Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Member Bio & Journals => Topic started by: sitkaaa on July 13, 2015, 09:51:06 am

Title: So it's about time ; Sky's bio
Post by: sitkaaa on July 13, 2015, 09:51:06 am
ha ha hey

I'll make a bet that none of you know who I am. That's okay. <3
Just know that I love you, k? K.

Well, obviously you clicked here to know about me, or you think I'm a loser, or you have nothing better to do with your life. All three are cool, we don't judge around here.

Before you ask, the font colour is skyblue clever yup

Anyways, let us get straight to the point.


Nice to meet you, my name is Jamie.
They call me Sky round' here.
call me whatever I don't really care


Uh, it would be boring of me to go without pictures so here I am.


I'm that dirty blonde on the right, no, not the hottie taking the picture. <3 love you cassie

No, she is not my lover not yet just my best friend who is a huge part of my life and I love her to bits <3


Now, to shorten this up let's go application style.



Full Name: Jamie [confidential info no]
Gender: female
Age: 12 (I'm a late blooming baby)
Grade: 8
DOB: november 22
POB: Okanagan, British Columbia (that's as far as I'm going)



Positive Traits(?): generous(?), funny(?), smart(?), affectionate(?)
Neutral Traits: ...
Negative Traits: annoying, loud, stubborn, arugemental
Likes: (you <3) the walking dead, cats, attack on titan, future diary, music, horror movies
Dislikes: idek
Hobbies: fishing, hunting, gaming, soccer, cats
Skills: being stupid and drinking mountain dew



Music artist(s): Beyonce, Drake, Sir Sly, Lorde, Vanic, San Holo, Troye Sivan
Song(s): all of Beyonce's music, most of Drake's music, all of Sir Sly's music, all of Lorde's Music, all of Vanic's music, all of San Holo's music and all of trOYE SIVAN'S MUSIC
Actor(s): George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Troye Sivan, meh
Actress(es): Amanda Seyfried
Youtuber(s): Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Tyler Oakley, Troye Sivan, Caspar Lee, Joe Sugg, Shane Dawson and a lot of others

I'll finish this later I swear it's 3 am
Title: Re: So it's about time ; Sky's bio
Post by: ritat on July 13, 2015, 10:50:49 am
Nice to meet you too Jamie, I guess we can be pretty good friends if we meet. xD So many floofs around here have the same personalities as my friends in real life. :)
Title: Re: So it's about time ; Sky's bio
Post by: Warriorstrike on July 13, 2015, 12:14:00 pm
Hello, Jamie. It's nice to meet you. You seem like an awesome person, and I hope to see you in the game sometime. Your signature is cute, too. c: