Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Lady_Alizarin on April 25, 2015, 05:25:08 am

Title: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on April 25, 2015, 05:25:08 am

No, not that kind of nursing


That kind of nursing

There have been only a few times I've seen people in roleplays act out a mother nursing her young. Like Warrior she-cat queens nursing her kittens, or one time a wolf nursing her young pups. I think it's no big deal, because it happens in real life. However, I've seen some people express how they think it's disturbing that people would roleplay a scene of a mother animal nursing her young. For example, the other day I was on my unicorn character and my friend was on playing the role of her little foal. The foal would sometimes go up to her mother to nurse for a bit. Then someone was like, "Eww that's gross!" I was like, "What? Do you mean the foal nursing?" and they replied, "Yes. Why would you let the foal nurse from you? Thats nasty to watch." They started scolding us like we were being offensive and breaking rules. The other roleplayers around us thought nothing of it. In fact, some were saying that it's a natural thing to happen between a mare and her foal, as well as other mammals.
I've seen another situation happen when there were these jaguar roleplayers. The mother jaguar was nursing her two cubs, and someone called them out saying they were being inappropriate. I didn't think the jaguar roleplayers were doing anything wrong, but a couple of people did. They weren't roleplaying in a vulgar way, not that I thought. But I guess it depends on other people's views.

I do know that nursing a baby in public has become a controversial topic in America. Some people think nothing of it, while others think it's offensive and sexual. Has this kind of mentality spread to Feral Heart as well?

What are your thoughts on roleplay nursing? Does it bother you, or do you not really care?
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: BigSkippy on April 25, 2015, 05:44:43 am
I personally see no issue with this, it is a natural thing and in no way is it disturbing? I'm sure everyone has at one point seen their dog nursing her puppies or their cat nursing her kittens are they going to tell their dog/cat that its disturbing?something like this everyone has seen at one point or another in the real world it is not in my eyes inappropriate I say let them do it unless it's going over board with graphic details then I could understand not wanting to see it however that is why the block button is there. I am sure other staff might have a different view on this but to me nope! I find this fine if it's being kept appropriate for the age groups that play this game.
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: wolfdog01 on April 25, 2015, 12:32:38 pm
I think nursing is a beautiful thing. It shows that a mother is actually caring of her child and wants them, as well as their species, to live. Although I have not seen this in game yet, if I do I will be sure to say something lol I didn't people found it gross, they should be wanting to rp that as well, because it IS a natural thing of life, and if those people who complain about realisim, then they need to rp nursing if that's the case, they need to rp every detail of their species.
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: Jango_Fett on April 25, 2015, 12:44:24 pm
Confession time: I've rolelplayed nursing before.

It's a natural thing to happen for animals, and, honestly, is not sexual in any way shape or form.
To me, at any rate.

It helps add to the bond of the mother and her offspring, plus it's the only way the younger babies can get food.
I'd rather them nurse than them starve.

But yes, I have nothing against this.
I am all for it.
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: DreamerDay on April 25, 2015, 01:16:26 pm
Lets think about it. Define Nursing. Think about it and shout it out. :)

Definition for Nursing, to me, is willing to show you care about your baby unlike some people. You hold possession and warmth. Like most mothers, you are even protecting. When I look at it I find it such a adorable thing to look, even when the pups (or any animal) whine and playfully climb over each other to get the first suck. Not only, but you able to get a chance to watch Nature and her stunning ways.
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: LordSuragaha on April 25, 2015, 01:42:37 pm
I see nothing wrong with nursing in roleplay or any aspect. Given that this game is about canines & felines which are mammals nursing should be a regular thing as it is what mammals do to nourish their offspring. While nursing is an extremely personal thing it's not the kind of personal you get from sexual things especially when it is between a mother and her young. I will admit to playing both mother & offspring durin roleplay nursing and sometimes it can be awkward to roleplay it out with a person. I don't think the awkwardness comes from feeling bad about nursing but rather what others will think when you do it since many people easily corrupt that sort of behavior. I guess some things come with maturity? Nursing is a beautiful time between a mother and her young to grow closer to each other. Without nursing young mammals would'nt survive. Nursing is what allows pups, kits, and cubs to grow stronger.

Perhaps the stigma against nursing also comes from users who like to rush through their characters growth instead of taking it easily and developing them.
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: WhiteLightHeart on April 25, 2015, 03:57:26 pm
I'd say the topic of nursing was an issue to that individual because of it being controversial in America (assuming they're an American user, of course, though this may not be the case).

I personally think nothing of it, and I think it's a precious (and necessary) thing if you're roleplaying mammals, who do in fact nurse their young. There's nothing sexual about it, and just part of a mother and offspring's existence for a time in their development.

This user probably had an upbringing that made them frown upon such an action, though I've never quite seen someone get in a tizzy over it with an animal game. o:
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: Sandytails on April 25, 2015, 06:25:46 pm
I see absolutely no problem with rping nursing. If anything, it adds realism. Just ignore the people 'disturbed' by it. If they don't like it, they can always block. It sounds harsh, but those rping such a harmless situation won't have to be affected by people like that.
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: WolfQueen on April 25, 2015, 06:47:05 pm
That person sounds like they've been sheltered from the real world by their parents for too long tbh. Nursing is a unique, natural, beautiful thing for mammals and it's not at all inappropriate. It's how a mother feeds their young when they can't eat meat yet, so it's very important for the growth of the baby too. We're mammals ourselves. Almost hairless, two legged, severely intelligent mammals. Everyone should understand it and accept it.
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: Wyldercat on April 26, 2015, 12:44:14 pm
Personally, I find nothing wrong with nursing... I mean, if you really want a realistic roleplay, the kids gotta eat, right?
It's really just nature, and I'm really not bothered by it unless it's really descriptive in which it may be a bit awkward. But, yeah, I've played several mother characters, and I've always made sure to include this.

However, I can see why this would disturb some. Especially where I live, censorship is a big deal. And, well, nursing seems to be a bit... off. But it's not like they're humans.
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: alexterri on April 28, 2015, 01:58:55 am
I don't see any problem with it tbh. I mean, nursing is something that happens in real life all the time, and it's not sexual.

Also, I'd be wiling to bet that those players were Americans. Nursing seems to be kind of taboo in America [I think it's treated the same in Canada where I live but I'm not 100% sure]
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: jay warfang on May 14, 2015, 04:42:49 am
Babies need to eat and in nature an animal can't exactly whip up a batch of formula and bottle feed an infant nursing is not inappropriate in any way, shape or form. I doubt anyone would raise a fuss about an adult character feeding on plants or other animals but since nursing happens to involve a nipple people get their panties in a bunch and try to tell people it's not okay.

In nature an animal nurses not only to nourish it's young (Would it be more inappropriate to role play an infant starving? or would that be okay with these people?) but also to develop a parental bond. An infant that does not nurse will frequently have abandonment issues or be socially stunted and mothers that do not nurse also tend to be generally poor mothers (and as we know poor mothers in nature tend to eat or abandon their babies). Animals do nurse and it's not a gross or (As I assume these people feel) sexual thing it is however a nurturing and natural behavior.

Further more I wanna say that since animals do not understand the idea of nudity breasts are not a big deal, really they should not be a big deal ever but "oh noes! it's mildly related to female sexuality, we must shield the youth!" or some other dumb garbage. Really anyone who behaves like nursing is inappropriate is acting like a child or religious extremist.

Jay got just a little bit into ranty essay mode here. Sorry 'bout that.
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: Meadowstar01 on May 15, 2015, 03:06:39 am
Babies need to eat and in nature an animal can't exactly whip up a batch of formula and bottle feed an infant nursing is not inappropriate in any way, shape or form. I doubt anyone would raise a fuss about an adult character feeding on plants or other animals but since nursing happens to involve a nipple people get their panties in a bunch and try to tell people it's not okay.

In nature an animal nurses not only to nourish it's young (Would it be more inappropriate to role play an infant starving? or would that be okay with these people?) but also to develop a parental bond. An infant that does not nurse will frequently have abandonment issues or be socially stunted and mothers that do not nurse also tend to be generally poor mothers (and as we know poor mothers in nature tend to eat or abandon their babies). Animals do nurse and it's not a gross or (As I assume these people feel) sexual thing it is however a nurturing and natural behavior.

Further more I wanna say that since animals do not understand the idea of nudity breasts are not a big deal, really they should not be a big deal ever but "oh noes! it's mildly related to female sexuality, we must shield the youth!" or some other dumb garbage. Really anyone who behaves like nursing is inappropriate is acting like a child or religious extremist.

Jay got just a little bit into ranty essay mode here. Sorry 'bout that.

I completely agree with what you said. People nowdays freak out over what is very natural. o_e
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: Echoing harmony on May 15, 2015, 08:32:05 pm
People who think Nursing is Vulgar are possibly people who do not understand realism or maybe little children. Thus' I have no problem with nursing in rp. For I have done myself, and I think people over re-act to it because it isn't something they see everyday in the game. More less, there isn't a problem with it.  :)
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: Kenji89 on May 15, 2015, 09:02:23 pm
I'm perfectly fine with nursing. You can't have a very very young pup, cub, what have you that is suddenly equipped with the teeth and digestive properties to eat meat. Nursing is a necessity and I don't find anything wrong or gross with a natural process.

Those that are grossed out by nursing are just about as bad as the people that are grossed out by the public breast feeding of women, just my opinion of course. No desire to offend anybody.
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: Saba on June 20, 2015, 10:33:20 am
I don't see anything bad about it. It's natural with all mammals. It shows us how strong the bond is between mother and her young.
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: StarrieNova on June 21, 2015, 12:50:27 am
Nursing is a natural thing tat women do to their children what animals do with their young. So in my eyes this is nothing disturbing or terrible to witness.
Title: Re: What Are Your Thoughts on Nursing?
Post by: Goldroses on June 21, 2015, 05:02:56 am
I dont see anything wrong with nurseing. I think it's natural and in no way sexual. Why would it be? I have never seen a woman get pregant from her baby nurseing. Lots of animals nurse, it's natural. Plus, I haven't ever seen a movie rated "R" for nurseing. It's not like little kids dont know about it (unless they are an only child, the youngest, or mom refuses to use anything but the bottle) since most kids see their younger siblings nurse.