Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Forum Discussion => Topic started by: CrazyCatLady on June 22, 2016, 08:30:50 pm

Title: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: CrazyCatLady on June 22, 2016, 08:30:50 pm
I was talking with my friend today and she finally noticed that we do not have nicknames on the forum anymore. So we got on the subject of getting our usernames changed. I know this isn't a realistic thing that could happen, but this is just a "what-if" thread ;]

So my question to everyone is: If you were given the opportunity to have your actual username changed then would you? Why? What would you change it to?

I know I would. I don't like this old 2011 name I have, I haven't went by it in quite a while so it just feels like a couple steps backwards. I'd change mine to molassescovered, I've taken on that name in different places and it's just something kind of generic that I think I would be able to keep for quite a while.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Kynvuu on June 22, 2016, 08:33:18 pm
I'm quite fond of my current username, so I don't think I'd want to change it. But a long long time ago I had a cringe-worthy username, hence why I chose to create a new account upon return to the game. But knowing me, I'll probably get bored of my username sometime or another and want to change it. xD Interesting topic by the way!~
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Hakumi on June 22, 2016, 08:37:52 pm
Interesting topic ~!

I don't think I'll change my username, since it represents my OC, my anime self and it's just a name I have grown to love overtime.... If I were to change 'Hakumi' out of the blew, I might still refer to myself as Haku or some other variation by mistake. Lol.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Reaper on June 22, 2016, 08:38:56 pm
Not really because I like this username, and it is so much easier to remember. Also I had it for a long time, and there wouldn't be any point in changing it.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Kastilla on June 22, 2016, 09:29:54 pm
No, I would not change my username.

It is actually a normal one, especially from my angsty child days. It also represents my uniqueness as a 5th grader (which at the time, I was only beginning to join the creative muses). I cherish it too much to change it. Yet, my second account; Aweu, I may want to change that, but then again no. Aweu was I sound that I made when someone made me uncomfortable and the word itself made my heavy mood lighten or it made me smile. Though, I forget the password/e-mail for it so I'm stuck with this which is perfect okay. ^^;
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: ArcticGalaxy on June 22, 2016, 09:47:08 pm
I'm sticking with mine for the time being. I know I tend to get tired of names and wanna change them, but this one I have now is probably the most creative one I've made and it just represents me somehow, don't know why. But interesting topic!
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Warriorstrike on June 22, 2016, 11:20:45 pm
There have been times when I think of a neat username, which can make me want to change my current one, but I'm quite content with the username that I have now. My username sometimes reminds me of memories during the time that I had created it, so it's safe to say that it's a keeper in my heart.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: wolfsquad on June 22, 2016, 11:22:36 pm
Honestly, yes: I would.
I would change it to something that actually represents my personality because "XxhazelwingxX" was just a username someone else came up with and it's honestly rlly cringy looking back on it now.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Lazy on June 22, 2016, 11:33:05 pm
Well, yes and no. I really like my user name but sometimes I wish I could change it to something else actually related to me, and not how I was feeling when I made the account.
If I could I would probably change it to Ship actually.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: G4RG0YLE on June 23, 2016, 02:47:01 pm
I honestly would not change my username because of the fact that I do not have such motivation to necessarily "improve" the username, or change it so it's more.... eh, I don't know, unique? I'm very grateful to even have a username, since most of the time I spend hours trying to think of one suitable in terms of myself but have always missed the FeralHeart Registration in doing so. I know that some people dislike my username since it possibly seems childish, but I like it how it is and will never plan to change that. ^_^
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: barghosts on June 23, 2016, 07:30:32 pm
I'd change it, but I'd be hesitant. BladeDawns has been with me for so long and has given me my own name amongst communities as Blade (plain and overused but is special to me). I would probably change it to something like Dr Audr (thanks Hakumi lmao) or perhaps skulguts or branjuce. It'd be nice to have a chance to change your username if you hit a high rank in the forums (Elder/Hero member maybe?)
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Nephrite on June 26, 2016, 04:06:32 pm
I definitely would; I made up this username when I was 12 or so and I thought it was really pretty and unique but now that I look back on it now... what does my username even mean? xD I used to go by Earyn on most websites, but I've changed my name to Nephrite on those sites, so I'd change this username to Nephrite as well. C:
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: envyandwrath on June 26, 2016, 04:10:06 pm
If I could change my in-game username I definitely would because when I made it i just used two of my favorite characters and well I'd prefer to change my name to on of my tumblr URLs
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: DarkLustyHumor on June 26, 2016, 09:46:52 pm
Not at this point in time, I just recently made this account. My previous ones if I was still active on them, I might of, but not this one. Maybe in the future I would like to depending on if anything changes, but as far as it goes I do like the name DarkLustyHumor because it suits me and some of my interests. Heck there were so many times in the past when I had a different account I had wanted to change my user for, and that's mainly because I was sick of the drama at the time and wanted to avoid certain people who had figured out how to unblock themselves. But where it stands I'm trying to stay out of that kind of drama so right now I don't feel a need to change my username, plus I like it. xD
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Jango_Fett on June 26, 2016, 09:52:30 pm
Hell no.

If I could, I'd forget it, and or never stop changing it.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: RecklessHoodie on June 26, 2016, 10:00:23 pm
I wouldn't change mine

But I am starting to use different usernames on different sites
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Rizzla on June 26, 2016, 10:59:49 pm
Probably not, no. I've had it so long it wouldn't feel right to change it, even though I haven't gone by the username "Rizzla" anywhere else in forever. If I were to change it, though, it'd be to KOVKINS, because that's what I go by nowadays.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Rostova on June 27, 2016, 10:59:01 am
I totally would.

My username is a cringe-worthy one i made quickly because i thought registration would close on me. I really regret that. I would probably choose something like NeonRadiation (not sure if thats very original) or Angel something

Honestly, if i was given an opportunity to change my username, i totally would and it would make my day.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: lol_lions on June 30, 2016, 06:33:12 am
I took the step and did so a couple months back with a new account. Recently it disappeared off of the face of the earth, so I guess some things aren't meant to be. Either way, I'm kind of glad to be under lol_lions again just due to the sheer age of the account.
If there was a name change feature, I think it'd go a long way though. Especially with the registration restrictions, getting a new account is a lot harder than a name change would be. Perhaps it would cut down on multiple accounted users, as well?
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: CrazyCatLady on June 30, 2016, 06:52:35 am
Its nice to see that a lot of you are content with your names :] I thought the majority would want to change to something else.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Kuri on July 02, 2016, 09:09:50 am
It means something relevant to FH in a language unique to my country and i've only met about 2 people ever who noticed what it is.

Would only change it by adding a bit to the beginning to add meaning.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: SophyTheLioness on July 02, 2016, 12:39:07 pm
Ooh, i would definitely.
I've grown tired 'bout kiddos asking "lol y u have that char if ur a lioness xd"
So i want to do another account. "Russel", and that's about it.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: MasiYumi on July 02, 2016, 03:30:47 pm
Yes. I wish they would let us change usernames every 30 days or more. I really don't like my in-game name anymore, because I'm no longer into Homestuck lol. I'd change mine to RainiePainie- its always been my go to username and what I go by on the net.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: SteampunkWolfdog on July 13, 2016, 02:37:32 pm
I would. I have a terrible habit of being indecisive and changing my mind about things. I've lost count of how many times I've changed my tumblr URL. The username I have for FH doesn't feel.... relevant anymore. But it looks like I'm stuck with it unless I decide to make a new account and start from scratch.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Insoholic on July 14, 2016, 09:40:13 pm
If I could, I would change my in-game username. Maybe.
I'd change it to Holydawn or just keep my current one. Fantastic topic idea, by the way! +floof
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: greenart6 on July 14, 2016, 10:55:18 pm
Depends on if people who knew me by my current username (TheGhostlyGoat and sometimes Turtlex) would know me by this new name. I've changed my username A LOT, and I hate that I change it so much but I just end up disliking most of my usernames within time. But if people would know me by a new username, then yes. Actually, even if we were just given the option to change our in-game usernames, I'd probably change it still.

I'd probably change my username to something like WornSkateboard which I've started using occasionally, or possibly a variation of TheGhostlyGoat.I don't know, but yes, I would change my username. I like having something that is unique, recognizable, and relevant to myself as my username, and I tend to make usernames that aren't going to really represent me for too long. I'm even tired of my new username TheGhostlyGoat at this point, but hey, I can't stop myself from changing.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: hellensilverwolf on July 25, 2016, 11:21:41 am
I most definitely would. Not that I dislike the current one, but it's old, too damn old.. I created this account a long time ago and been inactive for years, so a fresh new username would be nice.

I've also noticed that we now have our user names visible instead of the custom names, which I don't really like. I haven't figured out how to change it yet, but I'm guessing it's not possible
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: kiaz1st on July 25, 2016, 01:32:27 pm
I'm not really sure. I've grown kind of attached to this username, I use it every where. But also at the same time, changing it to simply 'Kiaz' would be super convenient.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: IsCreated on July 25, 2016, 04:23:09 pm
Oh, this is a good topic! But, honestly, I think I would change my username. I'm not very fond of ~IsCreated anymore like I used to be. I think I would actually change it if possible. I would change it to something with 'spat' at the end of it, maybe.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Keaira815 on July 25, 2016, 07:52:19 pm
To be completely honest; yes I would. If I had the option to change my username it would just be "Keaira." I like to keep my usernames simple and I try to avoid putting numbers in it to make logging in quicker.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Wyldercat on July 26, 2016, 12:03:22 am
Well, I'm currently known as TwistedLizard, and though I do like the name, I don't use it much anymore. With that in mind, I'd likely change my username to either Taciturns or a variant of that, or something involving the word Vagabond.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: forks on July 27, 2016, 03:30:31 pm
If I had the chance to change my username, I would, yes. Personally I'd rather be called "Echoz" (my old forum nickname) than Clemson99999 or a variant of that, which is my actual username.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: konjac on July 28, 2016, 04:05:43 am
If I could change my user, I would change it to _Picklecat_, my Minecraft user and my fave name of all time.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: palmknife on July 28, 2016, 08:42:34 am
I would, ofc.
'Cause this "Yan" name gets cringetic too much, my mind.. ;-;
And I would change it to "Prism", which is good.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Liehuwa on July 28, 2016, 09:11:02 am
I definitely would. I don't use the name "Liehuwa" anymore.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: I Ship It! on July 29, 2016, 12:14:25 am
I would change my username, I constantly get whispers from people who find it funny (which I won't deny it is) but, I just don't want to frequently be whispered is all :)
Otherwise, I would change my username to my DA one; PineconeFollies.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Loco.Motives on August 01, 2016, 06:50:42 pm
Eh, I believe I'm undecisive on this one. Sometimes I admire my username, while other times I wish I could change it ('Cause I usually think of something cooler/bolder). And I've recently thought of this cool username that I wish I could change to: LynxPaw2033
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: ToxicWolf9876 on August 06, 2016, 09:30:46 pm
yes and no
i'd like the part of numbers removed because i like "Toxicwolf" without numbers
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: NaiaRulez on August 13, 2016, 09:49:33 am
I would change my username, unless I don't know to which I would change to xD Maybe only to Naia, or NaiaFH... At least something related to my actual fursona.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: magicfairy on August 13, 2016, 03:53:47 pm
Definitely. I'm stuck with pokemonXY for the rest of my life though. xD I'd change it to FuzzyDargon or FuzzyDragon because fluffy dragons!
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Morgra on August 14, 2016, 08:37:44 am
50/50. I named myself after a book character, and while that isn't the worst thing, I'd rather find something more original, but I can't currently think of anything i'd like to change it to. *shrugs*
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Aclediptus on August 20, 2016, 07:56:22 am
Prolly Aclediptus, since Telluris or Telly has probably been taken. Although I like using Senseless Violins as a username, I think Aclediptus reflects my weirdness more than something named after an album.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Senrova on August 27, 2016, 01:54:51 pm
I would definitely change my username. I came up with 'EpicWolfie' ages ago and I think it needs updating. Maybe SwiftStudios would be a better username.
Title: Re: If you could change your ingame username, would you?
Post by: Vwang on August 27, 2016, 04:39:38 pm
 Leahling's is a pretty weird name my dad chose me and I really wanna change it to something like Feathers401628 I guess