Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Other Games => Topic started by: Wolflover224 on April 18, 2015, 07:26:45 pm

Title: Does anyone know a good horse roleplaying game?
Post by: Wolflover224 on April 18, 2015, 07:26:45 pm
I was looking around on the internet, wondering if there was a game where you can play as a horse. However, all of the games had either tame horses/racers/riders or were on a forum/site. I was going to ask anyone if they knew a game where you can play as a horse, but isn't based around riding/taming and on a forum or site.

Title: Re: Does anyone know a good horse roleplaying game?
Post by: Hooli on April 18, 2015, 09:47:25 pm
There's Star Stable, but I'm not too sure if that's a full on role playing game or not.
Title: Re: Does anyone know a good horse roleplaying game?
Post by: Owly on April 20, 2015, 11:04:54 am
There's Star Stable, but I'm not too sure if that's a full on role playing game or not.

While Star Stable is probably the best game to try and role play in. The game is not for role playing in the slightest. There's an extremely picky [not as bad as WolfQuest] filter, a small typing limit per post, and the fact the game is meant for questing and meeting people.
Though, often than most, you see "role plays" advertised on a daily basis, though if you're used to paragraph posting, or even just proper sentence structure, you may be disappointed...

Other than Star Stable, there really aren't other horse games that are circled around being a horse. Games like Furcadia [which is practically 2D and that game is really old fashioned], and possible IT servers with a horse model can be used. Otherwise, Feral Heart creativity is your best option.
Title: Re: Does anyone know a good horse roleplaying game?
Post by: Bawfle on April 20, 2015, 11:52:58 am

But yea, Star stable is a really great game. Not a good one for much role-playing, but there are a few people that love to. There's also another game coming out soon called Riding high, it looks really exciting!
Title: Re: Does anyone know a good horse roleplaying game?
Post by: Rizzla on April 20, 2015, 01:19:45 pm
Star Stable is probably your best option... Though like Owlus said, it's based on questing and competitions instead of roleplay, for the most part. Even if you did find roleplayers over there I doubt it would work out, seeing as how most of the players there are younger, and the chat filter doesn't help much either.

There's a game I play called Howrse, though. It's a breeding-style browser thing, but they have forums where people host roleplays of various types. I can't tell you what those are like, considering I've never actually joined one, but my friend has and she says they're fine.
I think it's worth the try... I find it a tad too competitive, but if you're only there to roleplay that wouldn't be an issue.
Title: Re: Does anyone know a good horse roleplaying game?
Post by: toonanimals317 on April 20, 2015, 02:41:15 pm
Alicia is a Korean made horse game that's still in the Beta stages of development and while it's a fun game it's not really for Roleplaying and there's not much you can do in it. You can hardly customize your character and if you name your horse is stays a brown one, but if you leave it nameless it changes every time you go on, but like I said it's still in development and I think a lot more customization will be added not only for the character but for the horse as well. I believe there is going I be breeding and questing involved. It's not really a Roleplay game like I said but it is a fun horse riding game!

On another note I've honestly NEVER seen a game were you can actually play AS THE HORSE and not the rider, with the exception being a few Impressive Title servers that actually have the playable horse models, but even then most people play as a feline or canine.