Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Forum Discussion => Topic started by: Wyldercat on June 09, 2016, 03:25:48 pm

Title: What a pain in the ADS
Post by: Wyldercat on June 09, 2016, 03:25:48 pm
'Ello! This is a small rant/confusion thread that I'm wonderin' about.

Ok, here's the problem: I currently run ADBlock on my antivirus, as well as on Chrome. However, recently whenever I click on any "link" in the forum, or whenever I access an area, page, board or profile, a new tab will open with some obnoxious advertisement. And I'm not talking about ad.fly either. So far I've gotten Windex, Life Insurance, and a few shady-looking M rated "games."

This happening to anyone else?
Title: Re: What a pain in the ADS
Post by: Reaper on June 09, 2016, 03:56:26 pm
Yes! This is happening to me to. It only happens when I'm on my phone, and not so much on the computer. I don't have a ad blocker since it doesn't really bother me that much. But it can get very annoying when you are trying to click a thread and it pops up to "Congratulations you have won!" Or "Your computer may have a virus." But like I said I try to ignore those ads, and when they do pop up I exit out of them quickly.
Title: Re: What a pain in the ADS
Post by: Wyldercat on June 09, 2016, 03:58:08 pm
Oh good, I most likely don't have some un-findable virus then.
It's odd though, because this never happens. I have top-notch internet security and shady ads still appear.
Title: Re: What a pain in the ADS
Post by: Kynvuu on June 09, 2016, 04:00:35 pm
Aye, it's happened to me as well a few times. Although it's annoying, advertisements do help to bring in revenue, which is probably considerably helpful for this game and site, but that's besides the point. The ads you are receiving when you click on certain links are most likely pop-up ads, which can be disabled through your web browser or adblock/anti virus system, though some fishy ads do manage to sneak by. As long as you just X out or don't click on them though, it doesn't really pose a problem to me (I've seen worse websites with worse ads xD, kinda use to it).
Title: Re: What a pain in the ADS
Post by: LordSuragaha on June 09, 2016, 04:02:24 pm
It's happening to us as well. We apologize about that. Raz was messing with some ad things a few days back but idk if he will have to look into it again soon. It has been mentioned to him though ^^ I'm sure he'll check things out again when he has the chance. Thanks for letting us know.

Title: Re: What a pain in the ADS
Post by: Wyldercat on June 09, 2016, 04:05:13 pm
It's happening to us as well. We apologize about that. Raz was messing with some ad things a few days back but idk if he will have to look into it again soon. It has been mentioned to him though ^^ I'm sure he'll check things out again when he has the chance. Thanks for letting us know.

Ah, that explains it then. I do suppose ADS are an essential way to keep the game and website free, so it's reasonable if he decides not to make any change.
Thank you for updating though!
Title: Re: What a pain in the ADS
Post by: Hakumi on June 09, 2016, 04:41:43 pm
Don't know if it matters or not but:
It happens mostly with my chrome and not Firefox. Like on my phone, it uses chrome and happens constantly whenever I try to click a link or even a thread or whenever I simply enlarge something.
On my computer, whenever I used chrome, it happens once every other time and then I don't have to worry about another ad popping up until much later ( Usually happens whenever I log in ).
On Firefox it rarely does it. ( Even after I log in ).

I know about the whole thing and such, I just wanted to know if similar results are happening or if it's just me ^^;
Don't really have an issue with the ADs itself since I gotten used to them and it could help(?) But still , Lol.
Title: Re: What a pain in the ADS
Post by: RenegadeRaptor on June 09, 2016, 04:56:18 pm
I haven't had this happen to me o3o.
But its happened to me on other websites, Yet I use Firefox so maybe thats why. I do wish you all the best of luck, If you use Firefox- I recommend getting the extension AdBlocker Ultimate ^^