Feral Heart

Community => Praise => Topic started by: PrettyReckless on October 04, 2015, 10:06:15 pm

Title: Happy Birthday, Shallow. <3
Post by: PrettyReckless on October 04, 2015, 10:06:15 pm
Happy Birthday, fellow swede!

Yes, that's right. Shallow is turning even older Shh she will kill me.

Shallow, I love you to bits. You're one of my best friends and one of few I can truly put up with even when am at rock bottom.
I remember every moment with you. The times I've comforted you, and vice versa.
I remember introducing you to the maps in the game, the PM exchanges and how proud you were of little Chicco.
Remembering all these moments make me tear up, especially since even though we've never met. You've always been there for me.
I'm able to share my deepest secrets, and know I will never be judged by you.
You know the things about me I am not proud of, and you still love me.
Life hasn't always been fair to you, but you've always stayed the same wonderful person I got to know nearly three years ago.

You're good to the bone. You always know how to make people laugh and smile.
I love your dorky laughter, the squeals you make when zombies chase you on KF2, and so much more.

Now. I hope your lad spoils you rotten and that you have a wonderful birthday!
If not, I shall come over there with my cactus and make sure he does. >8c

Happy Birthday, Shally.
Ily, my derpy swede. <3

Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Shallow. <3
Post by: Panzram on October 04, 2015, 10:59:25 pm

Happy Birthday, Shally! -Rains coffee on you.-
I truly hope you have a wonderful day today. Thank you for being such an amazing person and just being there for everyone. You deserve a day to just relax and celebrate this moment, because you only turn this age once. Gotta live it. No words can express how happy I am to have gotten to know you or how wonderful you are and always have been. It's always a joy talking with you and for that much, I can't thank you enough. May your birthday be filled with many hugs and nuzzles. <3
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Shallow. <3
Post by: shayy on October 04, 2015, 11:10:56 pm
I know you told me yesterday that tomorrow (today) was your birthday but i forgot!
You're such a sweet and nice person and deserve all the birthday wishes the world can give you! I really hope your day was great and made you happy! I would love to hear what your boyfriend got you <3 ^^
Best Wishes!
- Shay
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Shallow. <3
Post by: .Fallen-Kingdom. on October 04, 2015, 11:15:27 pm
Happy Birthday, Shally! I hope you have a wonderful day. ^_^
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Shallow. <3
Post by: Whisperingwaves on October 04, 2015, 11:44:14 pm
Happy Birthday Meh Nommie Shally You!

Another year younger, hope you enjoy your special day~ Just remember, no one said you couldn't eat as much cake as you want on your birthday c: Have fun and hope you got what chu wanted <3

~ Whisper
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Shallow. <3
Post by: Warriorstrike on October 05, 2015, 12:04:30 am
Happy Birthday, Shally! You've done so much for us and this community, just showing your wonderful, genuine self, and you definitely deserve a day of happiness. You've always been so kind to me, as to everyone else. I hope your day is filled with lots of love and snuggles. <3
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Shallow. <3
Post by: Kerriki on October 05, 2015, 12:20:15 am
Happy birthday, Shallow! Even if I barely know you, you've always been so kind to me and many other people. You deserve to reach all the goals you have in life c: Hope your day is amazing!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Shallow. <3
Post by: HollowWolf on October 05, 2015, 01:01:48 am
Happy Birthday Shally!
I hope you have an awesome day and have fun at your birthday party! You do deserve a huge party with the biggest cake because you've done so much for everyone here, and you are an amazing friend. <3 Have a great day, Shally!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Shallow. <3
Post by: StarrieNova on October 05, 2015, 07:23:20 am
Forgive me if I am ever so late on this, but happy birthday Shally ^^
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Shallow. <3
Post by: Jackkdaw on October 05, 2015, 09:48:31 pm

Happy birthday, bby! ! <3333
I hope 'ye have a fabulous day!!! ;u;
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Shallow. <3
Post by: Shally on October 06, 2015, 04:37:52 pm
Wow! :'D

Thank you so much for each and every birthday-wish!

Your amazingly kind words just had me getting emotional there for awhile, I'm very lucky to have such awesome friends and to get to work in a community like Feral-Heart c:


You're all awesome!!
Title: Re: Happy Birthday, Shallow. <3
Post by: Enoki on October 07, 2015, 09:52:30 pm
*gasps* Hnnng, better late than never. Happy birthday Shally! Ye 'ave been such a blessing to this community with y'er helpfulness and wonderful artwork. Ye are one year older, and still look that fabulous-like what are ye using? Lol, in all sincerity, I hope ye had a fantabulous birthday and I hope for many more to come to ye!