Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Fearlesswolf on July 03, 2015, 04:56:10 pm

Title: TKL RolePlayers?
Post by: Fearlesswolf on July 03, 2015, 04:56:10 pm
Hey guys! c: TLK roleplayers; we've all seen them. What are your opinions and experiences with them?

To be completely honest, I enjoy seeing the TLK roleplayers. Yes, it can get dramatic. Espcially when theres a Scar and Simba there. Those who take part in the TLK RPs not only get Roleplay experince but meet some of their closest friends there. I myself have found myself playing as Scar lately and creating a pride, but thats not what this is about. Yes, it can get annoying when you're sitting around trying to talk and you can't becuse the extreme amount of posts that are flying through your chat. But it's all good fun, right? ^-^ Personally, I look at the TLK Roleplayers as a tight bunch of players that is growing daily. They don't care if you have the same character and will come over and talk with you.

I've had a blast Roleplaying with them; Ive met soooo many amazing Roleplayers and overall people because I decided to create a Scar character. Sometimes, the drama can get a little out of control but it fixes itself gradually.

So, whats your opinions? Experiences etc etc? Cant wait to hear back from you guys!
Title: Re: TKL RolePlayers?
Post by: xXQueenXx on July 03, 2015, 05:04:58 pm
I mostly have a positive attitude towards them too. :] 
It does get quite crowded up there but i've found that the more I get into their RP the more I want to keep hanging out with them. 
Like, sometimes in the past if I've been bored I just go around and read people's roleplays. 
I've had a lot of fun at Bonfire usually playing "Zira" and i heff nu regrets
I think most people see Bonfire Island and all of its roleplayers as these inexperienced newcomers
(some of them are cough)
but from what i've experienced, there are quite a few interesting things going on over there,
especially when it comes to the TLK fans. 
Title: Re: TKL RolePlayers?
Post by: ThrillexForLife on July 03, 2015, 05:28:10 pm
I have nothing against them. Then again, I do hate to see 10 Kovu and 1 Kiara. 
Title: Re: TKL RolePlayers?
Post by: Warriorstrike on July 03, 2015, 06:22:05 pm
All of my experiences with them have been pleasant. Although Bonfire does have a tendency to become quite crowded, I've never had an ill-wish against them. I actually find it quite amusing when I see a TLK roleplay with 8 Simbas. I've seen a few TLK roleplayers come up with some pretty good plotlines, too.
Title: Re: TKL RolePlayers?
Post by: FizzyPaws on July 04, 2015, 02:51:05 am
Like everyone else, I have nothing against TLKers, but it just peeves me when I see those neon Simbas, that's all. I've never actually roleplayed with them, but I might consider doing it next time I get to play FH. Although, a pride with four or five Simbas sounds ridiculous, and that sure sounds kinda fun (besides the drama that might cause). I don't really go to Bonfire much, so don't have a lot of experience with them.
Title: Re: TKL RolePlayers?
Post by: Mommytomy on July 04, 2015, 03:12:06 am
Those people who say there official and whatnot x'D

I like tlk rpers, as long as there not.. well

I dont like how some of them cause so much drama and they want to kill thereselves etc x'D
But once in awhile i like rping a tlker in bonfire
Title: Re: TKL RolePlayers?
Post by: FamousLastWords on July 04, 2015, 12:56:10 pm

 i, myself, have roleplayed one of TLK characters before. it was for my younger cousin, as TLK was her favourite fandom. i can see why. some of the roleplay plots were actually quite interesting, the characters all had different variations despite playing the same role, and all of the players i had met were kind and accepted me into the roleplays. (:
Title: Re: TKL RolePlayers?
Post by: Adorableness on July 07, 2015, 04:33:14 am
Honestly I'm not that bothered by them, but if it's one of those people that go all lowercases and don't use apostrophes, honestly, I get irritated by that.
Title: Re: TKL RolePlayers?
Post by: Wyldercat on July 07, 2015, 02:47:39 pm
I also have nothing against them.
Though it may not be my preferred roleplay to join, I actually enjoy watching the more mature TLK groups roleplay.
Title: Re: TKL RolePlayers?
Post by: Brutus2010 on July 14, 2015, 02:49:53 pm
I don't really mind the TLK Role Players, The only time that I have gotten annoyed when Scar and Simba came down from the Pride Lands and tried to drag random people into the RP. I also like to watch the mature TLK role playsThey sort of give me that happy glow, Lol! Sometimes when I'm really bored I'll make a Nala or Zira Char just to join in on their fun, But I have only done that a couple times. If there is any TLK Role Players on this page, I hope you keep up the RP's!  ;D
Title: Re: TKL RolePlayers?
Post by: Echoing harmony on July 14, 2015, 03:43:15 pm
I personally don't mind the TLK roleplayers, if they aren't powerplaying or character thieves or the people who are like:
Kimba SimbasS or Dots ZirasS.
Otherwise, I myself am a TLK rper ^^