Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Kastilla on May 12, 2015, 12:52:53 am

Title: IC vs. OOC
Post by: Kastilla on May 12, 2015, 12:52:53 am
{ Greetings to you, fellow floof.
Many a day, I wish to saunter through the plains as Wolfie, or Candlestix; which begs the question I favor the most.}
IC vs. OOC
IC- in character; rolelaying as the character.
OOC- out of character; being your actual human self.
Which do you prefer the most? That is; do you prefer to be the utmost serious in your character and will not break character or, do you like to just simply chat? Or, are you a little bit of both?
Personally, I am IC for the most part, but I can be OOC when the time is right.

Please, make this civilized, I am in no mood for immature kids. That means; no dissing, nay-saying, or being discriminative against one another.
If you have any questions, be sure to ask!
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: DreamerDay on May 12, 2015, 01:09:13 am
The only time I have a OOC is when I'm confuse of a part that my partner just wrote. So, I would ask them and see what's happening. If can't just write something and not know what's going on, it's just causes unnecessary drama.

Anyway, I prefer IC. It is role play and I want to enjoy myself.
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: Redlinelies on May 12, 2015, 02:55:00 am
Not sure really, most would probably see me as OOC but in a funny way I'd consider it IC just as much.

If I can elaborate a bit more on it though to make some sense out of it, I don't really have many characters and I do not roleplay much or break out of the ordinary sitting still observing chats flying by or just chit chatting with friends. In most cases I see the character I use as an online representation of myself, and the things they do and say comes without much thought. But even so it's still IC in a sense since it's a fursona that shares similar if not same traits, the only difference is that I don't constantly make fancy roleplay posts which most people probably think about when someone is in character.

Sure enough, a big kitty in FeralHeart is nothing like a person in real life, but who they are in my case wouldn't change much. As much as I'm aware of what these two definitions mean and how it impacts how one play the game, I feel like I try to make it less of a situation of IC and OOC when I log online, and more a matter of being yourself as the character you play as.

But of course I only really use 1 character too.
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: Kibacher on May 12, 2015, 07:50:55 am
I tend to stay in character all the time on FH

I'm never really OOC because I act different on all of my chars, basically the way they act themselves. The only time is when I'm talking about private stuff or being silly with friends. Just randomly chatting, but just like Red said. I still count that majority of the time as IC.

I guess thats just me, I only really have one major character that I use on FH
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: wolfdog01 on May 12, 2015, 11:41:20 am
For me it depends on the character:
Maxwell: Always in character, hardly ever breaks
Grog: Usually goofing off OOC but uses ')' after every post
Thyme: Just whatever I am in the mood, usually OOC cause I don't RP her much

Although, like Koran said, I go on a specific character when I am in a certain mood because they are all a little bit of me, so yeah....
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: Owly on May 12, 2015, 02:12:02 pm
I usually do a fair amount of both. However, when you see me in the plains. I'm 99% OOC. I am only ever IC in my maps.
If I'm IC in Fluorite, chances are I'm either demonstrating a character to someone, or I've finally lost it.

Having many different characters. Each that was set with a certain personality. Sometimes I change because I want to, or because one is showing a certain mood I'm in. Once again, it always changes, and it depends how I feel at the time.

But no, I am usually OOC on even my RP characters.
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: Berrymutt on May 12, 2015, 06:38:54 pm
I am always OOC (I'm very boring ha), the only time where I would be IC is well if I was roleplaying. I am always myself unless said to play that character. I really can't see why people tend to stay IC when they aren't roleplaying...Because to me sometimes that is still considered roleplaying (In a way kinda)? You will only see me being in character if I am playing that character.
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: Warriorstrike on May 31, 2015, 12:43:01 am
It depends on who I'm with.

I have a group of people who I roleplay with, (not currently, but sometimes) and when I hang around them, I stay pretty consistent with IC.

Then some of my friends don't rp at all, and in that case, you'll find me primarily OOC.

And then, if I'm not interacting with anyone in particular, I find a way to combine the two. If someone speaks to me as an rp character, then I'll slip into IC mode. If someone says something in OOC, then I'll slip in OOC mode.

So yeah.
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: Jango_Fett on May 31, 2015, 05:40:14 pm
Heh, I got yelled at in my newbie days for not being OOC.
Good times.

But, yeah, I'm mostly OOC nowadays, though sometimes I will chat with the persona of my character in mind. I am only truly IC when I am roleplaying, or something of the sort.
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: Arkayy on June 01, 2015, 09:50:32 pm
Ooc for the most part. I dont know i just cant stay in character randomly unless theres a definitive plot going.  And even then i tend to say stupid messages about by own posts xD Its fun for me to mix them up i guess.
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: shayy on June 01, 2015, 10:56:15 pm
(Not sure if i read your post right, but i'll just reply with what I thought you meant)
I role-play sort of as a third person in view of my character. For example: "She walked down to the river and muttered to herself 'its damn hot out' as she lowered herself into the water." haha that was horrible but you guys get the point.
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: Warriorstrike on June 01, 2015, 11:15:21 pm
(Not sure if i read your post right, but i'll just reply with what I thought you meant)
I role-play sort of as a third person in view of my character. For example: "She walked down to the river and muttered to herself 'its damn hot out' as she lowered herself into the water." haha that was horrible but you guys get the point.

I think what thedumbmutt meant was, do you prefer to roleplay (IC) or just be yourself (OOC) when you're in the game? ^.^ From what you've said above, the third-character roleplay, would classify as IC (in character.) And by the way, your roleplay example wasn't horrible at all. :)
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: shayy on June 02, 2015, 12:54:15 am
(Not sure if i read your post right, but i'll just reply with what I thought you meant)
I role-play sort of as a third person in view of my character. For example: "She walked down to the river and muttered to herself 'its damn hot out' as she lowered herself into the water." haha that was horrible but you guys get the point.

I think what thedumbmutt meant was, do you prefer to roleplay (IC) or just be yourself (OOC) when you're in the game? ^.^ From what you've said above, the third-character roleplay, would classify as IC (in character.) And by the way, your roleplay example wasn't horrible at all. :)
<3333344556789 thank you so much :D
Haha, I knew I read that wrong!
So yea,  I guess I would be an IC then!
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: Master_callos on June 03, 2015, 12:30:36 am
I'm always OOC because I never roleplay. I think I roleplayed once about 2 years ago, maybe i'll try again sometime but meh. I use FH as a big chat room really, just chill and talk to people.
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: Jackkdaw on June 03, 2015, 12:41:54 am
For me, it's always a good variety of both.
Half the time, I sit there in Bonfire for a while, quietly stalking roleplays around me and chipping in OOC occasionally, and the other half I'm RPing IC.

I'm often hanging around some friends OOC, too, so 'ye, It's a good mixture of both IC and OOC-ness.
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: Warriorstrike on June 03, 2015, 02:10:29 am
(Not sure if i read your post right, but i'll just reply with what I thought you meant)
I role-play sort of as a third person in view of my character. For example: "She walked down to the river and muttered to herself 'its damn hot out' as she lowered herself into the water." haha that was horrible but you guys get the point.

I think what thedumbmutt meant was, do you prefer to roleplay (IC) or just be yourself (OOC) when you're in the game? ^.^ From what you've said above, the third-character roleplay, would classify as IC (in character.) And by the way, your roleplay example wasn't horrible at all. :)
<3333344556789 thank you so much :D
Haha, I knew I read that wrong!
So yea,  I guess I would be an IC then!

Haha, no problem. I spent a good portion of my time IC, too. ^.^
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: anahel on June 06, 2015, 10:54:50 pm
I tend to stay OOC unless a) I'm in a group, roleplaying or b) I've decided I'm going to roleplay with everyone I run into.

Whenever I'm OOC, even if I haven't been roleplaying, I use "))", though, so it's pretty easy to tell.
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: jay warfang on June 10, 2015, 01:54:29 am
I'll match the style of whoever I'm talking to if they are OOC and are seeking a simply conversation I'll oblige if they come to me seeking a role play then I'll flop (like a squid in a glass bowl) over into IC behavior. Since normal OOC Jay is a lord master of apathy and a few of her characters are pretty good at apathy as well the switch over is not always clear but it happens.
Title: Re: IC vs. OOC
Post by: StarrieNova on June 17, 2015, 08:47:25 pm
I am a tad bit of both, but I mostly prefer to stay OOC. Chatting seems to do better for me, and keeps me happier than role-playing ever does.