Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Game Suggestions & Ideas => Topic started by: AksiDev-ill on July 04, 2016, 05:25:21 pm

Title: Old maps
Post by: AksiDev-ill on July 04, 2016, 05:25:21 pm
Now, I'm not here to rant about "oh how bad the new update is and how I miss the old FH" etc, etc. I myself am not that fond of the new update, but that's not the point.
Point is, is there any way to bring back the old maps? I don't mean adding them as default maps, but as downloadable maps, the ones you could enter by going to Cape of Distant Worlds. I'm sure many players would really appreciate that. Is there any chance for something like that, or all they really gone for good?
And yes, I've seen there's a similiar topic already, but I don't think this certain thing was cleared up.
Title: Re: Old maps
Post by: Warriorstrike on July 04, 2016, 05:30:16 pm
I will be locking this up since there are already a few threads going around that involve the same subject/idea that you have on this thread. If you still wish to continue to discuss the concept, please consider posting on one of those threads rather than create your own- in this way, the boards can be kept organized and no one will have to run around trying to find a specific thread when there are already quite a few out there.