Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Member Bio & Journals => Topic started by: Jackkdaw on March 14, 2015, 06:48:52 pm

Title: Jackdaw's fab Bio {Update}
Post by: Jackkdaw on March 14, 2015, 06:48:52 pm

Welcome to my new and improved biography~

About Moi~

For you curious creepers this is meh:
Lol I was with my friend, so I just slapped my dog's face over her's real quick for privacy's sake. XD

General Info:
o I am currently 20 Years old- my birthday is October 5th.
o I am a Bible-believing Christian- I believe the only way to get to heaven is through God's grace by faith- that Jesus Christ is God, and He died a horrible death for our sake and rose again three days later, showing His power over death and sin. There is no such thing as a good person, as we are all sinners, but Christ loves us anyway and wants to have a relationship with us all.
o I play the drums for my youth group band (since 9th grade) and for the church service Sundays
o My current favorite band is Planetshakers
o My favorite movies are Young Guns and Les Miserables.
o My favorite video game in the history of ever is Assassin's Creed: Black Flag (and AC3) (Obviously XD)
o I am only 5'1" XD
o I have a 2 year old boxer named Tyson. He is ma life.
o I recently got a full time job at Bic Graphic. (Yes. the pen place.)
o My favorite animal is the Thylacine.
o I was born in northern Indiana, but live in Florida currently.
o I am currently single. and ready for a Pringle.
o I recently got a tattoo- on my right, inner ankle-
It is Hebrew for Elohim- an Old Testament name for God that means "Creator God."

o Photoshopping stupid things like these:
o Edward Kenway mmmmmmm
o Dead things (skulls, pelts, soft mounts)
o Attack on Titan
o Fishing/hunting
o Weapons *Waves tomahawk around*
o Dawgs
o Things that smell good
o Coffee omg coffee
o The ocean
o Vasks' butt chin//shot

o The current president, oops
o The cold (anything below 50 degrees 'cause I'm a Floridian sissy)
o When people disrespect God.
o Waking up
o Small, yappy annoying dogs like yorkies.
o My job lol
o Children..

My Baes~
Alpha Eclipse
Hugh Jackman

My Characters~
*** FH Preset download- http://www.mediafire.com/download/xgp48zfdfsn1n36/Jean_Valjean_7.fhp (http://www.mediafire.com/download/xgp48zfdfsn1n36/Jean_Valjean_7.fhp)
o Gringo~
o Kelso~
*****FH Preset download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/c7u6b5031dgt1wu/Jean_Valjean_8.fhp (http://www.mediafire.com/download/c7u6b5031dgt1wu/Jean_Valjean_8.fhp)
o Canton ~
o Molek ~
o Ferdinand ~

Random Fun Facts~
o I own a coyote skull (named Kyle), a sheep skull (named Sharon), a coyote headdress (named Stephen), and have a whole coyote soft mount on the way!
o I am really bad with money XD
o I am getting a tattoo this coming Monday on my foot of "Elohim" in Hebrew (it means Creator, God)
o When I go to Bath and Body Works, I can't leave until I have sniffed everything.
o Half of my right front tooth is fake and I have TMJ (lockjaw) thanks to faceplanting on cement when I was 11
o I can't eat steak, gum, or anything tough or chewy, or my jaw will lock up.
o I have been to France and Peru
o I have a great metabolism, so I can literally eat as much as I want without even gaining a pound.
o One time I went to a Pizza Hut buffet and ate 8 pieces of pizza.
o People think I'm 12 a lot.
o I cry at least once in almost every single movie I watch now. (Thanks, Les Miserables. You turned me into a cry baby)
o I'm hecka lazy. Can't even run up stairs without panting.
o I taught myself how to play electric guitar, and learned acoustic with the help of one of my fab band mates and good friend. <3
o You will never convince me I cannot have a relationship with a fictional character. Shhh.

Well, there 'ye have it. Feel free to ask me any questions you have.

Also you can stalk me here:

My dA: http://jackdawthefabulous.deviantart.com/ (http://jackdawthefabulous.deviantart.com/)
My Skype: Jimmeh-Jackdaw (Juss lemme know who 'ye are)
Title: Re: Jackdaw's fab, Updated Bio~
Post by: Luna. on March 14, 2015, 07:35:47 pm
This is the most beautiful biograghy I've ever laid eyes on.
Title: Re: Jackdaw's fab, Updated Bio~
Post by: Jackkdaw on March 14, 2015, 07:40:50 pm
Mmmmm #FloridaSwag *High five*
Danke, bby
Title: Re: Jackdaw's fab, Updated Bio~
Post by: Luna. on March 14, 2015, 07:46:44 pm
You're welcome gurl
Title: Re: Jackdaw's fab Bio {Update}
Post by: Jackkdaw on March 21, 2015, 03:06:45 pm
**Update** Got a tattoo. ;3