Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: darkrose101 on April 05, 2015, 05:14:43 am

Title: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: darkrose101 on April 05, 2015, 05:14:43 am
Hey guys! How do you write your bios? I have seen many interesting ones. Do you use a special way for all your characters? I would love to know!
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: wolfdog01 on April 05, 2015, 05:28:25 am
Well I usually always put the Sex, Age, BackStory, and Personality. Simple but sweet and highlight of the main points of each character.....wow this was a short reply XP but yeah, that's basically how I do it
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Morqque on April 05, 2015, 06:14:13 am
Pretty much just add all the basic information; physical appearance;
and personality traits. Maybe throw in some creative little symbols here and there. Nothing
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: opticker on April 05, 2015, 06:51:59 am
What i normally do is write a small novel about the character, usually about half a page, and include all the information i need to present in it. and if i missed anything i just put it into a side note. Remember to always give your character a personality, like dislikes and habits, perhaps if your wolf is a mutant you could say that he tends to swing his scorpion tail around when he is happy, or if the wolf has a robotic leg that it limps allot. simple things like that.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Vespian on April 05, 2015, 09:47:50 am
It generally depends as to where the bio is bein' typed, whether it be in-game or here on the forums/some other website.

In-game, Vespian tends to start off the biography with my character's name (full name, preferably). Then underneath that, Vespian will put that particular character's chosen subtitle (e.g, for Vespian, it's The Mad-eyed Devil). The subtitle serves for role-play purposes mainly and to differentiate my characters from others who are addressed by the same callin'.
Underneath that, I will lay out the basic details that I deem important to know (e.g, gender, age, species, if they're betrothed to anyone, relatives that are alive, any possible descendants, etc.) then, following suit will be any acquaintances that character has made throughout the time I've spent role-playin' with them.
With some characters, such as Yusei, Vespian will add any physical disabilities the character may be endurin' but normally such details will only be laid out in the biography if it's somethin' more severe than just an inflicted wound. Some examples would be if the character suffers with anemia, has occasional spurts of amnesia, if they have a weak constitution or eating disorder, etc.
Then comes the fun part of addin' a selective few "Fun Facts" as I would like to call 'em regardin' anythin' I deem necessary for the reader to know. These tidbits are normally one sentence per fact and they are very short and to the point of what I'd like to get across. The content they carry usually range from how the character may act, somethin' they like/dislike, any phobias they may have, their favorite hobbies, etc.
Scroll down a bit and you'll come across links that will direct ye to the character's preset (since all of my characters have presets), the character's natural appearance drawn by a lovely artist (to which I will credit; this is for those characters whose appearance may differ a little than what the FeralHeart models provide), a link that will direct them to their full biography (since ye're only able to fit so much about a character in the in-game bios), and sometimes even a link that will direct them to their species' information (for characters who are of a species originally made by someone).
Lastly, I'll add the copyright sign and year as to when I crafted the character to indicate that the character and their biography are mine and mine alone (e.g, Vespian ((c)) Dishonored; 2013).
If I have room after typin' all of that in, I may go back and add a fittin' quote that the character may say to reflect who they are to onlookers (e.g, for Vespian, his biography quote is, "I am the beast that stares into Heaven with a thousand eyes.")

As for biographies written on the forums/any other website, well they tend to be the same only much, much more detailed and decorative. I like to add photos of my characters drawn by other artists here as well as a legitimate, detailed back story that I do not bother much to try to summarize and squeeze in on the in-game bios. I'll also add more basic information such as what their reputation may be, what organization they were a part of last, a theme song, etc.
Along with that, I'll add more fun facts and character ties that I may have been unable to fit within the in-game bio.
As stated, there's little of a difference between the in-game and forum/other website bios other than one is ten times more descriptive and actually provides a typed out back story containin' a character's origin and history while the other is more blunt and not as wordy for those who would only like to know the present details.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: DreamerDay on April 05, 2015, 09:50:28 am
-Comment remove-
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Hylocereus on April 05, 2015, 12:15:35 pm
 /whistles lowly. WELL. My forums bios are usually novels all on their own in size.  (http://renascentia.freeforums.net/thread/24/yuura)

My ingame bios tend to be shorter - just a summary of basics, status, notable scars/injuries, items if any, size and weight, that kind of thing. I love reading other people's bios - I don't mind if they're of titanic proportions. The character limit is kind of short though so it amuses me seeing people try to pack masses of info into one small box.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: GhostPuma on April 05, 2015, 01:28:45 pm
Kinda depends. If I really want to flesh out the character I will write the age, species, name, height, weight, personality, gender, sex, etc. But, I don't always do this. Sometimes I use the bio as an informative thing, linking certain things in it. Or I just give a quick summary in about 2-5 sentences.
Really, it depends on my mood.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: greenart6 on April 05, 2015, 03:20:15 pm
In-game, I usually have something like this:

Name:  | Gender: | Age: | Species: | Friends/Family/Allies: | Enemies: | Personality: | History: | Injuries: | Preset:

Yeah, pretty simple and basic. But it's to the point and easy to understand, unlike some bios which have weird wolfspeakish terms and such or way too many unnecessary things. I'm not a fan of writing/reading bios which don't have everything simply laid out and are instead in a huge paragraph, but that's just me.

To make a bio on forums, look here.
http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=48609.0 (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=48609.0)

I'm pretty sure they were asking how everybody each writes their in-game bios, not how to write a member bio on here ^^
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Nemena on April 05, 2015, 04:45:29 pm
I generally just opt for name, species, gender and presets/artwork before writing a few paragraphs of description about their appearance or personality. I leave history entirely out of the biography; I'd rather people found it out themselves through IC interaction. Similarly, family ties, love interests and such can be left to be discovered-- I always prefer to have some mystery about the character rather than having everything about them, from favourite colour to grandma, listed in their biography. Website profiles are definitely more suited for an information overload; if I'm there, I'm interested and want to know everything about them!

In short, I usually just keep it to anything your character would be able to see upon looking at mine-- I don't feel any other information's necessary for my own roleplay.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Flamesparky on April 05, 2015, 05:47:42 pm
I have to ways of typing bios: When my wolf is in pack and when it isn't.
When it is, then I put information like gender, age, powers (if any), personality and stuff like that.
When it isn't, then I just mess around and make something more like Rp sample.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Jango_Fett on April 05, 2015, 06:13:02 pm
My bios are pretty basic.

With the name, gender, offspring, species, kin, ect.

Although, lately I've gotten into more story driven ones, and have even gone so far as to have the character themself narrate their own bio.

Or, it's just a random recording of things that have happened.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Yognaught on April 05, 2015, 09:16:19 pm
I keep it short, enough information for people to understand my character.

- Name
- Age
- Gender
- Breed
- Sexuality

That's it. Sometimes, if I develop a character enough, I'll put their personality/and or backstory into it.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: DreamerDay on April 05, 2015, 09:37:47 pm
Whoops, so I did a little mistake.

Anyway, when it comes to creating and describing my character- in an instant, I would come to writer's block. Usually I like using other people's work to help me on the words choice and grammer, but other than, I just like to use picture. Generally, I like the basics first since its more faster and easier. But it comes to Bio/History, Personality, and other deep stuff I might leave it for later.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Rizzla on April 05, 2015, 10:20:40 pm
For me, it depends where the bio is being written and which character it is.

Because of that annoying word limit, my in-game bios are usually just really messy, profile style things that leave out most of the actually important stuff.. Or I don't bother trying to write anything there at all x'D

When I have an unlimited amount of space to type (The forum, for instance), motivation, and time, I go completely overboard with EVERYTHING. This is something I only just started doing recently (AKA 3 days ago), but it will typically contain...

- Basic info such as name, age, breed, etc

- Relationship stats

- About 657456 (Okay, so maybe that's an exaggeration) paragraphs explaining his/her personality + Random rambling

- The theme song, also explaining how it relates to the character

- Information about any powers the character has, if any

- Quotes

- etc

However, the bio may range in size, depending on the character. For instance, Boogie is my fursona, so his is somewhat shorter because I don't roleplay with him. And Saischa, Summit, and Scragues' (Well, not the one of him I posted here. That was a huge WIP) bios are huge because I write about the three of them and they're all extremely complex when it comes to their powers and stats.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Misinterpreted on April 05, 2015, 10:47:39 pm
Ummm... Depends really but most of the time I just put the name, gender, species, personality, relationship, group they are in, and a small description of the appearance. o:
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Sandytails on April 06, 2015, 05:32:23 pm
I always do



It's very basic but ah ok
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Dngerboom on April 17, 2015, 11:03:45 am
I find myself writing out biographies that are soo MASSIVELY huge there is simply no way I can summarize a characters story. I refuse to - since you miss MASSIVE amounts of information of the characters backstory.

Now, I simply but a link to my characters HEAVY read information.
And basic status updates, such as...
Breed of animal
Physical condition
Mental condition
Common locations where character can be found

Sums it all in a nutshell.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Wolfypuppy on April 19, 2015, 03:57:16 pm
I remember I tried to fancy one of my character's Bio with things like: "Clock ticks to 5 months" etc,but then after I removed the character I decided to go for something more simple like how I've done before:

Name; Gender; Species; Age; Looks; *Mother; Father; Siblings; Likes; Dislikes; Abilities;* Personality; Backstory; *Crush.*

The '*' symbols are stating that the sections inside them are optional for me,depending on the character/space to write/pure laziness.

And that's it. It's pretty basic,I know,but I figured prettying up like other users was filling too much space for the Bio limit in-game and actually kind of unnecessary. Just my opinion,though.
I may add/remove categories depending on which character I use,but what's above is what I would normally use. Also,I usually only write Bios for characters of mine when they're on a RP/RP group. I'm not very good with Bios,really.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: TouchOfMadness on April 19, 2015, 04:08:42 pm
I suppose it depends on the character. If it is a character I'm proud of or attached to I tend to write a very detailed narrative describing their life. If it's a character I made out of boredom or a fleeting fancy, Im decidedly lazy about the bio, typing out a string of basic information and perhaps a vague backstory. And of course random attacks of writer's block factor in occasionally. ::)
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on April 19, 2015, 10:36:45 pm
My character biographies give off basic information
Family/kin: (some of them have it)
And basic back-story or background of the character.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Warriorstrike on May 10, 2015, 02:01:35 am

Kidding, kidding...It's hard to write bios nowadays due to my sister's incredible stalking capabilities...
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Kibacher on May 10, 2015, 10:53:46 am
My single character bios (such as on FH chars) are generally just the norm e.g





Then theres my full on character RP bios. Which tend to last a page, usually written in first person. Then they add the details to their own story, much like a diary or an interview. I try to make them as personal and descriptive as I can

writers block rules my life though, so it usually ends up a babble of nothing
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Owly on May 12, 2015, 02:27:37 pm
I actually don't use the bios unless there's a preset attached to the character, and then I credit the preset maker. Sometimes, it explains who the character is. But it never goes into detail.

I always put the more detailed bios on the sites that the character belongs to. Sometimes my bios say something utterly random, but who knows what they all are anymore. Most of them I've long forgotten.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: xXQueenXx on May 12, 2015, 03:33:37 pm
My bios are always pretty straightforward, with just the necessary information other people might want to know. I kind of envy the people who can manage to write an amazing backstory and still have room to place in all the needed information about their character.
It's kind of annoying when people use a different game window size and your bio layout looks goofy, so I never use too many ;/:/./,/>/</*/^/| decoration symbols.
Title: Re: How Do You Write Your Bios?
Post by: Berrymutt on May 12, 2015, 06:50:54 pm
I normally don't get into full detail seeing as the actual space for the bio is so small. Normally if the character has a preset then the link to the preset would be in there along with basic information like Name, Gender, Species, Age, etc. all the good things you need to know in order to roleplay with that character. The full bios of most of my characters are posted onto the site for the roleplay/group they belong to or they are written down into my computer files.