Feral Heart

Community => Introduction => Ask Me => Topic started by: Kerriki on April 10, 2016, 07:04:47 pm

Title: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: Kerriki on April 10, 2016, 07:04:47 pm
Decided to start this up again

Feel free to ask me stuff<3
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: Edolicious on April 10, 2016, 07:09:33 pm
How did you find Feralheart?
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: G4RG0YLE on April 10, 2016, 07:28:33 pm
Favourite movie?
Favourite book?
Favourite music piece?
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: Reaper on April 10, 2016, 07:43:25 pm
What is your favorite animal?
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: Preach on April 10, 2016, 07:50:57 pm
Your oc/fursona, Kikiorylandia, what kind of animal is she?
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: Hakumi on April 10, 2016, 07:59:47 pm
What do you enjoy doing during your free time?
Can you change the tone of your voice?
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: Kerriki on April 10, 2016, 08:30:18 pm
How did you find Feralheart?

A friend of mine on WQ mentioned it to me, and I went and created an account three months later ^^

Favourite movie?
Favourite book?
Favourite music piece?

1. I don't know really, I have so many favorites<3
2. House of the Spirits was a good one, but I think my favorite might be A Dog's Purpose
3. Don't even get me started xD

What is your favorite animal?

Wolves c:

Your oc/fursona, Kikiorylandia, what kind of animal is she?

Kiki is a dragon, the water/marine/aquatic type ^^

What do you enjoy doing during your free time?
Can you change the tone of your voice?

1. I enjoy practicing my saxophone and bassoon, playing with my dog, hanging out with friends, and being on the interwebz (yes that does include FH<3)
2. Aye, I can make strange sounds with my voice
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: ArcticGalaxy on April 10, 2016, 09:50:32 pm
Favorite food?
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: Kerriki on July 11, 2016, 10:31:48 pm
Favorite food?

Can't believe I didn't notice this until now =0

Anyways, my favorite food might be pasta, but I can never decide on foods c':
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: D-ead7Dog on July 11, 2016, 10:42:00 pm
Why are you so adorable?
Can I cuddle you?
What are some interesting facts about you?
Interesting facts about your OC?
How did you come up with your OC?
OC's favorite food?
Favorite book?
How old is your OC?
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: Insoholic on July 11, 2016, 10:46:01 pm
What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?
Which animals scare you most? Why?
What is something about yourself that you hope will change, but probably never will?
Favorite cat breed?
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: Kerriki on July 12, 2016, 04:44:48 am
Why are you so adorable?
Can I cuddle you?
What are some interesting facts about you?
Interesting facts about your OC?
How did you come up with your OC?
OC's favorite food?
Favorite book?
How old is your OC?

1. D'aww :'D Not sure<3
2. Of course! -Cuddles-
3. As a toddler my parents thought I was deaf because I never spoke or acknowledged them when they tried to address me c'x
4. Kiki has lungs and gills
5. I just randomly threw her together while randomly derping in the character creator and she evolved from there
6. Either shrimp or elk ^^'
7. "A Dog's Purpose", such a sweet book
8. Kiki is in her teen years

What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?
Which animals scare you most? Why?
What is something about yourself that you hope will change, but probably never will?
Favorite cat breed?
1. Probably can't think of the strangest, but here's something pretty weird: I believed that I was some sacred god or something, and that one day, when the world was coming to an end, I would bring out my godly powers and save everyone xD
2. Probably cockroaches, since I had a small trauma involving them as a preteen
3. For the past few years, I've hoped to start off the school year "right" and basically be that sweet girl that everyone loves to talk to and hang out with (I don't mean the "popular" kind of person... just someone whose company is enjoyed by lots of people), but I think I'm too shy for that, plus I'm sure I have a reputation for not wanting to deal with people (irl, just in case that was unclear) x3
4. Don't know much about cat breeds, but I guess anything that's fluffy works for me (I do like Siamese, but I don't think I'd consider them my favorite)
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: OutofBreath on July 12, 2016, 05:14:37 am
Favorite kind of music?
Crafts you do?
Favorite not-digital game?
Favorite kind of clothes you wear?
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: Kerriki on July 12, 2016, 09:02:06 pm
Favorite kind of music?
Crafts you do?
Favorite not-digital game?
Favorite kind of clothes you wear?

1. I'd say jazz c:
2. I usually doodle, but occasionally I'll get really into making friendship bracelets (for like, a month. Lol)
3. If you mean sport to play, then kickball. Sport to watch would be baseball, random game that you'd play in a PE class would be capture the flag, and board game is chess ^^' (Idk what you meant so yeah lol)
4. Favorite clothes? Probably my short shorts or tank tops ^^
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: Kynvuu on July 13, 2016, 01:36:36 am
If you could go to any restaurant for dinner for the rest of your life, where would it be and why?
Biggest Pet Peeves?
Your (user)name is literally the cutest<3 How'd you come up with it/what inspired you to use the name for yourself and your OC?
Title: Re: Ask Kiki<3
Post by: Kerriki on July 14, 2016, 08:09:13 pm
If you could go to any restaurant for dinner for the rest of your life, where would it be and why?
Biggest Pet Peeves?
Your (user)name is literally the cutest<3 How'd you come up with it/what inspired you to use the name for yourself and your OC?

1. Probably this cute little place that I ate at in Mexico. Nice selection of foods and everything is excellent!
2. Oh my, I have so many xD I couldn't possibly choose my worst one lol
3. Oh, thank you<3 I actually just found out where/how I came up with it the other day, actually. I was 12 when I came up with it, and I had just gotten into roleplaying on WolfQuest and I came up with a list of wolf names to use for my characters (because I could never think of anything lol). I had liked longer names so I basically just wrote down any jumble of letters I could think of; one of which was Kikiorylandia, and I'm assuming that when it came the time I registered for FH, I just looked at the list, chose it, and used it o3o After that I just kinda took on the nickname of Kiki