Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Other Games => Topic started by: Alphabet on April 15, 2016, 07:40:01 am

Title: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on April 15, 2016, 07:40:01 am

We currently have 5 developers.

I've made a list of development stages that will be tackled one by one in a specific order, and each stage has a set of assignments for the developers to work on. Any developer can do any assignment in the current development stage.

Developers will also be expected to share their ideas for the assignments and DISCUSS them with the rest of the team. After they are dicussed and accepted by me, I will put them down in the board of official information where all developers can see.

This is all just to make sure developers know what they should be doing, have the ability to share input and further develop or refine the idea, and have the ability look up what we've already planned for the game.

Developers will be expected to join the skype group conversation where we discuss the development of the game together. This is to give everyone realtime input and also speed up the development. Further information will be pm'ed to you if I decide you qualify to join the development.

Concept artists will no longer be recommended to draw in the game's art style; they're allowed to draw in any style they please. However, model and level references will be REQUIRED to be drawn in the game's art style (when they are needed, but at the moment they are not). Concept artists at this stage of development will not be expected to do model and level references. Only if they can and want to when the time comes.

We will NOT be doing multiple storylines where the player can choose the outcome (if you saw that in the departments list). We have one solid storyline. We also have static player characters that will not be customizable. There are three main characters, but the player wont be able to choose which one to play as. The player will be playing all three throughout the story as it demands. (This information is only to correct what was already said for potential future developers. No further information about the development will be revealed publicly.)


I've started a project that I will be directing. It is a Warrior Cats game. I am looking for developers who will bring this project to life, however, developers will not be paid for their work. When the game is released, no money will be required to play. No money whatsoever will be gained from it. The game will be single player with a unique story, and will be made in Blender 3D and Unreal Engine.

Currently, 3D modelers, texture artists, animators, level designers, or coders are not needed yet. First, we will be working on creating the story, characters, and depicting their surrounding world with writing and concept art. Developers at this stage will be given the opportunity to create the story, characters, and world themselves. I will mostly be observing and critiquing the work to bring out it's best potential for a good quality game.

This project is heavily focusing on creativity right now. The developers are the ones bringing the game to life by introducing their OWN ideas and weaving them together.

Keep in mind that I, the director, will be making that everything works together properly. I will be expecting a professional attitude from all developers, as I will be molding the ideas where they need work to fit into the picture, or even entirely rejecting them if they will not be able work with the rest of the development.

Team work will be a crucial part of this project. Developers NEED to be able to work in a team and collaborate. Throwing around ideas with each other is exactly what I expect, but I also expect these ideas to go somewhere and for developers to agree on something. Not only will this have to be done in a single department, but many departments together.

Below are the available departments you can join for current development. Obviously related departments will be working very closely together, such as the World Building and World Concept Art departments. Other important department collaborations that you need to know about are mentioned at the bottom of the list. In actuality, all departments are working together. I will be encouraging collaboration where needed and making sure everyone is given the information they need.

(http://orig08.deviantart.net/d2ef/f/2016/109/c/8/project_wc_recuitment_2_by_caligosus-d9zk384.png) (http://sta.sh/02aqget73s82)

A side note: If a concept artist is unable to copy the game's art style, expect others who can to revision their concept art to fit. Concept art will not be required to replicate the game's art style exactly, but it needs to be able to depict the key features of the style. This is to make sure future developers such as 3D modelers know what they need to create. The style itself will be to help everything blend and look pleasing (we're not putting cartoon cats and a hyper realistic forest together).

Feel free to suggest other positions that you think the early development of this game will benefit from. If they are important enough at this stage, I will add them to the list.

This project is being hosted on my website's forum. http://caligosus.com/forum (http://caligosus.com/forum) If you are joining the project, left me know here first and then inform me of who you are when you sign up. Do not join my forum if you're hoping to simply keep updated on the progress of this project. The progress will NOT be public.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on April 17, 2016, 06:09:30 am

Am I allowed to do that? I'm still looking for people to help.

You don't have to be a professional at any of the stuff I listed. owo I'm giving anyone with any skill level the ability to join in the project.

The only departments I would require some experience in--but still not expecting professional--is Style Concept Art (the game's art style).
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on April 18, 2016, 09:05:45 am
A forum has been provided for the project although only one person has joined the development so far. http://caligosus.com/forum (http://caligosus.com/forum) I've decided to keep searching for people to help no matter what. This project is something I would love to see completed and am looking forward to collaborating with whoever to complete it.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: wolfsquad on April 18, 2016, 10:25:21 am
Sounds really interesting.
Whilst I'm distant from the WC fandom, I still enjoy their games and roleplay's and it'd be fun to play an actual WC game that's going to be more realistic than what you see in FeralHeart.
* Joined
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: enseeyar on April 18, 2016, 01:16:07 pm
ooh. a wc game. not that involved with the fandom anymore, but i might join this.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on April 18, 2016, 07:13:13 pm
Please do! I'm not super into it wc either, but I think making this game would be fun and exciting. xD

Btw, ???. Were you going to join the development or did you just want to join the forum?
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: wolfsquad on April 18, 2016, 08:37:13 pm
I was just joining the forums. ^^''
I know nothing about developing games. However, it's possible I could be one of those writers that games usually hire where they basically do stuff like...
* Write things that NPC's may say
* Write things for the tutorial, if there is one
* Write a sort of plot/history/etc.

I can also do BBCode as well as some HTML, so I technically know a bit of forum coding.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on April 18, 2016, 10:17:02 pm
Oh, haha. That's okay. Only if you really want to. That's what we're planning right now though. We're getting the story plot, characters, script, and etc. done before putting the game together in Unreal Engine.

I'm making sure things go in order so nobody is scrambling to change or redo any actual game content over and over again. Once everything has been planned and put in order, the game itself will then be created. I'm hoping this will make things much more smooth and everyone will know what they need to do.

From my own experience with working on an IT server, it was super confusing. We were just doing whatever with no orders or anything. I wasn't sure what I should have been doing at all. What I disliked the most was that there was no DIRECTOR. No order or assignments whatsoever. So. With this project, I'll make sure everyone knows what they need to be doing. No one will be lost or confused and we will be able to make the most out of our time spent developing the game.

Aaaand, for those of you reading this and considering to join, please do not think that having a director is going to take the fun out of everything if you are. It wont. You will still have freedom to insert your own ideas. But I, the director, will direct you to where we need you to aim your creativity, and how your work can be improved to give the game the best quality. Fyi, I also will not be critiquing your personal art or writing style at all. What I will be critiquing is the designs/stories you've drawn/written; the information/idea itself that you've created. I just wanted to make that clear in case anyone misunderstood.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: wolfsquad on April 18, 2016, 10:39:11 pm
Don't know, hah.
I may join once it becomes desperate for the writing or coding.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on April 18, 2016, 10:47:00 pm
That's absolutely fine! Thanks for letting me know.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Spottedbears on April 19, 2016, 02:55:08 am
Hey Alphabet, I sent you a PM and I'm just checking to see if you got it ;o; I am too nervous to discuss it out in the open haha,
I know FH PMs can be messy & annoying, they don't work sometimes so I was just making sure !
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on April 19, 2016, 04:41:09 am
Sorry for taking a while! I sent you a response. :3
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on April 19, 2016, 04:30:54 pm
We have three people on the project now, including myself! Please consider joining us! :3
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: bunnylions on April 19, 2016, 09:54:04 pm
It sounds very fun, but I don't know how I could help in developing.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on April 19, 2016, 11:08:49 pm
You can check out the department list and see what each department does. ^^ Here's a quick link to the list for you. http://sta.sh/02aqget73s82 (http://sta.sh/02aqget73s82) Just pick whatever you already do as hobby or have a bit of experience in.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Skullfrost on April 21, 2016, 04:04:13 pm
I'll actually consider joining this if it's going to be a singleplayer thing- I'm already working on my own multiplayer WC game, so I probably won't work with another, but I'd consider a singleplayer one.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on April 22, 2016, 01:20:31 am
Sent you a pm! : )
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on April 30, 2016, 07:42:16 pm
Story writing and world building have already begun! We have four developers, including myself. If anyone wants to join in, please consider joining soon!
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Skullfrost on May 03, 2016, 04:16:37 pm
I'd probably be able to pitch in in these departments(Amount of + signs indicates how much I'd be able to pitch into that compared to other departments):
[++]Story Writing
[++]Story Board
[+++]NPC Writing
[+++]NPC Concept Art
[++++]Player Character Writing
[++++]Player Character Concept Art

I'd also like to be a 3D mesher/animator/etc when that part of design opens up.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on May 15, 2016, 07:57:25 am
Most of the plot base has been planned along with the main characters, the clans, and their habitat. Once again, if you would like to join the development, please consider joining soon!

Right now we are focusing on finishing the plot base, fleshing out the main characters, creating other clan members for each clan, and coming up with the culture of the clans.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: xJaytailx on May 15, 2016, 05:29:01 pm
Is it to late to sign up for the art concepting and writing? If not I'd love to join (both as an artist and a writer)
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on May 16, 2016, 03:32:38 am
Not at all! I'll send you a note.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: bunnylions on May 20, 2016, 08:54:45 pm
Mechanics? :3
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on May 21, 2016, 07:29:36 am
We could use more developers for mechanics! Sent you a note!

We currently have five developers now, inlcuding myself!
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Minx on May 27, 2016, 12:50:40 pm
What sort of developers are you looking for? I know a bit about blender modelling and C sharp coding, but apart from that I'm pretty much a beginner at game design.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on May 27, 2016, 07:30:15 pm
We're not looking for any coders or modelers yet. We don't know how long it'll be before those skills are needed. All the development departments we need for the time being are listed in the main post.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on June 05, 2016, 07:23:17 am
Our team has moved back down to four developers.

We are no longer accepting developers at this time.
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: igloo on June 14, 2016, 05:07:36 pm
Are you using java? If so I might be able to help once you guys get to the point of programming and coding. Plus I would love to be part of a growing community!
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: FluffyPluff123 on June 16, 2016, 10:14:03 am
It'd be awesome to be apart of your WC. But then I know nothing about development. Is it possible to stik around to see if I could  learn some things?
Title: Re: Warrior Cats Game! - Recruiting Developers
Post by: Alphabet on June 23, 2016, 08:19:09 am
Are you using java? If so I might be able to help once you guys get to the point of programming and coding. Plus I would love to be part of a growing community!

We'll be using Unreal Engine blueprints, possibly c++ if I happen to take programming classes at a university about a year from now.

It'd be awesome to be apart of your WC. But then I know nothing about development. Is it possible to stik around to see if I could  learn some things?

Unfortunately, no. Development is 100% private. Only developers are allowed to be involved.

There will also be no community for now. No content will be revealed, and we don't want to gather people's attention far before this project needs it. The only attention we need at this time is the attention of potential developers. I've seen many unnecessary things happen and know that community too early does absolutely no good.