Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Vwang on September 10, 2016, 11:41:02 pm

Title: Weird dreams about FH you had
Post by: Vwang on September 10, 2016, 11:41:02 pm
I had a dream that if you pressed Preset maker and test the preset you would be in a random multiplayer server.
Title: Re: Weird dreams about FH you had
Post by: Siarczek on September 10, 2016, 11:56:40 pm
I actually started playing FH again in the summer of 2015, after about a 2 year break from it, because I had a dream about it! I dreamed that I was just playing around in the map maker, although it was a lot more advanced in the dream than it actually is in the game, and I was apparently making a map for a school project. Lmao, dreams don't make much sense, do they? But it definitely did prompt me to re-download the game.

This is an interesting thread topic!
Title: Re: Weird dreams about FH you had
Post by: konjac on September 11, 2016, 01:02:14 am
I once dreamt all of the people in FH, their chars were misshaped, limbs were hanging and everyone looked like they had DABESTEMOTE. And the chat box was gone, and all animations were gone too.

Me and my brain...
Title: Re: Weird dreams about FH you had
Post by: Morgra on September 11, 2016, 01:25:58 am
I once dreamt all of the people in FH, their chars were misshaped, limbs were hanging and everyone looked like they had DABESTEMOTE. And the chat box was gone, and all animations were gone too.
Me and my brain...

XD From my perspective, that seems like a nightmare rather than a dream.

Personally I've never had a dream about FeralHeart, I probably will one day though considering my dreams make no sense at all and don't stick to one particular pattern.
Title: Re: Weird dreams about FH you had
Post by: amythealpha on September 11, 2016, 01:38:16 am
I've had a couple dreams about FH, all of which I've forgotten by now ^^" but I do vaguely remember one where me and Drifter (one of my old characters) had switched bodies. So now Drifter was doing who knows what (most likely causing havoc and freaking out about the fact that 1, she's human, 2, she can see) and I'm stumbling around the land of FH trying to figure out how to survive completely blind as a torn-up cat. It was pretty entertaining,  and it actually was the reason I came back from my hiatus early (that, and when I got on the site to see what was going on, I became aware of the update n' stuff!)
Title: Re: Weird dreams about FH you had
Post by: Kuri on September 11, 2016, 10:46:07 am
i had dreams about it but mostly they were normal, except they were the only reality that was & i wasn't playing a game, i was living it and no awareness it was a game.
Title: Re: Weird dreams about FH you had
Post by: Kynvuu on September 11, 2016, 02:45:23 pm
Well, I did have a strange dream about FH one time, though it was oddly based of the community of FH rather than the game. What happened in it was that it was announced on the forums that there was going to be another movie night. But instead of all the players logging on to the game and going to the movie map, all the players met up in person at this outdoor movie theater to have the event. It was really weird because my brain assigned images of people to their main characters and such. So your main FH character was human-atized xD. So like, if I remember correctly, Kiki had blue hair and she was dressed in blue. And Arctic had brown hair and a green bandana like her character Zuri. Even though I have brown hair in real life, I had pink hair and was dressed in purple like my Avie, Kyn. It was pretty cool actually to see all the floofs how I'd imagine them as humans xD
Title: Re: Weird dreams about FH you had
Post by: amythealpha on September 11, 2016, 05:12:16 pm
I actually just had a dream about FH last night! Anyways, basically, me and my friends were transported to the land of FH. We had a time limit of a week there, then we'd be sent back. Or, if we walked to a certain spot, we'd be able to find a mod who'd let us out (I have no idea-). At first it was pretty fun, like a vacation. It was all fun at first, but then the creatures of FH turned against us. Not only that, most of the FH characters could turn anthro or disguise themselves as someone else (one of them disguised himself as William Shatner for some reason...) So if there was an area we could go, it was most likely that one of the creatures of FH would be able to follow us. However, we could run, and the creatures could only walk or crawl. While me and my totally-not-a-crush-or-anything-what-are-you-talking-about-I-don't-even-have-a-crush were out playing around in the forest (I think it was a forest map that I downloaded, 'cause I didn't recognize it from any of the current maps, and our camp was in Cape), we heard something, so we went back to our camp, to find it'd been destroyed with someone (can't remember who) still inside. We knew they were dead by this point, so we went back to the forest to find the rest of our friends. We soon met up with them. We discussed where we could go, when suddenly I shapeshifted into my oldest fursona, Iceclaw. No clue how I did it, but y'know, dreams are weird. All my other friends shapeshifted too, into either a feline or canine of some sort, that clearly looked like the FH model. We even ran the same as in-game. Anyways, we all ran through some tunnels, this time we'd somehow ended up in Ficho Tunnels. After that, we found ourselves... don't remember actually. Still kinda foresty here and there but not as much, reminds me of the old Fluorite Plains but not quite.  Anyways, we'd all shapeshifted back into our human form, because as fun as being a canine or feline was, it made us all exhausted. We found a new camp, and stayed there for the night. By that morning, (I forgot to mention), 2 days had already passed. This was the third day. We had a nasty encounter with a pack of canines, most of which looked like some sorta wolf hybrid or stray dog, but we managed to get away. However, they managed to split us up, so now I was back with my I-said-he's-not-my-crush-back-off. We ran along dirt and gravel roads to avoid getting too deep into the forest, where we knew 'shapeshifters' were hiding. For whatever reason, in the night, babystrit (As Fire) stole my socks so now my feet were bleeding a bit. Just my socks. I have no clue why so don't ask. Eventually, we sorta caved in because my feet felt like they were on fire, so we found a large rock and slept there. So now it was the fourth day. We continued to run, and soon found our friends again. We came to split roads. We all had an argument over which way to go. 2 of my friends went west, the rest went east, and I went alone north. I came across two mods, who let me out. I woke up once they supposedly let me out, so I have no clue what happened to my friends in that dream. Considering the fact that there was only one place where the mods would let us out, it's either my friends survived until the time limit passed, or walked to their death.

I HAVE NICE DREAMS DON'T I?! I'll probably expand this story in a bit more detail soon :3 And probably add some stuff.
Title: Re: Weird dreams about FH you had
Post by: Morgra on September 11, 2016, 08:16:57 pm
Well, I did have a strange dream about FH one time, though it was oddly based of the community of FH rather than the game. What happened in it was that it was announced on the forums that there was going to be another movie night. But instead of all the players logging on to the game and going to the movie map, all the players met up in person at this outdoor movie theater to have the event. It was really weird because my brain assigned images of people to their main characters and such. So your main FH character was human-atized xD. So like, if I remember correctly, Kiki had blue hair and she was dressed in blue. And Arctic had brown hair and a green bandana like her character Zuri. Even though I have brown hair in real life, I had pink hair and was dressed in purple like my Avie, Kyn. It was pretty cool actually to see all the floofs how I'd imagine them as humans xD

XD I liked this one a lot. I wish I could meet a lot of the FeralHeart community irl, but seeing as that won't happen, it's funny to imagine a meetup like that.
Title: Re: Weird dreams about FH you had
Post by: Rizzla on September 11, 2016, 10:44:29 pm
I've had a couple FH related dreams, but I don't remember too many of them. In the few that I remember I'm usually just horsing around as one of my characters. In one of the more recent ones my friend and I were our fursonas... we were just sitting around in one of the maps cuddling. There was also a giant corn field next to us for some reason. Yes, dreams are weird indeed.
Title: Re: Weird dreams about FH you had
Post by: Rostova on September 17, 2016, 04:48:27 pm
I had one not too long ago.

Sorry this post is old and "cringe worthy"

Regret at it's finest :')
Title: Re: Weird dreams about FH you had
Post by: konjac on September 17, 2016, 05:45:42 pm
I had one not too long ago.

I was teaching a friend how to play feral-heart. In the game my character was running around some sort of midnight carnival. Apparently we played a bunch of carnival games. As we explored the in-game carnival, she asked me the names of a bunch of players. They were all players that I'm friends with or I know from the forum. Instead of saying their real usernames, I said different names. I called somebody whoopie cushion and another person Spongebob Squarepants. Then my brother walked in with cookies. But he doesn't know how to make cookies :l
Title: Re: Weird dreams about FH you had
Post by: Kuri on September 21, 2016, 04:23:58 am
Recently i was in the grounds except it had a lake with a fishing village around it. Somehow i'd made the monkey from first lion king and was going around picking up random players, mostly pups, and holding them toward the sun.  Then i went to the wooden platform at the village where the boats were tied up and jumped off the end into the water and kept swimming down until it got really dark like it does at the cape.
One of the moderators must have decided i needed to be rescued because they followed me down, but i somehow slipped past and got back to the surface.  There was about 100 players and most of them crowded around the lake to see why the moderator has swum down so far, couldn't see their name tag anymore, just swimming down & down.. then it ended so i don't know what happened after that.
Title: Re: Weird dreams about FH you had
Post by: LovieHats on September 22, 2016, 08:02:09 pm
I once had this...interesting dream, in which the game updated (note that this was way before the game actually had another update), and they introduced this temple map, which also had a forest. Another map was half desert, half forest, and had a geyser.