still, her tail curling up now and then, swaying back and forth as it dangled quite a distance down. Because of the minutes laying bored with nothing to do, Ravs eyes slowly began to close, claws now being dug tighter into the tree so she didn't fall in her slumber. Breathing softly the black marked feline let out a quiet sigh, in a relaxed state she was able to remain calm. However, seconds later loud grunts and growls caught her attention, causing her eyes to narrow and her eyes to glance off into the direction, a few figures seemed to head her way. And one of the figures was one which she recognised.

Narrowing her eyes Ravana let out a hiss, her tail swaying in irritation as she swiped her paw at one of the branches, causing it to hit the ground with a thud. A grin then appeared on her face as she watched the two creatures drawing nearer. The big, grey creature was a bear, familiarly known to most around here as Eli. And he was quite the jerk, even though most would consider Rav as one, he was just as worse. As he came closer he seemed to be chasing two not one, a small coyote looking creature, or a wolf, and a mountain lion like herself. As the duo were chased under the tree that she was located in, her eyes then looked at the girzzly whom appeared rather exhausted. Smiling, the tan pelted feline placed her paw on one of the thicker branches, putting the pressure of one of her paws on it, and jumping several times which caused the heavy branch to snap and tumble to the ground - hopefully it'd hit Eli. Standing rather proud Ravana let out a chuckle as she looked coldly at the bear "I see you're being the bully of the forest as usual?" she questioned with narrowed eyes, it was obvious she was being rather cocky and arrogant towards the huge creature. Ravana wasn't afraid of Eli like most seemed, in fact she enjoyed taunting the bear.

Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on January 10, 2015, 04:51:00 am
(If the others don't reply tomorrow, then I'll just reply. And I have something good planned too! Well to me at least)
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: greenart6 on January 10, 2015, 04:57:30 am
((Could I get a bit of a recap on what has happened so far? Sorry, I'm lazy and didn't read all the posts :P))
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on January 10, 2015, 09:20:16 pm
Not much, except a few of the animals went hunting and a bear, quite the bully of the forest, is chasing Ocean, who's far ahead by now. The bear's name is Eli and Ravana just made Eli halt even more.)
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: sparticles on January 15, 2015, 06:08:54 pm

{Is anyone going to post or?...}
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on January 16, 2015, 01:30:34 am
I'll post, even though I was hoping someone else would before *shrugs* x3 Sorry)
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on January 16, 2015, 01:39:41 am

Nearing the tree where the two were running, Eli tried to keep a steady pace as he yowled, "I'll smell you both out! If it's the last thing I-" He couldn't finish his sentence, feeling something sharp smack into him from above, leaving him staggering to the right as he let out a growl. He shook his pelt, trying to untangle the branch from his thick fur that was getting knotted up from the wood. Thinking it was a coincidence, he didn't figure to look up. He would have continued to follow the scent trail, though that familiar taunting voice hit his ears like the loudest thunderstorm.

With his teeth bared, he glared up in the direction the tree branch had came tumbling down and growled low, "For the record, you ugly good for nothing flea-bag, I'm after a fish stealer... And if you want to talk, come down here and I'll show you what talking to me get's you!" He raked his claws down the tree where the cat stood and glared up; he would not attempt to climb it because it was no use. Eli knew he was meant for exploring in caves, not wandering up trees.
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: sparticles on January 16, 2015, 11:35:53 pm



"Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven."

Ravana stood quietly as she watched Eli quietly, her tail flicking in amusment as she watched the branch tumble to the ground, smacking the bear as he passed. The larger creature seemed to stagger slightly from the impact, a chuckle escaping her maw as she watched him begin to wonder off, but soon turning to glare at her. Despite him being much larger and a lot more able to do some damage she wasn't at all scared of what could happen to her by messing with this beast. She didn't get anything bad out of this, or she hadn't so far. This was sheerly for her entertainment. Allowing her tail to flick her gaze remained on the plump creature below.

Hearing the bears comment a cackle escaped the feline as she turned carefully on the branch, lifting her gaze onto surrounding trees, then back onto the bear. "It's a shame I know, but then I could look like you." she replied with a cocky tone as she lowered herself onto her haunches, allowing her tail to hang down low. Raising a brow she sighed and shook her head "Well they wouldn't need to steal it if you didn't hog it all, maybe you need to loosen up?" she grunted with a shrug. A grin then appeared on the felines face as she nodded her head. Hurling herself onto her paws she clambered across the branch and leapt down a few branches, then stopping. Still a fair distance off the ground "Now we can talk?...Don't get angry sweetie it isn't a good look...' she taunted, unsheathing her claws and running them across the branch, holding up her paw now and then to examine the sharpness of them.
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: greenart6 on January 17, 2015, 12:27:34 am
Nyota sat, drinking from a stream while Fashan stood a foot or so away, looking around to make sure no predators were nearby. His ears flicked as he became tense, noticing a bear in the distance. "It's far away. It won't harm us," Nyota said, noticing his discomfort. Curious, she stepped through the stream and headed in it's direction while Fashan stayed where he was stubbornly. "Don't go over there!" he snapped, but Nyota kept walking until stopping a few feet away from him, staring.

(Short post, and just jumping right in XD)
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShadowPaw13 on January 17, 2015, 02:45:20 am
Name-Ayatoshi (Aya)
Age-3 years
Personality-Friendly. Very aggressive when enraged.
BackGround- Aya was born to two powerful wolves. Her parents, Flare (father) and Frost (mother), have loved her much. Sadly, one dark day, her parents were lost in a fire. After the fire, Aya had to live on her own.
Other-scar across face and right eye from previous battles. Black fur,blue eyes and a tuft of fur covering her right eye. (Could not have a photo...)
(Im just going to jump right in... This is my first time.)
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on January 19, 2015, 08:44:50 pm
Accepted ^^ And you may jump in. Sorry for the late response
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: ShimmerMoonStar on January 19, 2015, 08:51:54 pm

The bear kept his steady glare on her, watching her from above as she traveled a few trees over and slid down a few branches. The bear's claws iched to rake them into the large cat and it infuriated him that he would probably still be unable to reach her. He was sure he could try and maybe get a hold of her tail, dragging her down and slamming her down to finish her off. However, he wasn't sure if he would succeed at that plan, and it would probably be better to wait and not fail.

His ears flattened at her last comment and he smirked, drool drizzling from his muzzle and leaving a slimy trail as it reached the ground and dribbled off. "Are you scared? How about you come down here...? And your claws are no where near the size or sharpness of mine, so you can stop comparing them." He smirked, his ears perking as if he heard something behind him and the scent of fox wafted towards him, however he paid it no heed as he kept his attention on the lion.
Title: Re: The Whispering South Wind
Post by: sparticles on January 20, 2015, 02:11:43 am



"Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven."

The lionesses head turned as an unfamiliar scent seemed to waft in to her snout, causing it to wrinkle slightly as she looked in the direction it was heading from. Behind the huge bear Rav managed to make out a small figure, which appeared to be a small fox. To her it was foolish for a tiny animal such as a fox to go near a bear, and even a mountain lion at that. Furrowing her brows slightly at the small creature she then just shrugged it off, they were doing no harm. But the better scram before Eli decides he's hungry again. Ravana wasn't ready to help another creatures hind. Even though it was purely for her entertainment. Allowing her gaze to wonder off of the fox and back onto the bear a smirk grew across the felines face as she shook her head and let out a tut. It was obvious that the brute was now angered a whole lot more than he was previously; it was shown through the expressions on his face and of course the actions of the bear. Although it amused her that he also seemed to be attempting to mock her. She'd give him that one. Tauntingly she allowed her tail to hang down, wondering whether the bear would reach or not - but she wasn't in reaching distance, unless lowering herself another five or six branches that is. Once the bear began to mutter on again, Rav raised her ears, tilting her head as she watched the bear with curiosity. Unlike most animals she wasn't at all scared. Even though she did know Eli was purely capable of killing her, it didn't bother her in the slightest and she found it rather amusing. Most animals had been known to just run from him. But over the years it seemed her and him had formed a sort of 'bond'. It wasn't a good one as they didn't get along with one another, it was more like one of those weird ones where they just live to annoy one another.

Giving her head a quick shake the tan pelted feline allowed her gaze to meet Elis once again, her eyes narrowed a little which made her seem intimidating along with her stance. Hearing what the brute had to say only caused her to let out a crazy sounding cackle as she shook her head "You see, even I'm not that stupid to fall for that. It's obvious you are a lot larger, and could kill me. This is all for my entertainment, buddy. Why don't you come up here?" she questioned with a tilt to her head, a grin still remained on the felines face as she hurled herself back on to her paws and turned around, heading towards the trunk of the tree she leapt another two branches or so down, but still not in reaching distance unless the bear was to actually climb. Setting herself onto her haunches once again she looked at her claws, then back at the bear. "Comparing them? Oh no, get over yourself. These are the claws I use to swipe your fish, amazing isn't it?" she spoke letting out a gentle huff, looking at the creature from the corner of her eye, a smug yet intimidating look on her face as she continued to speak tauntingly to the bear; her tail now resting over the branch. Shooting a quick glance towards the fox, her eyes then rested back on the familiar face of Eli.