Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: Amaimono on January 25, 2016, 05:54:29 pm

Title: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Amaimono on January 25, 2016, 05:54:29 pm
I've been making and exporting maps for ages and it never happened to me before, so i'm really confused.
I made a map for me and my friend for our rp. I exported it, writed down names of exported files to be sure i don't miss anything, and sent everything to my friend. But when she tries to go in there - her game crashes.
I always save objects i use, like, again in a group named after the map, so i don't have to look for them everywhere and i don't have to send my friends like 7 different files when map is exported.
I've been using this method for ages and it ALWAYS worked. I have no idea why this isn't working now. Maybe something is wrong with her game? Maybe i can send my map to someone to see if it crashes for them too?
Or maybe something has changed in map maker since i've played FH for the last time and now i can't use my method?
Oh and also sorry if there's a topic like this. I just didn't find anything helpful..
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Preach on January 25, 2016, 05:57:31 pm
There probably are some errors in the files the map is using. Check all the meshes in the object groups you've used in the map, make sure none of them have a "missing texture/material" or are actually missing from the group itself. Check the sky and weather, make sure there aren't any missing particles or files.

As for the crashing, check your "particles" and "Sky" folder for particle duplicates. They look like this:

nameoffile_0.particle or sometimes nameoffile_1.particle.

Find and delete those files.

I'm not sure what else I can do to help with your map, I've experienced the same kind of things with my maps. Maybe your map is just a little too big?

I hope you find the answer to your problem :)
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Amaimono on January 25, 2016, 06:20:59 pm
Thank you! I'll make sure everything with objects is okay... But i think there's nothing wrong with them. I made the map the same day i saved all objects into that group so there shouldn't be any problem with them. But i hope it's not the map size's fault, because i really don't want to make it smaller... And i also don't think 8000 is too big..? It works just fine for me.
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Enoki on January 25, 2016, 06:56:58 pm
Thank you! I'll make sure everything with objects is okay... But i think there's nothing wrong with them. I made the map the same day i saved all objects into that group so there shouldn't be any problem with them. But i hope it's not the map size's fault, because i really don't want to make it smaller... And i also don't think 8000 is too big..? It works just fine for me.

Size shouldn't matter with maps. I've made plenty of maps with extreme sizes and they work perfectly fine.

What may be the problem is how y'er friend placed the files. I would ask 'em to give ye a step by step list as to where they placed everything. One misplaced file can cause a crash.

Also, just to be sure, ye didn't rename any files after ye exported them, right? If so, that may be the issue, although ye probably didn't do this. Just throwing out every possible situation that could of occurred.
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Amaimono on January 25, 2016, 07:01:32 pm
No, no. I didn't re-named anything.
Misplaced files can cause a crash too? Oh, i didn't know... I'm going to ask her now.
Thank you for your help!
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Amaimono on January 25, 2016, 07:36:44 pm
No, no. I didn't re-named anything.
Misplaced files can cause a crash too? Oh, i didn't know... I'm going to ask her now.
Thank you for your help!
Okay so there are only 4 objects(EDIT- i mean Files, sorry!):
and .fhm
And as far ad i know they all belong to the export folder, where she put them.
I also checked my objects and there's nothing wrong with them.
Now i just completely have no idea what is going on.
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Warriorstrike on January 25, 2016, 07:57:12 pm
If the map is working for you, but not for your friend, it's possible that your friend's computer cannot handle a sky or weather file (if there is one) or the amount of lag caused due to excessive use of meshes or collisions. If this is the case, you could try having them delete the weather file and/or reduce the number of objects and collisions in the map, yourself. When downloading the map, be sure that your friend selects "replace" if/when the download asks her to, instead of skipping a file.
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Enoki on January 25, 2016, 07:59:07 pm
Hmm, are they in the exports folder directly, or are they in a folder themselves?

This may be an odd question, but where does she 'ave the FH folder itself? I've had a roleplay member with this sort of issue and they realized that they had FH in Program Files (x86) folder. Once they moved it out of there, the maps started to work. Perhaps she has the same issue?

Be sure to 'ave her check f'er copies of FH in her computer files. She could be placing it in a copy of the FH files rather than the one that the game is working off of.
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Amaimono on January 25, 2016, 08:26:12 pm
- She has FH folder directly in C:\
- Map files are in exports directly and she has no other copies of FH folder/files.
- Map is working for me, but her game just crashes. That's why i wanted to send it to someone else to see if it works for them... But i don't know anybody i can send my map to.
- She just tried to go in there after deleting the sky and weather files, but it still craches.
I guess all i can do now is reduce the numer of objects?
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Enoki on January 25, 2016, 08:37:37 pm
Feel free to send me the map files if ye want and I'll see if I can get it to work on m'laptop. ;)

Is the weather a custom weather? Meaning, did ye make the weather particles y'erself? If ye drew the weather image y'erself than be sure to see if 'twas included in the download. I f'ergot to do that with a fire rain I made and whenever the weather started up, everyone who downloaded the map crashed and I was left alone. XD

How old is her computer and how much space does she 'ave left on it? Warrior could very well 'ave the solution.
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Kerriki on January 26, 2016, 12:20:50 am
Feel free to send me the map link as well, I wouldn't mind trying it out ^^

As for your friend's issue, is she placing all the files in different folders? Since (apparently) she's stuffing everything into her exports folder, have her try something different; place all .fho and .fhm files into exports. Place all .fhw and .fhs files into sky. Place all .mp3 files into sounds. And if there are ground textures (sand1.jpg etc), have her place them in her textures folder. But before trying all this, have her delete every map file from her folder

If that still doesn't work, it could be that your map is dense and full of meshes. Laggy maps tend to cause people to crash the first few times they try to enter, so maybe just have her wait a few days before trying again
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Amaimono on January 28, 2016, 06:15:10 pm
Sorry for not replying, i didn't have time to modify my map earlier... But now i deleted like half of trees and some useless objects, but it STILL crashes my friend's game.
I also used just a LightRain as a weather so it shouldn't be a problem.
I may try to delete even more objects but then my map would be... Really empty.. And we've been both playing on really large maps full od objects and it never crashed for her. So i really don't know what is going on.
Enoki it'd be great if you could see if that map works for you. I'll PM you files when you agree, okay?

Feel free to send me the map link as well, I wouldn't mind trying it out ^^

As for your friend's issue, is she placing all the files in different folders? Since (apparently) she's stuffing everything into her exports folder, have her try something different; place all .fho and .fhm files into exports. Place all .fhw and .fhs files into sky. Place all .mp3 files into sounds. And if there are ground textures (sand1.jpg etc), have her place them in her textures folder. But before trying all this, have her delete every map file from her folder

If that still doesn't work, it could be that your map is dense and full of meshes. Laggy maps tend to cause people to crash the first few times they try to enter, so maybe just have her wait a few days before trying again
Yeah, she did it already and still no effect... And as i said before, i've already deleted about half of objects on the map (it's no more laggy for me) and still nothning.

I'll send map's files too if you don't mind?

Thank you all for your help.
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Enoki on January 28, 2016, 07:42:21 pm
Yeah, feel free to shoot 'em over whenever ye get the chance and I'll see if the download will work on m'FH.

If it still isn't working on her computer with the lessening of objects, 'tis most likely how she downloaded it and placed the files. Something must be out of place or missing from the download. I'll try to look at it as soon as I get the download.
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Enoki on January 28, 2016, 08:23:41 pm
So, it didn't allow me in the map, it gave me the FH.exe has stopped working error and shut the game down. Anyway, here's what I've found out. It looks like ye placed all objects in one grouping, yes? Did ye export this object group b'fore working with them in y'er map?

Also, did ye rename the files after ye exported them, or was that the original name that they were exported under? If ye renamed them afterwards, export the original files 'gain and leave the names as is.

The reason why it is not working is either b'cause ye renamed an already exported file or ye excluded an important file in the download. Export the map in Map Maker and then make a list of all the things it tells ye it exported. Next, check the download ye made and see what's missing.

If this doesn't work, do ye mind setting a date and time f'er a join.me/livestream? I can probably sort all this out if I can get a look at y'er FH files and see what's goin' on in there. If it works f'er ye in-game, then it should work f'er everyone else who downloads it.
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Kerriki on January 29, 2016, 12:38:39 am
Go ahead and send me the map download as well, fluff. Hopefully I'll be able to give some suggestions based on whether or not the map causes me to crash ^^'
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Amaimono on January 29, 2016, 04:48:57 pm
So, it didn't allow me in the map, it gave me the FH.exe has stopped working error and shut the game down. Anyway, here's what I've found out. It looks like ye placed all objects in one grouping, yes? Did ye export this object group b'fore working with them in y'er map?

Also, did ye rename the files after ye exported them, or was that the original name that they were exported under? If ye renamed them afterwards, export the original files 'gain and leave the names as is.

The reason why it is not working is either b'cause ye renamed an already exported file or ye excluded an important file in the download. Export the map in Map Maker and then make a list of all the things it tells ye it exported. Next, check the download ye made and see what's missing.

If this doesn't work, do ye mind setting a date and time f'er a join.me/livestream? I can probably sort all this out if I can get a look at y'er FH files and see what's goin' on in there. If it works f'er ye in-game, then it should work f'er everyone else who downloads it.

Now as I look up my files i think... I exported wrong objects group. They have similar names and i think i just choose the wrong one back then.
Oh my god, i feel so stupid.
I guess i have to do this map all over again.
Thank you all again for your help.
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Enoki on January 29, 2016, 05:15:35 pm
Ah! That would most likely be it! Glad ye found the issue; this should be an easy fix. :D

I don't think ye'll need to re-do the whole map. If ye see the objects in the map, then all ye need to do is re-export the correct object group and place it in the download. ;3
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Amaimono on January 29, 2016, 05:19:06 pm
Oh, i completely forgot about this!
Thank you so much! I'll try to do this and see if it works now.
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Enoki on January 29, 2016, 05:23:30 pm
Alrighty! Fingers crossed f'er ye. If it still doesn't seem to work, feel free to send me the new version of the download and I'll see if I can spot any errors. G'luck with it! Hoping f'er the best.
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Amaimono on January 30, 2016, 02:49:35 pm
Okay, so it was still crashing after exporting the right objects group, so we did something different. I just sent her all files of objects i used on the map to put them in my objects folder and it finally worked. I still don't know why was it not working but now i'm sure it was someting with objects...
I'm making new map now so i'll see if it happens again when i'm done.
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Enoki on January 30, 2016, 06:08:19 pm
It could possibly be when the object group is exported, FH isn't reading a few of the objects and skipping them? This is probably occurring since ye took the objects and made a different group with them. Something in the process of doing so must've went wrong.

Anywho, glad ye got it to work! ;D
Title: Re: Exported map won't work?
Post by: Kerriki on January 30, 2016, 06:12:02 pm
Locking this since the issue seems to be solved. If you run into more issues, feel free to make another thread ^^'