Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Presets & Markings => Topic started by: FizzyPaws on June 15, 2015, 03:14:19 am

Title: Fizzy's Presets Corner [Closed!]
Post by: FizzyPaws on June 15, 2015, 03:14:19 am
This is my official thread for presets, and I'll try to post as much as I can. I'll also take requests, to help me get better, but they wont be the best, since I'm still learning the in's and out's. I would love to try glowing markings, and I am capable of doing dual sided presets, manes, and wings.

So far my examples:

Nothing too gore-y, but I can do blood and such.
Please nothing too complicated or with small intricate markings, that will make it more difficult.
No scrolling markings, because as far as I know, you need to animate them, which I cannot do.
I take requests only when I am at my dads, which means every two weeks or so, meaning I have two week timeframes. Unless you are willing to wait a few weeks.
I do take artistic liberty presets (just give me a desired species, and or small details that you wish to have)

Email: (I will send you the preset files!)
Character Name:
Preset Folder:
Refrence (no descriptions please, unless it's an artistic liberty or it's simple):
Additional Info:

Artistic Liberty Presets:
Just give me the desired species
-example: Feline
Desired color palette, small features like a mane(or hairstyle) or wings
-example: I would like it to be blue, with wings and a mane.

1. Teagan (HOLD)
Title: Re: Fizzy's Presets [Taking Requests]
Post by: BarkinBiscuit on June 17, 2015, 02:13:55 am
Character Name : Melena
Preset Folder : 11
Reference : http://i62BannedImageSite/2cfxqc5.jpg (http://i62BannedImageSite/2cfxqc5.jpg)
Additional Info : Her right eye is olive green and the left eye is light blue, and the nose is black or dark grey. Both sides have the same markings. You can just ignore the blue bandana in the reference picture. xD
(By the way, cute preset you have there! ^^)
Title: Re: Fizzy's Presets [Taking Requests]
Post by: FizzyPaws on June 17, 2015, 02:49:55 am
Character Name : Melena
Preset Folder : 11
Reference : http://i62BannedImageSite/2cfxqc5.jpg (http://i62BannedImageSite/2cfxqc5.jpg)
Additional Info : Her right eye is olive green and the left eye is light blue, and the nose is black or dark grey. Both sides have the same markings. You can just ignore the blue bandana in the reference picture. xD
(By the way, cute preset you have there! ^^)

I'll start right away!
Title: Re: Fizzy's Presets [Taking Requests]
Post by: FizzyPaws on June 17, 2015, 04:43:39 am
Character Name : Melena
Preset Folder : 11
Reference : http://i62BannedImageSite/2cfxqc5.jpg (http://i62BannedImageSite/2cfxqc5.jpg)
Additional Info : Her right eye is olive green and the left eye is light blue, and the nose is black or dark grey. Both sides have the same markings. You can just ignore the blue bandana in the reference picture. xD
(By the way, cute preset you have there! ^^)

Finished! I made sure she was extra floofy!

(http://img12.deviantart.net/dcc4/i/2015/167/b/b/fh_preset__melena_by_fizzypaws-d8xm4ne.jpg) Since I don't really know how to use mediafire, I'll PM you on how I will get it to you.
Title: Re: Fizzy's Presets [Taking Requests]
Post by: Kastilla on June 17, 2015, 03:50:55 pm
Cute presets you got here, Fizzy. ?
Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Fizzy's Presets [Taking Requests]
Post by: Teagan-OBrien on July 04, 2015, 01:28:47 am
Hello. I'd like to request, if that's ok.

Character Name: Teagan
Preset Folder: 11
Refrence (no descriptions please, unless it's an artistic liberty or it's simple):(http://i61BannedImageSite/2lnaf88.jpg)
Additional Info: Wings and mane, if you couldn't already tell lol. It's one sided, so the markings are symmetrical for both sides. Eyes are supposed to be blood red, but you can't really tell from the picture. If you're confused about anything or it's too difficult, feel free to let me know! And thanks for taking time to do these requests!
Title: Re: Fizzy's Presets [Taking Requests]
Post by: FizzyPaws on July 04, 2015, 01:53:24 am
I can't do it right now, because I don't have access to a computer that can run GIMP, but by 17th is when I can start. I'm so sorry, but it's just that I didn't update this thread, because I didn't think anyone would want requests from me, since I made this a bit back. I'll start on it as soon as I go to my dad's though!
Title: Re: Fizzy's Presets Corner [Closed!]
Post by: Teagan-OBrien on July 04, 2015, 02:31:10 am
I completely understand. No need to apologize! I'm just grateful that you're willing to take requests :D