Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Lady_Alizarin on March 09, 2016, 09:15:04 pm

Title: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: Lady_Alizarin on March 09, 2016, 09:15:04 pm
I've seen a few characters out in FH with character names like "Toni WhiteWolf" or "Lacy SilverFox", "Lisa Pink Lion", "snow white tiger". Those are just examples. Is it really necessary to put your character's color in your character name? I think not. I mean, it's kind of obvious your tiger is white, or a white lion, or a black wolf, or a creme stallion, why feel the need to take up space in your character name to point out a fairly obvious trait? What's the point of that? I'm just curious.
Do you think it's necessary?
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: Edolicious on March 09, 2016, 09:42:24 pm
 Some people believe the white tiger is an entire separate species, other than discoloration and whatnot. They may view the 'color description' as a different species of wolf, fox, etc. if that makes any sense.

Or, they may put it there to make their character to seem more ominous or mysterious. For instance, the "___ White Wolf" sounds a little more mysterious than" ____ Wolf"

In the situation where it's just used to describe the color of the character, no, I don't think it's necessary.

I guess it's all up to the character's creator in the end.
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: Preach on March 10, 2016, 12:40:38 am
To be honest, I don't know why the color needs to be added. I mean, your character is not a preset and is in fact view for publoc, but I still don't understand. Maybe they feel it's useful or helpful? Maybe they're the users who looking for mates and seem to be interested for that specific color? I don't know...hard to understand. I believe they do it for fun.

To me, I find unnecessary. I mean, this is why KovuLD made character bios, right? Great topic nevertheless.
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: Likuu on March 10, 2016, 02:58:13 am
To be completely honest, colors and genders should just be put in your biography if you really want people to know.

It being in your name tag just takes up space, and gets in the way. Well that's how I see it. If ye roleplay your character, others will know your gender from there, and your biography if you put it in there.

You color of your character is there either way, on your character. So it makes no sense to really put it in your name tag. But I guess people like it like that.
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: Teakat on March 10, 2016, 03:08:10 am
I always wondered why this happened!
I like to think that, like .Edolicious. stated, that people just want their characters to seem 'mysterious.' I do think it's a bit odd, considering that KovuLKD did have the thought to implement bios into the game. Who knows, haha. Perhaps they just want to make sure everyone sees what their character is; sometimes people don't always read bios.

The world will never know.  ::)
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: AutumnTheWulf on March 10, 2016, 07:17:19 am
  To be honest I don't really mind that. I think they're just trying to specify what exactly species they are other than just a tiger.  
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: G4RG0YLE on March 10, 2016, 03:39:15 pm
I don't see a point in the colour; however what I do see sometimes necessary is the species. Not the gender, the colour, just the species itself. Yet, I guess sometimes people put it in the generally to be specific, and might not understand the whole concept of people using F3 or even a biography?
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: Jango_Fett on March 10, 2016, 06:29:38 pm
because people like to be redundant maybe?

maybe they want to let colorblind people know what their color is?

the world may never know.
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: alexterri on March 10, 2016, 11:12:16 pm
Uhh, I don't see people doing this very often. Actually, I can't think of any time I heard someone call themselves "Lily SilverWolf" or whatever. I dunno, maybe its just a coincidence.
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: Warriorstrike on March 11, 2016, 04:20:56 am
A couple floofs mentioned this above-- some may consider the colors to determine the species of creature, so it's understandable if they want to include that info in their character name. Personally, I don't really mind if people like to add their characters' colors to the character name descriptions.
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: Wyldercat on March 11, 2016, 07:21:00 pm
As previously stated, it might just be for the fancy effect. It might also be symbolic, for instance, the BlackTiger might not only seem more intimidating, but may even hold a kind of status to it.
I don't mind at all, I'm cool with all names and name types, and some even sound kinda nice with the colors.
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: floof on March 12, 2016, 05:05:59 pm
It's always been a little peeve of mine when people add things like "<name> <gender> <species>", because sometimes it's pretty obvious, and as others have said before me, that's what bios are for. I've learned to get used to it and all, but I also don't think I've ever seen someone put a color in their name. In my personal opinion though, I think the character name is for just that, character names! 
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: jay warfang on March 26, 2016, 03:59:43 am
I don't think anything other than names should be in the name field, if I'm interested enough in your character to care I'll try to initiate a role play where I can pick up such details from context clues provided by character interactions. I also think slapping those kinds of details into a name would be silly, it would be like going out into the street and introducing myself by going "Yes, Hello. I am Jordan, female, brown and human."
  People ought to be more concerned with first impressions and that's exactly what a name is! When I look at someones character I skim over the actual character taking in at most the colour and general shape, the first thing I pat attention to will be the name and if I feel it's redundant, generally weak or seems to convey a lack of comprehension (I'm talking about the loins and tiggers out there) I'm probably gonna move on. People say it's wrong to judge a book by it's cover but I'm pretty sure I can get a pretty good idea of if I absolutely want nothing to do with something at first glance, as are the majority of people.
 Names are important when it's the primary clue to a characters identity and the first impression you'll make on possibly hundreds of people who will never meet the real you, please take more care with them.
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: Hakumi on March 26, 2016, 06:46:50 am
To be honest , this can go either way if you look at it. .

Yes, Some people would think that's it strange and unusual or however you wish to think upon it, about seeing colours, genders, species, etc. in the name tag. But sometimes it seems like you might just end up having to do that because either:
o People don't take the time to actually get to know the character well.
o People fail to look in the character's bio
o People are still confused and would wish to know more.
Bio's can only go but so far and sometimes bio's might not be enough, so they'll slap whatever they can in the nametag and move on.

Some people may not see this as weird though or they don't feel like making a bio & if the information is pretty basic and doesn't really need a bio, then why not just stick it on the nametag. Of course, this is my opinion and how I see this situation as because I have come across some characters that simply didn't really see the need of using the bio at the time and it's not necessarily a bad thing unless they're trolling or some sort.

So in my opinion , I don't really mind it. If that's what the creator intended to do & is satisfied with their creation then that's A-Okay. ~?

Very Nice Topic. ^^
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: PandaPawzZz on March 29, 2016, 08:31:36 pm
I don't see a problem with people putting their species, color, and gender in their name tag. If that's what they wanted, then that's alright to me. Of course this is my opinion. We all have something different to say.

I'll admit I put the species name in my name tag for certain characters depending if the species name will fit or not, but if it isn't obvious enough, I will put a species name in my name tag and my bio as well. I dunno, I just succumb to doing that for some of my characters.

But yeah, it may not be really necessary for some people, but for those who are used to putting "Katy F WhiteWolf", it's perfectly okay to me. We have different styles we like to work with for our name tags. ^^
Title: Re: Color Description in Name. Is This Necessary?
Post by: yourlocalcrow on April 02, 2016, 01:34:01 am
I find this type of thing rather annoying. Any description in the name isn't necessary. That's what your bio is for. If it's your character's actual name or they're a Warriors OC, that's perfectly fine. But if it's just there to describe your character, leave it either to their bio or just leave it out.