Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Topic started by: IceaPlayzPC on February 28, 2015, 06:16:57 am

Title: What is your Phobia?
Post by: IceaPlayzPC on February 28, 2015, 06:16:57 am
If there is already a thread like this, feel free to lock this~

so as the title says, what I your phobia?

oh yes, if you are curious about my phobia, I suffer an unnamed phobia, but what is it that im so scared of? prepare to have your jaw drop to the centre of the earth..... I am afraid of...... CREEPYPASTAS!

yes you heard me right, I am so scared of creepypastas, that I bail from the room if I see any footage of their stories. yell at me and insult me all you want, but insulting me will not cure my phobia :P

so anyways, what is your phobia? post it here! if you want to, like you don't have to if you don't want to

(sorry for my weird spelling, I am Canadian and I spell center as centre)
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Flamesparky on February 28, 2015, 08:21:10 am
I'm scared of dark... And spiders... And mostly of FNAF 3.... LOL
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Morqque on February 28, 2015, 11:48:50 am
I'm scared of Balloons. Every time I used to  blow them up they'd pop right in front of me, so I have like Balloon ptsd. I dont really have a problem with the balloon itself, its just the popping.

Spiders...kind of. But If i see on crawling on the wall I'd poke at it a bit then smash if, if I poke at it
and disappears somewhere, I'm moving. Burn the house down. Silverfish are worse, I hate those little aliens.
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Derpiederp on February 28, 2015, 12:09:31 pm
I'm terrified of getting stuck in places and being alone.
Not joking, once when my family left for a few days and my friends weren't home, I saw a nightmare where everyone else was dead and there were human corpses everywhere and...ugh all the humans on this planet had just died. I don't want to tell what happened in it though, it was too terrifying...
When I woke up, I sat up on my bed, screamed as loud as I could and cried.
I'm so happy my best friend was online on skype...
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: magicfairy on February 28, 2015, 12:55:35 pm
I have a big phobia of bees and wasps, I scream whenever I see them. x.x I'm afraid about getting stung by them and just them being around me, any bug that I see that's yellow with black stripes I get afraid of or as long as it looks like a bee/wasp flying around I will get scared. I often jump and run, it's not good to have during Spring and Summer.
Biggest Reason why I Like Winter: No Bees or Wasps!
Bee Phobia: Melissaphobia
Wasp Phobia: Spheksophobia

I also have a minor phobia of being in tight spaces/Closterphobia, I'm afraid of being locked in tight places. Big crowds don't annoy me, but rooms that are tiny do or any place that I'm in. For example: My closet x.x My closet is like a 15cm by 15cm closet. And sometimes cars may make be a bit afraid.
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: StarrieNova on March 01, 2015, 02:37:57 am
I am afraid of many things:
1} Spiders
2} Dark
3} Driving
4} Ice
5} Speaking my mind
6} Ghosts
7} Zombies
8} Bears
9} Camping
10} Bugs in general(ALL Bugs)
11} Guns
12} Pointy things
...and that is all I can think of right now. xD
I will add more later on. ^^
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Wyldercat on March 01, 2015, 02:42:17 am
Err... I'll just make a list...
-Falling (includes big rollercoasters)
-Needles (DEAR BETSY NO)
-Tight spaces
-Enclosed spaces

That's about it... My fears are more dangerous or pain-inflicting than actually scary.
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Hylocereus on March 01, 2015, 10:17:24 am
Parasites, and "white-coat phobia" (Doctors/Dentists/Psychologists).

Parasites are self-explanatory. The thought of a foreign being crawling around in my body freaks me RIGHT out. Sends shivers down my spine imagining it.

Doctors and such, well I wasn't a very co-operative child when it came to getting patched up and getting needles stuck in me so I always associated them with bad things. I'm not as much of a wuss now but I still really would rather not deal with them.
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Ellen11v on March 01, 2015, 12:24:22 pm
I have Phobiaphobia
I'm scared of having Phobia XD
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Jackkdaw on March 01, 2015, 02:51:55 pm
Mental asylums.
Mental asylums are not ok.
idk they freak me out to no end, sounds weird but people who are severely mentally unstable scare the crap out of me.
Also, I can't drive on large bridges suspended over water.
I have a worst case scenario mindset when driving on those things.
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: wolflover18178 on March 01, 2015, 10:02:31 pm
Ah. My fears.

Where shall I start xD

Spiders, dentists, loosing Bieber, bugs, heights, FNAF, FNAF2, FNAF3, maybe a possible FNAF4,
fan made FNAFS, darkness, when my wolf growls, when my mom sees candy wrappers and chocolate
all over the floor that I wasn't supposed to have, (LOL.) shadows, (Shadow Bonnie could be any one of
them...) those balls in the stores that have the sharp looking things.. idk what they're called xD,
loosing weight, (I'm underweight :|) claws, going in my closet because there's a box full of stuff
and that's where spiders love to hang out, selena gomez, loud noises, jumpscares, losing chocolate, touching meat, LOOSING BIEBER...

Oh dear Bieber did I just write all that.

There's a lot more I'm scared of almost everything xDD
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: WolfQueen on March 01, 2015, 11:58:28 pm
i'm deathly afraid of the dentist, due to bad experiences. i start having a bunch of anxiety when im in a dentist office. i even get queasy when im near a dentist building. though i haven't been in a dentist office for a while, because my mother "doesn't have the money" aka "i dun't want 2 spend $$$ on u lol." thank god though, because it takes a lot of effort to actually get me into the chair. a stranger poking inside of my mouth with sharp metal objects for money? pls no.

parasites, like someone else mentioned, are super terrifying to me. i'm terrified of something crawling around inside me and slowly killing me. uggghh just don't get me started.

hmm, i can't think of anything else as the moment...
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: wolfdog01 on March 02, 2015, 05:31:37 am
Herm...mine would be....anything to do with the tearing of nails...annnd.....some heights and rollarcoasters....uh...throwing up is a major one!!!.....um....Idk what else
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: wolflover18178 on March 02, 2015, 05:21:46 pm
throwing up is a major one!!!

OHYES. I forgot about that one.

That's mine too XD

I totally get traumatized when I think I'm gonna throw up :/
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: DreamerDay on March 03, 2015, 12:02:34 am
To be honest, I'm basically scared of nature.

Like, for example. Whenever I'm on grass I have to tip toe my way across because I just hate stepping in it, especially if there's a pile full of ants. Speaking of pile of ants, anthills. Whenever I see them I instantly get the goose bumps. I have insects. I hate bugs. I hate it.

Like, this one time when I was younger, a bug was crawling on me and I literally flip. I started crying to. XD. My mom thought I was having problems, but I told what happened.


I believe in ghosts and spirits. Im afraid of any type of doll. I don't care if they're cute but just in look in their eyes for a few seconds and see the horror. Dolls are possessed. D:
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: adrianna1 on March 03, 2015, 12:09:37 am
vuv The fear of driving. Apparently it has no Latin term, so I will just go with the closest to it, Hodophobia.
I've just always been terrified of the thought of driving a vehicle. o-o Thinking about what would happen if I were to get in a wreck.
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Kastilla on March 03, 2015, 12:28:44 am
Wolfie hates water.
swimming. forget about it.
yeah. elevators = nononononoooo.
i am also afraid of large crowds, speaking infront of others(that being both stage or 1 on 1), failing in front of others, being obese, heavy amounts of filth, odd smells, public restrooms, random people touching me, going into a sleep-induced coma, surgery that fails, breaking a rib and have it puncturing something, appendix bursting, being eaten, mutilated, buried or burned alive, bugs, worms, parasites, and hair dryers, cars, planes, trains, fans, and of course... needles.
... ooh, good 'ol nightmares. *quiver*
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Dreamwalker on March 07, 2015, 07:36:09 pm
I have social anxiety "social phobia", which is a fear of interaction with people, be it strangers or just being in a crowd of people.
As well as hemophobia - the fear of blood, and mottephobia - the fear of moths. I also have a fear of heights, water that is above my head, the darkness, almost all bugs, and miscellaneous other things.
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Akakios on March 12, 2015, 01:59:06 am

I have Trypophobia, fear of holes and I would highly advise against searching it up.
I also have Nyctophobia, fear of the dark, Xenophobia, not of people but the fear of the unknown bit, Agoraphobia, which is mainly caused by large crowds (it's so bad I can't go to the bathroom by myself if there is even a small group of people near it),  Cleithrophobia, fear of being stuck, and Claustrophobia, fear of tight places. Hehe, not so bad now that is see my list is kinda small.
So recap.
  • Trypophobia : fear of holes
  • Nyctophobia : fear of the dark
  • Xenophobia : fear of the unknown
  • Agoraphobia : fear of crowds
  • Cleithrophobia : fear of getting stuck
  • Claustrophobia : fear of tight places
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: S. Italy/Romano on March 12, 2015, 04:34:11 am
Well, I'd say mine is relatively short compared to most...

I have these three

Thanatophobia; fear of death.

Cancerophobia or Carcinophobia; fear of cancer.

Parasitophobia; fear of parasites.

Even then I'm not quite sure about this last one I have

Insectophobia; fear of insects.

I love handling insects, as long as I know where they are and I can see them. The part where I freak is when they're in my bed at night and I can't see them, and even then, I end up furiously slamming any hard object I can find to try and kill it rather than cower in the corner of my room, so I suppose it's more of an intolerance.
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Yognaught on March 27, 2015, 10:32:15 pm

My phobias:

Autophobia: Fear of being left alone/ignored.

Mottephobia: Fear of moths

Other fears are:

Elevators, spiders, being kidnapped/robbed/killed, adults, being shouted at, angry people and having children
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Master_callos on March 28, 2015, 12:02:09 am
No phobias for me, luckily.

Although, I do have an irrational hatred of balloons. Whenever there are balloons around I just clam up because i'm afraid they'll burst. It can't be the noise because I've fired guns in the past with no problem. Maybe I do have a phobia ;_;
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Stuck in Limbo on May 02, 2015, 12:14:08 pm
I have a phobia of (you're not going to believe this) extractor fans. Yeah, the fans you sometimes find in toilets, I hate them.
Tryophobia - fear of irregularly shaped holes. I swear they freak me out something terrible. My advice is DON'T search it on google image.
I also have a phobia of balloons.
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: TheApplePie on May 02, 2015, 10:48:41 pm
I am forever afraid of snakes and spiders
even though I don't believe in supernatural creatures, they are seriously my worst fear out of anything ever
it's the fear of not being able to stop them from doing...supernatural stuff
they are just not ok
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Hooli on May 02, 2015, 11:00:12 pm
I'm scared of;

Any kind of flying bug (yes, even butterflies.)
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Kibacher on May 04, 2015, 05:23:12 am
Open water
Physical deformity (on myself) E.G Loss of limb, blindness, deafness

But my worst is E.T (the movie) I can't even stand people doing anything to do with it. I start to freak out and cry and have panic attacks. I have to sleep with my grandmother because I'm terrified he is in my room.

The sad thing about that last one is I'm a 17 year old haha
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Warriorstrike on May 10, 2015, 03:10:58 am
Sometimes I wonder if I have a phobia of life...
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Riggs on May 16, 2015, 05:48:26 am

Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: xXQueenXx on May 16, 2015, 10:47:33 am
Holes in the skin... Or just loads of holes in general.
I can't handle it.
I just...
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: WolfQueen on May 16, 2015, 11:54:30 pm
Holes in the skin... Or just loads of holes in general.
I can't handle it.
I just...
that's a natural phobia btw
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Cloverbasil on May 17, 2015, 03:51:46 am
The dark.
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Echoing harmony on May 17, 2015, 02:10:01 pm
I have some Height fear (Depends if I am strapped into a seat or I could walk.) Annd the dark.
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: warriorcats17 on May 17, 2015, 02:42:40 pm
I'm afraid of many things.
1: Dark
3: Everyone dies...
Title: Re: What is your Phobia?
Post by: Adorableness on May 17, 2015, 06:12:59 pm
I don't really know the names of any phobias, but...
I'm afraid of all insects, especially spiders and ants.
I'm afraid of dark, empty places.
I'm afraid of heights.
I'm afraid of driving on a bridge.
And i'm afraid of most dangerous animals.
My friend read a book about dangerous animals and how they could kill you, and I couldn't get away from him reading it, so yeah.