Feral Heart

Off topic => Discussion Board => Topic started by: Morgra on September 30, 2016, 10:09:47 am

Title: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Morgra on September 30, 2016, 10:09:47 am
 So along with the live action Jungle Book (which I actually found to be a good movie), supposedly there is a live action Lion King in the works.

Say what now?!?

Here's a CNN article: http://money.cnn.com/2016/09/28/media/lion-king-live-action-movie/

Here's the Google News search link to look at other articles: Live Action Lion King Google News Link  (https://www.google.com/search?q=live+action+lion+king&espv=2&source=univ&tbm=nws&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj30-_u67bPAhVI62MKHTR1Db4QsQQIJA&biw=1858&bih=990)

Anyway, considering Impressive Title's and FeralHeart's ties to The Lion King, what do you all think of this?

Personally, i'm not gonna expect the best and not going to expect the worst. I guess i'll just say i'm neutral about this. The Lion King was my favorite movie as a young kid and I still cherish it today. I really hope that they make this turn out well.

Update: November 5th, 2017
Cast has been announced (Walt Disney's Twitter)
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Reaper on September 30, 2016, 10:14:16 am
I hope the movie turns out great. I am looking foward into seeing this.
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: ArcticGalaxy on September 30, 2016, 10:17:52 am
Oooooh....hmmmm....well I don't know how to feel. It would probably be amazing, seeing as the CGI in The Jungle Book for the felines was amazing but....eh, I'm old school and grew up with the original animated one and in my opinion, that will always be my favorite. Nothing is gonna change that! xD

But that doesn't mean I wont watch this and enjoy it! I'm looking forward to it!
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: floradaisylily on September 30, 2016, 04:46:01 pm
Oooh I heard of this just recently and got super excited! Personally, I absolutely loved the new Jungle Book movie, and actually wondered what it would be like if they recreated The Lion King. I know that it wont be perfect, but it's something I look forward to seeing. :D
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Enoki on September 30, 2016, 06:24:23 pm
I LOVED the Lion King. I'm quite excited to see it made, but I'm kind of already expecting something if it. I'm expecting it to be exactly the same as the cartoon except live action, CGI lions and the works. Let's hope it all works.

I'd also expect to see and hear the original voice actors reprise their roles. It wouldn't be the Lion King without them.
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Morgra on September 30, 2016, 09:39:28 pm
... but....eh, I'm old school and grew up with the original animated one and in my opinion, that will always be my favorite. Nothing is gonna change that! xD
But that doesn't mean I wont watch this and enjoy it! I'm looking forward to it!
I definitely agree. Nothing will ever surpass the original, imo.

I'd also expect to see and hear the original voice actors reprise their roles. It wouldn't be the Lion King without them.
I also want to hear the original voice actors. To me the characters wouldn't be the same without the voices of James Earl Jones, Jeremy Irons, Matthew Broderick. The only ones that obviously will have different voice actors unless they use the audio from the cartoons would be cub Simba and Nala.

Thank everyone for replying. Nice to hear positive responses on this :D
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Warriorstrike on September 30, 2016, 11:40:22 pm
I actually hadn't heard about this until I saw this thread. ^^ I'm a bit curious, myself, to see what they decide to do with it, although since The Lion King is one of my favorite movies of all time, I don't know if it will top the standards set by the Disney film. Naturally, I'm a bit skeptical of remakes of classic and beloved films because it has the potential to tarnish a legacy, The Loin Guard but even if it doesm't live up to the animated film, it may turn out to be a delightful stand-alone production. I loved Favreau's adaptation of The Jungle Book, though, so perhaps I would end up enjoying it. I would definitely be interested to check it out when it's released.
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Morgra on October 01, 2016, 01:03:08 am
I actually hadn't heard about this until I saw this thread. ^^ I'm a bit curious, myself, to see what they decide to do with it, although since The Lion King is one of my favorite movies of all time, I don't know if it will top the standards set by the Disney film. Naturally, I'm a bit skeptical of remakes of classic and beloved films because it has the potential to tarnish a legacy, The Loin Guard but even if it doesm't live up to the animated film, it may turn out to be a delightful stand-alone production. I loved Favreau's adaptation of The Jungle Book, though, so perhaps I would end up enjoying it. I would definitely be interested to check it out when it's released.

XD at the tiny text. I'm a bit skeptical too. I hope they don't stray from the original story either. This includes the original voice actors; it wouldn't be the same without them. Those except for the child actors who now have adult voices lol.
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Aclediptus on October 02, 2016, 01:14:07 pm
I've heard this before somewhere. I'm not as attached to TLK as much as the next floof but I'm aware of it's achievement as a Disney Film. From what I've seen from the recent Jungle Book adaptation, I think this could go well. And The Lion King was actually based on a Shakespeare classic (see Hamlet) Which would make it easier for them to design it a darker and more dramatic atmosphere.
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Kynvuu on October 02, 2016, 03:01:06 pm
I'm actually so hyped for this remake. Although I am a large fan of Disney's animated originals, I think this new legacy of live action films could bring some potential to the big screens. I'm really curious to see what they do with this one, as I suppose most of it will be a large deal of CGI. It makes me wonder if they're still going to keep it cartoonish or if they're going to go full out realistic CGI.  Can't wait though!
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Kerriki on October 02, 2016, 05:28:11 pm
Boy, am I excited xD

It will be interesting to see what they do with it for sure. Change the story around a bit and make it a bit darker (just like "The Jungle Book")? Sounds great. And as what Borborigmus pointed out, since the original Lion King was based on Shakespeare's "Hamlet", it will give them lots of wiggle room for darker/scarier stuff. And just imagining all of the characters as real life animals seems pretty cool too

I predict this will either be just ok or great; I think it will be really difficult for them to make this bad. But yeah, I know the CGI will be pawesome!!
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Morqque on October 02, 2016, 05:59:16 pm
hollee jesus
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Morgra on October 02, 2016, 07:45:23 pm
Thanks for the input guys :D

Boy, am I excited xD

It will be interesting to see what they do with it for sure. Change the story around a bit and make it a bit darker (just like "The Jungle Book")? Sounds great. And as what Borborigmus pointed out, since the original Lion King was based on Shakespeare's "Hamlet", it will give them lots of wiggle room for darker/scarier stuff. And just imagining all of the characters as real life animals seems pretty cool too

I predict this will either be just ok or great; I think it will be really difficult for them to make this bad. But yeah, I know the CGI will be pawesome!!

I know, right? I have a feeling Scar is going to look interesting. Are they going to make him darker like the original or colored like a realistic lion? Makes ya wonder. Will also be cool to see a darker storyline if they change it much.

hollee jesus
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Kuri on October 02, 2016, 08:23:58 pm
"Never mess up a classic"  Hopefully enough of the original creators are still around to make it work.  Scene for scene line for line remakes are pretty safe.  Hopefully they don't butcher it to try and make it edgy or cringe.
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: OkamiKyuubi on October 06, 2016, 09:51:00 am
I'd say I'm pretty hype. Maybe because I get easily enthusiastic about animated films or games becoming live action films(yes yes, I know not all adaptations or reimagined works are the best but I like to stay hopeful the creators will use the material well).

My hopes aren't too high at least, but if they make it extremely well, then WOO for them and WOO for the fans, cause I -Removed by moderator- love Lion King.
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: bunnylions on October 06, 2016, 09:06:23 pm
FH has a possibility of undergoing drastic changes.
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: aerotechway1 on October 15, 2016, 05:10:12 pm
I saw the Jungle Book, and if they can pull that off, I'm hyped to see this! I wonder if they'll add in more hidden details that we may have missed from the animated story.
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: magicfairy on October 15, 2016, 08:36:36 pm
Hmm, I hope they pull this off well. I'm actually kinda upset about this because I'm a big fan of 2D animation and The Lion King is one of my favorite 2D animated films. Other than that as long as the story is good I'll enjoy it.
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Tifu on October 16, 2016, 06:18:42 pm
I think the live action Lion King will be a great movie!
If they do change the story up a bit, I wonder how they will do it?
I am actually kind hyped for this!
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Morgra on November 06, 2017, 01:10:00 am
Bump with update

Walt Disney updated their Twitter with a preview of the cast selection. James Earl Jones is the only original voice. I think the only voice i'm disappointed with is Scar's (I love Jeremy Irons) but perhaps this will be good, who knows.

Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Azurain on November 06, 2017, 02:04:52 am
I seriously love how they got the original voice actors for Mufasa and adult Simba. Will bring the nostalgia back for sure! And Beyonce seems like she would be great for Nala.

AND SETH ROGAN AS PUMBAA?! THat's going to be HILARIOUS! I can't wait for this movie oh my god.
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: WolfQueen on November 06, 2017, 02:41:56 am
I'm a bit upset that they don't have all the original voice actors in this remake, but I do appreciate how they got a mostly black cast for it (being that TLK takes place in Africa).
I'm really excited to see how Eric Andre is going to act in the movie, especially as a hyena. Beyonce was a good choice for Nala too.

Wait, were Banzai and Ed renamed?
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: Jango_Fett on November 06, 2017, 06:59:24 pm
holding my expectations to a more neutral place

i enjoyed the jungle book remake greatly, however cinderella and beauty and the beast were.. alright.

the cast seems mostly solid, as i've heard good voice acting from many of these people. just hope it has a more solid story, brilliant effects, along with.. you know, bringing something new to the table.

I'm a bit upset that they don't have all the original voice actors in this remake, but I do appreciate how they got a mostly black cast for it (being that TLK takes place in Africa).
I'm really excited to see how Eric Andre is going to act in the movie, especially as a hyena. Beyonce was a good choice for Nala too.

Wait, were Banzai and Ed renamed?

I... Guess they're now Azizi and Kamari? That's my only guess.
Title: Re: Live Action Lion King?
Post by: LordSuragaha on November 06, 2017, 08:15:49 pm
I agree that I prefer the original voice of Scar....

Overall though I'm excited for it