Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Member Made Tutorials => Miscellaneous Tutorials => Topic started by: wolfsquad on March 01, 2016, 12:12:51 pm

Title: Using FeralHeart Forums
Post by: wolfsquad on March 01, 2016, 12:12:51 pm
Using FeralHeart Forums
Many members of the FeralHeart community often ask questions about the forum such as how do they post images in a post, get a signature/avatar, make spoilers, bold letters out, make text bigger, etc. This is a guide on how the forums works.

Big Menu
Home (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1&Itemid=1) - This is the homepage with links and about FeralHeart.
Forum  (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2)- This, of course, leads to the forum.
Staff (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=28&Itemid=52) - This leads to a page with the list of Staff and links to their bio's and links to contact them.
Manual (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4&Itemid=33) - This explains how to play the game.
Download (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=23&Itemid=40) - This leads to the download page to get the game.
Rules (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&topic=18317.0) - This, of course, leads to the rules that should/must be read.
Official DA (http://feral-heart-art.deviantart.com/) - This leads to FeralHeart's official DA (DeviantART) page.
T's C's & Priv Policy (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=26&Itemid=44) - Terms and Conditions + Private Policy page
Play Game (http://feral-heart.com/login/index.php) - This is used to login to before you open the actual game and type in your username/password to login and play multiplayer.

Small Menu
Home (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php) - This leads to the forums.
Help (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&action=help) - This leads to the SMF User Help page.
Search (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&action=search) - This leads to the search page to find certain things.
Profile (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&action=profile) - This leads to your profile (Link leads to my profile, for example).
My Messages - This leads to your page, where all your sent and received messages lie.
Members (http://www.feral-heart.com/index.php?option=com_jfusion&Itemid=2&jfile=index.php&action=mlist) - This leads to a page to find registered forum members.
Logout - This logs you out of the forums.

"Show unread posts since last visit" - This shows you a list of posts you haven't read before since the last time you visited FeralHeart forums.
"Show new replies to your posts" - When you post in a thread, you're subscribed to it. Every time a member posts there, you're notified here.
"View the most recent posts on the forum" - This shows you a list of recent posts made on the forums.
"[More Stats]" - This gives you a forum statistics list such as who makes the most threads, who has the highest post count, how many threads there are on the forum, how many posts there are on the forum, etc.
"### Guests, ### Users (###) Buddy" - Clicking this will show you a list of online guests + members and what they're doing on the forums.

"Summary" - Shows you what your profile looks like to members.
"Show stats" - Shows your forum statistics.
"Show posts" - Shows all the posts you've made on the forums.
"Awards" - Shows all the rewards you've gotten on the forums.
"Account Related Settings" - Contains all your critical forum information and account settings, such as display name changing.
"Forum Profile Information" - Change your avatar, signature, location, birthdate, etc.
"Look And Layout Preferences" - Lets you customize the forum's look and layout.
"Notifications and  Email" - Lets you check what you get notified and emailed for.
"Personal Message Options" - Lets you add an ignore list and who to get messages from.
"Edit Buddies" - Let's you add and delete buddies, with info such as email [if visible] and website [if there is any].
"Delete Your Account" - Deletes your forum account.

Important Boards
News & Updates is used for storing news (such as hackings) and updates (such as what's new to the forums/game, who's new to the staff team, etc)
Help  is used by members who need game or forum help.
Rules & Official Information - Contains the rules and critical forum/game information.

To post an image, you must get the image and upload it to an image sharing website such as Imgur. Get the link for Linked BBCode, for message boards. Then paste it in your signature or post. If image is too large, use [*spoiler=][/spoiler*] (without the *) to help. Members can open the spoiler to see the large image.

Posting Ranks
(Do not use this as your way to get a higher posting rank!)
Newbie: 0 posts
Jr. Member: 25 posts
Sr. Member: 50 posts
Experienced Member: 100 posts
Dedicated Member: 250 posts
Full Member: 500 posts
Elder Member: 1,000 posts
Elite Member: 1,500 posts
Hero Member: 2,500 posts
Lengendary Member: 4,000 posts

Text Features
Write without the *.
[*b][/b*] - Used to bold text
[ib][/i*] - Used for italic text
[*u][/u*] - Used to underline text
[*s][/s*] - Used to strike out text
[*glow=red,2,300][/glow*] - Used for glow
[*shadow=red,left][/shadow*] - Used for shadows
[*move][/move*] - Used for moving text
[*pre][/pre*] - Used for preformatted text
[*left][/left*] - Used for left text
[*center][/center*] - Used for center text
[*right)[/right*] - Used for right text
[*hr] - Used to create a horizontal line
[*size=10pt][/size*] - Used to increase/decrease text size
[*font=Verdana][/font*] - Used for font changes
[*color=teal][/color*] - Used for color changes
[*img][/img*] - Can also be used for images
[*url][/url*] - Hyperlink
[*url=][/url*] - Hyperlink with your choice of words
[*email][/email*] - Link email
[*ftp][/ftp*] - FTP link
[*table][/table*] - Table
[*tr][/tr*] - Table row
[*td][/td*] - Table column
[*sup][/sup*] - Superscript
[*sub][/sub*] - Subscript
[*tt][/tt*] - Teletype
[*code][/code*] - Code
[*quote][/quote*] - Quote
[*li][/li*] - List (Add more [*li][/li*] for another bullet)
[*li][/li*] - List (Add more [*li][/li*' for another bullet)
[*spoiler=][/spoiler*] - Spoiler

I hope all this helps~!
* Did I forget something? Don't hesitate to tell me below and I'll add it in.
Title: Re: Using FeralHeart Forums
Post by: Angelaxax on March 01, 2016, 01:38:57 pm
You help people a lot with this! =3
Title: Re: Using FeralHeart Forums
Post by: Edolicious on March 01, 2016, 02:50:22 pm
 Will definitely be referring people to this from now on.
Title: Re: Using FeralHeart Forums
Post by: PrettyReckless on March 01, 2016, 03:17:40 pm
I am sure this will come in handy quite a lot. Good work. <3
Title: Re: Using FeralHeart Forums
Post by: Warriorstrike on March 01, 2016, 04:35:19 pm
Great work! I'm sure some users will definitely find this useful when still learning or simply being curious about how parts of the forum works.
Title: Re: Using FeralHeart Forums
Post by: LordSuragaha on March 01, 2016, 05:53:18 pm
Very nice and thorough guide you made here. I can see many folks benefiting from such an informative thread. Good work and thank you for taking the time to help out other users with this.
Title: Re: Using FeralHeart Forums
Post by: Preach on March 01, 2016, 08:26:37 pm
Nice job concluding the forum overall. I am very certain this will come in handy for the newcomers. Thank you for makings this! <3
Title: Re: Using FeralHeart Forums
Post by: Tessel. on March 01, 2016, 08:29:50 pm
 This is really great. It's very informative and includes every aspect of the forum. It will definitely be helpful for new members, or anyone in general.

Title: Re: Using FeralHeart Forums
Post by: wolfsquad on March 01, 2016, 09:08:57 pm
Thank you~! I still saw members who needed help with the forums, so I decided to make this (I'm still undecided if I'll do an edition for game help) + I was bored and had time. It's nice to hear this is going to help a lot of people.
Title: Re: Using FeralHeart Forums
Post by: Hakumi on March 01, 2016, 09:35:15 pm
Fantastic job putting all of this together. Hopefully some newcomers ( and even the old ones in case they need a refresher ) will be taking a look at this whenever they need some guidance. - Le Nuzzles -
Well Done.