Feral Heart

FeralHeart Creations => Maps => FeralHeart Addons & Mods => Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion => Topic started by: EmptyHabits on June 29, 2016, 12:10:37 am

Title: Ideas for Cave Map?
Post by: EmptyHabits on June 29, 2016, 12:10:37 am
Not sure if this topic goes here, but oh whale. Anyway, I'm making a cave map for my pack and I want it to be cool. xD And I don't really know what to put in it. What kinds of things would you see in a cave?
Title: Re: Ideas for Cave Map?
Post by: Hakumi on June 29, 2016, 12:15:38 am
If you go into a cave deep enough... I would see like... a giant water spot, like a small pool like area. A few stalactites / mites and possibly some crystals ~

( Not saying this should be a thing, just throwing things that were at the top of my head, Lol ).
Title: Re: Ideas for Cave Map?
Post by: EmptyHabits on June 29, 2016, 12:17:30 am
If you go into a cave deep enough... I would see like... a giant water spot, like a small pool like area. A few stalactites / mites and possibly some crystals ~

( Not saying this should be a thing, just throwing things that were at the top of my head, Lol ).

Haha! Thanks for the ideas! ^^ I have a big water area, too.
Title: Re: Ideas for Cave Map?
Post by: HuskyDogMix33 on June 29, 2016, 12:39:37 am
How about trying to put dapples of plants. Not too many, but some.
Maybe some prey?
Maybe some holes (Black portals) To different channels and dens?
Title: Re: Ideas for Cave Map?
Post by: SophyTheLioness on June 29, 2016, 01:38:13 am
If my pack had a cave...

I'd want something like a underwater cave or a underground lake and such OWO maybe some ceiling crystals? Oh, oh, and also MANY places to climb and sleep on and.. and stuff to hide in!! Like bushes and rocks, pew! Probably i'd also like something like a "mini tunnel" in order to enter the de, to keep it a lil more secretive n' such.
Title: Re: Ideas for Cave Map?
Post by: DarkLustyHumor on June 29, 2016, 01:42:17 am
I think it would be awesome for there to be secret places in the cave, maybe an underwater entrance to a few rooms, also a lot of places to climb would be awesome too!
Title: Re: Ideas for Cave Map?
Post by: Kynvuu on June 29, 2016, 02:56:56 am
If you're in a universe where humans used to inhabit, you could perhaps put an abandoned mine shaft in there with old tracks and mine carts. Maybe some old sticks of dynamite laying around?
Title: Re: Ideas for Cave Map?
Post by: Warriorstrike on June 29, 2016, 05:29:14 pm
I don't believe this quite belongs in the Help board, so I will move your thread over to the Work in Progress Maps and Map Discussion board, that way, people will know that you want some input for a map of yours.
Title: Re: Ideas for Cave Map?
Post by: Kastilla on June 29, 2016, 07:51:36 pm
.//scratches skull
Hmmpft, I don't want to be the one who spoils my own maps, but I have some good ideas.

Many have said underwater passageways, rooms, etc. Yes, and make them extra secretive -- blend them in with the surroundings. Put rocks and foliage around the entrances. Hide portals underwater and use the same tactics of blending them in.

A nice water pool is a good idea too, make it inhabitable and as if there is life there. Not all caves can be dark and dreary places, some can be full of energy and life. Perhaps a unique creature lives there? Perhaps it was an old temple or ruin in the olden days? There are so many possibilities!

A good thing to do it make your own meshes, not hand-made Blender ones (unless you want to dabble with that). Hand-made objects from the pre-made objects such as the shapes and such. You can do anything your heart desires with those, all you need it some textures and patience.

Well, there's my advice. Most of it was rambling, aha.