Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Forum Based Roleplay => Animal & Non Human Roleplays => Topic started by: DancingWithDeath on August 09, 2015, 10:55:59 pm

Title: ~Follow The Prophecy, we cant just die like this.~ Remake. W.I.P
Post by: DancingWithDeath on August 09, 2015, 10:55:59 pm
This is a remake of my old RP. This is a W.I.P so no posties yet!
Title: Re: ~Follow The Prophecy, we cant just die like this.~ Remake. W.I.P
Post by: DancingWithDeath on January 29, 2016, 03:38:36 am
There is a house where dogs and cats are taken in to be killed for fun. A husky named Neika had a plan to make all the animals escape, but that night she had a dream about a prophecy. Lupus, the canine god, sent her that dream. Lupus told Neika if she died, the prophecy would fail. He also told her that her plan turned into the prophecy.

You are a dog or cat.

For the love of Lupus, no powerplaying!
No one-liner's.
Yes, some characters will die. I am not forcing your character to die. But yes, you can kill off your character.
After your character dies, you can make another character.
You can have as many characters you can handle, as long as you keep all of them active.
Keep the genders balanced, we cant have 20 females and 10 males, or 20 males and 10 females.
You can swear, but do not aim it excessively. That will result in being kicked from the RP.
Do not kill someone's character without permission.
Hate the character, not the person. In OOC you must be nice, but in IC, you can be rude all you want.
No mates with yourself. (Unless you got permission.)
Do not die to get attention.
If you kill someone's character or mate or give birth, fade to black.
Your character must have a weakness or you're a mary/gary sue.
No mary/gary sues.
Dont make a human character, humans are NPC. Well you can RP them.
If you read the rules, put "Prophecy" in your other/extra part.

You dont need a form to fill out, you can design your own forms!

Name: "I am Neika"
Gender: "Female"
Species: "I am a dog"
Breed: "Husky and proud!"
Age: "I am 3"
Siblings: "THEY ARE ALL DEAD! :("
Pups: "Sorry, but I want to be childfree because I kinda dont like the idea of carrying pups and giving birth."
Crush: "I used to have one, but he died."
Mate: "I used to have one, but he died."
Other: "Prophecy"
Title: Re: ~Follow The Prophecy, we cant just die like this.~ Remake. W.I.P
Post by: reenca on February 14, 2016, 02:42:02 am
Name: Peanut Butter ("P.B.")
Species: Cat
Age: 2 years
Gender: Tom
Breed: Domestic Longhair
Siblings: Leo || Male || Living || Oscar || Male || Living ((Treats them as they were his littermates.))
Father: Unknown Tom
Mother: Unknown She-cat
He was bought from a pet store as a young kitten.
He was his owners' third pet so they took really good care of him, since they already had 2 other cats in their house already.
On a Saturday the owner accidentally left one of the doors open in their house open while they were cleaning to prepare for a dinner party, while P.B escaped from the house and ended up in a place where cats and dogs were killed.  ((I'm not really good at making backstories..)) ((But I hope this is okay :D)) Other/Extra: "Prophecy"
Title: Re: ~Follow The Prophecy, we cant just die like this.~ Remake. W.I.P
Post by: DancingWithDeath on February 16, 2016, 02:56:25 pm
Title: Re: ~Follow The Prophecy, we cant just die like this.~ Remake. W.I.P
Post by: KawaiiWolf101 on February 17, 2016, 02:59:47 am
Name: Borkam

Species: German Sheperd

Gender: Male

Personality: Borkam's rather insane as he's always paranoid that he'll be the next one to die. As a result, he is hyper-aggresive towards humans and won't really respond to any attempted form of help - yes, that's right. He's so insane that the line between friends and enemies is blurred for him, and he may attack anyone within his vicinity.

Weakness: This is stated above in his personality, but to cut it short, his weakness is his own insanity.

History: * Borkam aggresively growls and barks at you. (Translation: "Why ask about my history?! We're all going to die in this wretched place!")

How long has he/she been here?: * The german sheperd madly barks at you again. (Translation: "I have no idea - it feels like millions of years, yet it could be just a few - JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU'RE GOING TO DIE HERE!")

Other: 'Prophecy'
Title: Re: ~Follow The Prophecy, we cant just die like this.~ Remake. W.I.P
Post by: DancingWithDeath on March 01, 2016, 11:53:09 pm
Sorry to bring this up, but it's accepted.
Title: Re: ~Follow The Prophecy, we cant just die like this.~ Remake. W.I.P
Post by: DancingWithDeath on April 15, 2016, 03:50:26 pm
Bump, this thread could die.
Title: Re: ~Follow The Prophecy, we cant just die like this.~ Remake. W.I.P
Post by: Wyldercat on May 22, 2016, 08:46:08 pm
I hope I'm not necroing this, but this seems interestin'.

Name: Snurp
Sex: Male
Age: 4 years
Species: Domestic feline
Appearance: Jetblack, but with white dots over his eyes
Personality: Neurotic, hostile, sporatic, short tempered, paranoid
Weakness: PTSD and brain damage from constant human abuse
Other: Prophecy
Title: Re: ~Follow The Prophecy, we cant just die like this.~ Remake. W.I.P
Post by: DancingWithDeath on May 27, 2016, 12:36:23 am
It's not our fault. Things in roleplay have been so dead lately that now I am more inactive.