Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Species => Topic started by: PoisonIVy12 on June 23, 2015, 09:08:31 pm

Title: Wolfweasels and Mimics
Post by: PoisonIVy12 on June 23, 2015, 09:08:31 pm
I have a few species I created via FeralHeart and I wanted to share two of them here!

The Wolfweasel:
It comes in three varieties. The Common Wolfweasel, the Red Wolfweasel, and the Arctic Wolfweasel.

The body is long and the legs are short; the muzzle is long and the ears and eyes are small. The eyes are always golden. They come in shades of gray and brown. They are never large creatures. An alternate facial marking is a raccoon mask.

The red wolfweasel is the same size as the common wolfweasel and has the same features, except for distinctive red-and-white fur.

The arctic wolfweasel is smaller and fuller than other wolfweasels; it comes in white and has markings of black or gray.


The Mimic:
I generally characterize a mimic as a smallish medium-sized canine with feline markings, back ears, a back mane, and eyes with slit pupils. They are generally thin, agile, and have thin tails. Here are a few of my mimics:


As you can see, mimics have a lot of variety. Of these characters, only Skorr is still with me at least; I can't recall if I deleted Fenness or not. Skorr is the best example of a mimic here.

Mimics are called such because they lure their prey to them by imitating the prey's mating call.

And that's it for now. :) Feel free to make a wolfweasel or a mimic.
Title: Re: Wolfweasels and Mimics
Post by: PoisonIVy12 on June 23, 2015, 09:12:21 pm
Oops, it seems it mistakenly double-posted my thread. Delete this one, please! o_o