Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => Art Gallery => FeralHeart Media => Commissions, Trades, & Requests => Topic started by: Berrymutt on September 05, 2015, 01:31:14 am

Title: Could A Few People Do Me A Favor?
Post by: Berrymutt on September 05, 2015, 01:31:14 am
I just realized how I have alot of art of my characters but hardly any of my wife's character. It really upsets me that I can get gift art of my characters yet she can hardly get any. Would some of the fellow community like to change that? Anything will do scribbles, sketches, actual drawings anything.
Art by Indicinis on DeviantArt
Art by Werwolfgoettin18 on DeviantArt
Her character looks like this (Minus the headphones of course that was just for a special occasion) and has a jackal like head with large bat like ears that can either be erected forward like a canine's ear or flat back like a flying fox's ears. The character also has long feathered cheek tufts on both sides of her cheeks. She has thick chest fur around her neck and chest area that is just like a lion's mane and her legs are those of a polar bear. She has five toes on each paw like a polar bear with long dark claws and the pads of her feet are the same color as her markings (which are just three dots under each eye) and her nose. Her long tongue is a darker grey with holes scattered around on it and her teeth is just a lighter grey color than the tongue. She has a extremely long tail that is longer than her body and drags around on the ground. She is also a very tall character and is about the size of a large horse.

If you can do this then I can't thank you enough. I would love to see her happy face light up because some random person drew her character. She really deserves this and I hope some of you can make this happen. Thank you for reading and a big hug and thank you if you doodle her character <3!