Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Other Games => Topic started by: F456GH6 on January 08, 2015, 02:01:34 am

Title: Aikido MMORPG
Post by: F456GH6 on January 08, 2015, 02:01:34 am
Welcome to the world of Aikido, indeed this isn't a IT server, this is a 3D Animal world
(Our name will soon be changed)

What we are trying to do: This game will be more on the realistic side, but similar to FH & IT. We'll have many animals in this game such as Wolves, Bears, Horses, Tigers, ect. The world is yours to choose.

This game is currently in progress and we need your help sign up to be a staff @ (http://x-aikido-x.proboards.com/ (http://x-aikido-x.proboards.com/))

What's going to be in the game: Quests, Friends, Prey, Items, and much, much, more!

How to get items: You won't have to earn your items, but some will be handed out as a gift from the staff ^^'

Our team works very hard to keep this game running, a trial shall appear as soon as we can, but we make no promises as of when it will be out.

This game has been under making then over a year, and during that time we've done much.
The founder/Admin is RadleyGL.

Find some more models on http://7knox.deviantart.com/ (http://7knox.deviantart.com/)

Title: Re: Aikido MMORPG
Post by: Derpiederp on January 08, 2015, 01:18:11 pm
Sounds interesting! Too bad I can't help you in any way,
 but I'll follow the progress.
Title: Re: Aikido MMORPG
Post by: Aki1 on January 08, 2015, 03:55:17 pm
I like it, sounds interesting. I would be happy to follow the updates since sadly I wouldn't be any help to you. Are regular members allowed to sign up?
Title: Re: Aikido MMORPG
Post by: blackmailchan on January 08, 2015, 07:11:26 pm
you have the same forum theme as my forum... how embarassing :y
Title: Re: Aikido MMORPG
Post by: greenart6 on January 09, 2015, 02:40:32 am
Seems like an interesting game! Is there any screenshots of what has been done already or anything? o3o

If I had my own computer I'd be happy to help out in some way if needed. /i can make crappy rocks
Title: Re: Aikido MMORPG
Post by: RadleyGreenLions on January 09, 2015, 03:33:58 am
Seems like an interesting game! Is there any screenshots of what has been done already or anything? o3o

If I had my own computer I'd be happy to help out in some way if needed. /i can make crappy rocks

 Thank you~ And yes, we do have some work in progress stuff. Here's one of them that I'm very impressed with. Of course, it does need some work though. http://rainofbl00d.deviantart.com/art/RADLEY-AIKIDO-feline-model-485422622 (http://rainofbl00d.deviantart.com/art/RADLEY-AIKIDO-feline-model-485422622) . More is on the account.
 Credit of the animation goes to RainOfBl00d, not me.
 ~RadleyG.L. (Owner of AIKIDO)
Title: Re: Aikido MMORPG
Post by: RadleyGreenLions on January 09, 2015, 03:35:14 am
I like it, sounds interesting. I would be happy to follow the updates since sadly I wouldn't be any help to you. Are regular members allowed to sign up?

 Yes, regular members are allowed to sign up.
Title: Re: Aikido MMORPG
Post by: Twin on February 16, 2015, 03:48:59 am
Content removed. Please do not openly shame another or an organization out in the public. Keep such matters where they belong, in private with the individuals that concern the matter.