Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: EmptyHabits on July 09, 2015, 02:30:00 am

Title: Mate Cheating
Post by: EmptyHabits on July 09, 2015, 02:30:00 am
Honestly, I'm not trying to sound desperate or emotional, I'm actually pretty thick-skinned. Anyway, I've been through this quite a bit and I have also noticed a lot of other players go through this as well. What I'm saying is, I think it is very rude for a character to get a mate and the mate will trust him/her. Yeah, the couple spend a lot of time together.... But when one of them don't go online for a couple days or even a couple hours, the other one goes out and pretends to be a maiden and love one another, and I think that's wrong. Why do people think it's okay to abandon their mate that they devoted themselves through cheating with another? At least come clean with your mate and say that it's not working out. It is just a game, but still - people have feelings, ya know? I always feel bad when I'm in this position and my mate cheats on me. I actually don't care that much because I'm used to being treated this way, but not all others are like that. My opinion for people cheating on one another is:

If you're not liking the time you're devoting to your mate, then come clean and talk to him/her about it and tell them how you feel. Maybe the two of you can work it out or just end it. I think it's wrong to give it up right away and go with someone else only to leave the other heartbroken the next day. Horrible thing to do.

And then when the person who's being cheated on goes and blabs it to their friends and the one who is doing the cheating becomes a laughingstock of the community. Maybe you should get to know people before you consider being their mates. People rush into mates too early and most of the time, it never ends well. So people, truly get to know your lover before you take things too seriously. You'll maybe find out that they're not your soul mate after all. I feel terrible for not only myself but for other people who get their feelings hurt as well in this process. What do you other FH community members feel about this? What's your input on this?
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Fearlesswolf on July 09, 2015, 02:58:53 am
Interesting topic!

Honestly, I am going to be very straight-forward with you. Yes, I agree with you; mates should not be cheating on each other and unfortunately, it's very common.

All I can say is dont fet your hopes up! Especially if you picked your mate when at the MateCenter. I would highly suggest focusing on Roleplaying and spending time with friends, because in doing so, you'll know who you can and cannot trust.

NOTE: No, I am not saying don't get a mate. There's nothing wrong with it. I am merely stating that its difficult to maintain a relationship without trust.

So, yeah, thats really all I have to say. Some mates are loyal, others just want their mate online and when they're off, they find one that is on. The cycle just keeps repeating.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: EmptyHabits on July 09, 2015, 03:06:17 am
Interesting topic!

Honestly, I am going to be very straight-forward with you. Yes, I agree with you; mates should not be cheating on each other and unfortunately, it's very common.

All I can say is dont fet your hopes up! Especially if you picked your mate when at the MateCenter. I would highly suggest focusing on Roleplaying and spending time with friends, because in doing so, you'll know who you can and cannot trust.

NOTE: No, I am not saying don't get a mate. There's nothing wrong with it. I am merely stating that its difficult to maintain a relationship without trust.

So, yeah, thats really all I have to say. Some mates are loyal, others just want their mate online and when they're off, they find one that is on. The cycle just keeps repeating.

OMG! YES! I completely agree with you! It is incredibly difficult to keep mates, especially from the Mate Center. MC is really annoying because people only pick characters for the looks. Finally! Someone who gets it! ^~^
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: DreamerDay on July 09, 2015, 03:07:06 am
There's always that one person who thinks they need a mate for every character. Honestly, you don't. I know for a deep fact if you have a while bunch of mates and they're all online, wanting to rp with you, what you gonna do? A group mate chat? Nauh. I completely love this thread. I really support it.

I can't stand how user thinks it's okay to find mates for every character they make. Like, it's making bad character out of yourself. And when once they finally find the truth then you don't know why you been ignored those past few days. I honestly hate those people they say want to be your mate but stops talking to you following day. I think I been in a rp (but ooc)and they having an argument about mates. It's not cute.

In general I don't fight over boys. If someone liked my boyfriend and my boyfriend liked her, and she suddenly hated me,  then we're breaking. I don't fight over that Boyfriend decision crap. It's pitty.

This mate cheating this is also pitty.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: EmptyHabits on July 09, 2015, 03:15:10 am
There's always that one person who thinks they need a mate for every character. Honestly, you don't. I know for a deep fact if you have a while bunch of mates and they're all online, wanting to rp with you, what you gonna do? A group mate chat? Nauh. I completely love this thread. I really support it.

I can't stand how user thinks it's okay to find mates for every character they make. Like, it's making bad character out of yourself. And when once they finally find the truth then you don't know why you been ignored those past few days. I honestly hate those people they say want to be your mate but stops talking to you following day. I think I been in a rp (but ooc)and they having an argument about mates. It's not cute.

In general I don't fight over boys. If someone liked my boyfriend and my boyfriend liked her, and she suddenly hated me,  then we're breaking. I don't fight over that Boyfriend decision crap. It's pitty.

This mate cheating this is also pitty.

Yes! I've never had a mate for every character. I have met quite a bit of people whom have mates for every single character. And they have like 30 characters. And it's strange because they know very well that it's wrong so they try to hide it, which is bad but not as bad as what I'm about to say. Some people actually confess to their mates that they have like 20 mates for every character, and they'r completely okay with it. I run into a mate all the time who thinks it's okay to have a mate on every character - but I hate that! You can't have 20 boyfriends/girlfriends in real life for each outfit you wear. That's just not how it works. So yes, I completely and honestly agree with you, Delightful.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on July 09, 2015, 03:36:42 am
Let's see. How can I word this?...

Do people really take this whole mate thing so serious? 0_o ???

When it comes to mates in Feral Heart, I think players pretend to be mates with someone just for the sake of roleplay. It's like children who like to play 'House'; you have someone playing the Mom, someone playing the Dad, and a few others playing as the kids. I don't think most people pair up with someone and be their mate and treat it like a real relationship. Feral Heart is supposed to be a game for fun, not a place to seek online relationships and dating. Most probably think, "Oh I'm never going to roleplay with this person again, I will just find someone else to play with," and find someone else to play the role of a "mate". So most don't take the whole "one mate only" relationship seriously. Maybe they aren't looking for a romantic relationship, but just want to roleplay. After all, this is a game of pretend where you make lots of friends and meet lots of people.

It's good to have many friends to play with on this game. All the friends I have here are just friends. No online "mates" or anything romantic at all. I never really thought it was a good idea to have an online relationship on a game like this; especially a "mate" you're "supposed to stick with for all roleplays, cuddle them, kiss them, lovey-dove all the time". You don't know who you're talking to. You don't know who's behind that character. They may tell you they are a 14 year old girl, but in reality they could be a 36 year old man. I don't even know what my friends look like in reality, and I don't know if most of them are telling the truth of what kind of person they really are.

But anyway my point is.... I don't think having a mate in Feral Heart is really necessary or important, but that's just me. If you want a mate to have a romantic relationship with in the game, go for it but be cautious. And don't be surprised if you get "cheated on" because they wanted to roleplay with someone else. Your mate that cheated on you may not be looking for a romantic relationship on this game but just wants to roleplay.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: WolfQueen on July 09, 2015, 07:34:03 am
FeralHeart is just a game. It's not real life. So imo mates shouldn't be taken so seriously that your partner is your actual boyfriend/girlfriend. Sure, you may have feeling for your mate but it's only fine if it's in character. Getting way too attached to your mate so it becomes personal is a bit obsessive and improper.

If your mate actually cheats on you with another character, don't get too emotional about it. Sure, cheating on your partner is rude and selfish no matter the situation, but since FH is a game, not OKCupid, you shouldn't get too offended by it. If your mate actually cheats on you, talk to them about it. Go the easiest route, and don't make too much tension and drama over a game of roleplay. A roleplay with too much unnecessary tension never works out.

That's my two cents on the general subject.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: jay warfang on July 09, 2015, 10:35:26 pm
I never got the whole idea of giving much of a damn about mates... You as a person are not in a romantic relationship with the other person, at most you're friends OOC. They have no obligation to have any romantic allegiance to you or vice versa, the closest one can get to cheating would be for the sake of IC drama (which is it's own problem, I mean animals tend to not stick with one partner for life....) and at that point who cares? 
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Echoing harmony on July 09, 2015, 10:52:33 pm
I never got the whole idea of giving much of a damn about mates... You as a person are not in a romantic relationship with the other person, at most you're friends OOC. They have no obligation to have any romantic allegiance to you or vice versa, the closest one can get to cheating would be for the sake of IC drama (which is it's own problem, I mean animals tend to not stick with one partner for life....) and at that point who cares? 
Please watch your language here on the forums >.<
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: ritat on July 17, 2015, 05:10:55 pm
-claps loudly- bravo!  I can't tell you how proud I am for one person to understand that having a mate before you know them is ridiculous. Like I said before, it's like beauty and the beast meeting each other for one second, who don't make eye contact at all... then BAM, fake love is eventually created. I don't understand why people want to make love in the Internet to, it's only a game. I fully agree with your post floof, thank you for sharing.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Chartay on July 21, 2015, 08:30:47 am
Never, I prefer not to online date. Haha!
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Skullfrost on August 02, 2015, 05:41:32 am
Why are you in an OOC romantic relationship with your character's "mate" anyway? Mates are a roleplaying thing- your character, in roleplay, is mates with that other character. It shouldn't be an OOC thing at all- you're not in a real relationship, so why is it an issue? If people want to get mates for more than one character that's their prerogative, because what if they want to be in more than one roleplay, and in that roleplay, their character gets with another character? It shouldn't be an issue- the player themselves is not bound by loyalty to you. FeralHeart is not an OOC-based dating site, it's a roleplaying/chat game.

Also, you should not have to know a person OOCly for a while before your character becomes mates with their character ICly- because it's not even an OOC relationship, it's a roleplay.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: WolfLover2550 on August 13, 2015, 03:50:26 pm
I have had very few mates, and all of the ones I did have would just leave and I would never see them again. I agree that you should get to know them better first. I've found(not through experience) that most of the cheaters are in the mate center. Im not trying to make it look bad but I believe that most of the people that use it are inactive and don't have the time/motivation to go out and get a mate. You/they should definitely not cheat on them/you. You can make multiple characters you know! Go get a mate on a different character if you really need one.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: alexterri on August 14, 2015, 06:07:24 pm
......I think the better question is, why are you taking this so seriously? I really don't understand the appeal of "mates". FH is not a dating site, people. And yeah, most mates end up breaking up. I don't really know why, though I noticed that almost all mates made through the Mate Center end up breaking up.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: TheLittleRobin on August 15, 2015, 02:26:05 am
Mate cheating is wrong in every way possible. I've fall in love countless times before and I'll see them with another girl. It's really frustrating sometimes. Every time I rp with someone and fall in love with them, it's real feelings for me! I hate it when they say "Oh, it's just an rp, get over it." When I'm mates with someone in or out of rp, I do truly care for them. Not of that faking/acting crap. Sorry, I've gone through a lot of heartbreak over the years.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Echoing harmony on August 15, 2015, 02:59:41 am
I just avoid mates and mate centers.
Although, I have met my 'Ex' Boyfriend through this game. He harassed me and some friends so, I blocked him and we never made contact again.

I think what the real problem with this is, is that girls who are maybe under the age of 12 get their hopes up on a boy thinking they could be a real deal relationship.
But that's just my input on all of this mess.

Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: xXQueenXx on August 15, 2015, 02:46:12 pm
Mate cheating is wrong in every way possible. I've fall in love countless times before and I'll see them with another girl. It's really frustrating sometimes. Every time I rp with someone and fall in love with them, it's real feelings for me! I hate it when they say "Oh, it's just an rp, get over it." When I'm mates with someone in or out of rp, I do truly care for them. Not of that faking/acting crap. Sorry, I've gone through a lot of heartbreak over the years.
I just avoid mates and mate centers.
Although, I have met my 'Ex' Boyfriend through this game. He harassed me and some friends so, I blocked him and we never made contact again.

I think what the real problem with this is, is that girls who are maybe under the age of 12 get their hopes up on a boy thinking they could be a real deal relationship.
But that's just my input on all of this mess.

Like people have already said this isn't a dating site.
Many of the players are very young, which is why if I EVER have an in-game relationship, I always make sure I know them first.
 It would be super awkward if they turned out to be 10 years old or something and think it's real love.
Sure, I think if two people connect in different ways with each other
(Not just over a game) then something else could happen but as for "having a mate" itself, I'm not a huge fan.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Echoing harmony on August 15, 2015, 02:50:18 pm
Mate cheating is wrong in every way possible. I've fall in love countless times before and I'll see them with another girl. It's really frustrating sometimes. Every time I rp with someone and fall in love with them, it's real feelings for me! I hate it when they say "Oh, it's just an rp, get over it." When I'm mates with someone in or out of rp, I do truly care for them. Not of that faking/acting crap. Sorry, I've gone through a lot of heartbreak over the years.
I just avoid mates and mate centers.
Although, I have met my 'Ex' Boyfriend through this game. He harassed me and some friends so, I blocked him and we never made contact again.

I think what the real problem with this is, is that girls who are maybe under the age of 12 get their hopes up on a boy thinking they could be a real deal relationship.
But that's just my input on all of this mess.

Like people have already said this isn't a dating site.
Many of the players are very young, which is why if I EVER have an in-game relationship, I always make sure I know them first.
 It would be super awkward if they turned out to be 10 years old or something and think it's real love.
Sure, I think if two people connect in different ways with each other
(Not just over a game) then something else could happen but as for "having a mate" itself, I'm not a huge fan.

As a fair statement you made. If young kids are doing this. They don't know it's wrong at all. I think we need to better yet inforce safety to them and maybe that will help at the least.

I would like to also say that this argument can come to no common agreement. Since there are too many sides of the story. That's that.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: xXQueenXx on August 15, 2015, 03:00:33 pm
Mate cheating is wrong in every way possible. I've fall in love countless times before and I'll see them with another girl. It's really frustrating sometimes. Every time I rp with someone and fall in love with them, it's real feelings for me! I hate it when they say "Oh, it's just an rp, get over it." When I'm mates with someone in or out of rp, I do truly care for them. Not of that faking/acting crap. Sorry, I've gone through a lot of heartbreak over the years.
I just avoid mates and mate centers.
Although, I have met my 'Ex' Boyfriend through this game. He harassed me and some friends so, I blocked him and we never made contact again.

I think what the real problem with this is, is that girls who are maybe under the age of 12 get their hopes up on a boy thinking they could be a real deal relationship.
But that's just my input on all of this mess.

Like people have already said this isn't a dating site.
Many of the players are very young, which is why if I EVER have an in-game relationship, I always make sure I know them first.
 It would be super awkward if they turned out to be 10 years old or something and think it's real love.
Sure, I think if two people connect in different ways with each other
(Not just over a game) then something else could happen but as for "having a mate" itself, I'm not a huge fan.

As a fair statement you made. If young kids are doing this. They don't know it's wrong at all. I think we need to better yet inforce safety to them and maybe that will help at the least.

I would like to also say that this argument can come to no common agreement. Since there are too many sides of the story. That's that.
I suppose so. I agree with you on getting more inforce safety. 
Don't even get me started on actual mating.  I've seen way too much of it in-game and I feel sorry for the kids who have too x'D
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: PercyJackson1002 on August 15, 2015, 05:34:29 pm
Due to quite of my respect, I kinda get this problem as well. I kinda changed since I founded my loved soul and I never would have to run into this problem, but its little kids that are doing this with the cheating, mating, etc. And I don't try to bother them UNLESS if they bother me. I would just respond to them kindly like "I'm sorry, I'm already with someone else." But I see others with this problem, I did have one GF I had and she was barely on so I was getting more lonely. When she finally got on I broke it too her. I seen other people with these problems, but I'm most likely to sit inside in Lonely Tree with my new loved on. But its not big of a deal for the people in FP but its quite often in Bonfire. Like I said, its no big of a threat, maybe these little kids are trying to learn what's like for it to have a mate.

I'm not making this post about myself, I was setting up a example.

-Yours Truly, Grumpy Cat.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: XxCheyPawsxX on September 02, 2015, 08:13:00 pm
I have a internet/long distance boyfriend, yet we did not meet because of feralheart.
We met on skype. I know what he looks like and he (i think, if he stalks my fb like i do to him) knows what I look like. Yet the words "I love you" are powerful. I don't think people should say it if they don't actually mean it.
Desperate people make me mad. Its like "ok this is feralheart not eharmony or farmsonly bye" *blocks mate beggar/desperate person.*
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Naasari on September 06, 2015, 01:15:46 am
Personally, I think that if you are looking for a "serious" mate they would be your boyfriend and or girlfriend out of game, but it depends your preference whether you want something serious or not!There are a lot of people who feel obligated to have a mate for every different character, but if they are all roleplay characters, I don't see why not because it is only in roleplay. But out of roleplay, that is a different case I feel.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: whitewolf223 on September 06, 2015, 02:35:44 am
I never personally have... Mostly because I really couldn't care less about it, to but it bluntly. If it truely bothers you, you're taking it a bit too seriously. Remember, the beast way to enjoy any gfame is to simply not care, that even applies here.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: ZombieKitteh on September 06, 2015, 03:18:47 am
I don't really know how I feel about this topic. Don't get me wrong if a person is actually in a relationship with someone OOC cheating is obviously wrong.. but there's a line between OOC and IC that shouldn't be crossed.

As someones who's had a handful of my characters had mates ICly before; I don't see a problem with people having other mates on other characters? Heck if their character cheats on my character that's kind of ok too as it may bring up some plots and character development. It's only roleplay. People shouldn't take things so serious imo. And if anyone gets butthurt over their IC mate cheating on their character then they have some serious maturing to do.

I'm looking at this as a roleplayer though. I've had many characters with various relationships and personalities. I've had characters ranging from a senile old lynx to a huge flirt wolf all the way to the spectrum of a caring mother and mate. It's honestly really good to have a wide array of characters and roleplay experiences. they help you grow. So honestly any sort of character or plot development is always welcomed by me.

And even if someone is in a OOC relationship with someone. They or their partner shouldn't be upset if they're in a roleplay and one of their other characters gets a mate. Like I've said; it's only roleplay.  The in character mates aren't a actual relationship. It's all for the story of the roleplay. I'd personally be ok if my significant other were to join a roleplay and have a character develop to have a mate another character then one of my own. That's totally acceptable in my opinion as well.

Roleplay is just that; roleplaying. It's meant to be fun. OOC and IC shouldn't be crossed together.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Pawnce on September 06, 2015, 03:41:08 am
I don't really know how I feel about this topic. Don't get me wrong if a person is actually in a relationship with someone OOC cheating is obviously wrong.. but there's a line between OOC and IC that shouldn't be crossed.

As someones who's had a handful of my characters had mates ICly before; I don't see a problem with people having other mates on other characters? Heck if their character cheats on my character that's kind of ok too as it may bring up some plots and character development. It's only roleplay. People shouldn't take things so serious imo. And if anyone gets butthurt over their IC mate cheating on their character then they have some serious maturing to do.

I'm looking at this as a roleplayer though. I've had many characters with various relationships and personalities. I've had characters ranging from a senile old lynx to a huge flirt wolf all the way to the spectrum of a caring mother and mate. It's honestly really good to have a wide array of characters and roleplay experiences. they help you grow. So honestly any sort of character or plot development is always welcomed by me.

And even if someone is in a OOC relationship with someone. They or their partner shouldn't be upset if they're in a roleplay and one of their other characters gets a mate. Like I've said; it's only roleplay.  The in character mates aren't a actual relationship. It's all for the story of the roleplay. I'd personally be ok if my significant other were to join a roleplay and have a character develop to have a mate another character then one of my own. That's totally acceptable in my opinion as well.

Roleplay is just that; roleplaying. It's meant to be fun. OOC and IC shouldn't be crossed together.

I think this is so true. Role-play is entertainment--it's just for a bit of laughs & fun. :D In my opinion, you shouldn't get too attached to people ooc if it's their ic character doing all the talking anyway! My role-play characters usually end up being nothing like myself, personally. Don't set yourself up for any heart-ache by essentially falling for a non-existent persona!
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: starthewolf445 on September 06, 2015, 08:17:59 am
For me it's pretty dang rude when someone doesn't get on for a few months.
A lot of things can happen to your characters in that point and time and of course a real woman and or man wouldn't wait forever for someone to return if you're following roleplay in a different timeline.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Rangeranger333 on September 09, 2015, 10:30:54 pm
I honestly never run into this problem! That's most likely because I never have mates. I honestly think mates are stupid but if you like the idea of mates then that's your choice.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: DreamingShadows on September 11, 2015, 08:02:32 pm
This is why I don't even bother having a mate. I was in this one clan, and the leader had a mate, and like, more than half the clan was their children. That's just weird... they always act like they've been together for years... and then one day, the leader found ANOTHER mate and just abandoned the other one that he "loved" so much.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Rangeranger333 on October 11, 2015, 05:37:08 pm
This is why  having mates is a huge problem. It causes unnecessary drama and people get upset over it. I mean mates cheat ALL the time. 
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: shayy on October 11, 2015, 09:35:23 pm
Well, I feel like it's understandable for someone to try and find a new mate if the one they current,y have has been offline for days and is just ruining the role play experience for the other person.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: .BlackCrow. on October 19, 2015, 11:48:26 am
I have ran into this problem before but not anymore. I've seen a lot of people having one mate one day and then a totally different one the other  :-\ . Personally, I don't have mates but when I do I make sure that they are at least in the group that I am in and they are really active because if they go online for like a day and never return then that just ruins the whole RP for me.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Morqque on October 19, 2015, 08:38:53 pm
i never run into this issue because
i just dont have time for mates
its pretty funny to see mate drama though lol
"SHANEQUA STOLLE MAH MAN. *Attacks with purse*"
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Raddlegoose on November 01, 2015, 12:56:55 am
If I had a mate and they cheated on me, I wouldn't care, really. XD
  If your mate ever cheats on YOU, just cheat on them. You deserve better people than them.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: hcj2000 on November 11, 2015, 10:45:51 pm
Ok I personally have never cheated or have been cheated on and thats why I don't do mate center cause I want to get to know my mate before anything is official. And I would never cheat on my mates I would rather die. But I am sorry for those who have experienced this
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: lovingx on May 03, 2018, 03:12:35 pm
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Michen_S on May 03, 2018, 10:25:58 pm
I'm not a fan of playing a 'mate' with others I don't know, game or not. This especially counts online, because unless you've physically met that person you don't know who's behind the other character. Besides, I'm not a fan of the whole lovey-dovey scene anyways. If it wasn't present, I'd always be nervous that it would in the future. Plus some people take the 'mate' role too seriously, and some other personal issues I have with the 'mate' role in general... No thanks!

Mate Centers are usually fun to watch though, but not because people are searching for a 'mate' there.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on May 06, 2018, 01:11:16 am
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: FlyingGrass on May 06, 2018, 04:42:58 pm
I never keep track of what my characters' mates do, so I don't know if any of my characters have ever been cheated on.
I've only had a few mates and so far I never see my characters's mates again after I get them, be it either a day after or a year after, so all of my characters are lonely as of current. I'm a bit afraid to get my characters any more mates, because I think I'm a carrier of some sort of vanishing plague that can only be spread to mates.
Title: Re: Mate Cheating
Post by: WolfQueen on May 06, 2018, 07:27:10 pm

i think the mate center is a bad way of searching for a mate because most people who unironically join can't really keep a relationship with someone through normal means tbh. it's not a big deal since you can just find another person.
this mannerism has died down since the update but in my experience people like this are around.