Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Topic started by: Wyldercat on August 22, 2016, 09:32:58 pm

Title: Sense o humor?
Post by: Wyldercat on August 22, 2016, 09:32:58 pm
How would ye describe yer sense of humor? What types of jokes do you find funny? What types of jokes would you tell?

As for me personally, most of my humor is based off of rather dark or offensive (such jokes are reserved for close friends who I am positive that they are ok with such topics), though I'm also a sucker for awful puns or nerdy, science-based humor (such as Hank Green's videos). Sometimes, spontaneous humor, such as an irrelevant statement or seemingly harmless word. I also have a lot of inside jokes I work with. Sometimes, roasting (with consent and/or with friendly intentions) can force a chuckle as well.

As for comedic interest, I can enjoy comedians along the styles of Louis CK, Jeff Dunham, Bo Burnham and John Mulaney. HI admit, I do shamefully laugh at raunchy jokes.
I will admit, I often joke about depression, suicide and similar sensitive issues, but again, only with people who are 100% ok with it. I typically use gallows humor as a coping method to cover up my own depression and the like.
Title: Re: Sense o humor?
Post by: ArcticGalaxy on August 22, 2016, 09:35:14 pm
I'm pretty much the same way when it comes to my humor. I laugh at stuff that probably should not be laughed at And it's why I'm going to hell hue but I very rarely share them with anyone.
Title: Re: Sense o humor?
Post by: Kerriki on August 24, 2016, 01:34:10 am
I will laugh nonstop at anything random (and that doesn't even make sense)
Title: Re: Sense o humor?
Post by: OutofBreath on August 24, 2016, 01:51:02 am
All of my jokes are inside jokes that no one else would understand. But they are basically told in a short story kind of way.
Title: Re: Sense o humor?
Post by: Bloo. on August 24, 2016, 03:08:50 am
I will laugh at anything I find funny x3 There's really no limit for me...no matter how bad it may be >x< I just love laughing!
Title: Re: Sense o humor?
Post by: Morgra on August 24, 2016, 05:14:47 am
My sense of humor is...derpy? Two words: Clever memes xD
And as many of you have posted already, things that people normally shouldn't laugh at is usually what I find funny.
Title: Re: Sense o humor?
Post by: Skat on August 24, 2016, 07:05:47 am
I usually joke about anything that's not offensive. I tease my friends, use self-sarcasm and throw out lines, idk how to explain my humor, it just comes natural,like, it just comes to me like 'pop, hey bish I'm here -ripsofshirt- time for Mr.joke to take the lead'. I usually say jokes about blondes(to tease my blonde friends, of course never trying to be insulting), I use sarcasm about my surroundings, make fun of something around me, tease my parents and friends, make up silly stories with non-sense stuff that touch the 'fun' zone etc. Although I could never tell jokes that cross the line and I'd stop if someone tells me something bothered them. I can't joke about serious matters as depression, suicide, racism, religions etc. Idk I just can't ;D;

I'd say my humor is childish.
I think like a child so most of my jokes come from the heart since 90% of my jokes are just me being silly and saying lines like 'Go go power rangers' etc. because I can't insult anyone, I may do sometimes but never willing.
Title: Re: Sense o humor?
Post by: Aclediptus on August 24, 2016, 09:47:44 am
I laugh to a sophisticated mix of satire, sarcasm, rhetoric, and dark humor along with a hint of irony and cleverness.
Oh and tons of inside jokes. I'm not good at jokes but I could be a big goof sometimes, otherwise I'm pretty lame.
Frank Zappa and Sparks are musicians I find funny.
Title: Re: Sense o humor?
Post by: Warriorstrike on August 24, 2016, 04:22:50 pm
I've been told that I have a bit of a dry sense of humor. I'm not particularly very good at jokes, but the ones I would tell would probably be a sort of inside reference or in context to the situation. If someone tells a humorous joke or says something funny, I will most likely laugh. I don't find things as funny when you're expecting it to be funny, but rather when you're not expecting it to be.

I do occasionally like to take things that would not normally be funny and turn them into something humorous.
Title: Re: Sense o humor?
Post by: WolfQueen on August 25, 2016, 04:48:03 am
i admit that i do have a shamefully child-like sense of humor. i try to hide it but honestly i can't help but giggle when the ketchup bottle makes a fart sound, amongst other things. i guess it was how i was raised. -sigh-

irony and sarcasm also tickles my funny bone. sometimes i find dark humor/satire enjoyable but i don't like it when it's taken too far and only used to offend people. it's just not me i guess. :T
Title: Re: Sense o humor?
Post by: kiaz1st on August 25, 2016, 09:22:10 am
I can laugh at any sense of humour, which is brilliant when it comes to getting along with people, but my own personal humour tends to be either sarcastic or spontaneous when it comes to me naturally.
But yeah, otherwise I love all sorts of humour, except for humour that involves laughing at another person in a cruel or mean way. I don't mind taking the mick out of someone if it's okay, but I would never laugh at someone.