Feral Heart

Community => Leaving => Topic started by: Preach on May 06, 2016, 11:09:46 am

Title: This probably goodbye
Post by: Preach on May 06, 2016, 11:09:46 am
Let's be honest, I lost the sparks for the FeralHeart forum. I have more acquaintances than friends...and probably more enemies than friends. To be honest it doesn't bother me but what's the point having fun if you have no friends? I probably have one good friend here but I'm not saying names. Not only that I'm seriously a jealous person. I can be jealous out of any thing... Anyway, not only that but someone told me some people are spreading rumors about me - and talking about me. People who I don't know talk wanna talk about me and it's frustrating. But let's think of the positive. I won for members of the season; that was fun. I really still do appreciate the people who nominated me and voted for me.

Anywho I don't know what else to do. I swear once this post posted many people are gonna skype me why I left. I really don't like people like that. All I am going to say it's personal. I hope y'all respect that. Who knows half of y'all are going to be happy but I can't say much. So I'm going stay quiet from awhile. Thank you.
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Reaper on May 06, 2016, 11:17:07 am
I am so sorry to hear about that. I know how it feels not having friends, but trust me you will make many friends, and if there spreading rumors about you just ignore them or tell them to stop. If you ever need a friend or want to talk just message me. <3 Also many people will be sad if you left because I know lots of people like you in the community. I know it's you're choice if you want to leave, but remember people will miss you a lot, and would hate to see you go.  I hope everything goes good for you. Best of wishes to you. <3 I would be sad if you left because you are a really helpful floof and you are friendly to everyone, including me. Don't listen to the haters, they are either jealous or just want to pick a fight. Trust me I've been there, and I always ignore them.
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: CeramicSoul on May 06, 2016, 12:30:54 pm
 Oh Preach, I'm  really sad to see this. I know how you feel when I joined the forums I felt surrounded by strangers. Farewell till then Preach-chan.

Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Kynvuu on May 06, 2016, 01:27:52 pm
Aww Preach :( It's so sad to see you go. Even though I didn't really get a lot of time to know you, you still are a wonderful and inspiring person to me and I wish you all the better wherever you may go. If you ever want to chat or something, you know my dA you can reach me through. I wish and hope all the best of luck for you! Take care<3
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Enoki on May 06, 2016, 04:59:18 pm
Oh, Preach, I'm so sad to see ye go. I wish I had been able to get to know ye better here in the community. Ye are a kind person, and always caring to others. I'm so sorry to hear that people are spreading rumors! I am honestly aghast that someone could possibly talk bad 'bout someone as nice as ye. Keep y'er chin up, and don't hesitate to email me! I'm open to chat anytime and maybe we can be buddies. I'll miss ye 'round here. </3
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: hugrf2 on May 06, 2016, 06:20:57 pm
It's okay; I understand why you'd go. I've kinda been in that position myself, losing spark for FH with no friends or anything to keep me there, especially on the forum. So I just tipped off. Not even sure if I said goodbye, sadly, since I often forget to do so - Likely because my leavings are more gradual. 8I If that's the right word.

It's sad, though, that people would be spreading rumors about you. Some people in this world seem to judge others they don't understand, that don't fit into their picture. You seem to be a bit different yourself, but that's okay. You'll get there.

Sad to see you go. <3 But I'm sure we'll cross paths again someday, Preach. So, g'bye for now.
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Hakumi on May 06, 2016, 07:12:32 pm
Awhhh Preach...I'm gonna miss ya dearly and everyone that ever associated themselves with you will too.
You have been a true delight and I'm glad that made contact with you and started chatting with you a bit. The world I'd full of cruel people but there's some good eggs here. I hope the weight will get lifted off your shoulders and maybe there will be a day when you look back on this, you'll brush it off and keep your chin up and proudly walk the course of life. ( So off topic ). - Glomps - You take care darling, if there is a moment you decide to return, you're gonna be loved , especially by me c; - Evil Chuckles -
Not saying goodbye, so instead....See Ya Later ~!
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Wyldercat on May 06, 2016, 07:21:54 pm
Aww, Preach that's terrible! It's really no fun to have rumors about you, believe me, I've been there loads of times. You've been such a great, friendly and overall amazing addition to the community, and it's sad to see you leave, but if you change your mind, we'll all be waiting with open arms for you, hon. Take care of yourself. <3
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: D-ead7Dog on May 06, 2016, 08:36:25 pm
It's quite a shame you're leaving. But I hope you find happiness where-ever you go.

Have a good life. ;)
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: ArcticGalaxy on May 06, 2016, 09:09:48 pm
*Huggles* Really sorry you feel that way Preach! I wish I could have helped in some way. But FH will miss you, no matter what some people think. And if you ever decide to come and visit, we will welcome you with open paws.
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Jackkdaw on May 06, 2016, 09:28:10 pm
Aw bby.
I hate to hear of drama driving a void between you and the community. Rumours are never fun.
I totally understand and respect your decision. Sometimes it is best to sepparate yourself from the source for your own sake, y'know?

I do hope one day you'll return, but take all the time you need, hun. <3

If you ever want someone to talk to, you're always more than welcome to shoot me a note on dA. I'd love to help in any way I can if you just want to vent some feelings. c:

Just know there are people here for you, hun.
I wish you luck in the future ! <3
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: G4RG0YLE on May 07, 2016, 10:50:18 am
It's always been a joy to see you in-game at Stone Bridge and talk to you on Skype, but after reading this and knowing about it beforehand it's safe to say that I understand your decision to leave; but just know that FeralHeart will always be here to welcome you back if you ever decide to return. <3
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Rostova on May 07, 2016, 02:26:04 pm
Oh my gosh preach! ;,;

I didn't know you too well, but i looked up to you.

Im a very jelous person as well, but anywho, we will all miss you, and i hope everything turns out right in the end.
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: DraconiaHeart on May 07, 2016, 09:47:35 pm
Aww Preach....
I am so sorry this happened to you, and I can completely understand how you feel. I only pop on once every blue moon on the forums since I left a long while ago due to the same reasoning. I am here for you, and always will be. You are the sweetest thing to walk this game in a long time since I have seen, and I am more than excited to find new games to play with you to enjoy bonding more. <3
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Ellen11v on May 07, 2016, 09:54:38 pm
Oh my goodness, I'm sorry to hear that, Preach. May you have good luck.
It's okay and I respect you and your topic here. And I deeply understand your reason.
May your FH side rest for a time.
See you, my friend!
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Sheebiee on May 16, 2016, 06:29:12 pm
Preachy, my peachy.
It's sad to see you go. I see community likes you, but You probably see more than me. But I respect your reason.
I'm just hoping to be in contact with you on DeviantArt, my Dear Fruit (I have just said you are a fruit cause you are a peach.... ok) OK, I meant to say 'my Dear Friend' <3
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Preach on June 12, 2016, 09:54:17 am
I'm back.
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Hakumi on June 12, 2016, 09:56:27 am
- Immediately Glomps -
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: ArcticGalaxy on June 12, 2016, 10:02:09 am
*crashes in through the ceiling and lands on you both, glomping* OMGOMG YOU'RE BACK! NEVER LEAVE AGAIN OR I SWEAR I WILL HIT YOU WITH A CARROT! 8D
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Edolicious on June 12, 2016, 11:39:17 am
Welcome back Preach! <3
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: shayy on June 12, 2016, 01:20:02 pm
Aww Preach :( It's a shame to hear that your not having as much fun as you used to. I'm really sorry you feel like this but if leaving will make you happier then I wish you good luck. You have always been a sweet, nice person and it's sad to see you go, but i'll always remember you like that :)
Best of luck! <3
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Preach on June 12, 2016, 03:09:28 pm
Aww Preach :( It's a shame to hear that your not having as much fun as you used to. I'm really sorry you feel like this but if leaving will make you happier then I wish you good luck. You have always been a sweet, nice person and it's sad to see you go, but i'll always remember you like that :)
Best of luck! <3

I'm back.
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: PrettyReckless on June 12, 2016, 03:10:19 pm
Welcome back, Preach. Hope you'll have fun exploring the Feral Lands.
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: BradiBytes on June 12, 2016, 03:12:38 pm
 Glad to hear y'er back, Preach!
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Preach on June 12, 2016, 03:13:47 pm
Thank you guys.
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: shayy on June 12, 2016, 03:38:04 pm
*feels like a dork* I probably should have looked further in you post and realized you were back :/
ANyway-- I'm glad to see you are back :)
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: Preach on June 12, 2016, 03:42:09 pm
It's fine. XD Thanks tho. Really appreciate.
Title: Re: This probably goodbye
Post by: LordSuragaha on June 12, 2016, 03:51:10 pm
Going to lock this thread as it is no longer relevant now. Welcome back