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Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: xmapleleafx on October 03, 2015, 12:45:25 pm

Title: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: xmapleleafx on October 03, 2015, 12:45:25 pm
Recently ,I have came across a few large groups. Since the community is expanding, more people are looking for roleplays and groups.

Personally, what I try to avoid, are the big groups. I'm talking groups with 100+ members.
This is because I feel like I never fit in, and I find sometimes roleplays don't take place due to so much people and conversations are high. I don't blame people for this, but I prefer the smaller RP's.

What are your thoughts? Do you like Smaller groups or huge groups??
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: PrettyReckless on October 03, 2015, 12:53:48 pm
I personally do not like large groups too much.
There are both pro's and cons in having large roleplays.
I used to be in 1-2 rather large roleplays..

One pro is the fact that you always have someone to roleplay or talk to.

A con is that it gets too crowded. Both with players and posts in local or other chats.
One way we solved this was to roleplay with 3-5 people, in different parts of the map, in local/general (private map) and party chat.

But people are rarely online at the same time all at once. c:
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: GlaydrChyle on October 03, 2015, 01:21:38 pm
I personally do not take into consideration on how big a group is. However I could understand how difficult it would become for some, More shyer users. I rarely join role-plays because I fear not fitting in too. This is because, and I've noticed with the larger groups, many are focused on role-playing amongst each other (Kinda like 2 on 2) that it becomes hard to be involved.

Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: Scornhound on October 03, 2015, 04:24:21 pm
I don't like large groups because the chat is spammed with too much group talk and sometimes I meet people that I haven't had good time with, and on top of that me being shy so... ;;
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: GlaydrChyle on October 03, 2015, 04:36:50 pm
I don't like large groups because the chat is spammed with too much group talk and sometimes I meet people that I haven't had good time with, and on top of that me being shy so... ;;

I agree with you, sometimes it gets way to much to handle.
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: Kerriki on October 03, 2015, 05:14:51 pm
I rarely join roleplays anymore, but if I were to roleplay at all I would probably just rp with maybe three or four other people at the most
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: WolfQueen on October 03, 2015, 06:41:02 pm
roleplaying with a large group of people that you don't even know is too much of a hassle. it never ends well.

large groups do have an advantage, because you can rp with a large number of people, and that's fun. though large groups are not really ideal anymore in my opinion. new members could get left out, group leaders can get away with being bossy and rude, drama can happen at every inching moment there is an issue, there is often way too much rules and strict ranking (i hate that), and 90% of the members are barely online.

it'll be a good idea to join a rather small rp group. you get to know everyone pretty quickly and small issues can be resolved easier, and they don't turn into unnecessary drama.
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: StarrieNova on October 03, 2015, 08:02:32 pm
I tend to like groups that are in between. I don't like too small where there aren't too many people to role-play with, but I also don't like too big to where it is overwhelming.
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: hugrf2 on October 04, 2015, 08:04:50 am
I prefer smaller groups, really. Like with just my own group of friends consisting of at least four or five other people, although nowadays I prefer just two or one person depending on the situation.

Sometimes a larger group really is too much to handle for me especially since I'd likely start to feel claustrophobic, left out, and ignored because I don't know how to fit in and I feel overwhelmed. I have a story of where nine people were in a Party with me and my friend. I almost wanted to quit just then because it was too much to handle, and someone was spamming and being a smartbooty. :x

I can't imagine how I'd be able to handle being in a 100+ group. Even if some/most are offline I dunno... If most of them are quiet and I know some of them, maybe I'd feel better?
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: xmapleleafx on October 04, 2015, 03:46:46 pm
roleplaying with a large group of people that you don't even know is too much of a hassle. it never ends well.

large groups do have an advantage, because you can rp with a large number of people, and that's fun. though large groups are not really ideal anymore in my opinion. new members could get left out, group leaders can get away with being bossy and rude, drama can happen at every inching moment there is an issue, there is often way too much rules and strict ranking (i hate that), and 90% of the members are barely online.

it'll be a good idea to join a rather small rp group. you get to know everyone pretty quickly and small issues can be resolved easier, and they don't turn into unnecessary drama.

I totally agree with you Jenga, when you don't know anyone in a large group you can get left out but then again loads of your friends could be there and you would be having a great time. And drama is always around the corner - I feel a bit sorry for the large group owners who really try to keep their groups under control. As a owner of my own pride, it's so hard! I like quality groups not quantity groups.
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: Owly on October 06, 2015, 01:58:55 pm
I'm pretty split. I'm not too fond of joining big groups, but I like being one of the first members in a big group. I'm not fond of too small of groups either, just because of the lack of people to interact with.
I guess it also depends on the role play as well, and how much it catches my attention. I'm also more willing to join any group when playing as someone's offspring.
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: shayy on October 09, 2015, 08:02:07 pm
Well, I do like large groups, as long as they are active. I like them because I feel as if it's more realistic; a large pride or pack etc.. and it makes me feel like i have more of a chance to give myself a 'reputation' and try to get to know everyone in my group. But i completely see where you may not enjoy the larger groups, as small groups allow you to personalize and get to know each others roleplaying abilities and build stronger friendships. Another great thing about smaller groups is that you don't get lost in drama or ranks- only the people who hold higher ranks really contribute to the group. :)
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 10, 2015, 01:59:48 pm
For me, it really depends on the group itself.
As Owly stated, I'm on the fence as well.

Large groups can be TONS of fun with roleplaying and making friends in general. However, large groups can have issues. More often than not, from what I've seen, someone will work hard creating an enormous group for a roleplay, only to have the majority of its members never return again after day one.
Inactivity can be a major issue for any group.

That being said, I think larger groups do tend to be more successful than small ones.
Again, this does depend on the group itself and its members. If the group has an interesting roleplay plot and lots of members to interact with, the likelihood of it sticking around as an active thing are higher.

Smaller groups can be fun, though inactivity again is a downfall more so here, because there are less people, so if one person never signs back on to that character, the whole group suffers because of its teeny size. Still, having a less crowded environment does create a more peaceful, tame atmosphere, where there can be more structure and order to posting without posting on top of each other.

I think either way you go about it, it depends on the group and the individuals in it.
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: yourlocalcrow on October 11, 2015, 05:37:19 pm
I don't have anything against the large groups, I just tend to avoid them because they're often very long running and have some intricate plot that only makes sense to the senior members. Take for example, The Great Forest. I don't have anything against them, in fact I enjoyed being a loner on their map. I just didn't enjoy being a queen in ThunderClan, as I felt like I just jumped right into the middle of a book, and I didn't quite get what was going on.

Now, I'm not trying to put down TGF, nor those who have ever been apart of the group. What I'm trying to say is that the plot seems overly controlled by the admins, and just too much happens. If you haven't been there from the beginning, it might not make sense.

As I said earlier, I have absolutely nothing against the larger groups. They're just a little too big with too many people, most of which you may never interact with, and often have some sort of plot that I just can't get myself interested in. Some are very player-run, letting you make your own plot, and I love that. But I want a group where I can become friends with everyone, and with larger groups, that's impossible.
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: Yognaught on October 11, 2015, 06:31:10 pm
i actually dont mind large groups!! they can be rlly fun sometimes, and there is A LOT of people to talk to and rp with. with small groups, if one person goes offline; so does the rest of the group and it sucks.

so large groups = good
however, i don't mind small groups since you don't get like 10101010101010101 billion people post-cutting you and rping at the same time.


Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: Raddlegoose on November 01, 2015, 01:04:02 am
I don't like or dislike either of them. The good thing about larger roleplays are that you usually have more people to talk to. The bad thing is that it gets too crowded sometimes. The good thing about smaller rps are that you have some space to breath. The bad thing is that it gets lonely.
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: SkylineThePuma on November 03, 2015, 02:20:13 pm
I used to roleplay in big groups. This made me feel more comfortable as their was always action and something to do! I really consider myself a crowd-person and I like to be in a big group, talking and stalking what's going on.

I still find RP's with my friends the best ans I know them and how far I can go with fanatsy/magic/violence, still I never had a long-term RP that was under 5 people. The biggest "small" RP I joined (with friends) was with about 15 people and it was a ton load of fun as no one felt left out!
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: Preach on November 03, 2015, 02:26:43 pm
I tend to avoid it unless my friends' are there, with me. However, if it's like a roleplay group, I will tend to skip it because I just don't like it. Plus, you're required to be active everyday which is hard. Additionally, they will only take space and cause a lot of tension and lags. So, yeah I try my best to stay away and be alone.
Title: Re: Your opinions on large groups?
Post by: Nanaki on November 04, 2015, 12:52:13 am
Generally speaking, I like larger RP groups, especially when they have their own private map, because it means at least one other member will be online.