Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: papayatoot on January 05, 2016, 01:08:52 am

Title: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: papayatoot on January 05, 2016, 01:08:52 am
 Title says it all. Some of my pet peeves in the game are:

-people who don't know how to properly export a map and when I download it, there's folders upon folders of meshes and textures I don't need or want

-characters that are mary sues in the abstract sense, meaning they think they're above any character traits that other charries may have. (ex. let's say you have an extremely charming character but nobody actually role-plays being charmed, thus ruining the role-play and part of your character. exception if they have a trait to counter-act yours, like asexuality.)

-people who are rude to other characters' designs (ex. ew thats a neon owl lol get it away *swishes realistic mane* )

-people who leave a default character just so everyone knows to get their preset. Like, you can customize that character under the preset. Don't take away from the experience of the game for someone else if they are unable to get your preset.

Share your pet peeves below!
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: G4RG0YLE on January 05, 2016, 04:02:49 pm
My biggest pet peeve is actually the way people are most commonly having their canine characters as grey, white, or black.
Not that I despise the shades used to have as a pelt or marking, but it's just a very dull concept for me personally. It's very rare for me to see other coloured wolves aside from brown and the occasional maroon red with silly pink underfurs. Mainly because those who are actually adventurous turn out neon and are most likely incapable of realising how blinding it is for my eyes, and the majority of us can probably agree to that.
Not going to judge anyone on it though, their character their design their control, not mine. Just wish there was a lot more imagination going on!
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: AtlanticPuffin on January 05, 2016, 05:37:57 pm
Well, I've got a good amount of pet peeves. One of the most annoying things on Feral-Heart for me are wolf-speakers. OK, I get it that everyone role-plays differently but what wolf-speakers are saying is completely wrong. For an example, most use the word 'fae' for female even though fae actually stands for a mythical creature. The anger just builds up in me once I see a wolf-speaker. By wolf-speaker, I mean a person that uses complicated terms that are incorrect for nearly every word they use. It's okay if you use two or so, but not like ten or something.

Another one would be people that hunt you without asking for permission. I tend to make a lot of prey animals such as antelopes and I get a lot of people that just come up to me and attack me because 'they need food to survive'. I mean, at least ask for permission if you wish to hunt me. Most excuses I get are 'OMG, it's only a game. Real predators don't ask their prey can they hunt them'. Ridiculous.

I think this will be the last one I'll say because I don't want to list out all my pet peeves since I don't want to make this extremely long. Anyways, here I go.

Mate-beggars. The worst thing to happen to me, literally. I usually don't encounter mate-beggars, yet my friend does most of the times and it is completely ridiculous. "Wantz to be my mate plz. I need someoen. plz.". OK yeah, you can just say 'no thank you' but the ones I encounter just don't go away and keep on asking you until you really need to block them. Some just keep on asking and asking until you're about to blow up you're so annoyed. ( in my case ).

Well, those were my three main pet peeves. Feel free to protest about them, I really don't mind. ;)
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: The_Black_Cat on January 06, 2016, 02:47:08 am
- When people don't give their ceiling/water material file in their map download and the ceiling/water is a giant marshmallow.

- Objects that rotate weirdly and simply trying to turn them around to face the opposite direction will end up turning them upside down.

- The default rocks with that pesky collision that makes no sense.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: Jango_Fett on January 06, 2016, 02:43:45 pm
-any face akin to uwu

-those guys who come to ficho late at night and think it's ok to get freaky in front of my face

-anti hyena island

-stone bridge

-basically everything at this point
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: cozyyote on January 06, 2016, 03:09:32 pm
When you load into the game on a hard place to get, and end up clicking in front of you so that you fall off, or give yourself a near-heart attack.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: Kouvinxx on January 07, 2016, 10:49:55 am
-I hate it when people guilt trip you into joining their group

-People who throw you into their rp

-Mate beggars -screams-

-Characters who are supposed to be depressing and all that. Like their get way into it sometimes and.. it's really not nice to see.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: Dex-Hart on January 07, 2016, 06:15:40 pm
-[name] F/M [species]
-Fandom roleplayers that don't follow the character's personality
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: Hooli on January 07, 2016, 06:19:45 pm
- Edgy characters with really dark backstories
- Lionesses with 'dwarfism' aka just shrinking their characters to look like cubs and calling them an adult
- People who make fun of new players or players in general, calling them 'noobs'
- Members who give their characters mental illnesses when they don't know how to portray said mental illness correctly without any research done on said mental illness. (Ex. Giving a character anxiety and rping them as really quiet/shy and literally afraid of everything.)
- Getting into a seemingly interesting role play that looks a lot of fun just to download the map and go into it and all you see is a sloppily placed batch of trees here and there that lag so bad your FH crashes every time you look at them.
- People who think it's okay to break the FH rules just because a moderator isn't around to catch them in the act.

I have a ton more but I think the list goes on forever.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: PoisonIVy12 on January 07, 2016, 09:33:06 pm
I'm not ingame very much but I have a few.

I don't know why, but it bothers me when people put "M" or "F" at the end of their name. I could understand if you can't tell by the name which gender your character is, but if you had a name like "David" and added "M" at the end of it... No female would be named David, so the "M" part is unnecessary. But I've seen this before. I put that sort of information in the bio section. Nothing against those who do it, I just get irritated by it.

I also dislike how I'll glitch into certain objects if I run up them instead of jump up them, and everyone should know which objects those are... XD

Super-laggy patches on maps. Not that my maps don't have these, which they do...

When I glitch out of my building maps and can't get back in because there are no holes in my roof.

When a map server ceases to work and as soon as I put a blocker in front of the portal, the map starts working again.

Random game crashes when I turn the camera completely upwards while working on a map.

...Most of these are map related XD
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: Metronome on January 08, 2016, 12:43:09 am
Mary Sue characters are a big one.

Making 'human' characters. Not really a big problem, just a little odd in my view.

People in-game complaining about how other users created their character. Like what colors they used, shape, etc. It's their character. They can make them look how they want.

Cussing up a storm in a random part in the server. May be fine with a friend or private chat or whatever, but oftentimes, kids can see it. Also, it's just annoying.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: ZombieKitteh on January 08, 2016, 04:18:48 am
Ah, my list of peeves is mighty. I'll try to slim it down for your reading sake.

- Edgy or super cliche characters.people. No you're not cool. Stop trying.

- Over the top wolf/elitist speak. Cadual vertebrae? Really? Just say your tail, for goodness sake.

- Solid black characters set at 0, 0 ,0 so the default textures are hidden and have white pixels under the eyebrows and mouth

- People that make fun of and judge others based on their characters, roleplay style or roleplays.

- Groups that are really awkward because they're totally distant or have little 'cliques' you need to worm into.

- Roleplays with no structure, plots or anything interesting. Also roleplays that are overly strict and limit your character devlopment.

- Individuals that decide to kill, hunt, fight people without OOC permission. No I don't want to start a 'war' with your pack out of nowhere. Shoo.

- Roleplays and characters that are evil simply to be evil. That whole insane to be insane thing is really old. This goes hand in hand with the fore-mentioned peeve. There isn't a truly 'evil' character. Ever. Having 'bad guys' is totally fine, but be creative about it. Yeah? You're wolf that is insane, killed his parents when he was a pup to turn into a demon and has split personality disorder isn't cool. Please stop. There's more to it then just being 'evil'.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: Preach on January 09, 2016, 12:03:10 pm
I pet peeve is when I download a map for any FH event, I will first get a bad token. When encountering my second try, it finally decides to let me in the map. But when I crash, I have to deal with that process all over.

Another is when I lag. I have very good Internet and very good laptop, but all of a sudden I can hardly move my mouse because of the lag.

Uggh, this is an embarrassing one. When I try to get on the sofa but the lag is so serious, it makes me go over instead on landing. I will try this process like 20 times and stop, because I am afraid what other are thinking. XD But seriously that pisses me off so bad. XD
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: Preach on January 09, 2016, 08:15:09 pm
I pet peeve is when I download a map for any FH event, I will first get a bad token. When encountering my second try, it finally decides to let me in the map. But when I crash, I have to deal with that process all over.

Another is when I lag. I have very good Internet and very good laptop, but all of a sudden I can hardly move my mouse because of the lag.

Uggh, this is an embarrassing one. When I try to get on the sofa but the lag is so serious, it makes me go over instead on landing. I will try this process like 20 times and stop, because I am afraid what other are thinking. XD But seriously that pisses me off so bad. XD

I always hate being lion. Whenever I am alone and chilling by myself, someone always have to pm me as if I am looking for a pride. Never in my life did I ask but they keep asking away, which is annoying.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: Tessel. on January 09, 2016, 08:54:49 pm

- Character copiers.
I know, I know, some designs are common and of course there are going to be people who look like you. But it's different if you have your own unique look using markings and colour schemes that nobody else really uses/are uncommon. That's when it becomes a problem. I had one person copy my entire character. Markings (from marking pack), items, etc. I'm pretty sure they did it (and a lot of other CC's do this too) because they wanted to be my mate, as I was chilling at mate center. The second I said I wasn't there for a mate, they left onto a diff character. Coincidence? I don't know. But I've seen that same person copy many different characters because they want to be their mate.

- Wolf Speak.
This is a really common pet peeve. The reason I dislike it is because wolf speakers tend to give excessively-literate names to their characters body parts. Calling them "tail" or "muzzle" wont make you illiterate, as that's what they tend to think. Not all, but some. And most of the time you can't even understand what they're trying to say to the point that it just gets rather annoying. Throwing in one or two wolf speak words once in a while doesn't bother me as much, it's just when they make their entire paragraph full of it. Please don't think I am hating on you if anyone reading this uses wolf speak, it just bothers me. But if you enjoy it, I wont stop you.

- Inactive Roleplays.
Even though I don't roleplay as much any more, when I do, I love it when it is active. The pack/group is on often, and when you are RP'ing, it is continuous. I hate when there is too much OOC talking during an RP. Or when there is pauses, where no one is talking and you're just sitting there. If you're going to make a RP, take these into consideration, as I'm sure there is some other people who feel this way.

- Powerplaying.
This is probably one of my biggest pet peeves. I hate when people powerplay. Say, for example, you are roleplaying and there is a fight. If you constantly get perfect hits without dodges and you "kill" the player because you said so without permission, it makes me want to scream. It actually happened to me about a week ago. I was roleplaying and had to deal with a powerplayer who apparently ripped my insides out and killed me no matter what I said.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: itsmichael on January 18, 2016, 11:20:43 pm
 powerplayers, attention seekers.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: Kerriki on January 18, 2016, 11:53:31 pm
People who tell others what to do and except to be listened to (or, some of the king/queen characters)
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: LordSuragaha on January 19, 2016, 04:37:27 am
When it comes to the site....

When users have fuzzy avatars xD I hate that. I always try to fix them when I have the chance ;3

Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: PartyyRockinn on January 20, 2016, 05:40:12 pm
I honestly don't have many that I can think of! I try to be pretty understanding and considerate with people that are new to the game or don't know how to do things.

However... people that spam and constantly make a scene... yikes.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: LonelyMerchant on January 21, 2016, 01:46:36 am
- People who don't follow a character's personality
- People who have the beginning letter in their name in lowercase
- Spammers
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: wolvesanddragons on January 24, 2016, 06:08:48 pm
-people who wear a preset and leave their characters at default, making people unable to get an idea of what they look like unless they download it.

-me leaving groups, I always feel so bad, I don't want to hurt peoples feelings so I just leave without saying goodbye.

-when every single person in a group has to look exactly the same with no variations.

-there always seems to be a lack of elders in rps.

-when cubs/pups etc join a group but no one wants to be a parent and so there's unexplained orphans everywhere.

-when there's a realistic rp and if you ask one question people think you don't know anything and go over a bunch of unnecessary things irrelevant to the original question.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: yourlocalcrow on January 24, 2016, 11:29:30 pm
Wolf-speakers being let into "literate" roleplays. I immediately leave groups that allow in wolf-speakers, because I cannot roleplay with them. I know it makes them feel more literate, and I'm not going to rant, but wolf-speak is the misusing of "fancy" words to the point of being unreadable to me.

When the login page refreshes and logs you out. I have to log off the game, log into the login page, wait a minute, then get back in to avoid crashing. It's annoying because I'm always roleplaying, and I often miss a post or two. During a battle or conversation scene, this is very frustrating as I have to ask what I missed.

The eyebrows. I don't know why, but I don't like the eyebrow texture.

Default characters who have presets. Please, give us a hint to what your preset may look like.

This one is kind of nitpicky, but when people don't begin a continued role-play post with "<" or "<<". It can lead to problems when you being the next post with "/" to show thought or emphasis, and can sometimes be confusing. I don't call anyone out on it, but it is just slightly frustrating when I see someone in group chat freak out because they started their post with "/" and sent it and now it didn't show up.

People being alienated because of their unrealistic character design. I can see someone saying "Whoa, you're character design is blinding!" and not meaning to hurt anyone's feelings, but calling others "sparkle dogs/cats" can be offensive.

People that think it's okay to bang in Ficho or Bonfire. You shouldn't be doing that in the first place, but at least do it in a private map.

Unwanted group rivalries. If you're all part of one overarching role-play, it's fine to have some pack/pride/Clan/tribe rivalry, just not if everyone is separate. This mostly applies to mappless groups in Fluorite. If anyone remembers ShatteredClan, they were a wonderful example of unwanted rivalry. I remember role-playing as a kit, and ShatteredClan came and attacked us out of nowhere.

One-dimensional personalities. These are cliche characters that are lazy just because, evil just because, etc, and don't have any other personality traits. They have some cliche backstory, or the creator didn't make one at all. I have an insane character, but he's so much more than just insane; he's a protective brother, willing to die if it meant his sister would live, and that has a reason behind it. He's got the capabilities of being a devoted boyfriend, and so much more than just insane. It's the one-dimensional characters that are the way they are just because they can be, and have no reason to be, and have no quirks or other personality traits.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: Likuu on January 25, 2016, 05:56:12 am
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on February 10, 2016, 08:18:46 pm

-characters that are mary sues in the abstract sense, meaning they think they're above any character traits that other charries may have. (ex. let's say you have an extremely charming character but nobody actually role-plays being charmed, thus ruining the role-play and part of your character. exception if they have a trait to counter-act yours, like asexuality.)

I think I might have found an example of this pet peeve of yours.


-I do have a pet peeve for people who make characters that have to remind everyone how "beautiful and charming" they are every five minutes or so. It's even worse when they try to seduce those of the opposite sex all the time, and then they get mad when they get rejected. "But why?! I'm the most beautiful one in the pride/pack! You should adore my charm and beauty!" Sure your character may be pretty to some, but not everyone is going to feel the same way. Beauty is subjective after all.

-Then there are powerplayers.

-People who try to interrupt a roleplay.

-Those who go around asking/begging random people to be their mates/parents/children/etc.

-The "vengeance seekers". Pretty much people who get denied/rejected for whatever reason, and they try to get back at the ones who rejected them. For example, a female wolf asked someone to be her mate. He refused her advances, so she tries to insta-kill him for rejecting her. Or a lion cub goes up to a group of lionesses with their cubs and starts asking for one of the lionesses to take him/her as their cub. They say "no", and the cub tries to kill some of the other cubs out of revenge for being denied. I've seen it happen.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: Cosmic-Wolf on February 12, 2016, 05:25:44 am
The only things I have problems with are:

-People who powerplay or just...rp impossible stuff(Like one time I watched a couple of lion cubs grab full grown King Simba and throw him off a cliff)

People that bug you. Omg, when you get online and the first thing they do is whisper you wanting you to do this or begging to rp.

-Mate beggars. No...just no....

And that's really about it. Otherwise, I'm pretty easy going when it comes to this stuff.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: OutofBreath on February 12, 2016, 05:51:36 am
1. Swearing or being rude.
2. Dark characters with dark backstories.
3. Really strict groups.
4. Extreme violence.
5. People who try to eat the chickens at Stone Bridge ;)
6. Pups/cubs attacking the chickens while RPing.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: Hakumi on February 12, 2016, 06:14:31 am
I'm mostly calm about these sort of things, until it's taken to an extent...
o Chat Being Flooded With Unnecessary Spamming.
o Characters Pretending To Be Illiterate / Trolls ( I Find This Rude Sometimes ).
o CAPS Being Used Way Too Much.
o Rude Behavior Overall.
o Fights Over Characters Or Someone 'Copying.'
o Strictness Overall.

And That's About It , The List Goes On .  . But Again , I'm Mostly Calm About These Things.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: Edolicious on February 12, 2016, 08:24:57 am
Realizing all too late that I didn't click on the chat box before trying to type something in.
Title: Re: What Are Your FeralHeart Pet Peeves?
Post by: VortexAlive on February 12, 2016, 03:17:06 pm
-Being unable to place objects as if they were on a grid in the map editor. xD
-People that join a group and never get on, and then wonder why it's dead. -.-
-Being left with a dead group. :'c
-WolfSpeak (Speak the language you'd speak every day... it's not a contest!) >.<
-Every time I log in I have to look for the character I want to use. xD
-Myself (For always thinking too much and never really doing anything.) xD
-The lag from looking at a large group of players... ;.;
-People who always just want to RP or try to get a group to RP right after joining with no idea of what to RP. (Seriously there's no need to rush.) o.o
-The ones who complain about 'copied' characters that used the default textures/markings etc.
-Tailless characters... Idk why but it really just throws me off every time I see one.
That pretty much sums it up for me! :D