Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: Shazadah on June 15, 2016, 08:01:06 am

Title: Problems with Objects and new FH
Post by: Shazadah on June 15, 2016, 08:01:06 am

Not a noob....

Just technical difficulties....

I so far have not had any problems with the update to FH other than the fact that Ascension is gone so there's nothing to do while boredom eats me alive up until today. I'm working on a map for a pack RP I'm in, and also playing around with modding the character creation screen (yes I know how to mod). Only problem is...None of my old objects from my old FH, work. I backed up my old FH before installing the update when it was released, just for safety reasons and so I'd have everything for it, well I just tried moving everything that was in the objects and my_objects folder from the old FH to the new, and....The game crashes.

Tried putting everything that was outside of my old my_objects folder into the new my_objects; game crashes upon startup.

Tried putting everthing that was outside of my old my_objects into just the new objects folder and everything that was in my old my_objects folder into the new my_objects; game crashes upon startup.

Tried leaving everything that was outside of my old my_objects and just put everything that was in my old my_objects folder into the new my_objects; game crashes upon startup.

Am I missing something here? Or does the FH update just not like any of my objects from the old game? And before any of you try suggesting the norm, I:

1) Have WAY too many objects to go through individually to try and find what one (or multiple) is causing the crashing issue.

2) Am pretty sure I don't even have half of the downloads for the objects saved anywhere, so trying to redownload them isn't an option, as some might not even be available anymore and I don't really have the patience to try and hunt them all down.

3) Checked my particles folder for duplicates and there were none.

4) Do NOT want to try the whole uninstall/reinstall bit, since I'm not welcoming the idea right now, I've already moved some of my previous mods from the old to the new and do not want to have to go through that chaos again.

I removed everything that I put into the new objects and my_objects folders, and the game worked just fine. This is a rather frustrating situation, since I had a few other maps in the works before the update, and without the objects or object groups I had those objects in I can't continue progress thanks to the new FH. Don't get me wrong it's nice to have a fresh start to the game after being a part of it and it's community for at least (or almost) three years now, but this has quite honestly caused the biggest troubles yet as far as I've seen and some of the community (including myself and a couple friends) are missing the old FH (hey here's an idea lets add the old maps back with the rest of them just for the nostalgia!).
Title: Re: Problems with Objects and new FH
Post by: ArcticGalaxy on June 15, 2016, 08:18:53 am
Not quite positive on how it is with objects, but the Items and Markings packs had to be updated to run with the new FeralHeart. So I'm thinking objects are the same way.
Title: Re: Problems with Objects and new FH
Post by: Hakumi on June 15, 2016, 08:25:25 am
Agreeing with Arctic, The objects might not be compatible because it's not specifically created for this newer version. Could be wrong, but..
Title: Re: Problems with Objects and new FH
Post by: Shazadah on June 15, 2016, 09:28:05 am
Bah well ain't that just peachy then?...

Not the slightest idea in converting meshes, and as mentioned before there's a lot of them to go thru...

Thanks FH, there goes the progress I had on those maps, all that time, wasted. And they were such good maps too.

Anyone know a thing or two about converting?
Title: Re: Problems with Objects and new FH
Post by: Hakumi on June 15, 2016, 09:39:40 am
There's a -ReadMe.text located in the my_objects folder. Maybe that'll help clear up some confusion c:
Title: Re: Problems with Objects and new FH
Post by: Shazadah on June 15, 2016, 10:22:12 am
Code: [Select]
1.Drop all the files in here for the objects such as:



2.Import the meshes, particles etc in the object maker in the game:

-Meshes are loaded by writing "nameofmesh.mesh" in the mesh field.
-Particles are loaded inside of the effect maker in the object maker by writing the name.
-Materials can be loaded by changing the material field in the object maker(It's CAPS sensitive)


3.Save the objects into an object group by providing a name and group for the Object you loaded.

-DO NOT PLACE CUSTOM OBJECTS INTO THE STANDARD GROUPS like MyTrees or MyRocks, please make a new group for YOUR objects.
(This to prevent faulty custom maps when sharing or overwriting objects in the Official maps)


Thank you!

I'm afraid not, it just explains how to use objects and what file types are accepted which, mind you all my objects I had were .mesh, .jpg, etc etc so they should be perfectly acceptable. But the game won't run with them in the folder.