Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Other Games => Topic started by: Wyldercat on June 04, 2016, 03:46:56 pm

Title: Overwatch?
Post by: Wyldercat on June 04, 2016, 03:46:56 pm
I love this game. I love it.

Overwatch is a team-based FPS, very similar to TF2, and has a LOT of personality. Very easy learning curve, but amazingly high skill ceiling.
It's about $40, depending on the tax rate, and where you live, but I HIGHLY recommend it.

Anyone else play? You can leave yer Battletag if you'd be interested in playing.
Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: Hakumi on June 04, 2016, 04:45:15 pm
When I first seen the infomercials and heard about it here and there I immediately wanted to try this out. I don't know much about this style of gameplay but I'm up for something new, a new little challenge.
I might get the game later down the road for the future. Oooo, can't wait to give it a go ~!
Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: kaczuszka on June 04, 2016, 11:36:24 pm
I love the game! Although haven't played it myself just yet.  Have been watching a few youtubers play it and honestly can't wait till the day I'll finally buy it.

Hopefully soon I'll be able to play with some of you guys! :D
Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: Ruby1234 on June 04, 2016, 11:57:44 pm
Add me!: Phloxenfree#1199

I just got it yesterday and I'm already level 11, whoops.
I got a $60-ish version; Origins Edition, came with a lot of cool stuff, and I got a little Baby Winston figurine! cx

I've made a lot of Play of the Games and some really nice Highlights that I'm probably going to upload to my YouTube soon.

I've got a lot of characters I love to play:

It's good since they're all pretty different, so I can play anything.

What about you?

Edit: I love shooters like this. Could never get into ones with less personality, like Call of Duty.
I'm really into Overwatch, and shooters like it.

Double Edit because I'm garbage for this game:
I personally really enjoy this super flattering screenshot of Tracer:

Annnd, here's a random win from one time. My videos will be more impressive, je promets:
Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: Vwang on June 05, 2016, 01:02:44 am
My bro plays this
Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: Jango_Fett on June 05, 2016, 01:31:17 am
hanzo is the best okay bye

no but seriously i love this game i need help
Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: Ruby1234 on June 05, 2016, 01:52:22 am
[Well this post means nothing now because they attempted balance lol rip.]
Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: Redlinelies on June 05, 2016, 02:11:51 am
Tried it during open beta with a 6 man stack(As a few friends and I currently were having a LAN). Even though I might not have played more than 6 hours and I did not dive in and play all characters for a longer session, I'm not that impressed.

I'll give my 50 cents on this matter as it might be interesting for someone to read that plan on getting it.

The game is "alright" but to me that's really it. Blizzard wanted to have their own more competitive first person shooter and so here we have it. They have some interesting characters with some personalities, the art style looks unique enough to stand out a bit and it works well with the game it is so no gripes there, but gameplay wise the game just didn't grab a hold of me, I actually found it quite boring and I will try to get in more detail on that.

Let's start with that the game is aimed to be a bit more competitive and not just the typical casual game as far as I understood it. Personally I've been involved with some competitive games over the years, mostly CS:GO and Trackmania nations when that was a thing, but also Dota2 as of recently. The interest or feel I got from other games just didn't exist in Overwatch, where I really tried to enjoy myself and find reasons to like it but it just fell flat for me. This game really feels like it's a big mash of other games out there which doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing, but it makes it a bit "meh" as other games managed to keep my attention way more than this one.

Personally I'm no big Team Fortress 2 fan and I probably just have a general playtime of 12 hours or something on the accounts I've used for it, but after spending some time on Overwatch I'd probably see myself have more fun going back to TF2 than playing this again. The biggest difference is that Overwatch uses abilities and ultimates to spice up things more, where TF2 is a tad bit more plain and about the different classes and the gear they posses but other than that they're actually quite similar. The problem I find is that for a shooter it just ends up feeling too messy in a less good way. I will not argue from the shorter time I managed to play it that hitboxes and registration of your shots is not bad because it seemed great, which is very important for a competitive shooter.

But as mentioned earlier it feels a bit messy, and for the type of game it is I'm still having some issues enjoying the ultimates and abilities of some heroes. In a game like CS:GO it's all about the tactics and the shooting and how all guns and weapons in general work in different situations, how characters show and play they are all very predictable, where the unpredictable part is only really how one might play the game, this makes it feel like a very balanced and even game even if you can end up in unfair situations, where you can end up pulling through because you expected and were one or two pages ahead of your opponents. As Overwatch has these sort of ultimates and characters that work way differently and can do different things, there's probably a lot of things you cannot predict or know even if you played the game a lot. Since the characters are so different, it puts a lot of weight on the skills of the different characters you play as and slightly less about amazing reaction times, precision and coordination(even though it still plays it's role in overwatch). With this said I'd personally(For a first person shooter) rather play a game that puts everyone on an even playing field as far as character goes, and instead rely more on the player to outsmart and aim better and quicker than their opponent, instead of being unlucky to run into a situation with a hero(s) that has an advantage over you from the get-go and be able to pull an ultimate just in a situation that makes them overpowered to you.

If we talk about skills and ultimates let's pull in something like Dota2 where the whole game is based around the characters, their unique skills and ultimates. It is not a first person shooter(which might be a reason why I feel more okay with it). The competitive part there is about picking the right heroes to counter the other teams heroes, use the skills of the heroes to your best abilities to benefit your team, and do the right things in a team fight. But in that game you're forced to stick to the same hero the game out, and it's all mind games and good game sense, not so much about dead eye precision and reactions(even though it helps of course). Yet again in Overwatch we have the whole matter of being able to swap your character at will whenever you feel like it, skills and ultimates very tricky to play your way out of or around. Some heroes where aiming and reactions means more or less than others. Hopefully I make some sense to you, but this is essentially what I feel.

It's a bit like Overwatch became a little bit of everything in the search to become it's own game, and by doing so it ends up falling short on all aspects that might catch me as a player to come back for more.

If I wanted to enjoy a game for myself, I'd play a singleplayer game with a good story or visuals.
If I wanted to enjoy a casual game with other players I might as well play something like Team Fortress 2
If I wanted to play something competitive there's other games that provides it in a better way in my eyes

Maybe I can go back and re-visit it sometime in the future, but right now there's too many other games I rather play. As a more casual game I can see some reasons why people would want to play it, but as a competitive game I'd spend my hours elsewhere. It's not a bad game per say, just not good enough compared to others for the type of game it is.
Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: Ruby1234 on June 05, 2016, 05:44:41 pm
You're not wrong on a lot of things here.
And the rest is opinion which can't be wrong. xD

Personally, I enjoy the mish-mash of playstyles n whatnot.
I've been a fan of Borderlands/Battleborn, and I've sunk an embarrassing amount of time into League of Legends.
Overwatch feels like a combination of both to me.
Most people are comparing it to TF2, which I've admittedly never played, but the whole "capture the point/escort" is really the only aspect of play left, which comes in pretty much any PvP games/modes.
Guild Wars 2, for example.
Borderlands/Battleborn really covers the whole "ultimate" thing, as well as the whole sort of futuristic feel and look.
And I'd suppose the short skillsets and whatnot (and also the "ultimate") also borrows from LoL and Dota.

For some people, I could see it being a bit too much, a bit too messy and unpredictable.
I feel like maybe if I didn't have my same playstyle, maybe I would feel the same way.
I'm not one to ragefit if I die, since I accept that as part of playing games like this. However, my priorities when I play Overwatch are: stay alive > capture/hold objective > make kills

The problem is that this is not how everyone plays.
If you are the type to go in guns blazing and the only thing that really matters is kills (or even just prioritizing objects first), you might die more often to a lot of the skills or ultimates that seem more bs than they should be allowed.

A lot of the game is not about the more head on combat that you'd find in LoL or Dota, or even Blands/Battleborn.
Those games are balanced in a way that allows for vs fights, usually characters have the ability to heal themselves somehow, etc.

Overwatch is not like that.
There are a lot of characters that cannot heal themselves.
You're left with depending on whoever is playing support, which cannot always help you, especially if you play sniper, a lot like I do. Which results in having to make a choice. Search around the map for health packs, or just commit suicide and respawn? Sometimes that is actually faster and the better option.

Certain characters will almost ALWAYS die in a head on VS fight.
Widowmaker, for example. She's a very squishy sniper. If you are face to face with her, scoping is impractical, and she does the most damage after scoping for a few seconds (since it has a "charge" mechanism). You would never scope face to face, so it forces you to use the assault rifle version of her gun, which doesn't do a lot of damage. It's very easy to deplete her 200 HP, assuming she's not already been hit once, which would then put her around 160.

The problem that I have with the game right now is that it seems VERY unbalanced.
"Picking Bastion" is a joke inside the community. You can wipe the entire opposing team using his machine gun.
(Though he's surprisingly easy to kill as a sniper.)

The community itself seems to have some issues sussing out these imbalances as well, providing suggestions to Blizzard that don't seem optimal.

Most of the community seems to want Widowmaker nerfed, and I've stated above that she's actually pretty weak, I find. And I have sunk most of my playtime into her.
I can see her scoped bodyshots maybe being nerfed a bit, since 2 of those would kill most characters.

But in every other aspect she falls short. As I said in my above post, when compared to Hanzo, it doesn't make much sense to pick her over him.

I enjoy the chaos, it feels so much more rewarding when you can make a quintuple kill streak despite the impossible odds.

But I get that it's really not for everyone, especially as unbalanced as it is right now. And if Blizzard follows through with the more "popular" suggestions of nerfing characters just because people are butthurt about getting killed by them, it may remain unbalanced for quite some time.

The lack of a story mode is also kind of surprising. I essentially paid $60 for gameplay I could get for free in LoL, just in a FPS/Borderlands/Battleborn coat of paint, plus some character skins. Not sure it's going to be "worth it" for everyone who paid that price.

My suggestion to people who are on the fence or who didn't enjoy the beta too much would be to just give it some time, but definitely revisit later.

Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: BradiBytes on June 05, 2016, 06:45:30 pm
 Hmm, never heard of this game. Might have to look it up and give it a go sometime.
Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: Wyldercat on June 06, 2016, 01:02:45 am
I'll have to add ye then!
And I'm pretty bad at the carry champions, since I'm not really used to first person shooters and my aim is off most of the time.
I do like Junkrat, Roadhog, Winston and Lucio, however. I plan on practicing some Mei and maybe some Reaper or Pharah to improve my aim.
Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: Enoki on June 06, 2016, 02:54:04 am
I must say, I've been enjoying their advertising so much lately. Their shorts are like mini Pixar movies. The only thing is I prefer more of a campaign than a competitive PvP game. If 'tis multiplayer plus campaign, then I may enjoy it more. Needless to say it does look like fun, and I may get it in the near future. ;)
Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: toonanimals317 on February 22, 2017, 06:29:48 pm
Oh man I know this is probably 'necro-ing' but this is a game that's still out and extremely popular so I think it's alright lol.

I never thought I'd like a FPS game, but I picked Overwatch up anyways because the background and lore intrigued me and I really liked the characters.

I've fallen really deep into it though. I absolutely LOVE it. I just hit level 31 and although I don't play Competitive I'm usually in the Arcade, Quick Play, or I actually quite like the V.S. AI.

The main character I play is Soldier: 76. I love his play style. (Also I have the Strike Commander skin andhe'shotso...) I do sometimes play on LĂșcio, D.Va, Sombra, Bastion, or Genji though if I need/want to mix something up, or if Soldier is taken in Quick Play/some Arcade game.

I assume most of you play on PC, but if any of you play on Xbox One I'd love to play with you sometime! My username is Wolfshadow317! Feel free to add me and send me a message <3
Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: WaterMelons4lif on February 23, 2017, 03:17:49 am
I never actually played overwatch , but it looks interesting :).
Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: Avani on February 23, 2017, 10:34:52 am
I have yet to try this game myself, it looks rather fun!
My older brother has shown me a lot of it, including those
animated films. The characters are really cool to me and I
hope to be able to play this sometime! I have also watched
Markiplier and Jacksepticeye play this, and it looks pretty good.
I just need a gaming computer or an Xbox One, then I will be
able to join the fun. :b
Title: Re: Overwatch?
Post by: toonanimals317 on February 24, 2017, 01:08:05 pm
You can also play on PlayStation 4, but yesss Xbox One is what I play on. Even though aiming is harder I just prefer a controller over a keyboard and mouse when it comes to a game like this (also my computer could most certainly not handle the game LOL).

It is a very fun game and I would reccommend it, even if you don't think you'd like a First Person Shooter type of game - because I never thought I would like a FPS game! :)