Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Topic started by: amythealpha on July 30, 2016, 12:52:36 am

Title: Shimeji making
Post by: amythealpha on July 30, 2016, 12:52:36 am
Yes, shimeji. Have you heard of them? It's a fun little program where you can download characters, and they roam around on your screen! They can duplicate, and do other little things too! (WARNING: Don't leave your computer for a long time, or forget to delete some of the duplicates. When you come back, you'll have an army of shimeji clones creating chaos on your computer. I know from experience x"D)

Some screenies of my UT shimejis here if you need a picture (I have more than just UT ones though. I have Bill Cipher ((GF)), Grell Sutcliff ((TBB)), Issun ((Okami), Waka ((Okami)), and I might I have other ones I just forgot about.)


Anyways, guess I'm in a bit of a mood to challenge myself (considering I just did a preset not long ago, something I've never done before, now I'm gonna try this, another thing I've never done before), because I'm gonna try to make my own Shimeji!

I already have a Temmie shimeji tbh)
(... it might possibly be temmie this time....)

However, I need ideas. I'll probably do some of my characters, or maybe even do characters people commission me to do (if that ever happens), but for my first one, I want one that a lot of people might download.

Since I'm currently obsessed with Undertale and it's AUs, I'll probably do a shimeji based on UT. But, I need ideas!

CHARACTERS I WON'T DO FOR SURE (at least not yet, because I already have a shimeji of them) (mostly UT characters):
UF!Sans (I would make a UF!Papyrus but my skeleton drawing skills... oh boy. I could try if you guys really want me to though)
Temmie (... I might make my own version TBH...I like Temmie....)
River Person
Omega Flowey (my favorite shimeji)
Mettaton EX (don't ask me to do block form. Drawing straight lines is the bane of my existence.)
Grell Sutcliff
DISCOMFORT (A hilarious fusion between Frisk and Chara)
US!Sans (AKA Blueberry)
Bill Cipher
Annoying Dog (Toby)

So yeah! Please leave suggestions below, or maybe tips and tricks because I have not the slightest clue what I'm doing //shot
It may not turn out great because all I have is my laptop mousepad. I don't have a proper mouse or tablet, so yeaaaaah.... I'll try ^^"