Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: DragonsFire05 on October 03, 2016, 02:51:49 am

Title: Map Objects Not Showing
Post by: DragonsFire05 on October 03, 2016, 02:51:49 am
I recently started making maps and added some new textures and meshes to use. They show up just fine in Map Maker but when I go into FeralHeart some of the objects are missing. I heard that going into Object Maker and changing the mesh's group name will fix this but I can't figure out how to change the name of the group and I don't really want to move everything into a new group and then have to replace all of it in the map. Anyone know what to do?
Title: Re: Map Objects Not Showing
Post by: Kerriki on October 03, 2016, 03:15:38 am
Is it default (came with game) objects or custom (downloaded) objects that are missing?
Title: Re: Map Objects Not Showing
Post by: DragonsFire05 on October 03, 2016, 12:18:59 pm
They're custom meshes. I think the ones that are missing are meshes that already came with an Objects file and I didn't have to go into Object Maker to add them into the game.
Title: Re: Map Objects Not Showing
Post by: Kynvuu on October 03, 2016, 07:33:35 pm
Saving the objects to a new group like you said might solve the problem. It's simple to do. Just go into the Object Maker and type in the .MESH file name and texture into the appropriate boxes. On the first tab there are boxes for an Object Name and Object Group. Name your object whatever you like and then type a name in for a group. Click save and that will automatically create a new group. Then, if you wish to add more objects to that group simply repeat the same steps with another mesh, making sure to type in the same group name as you did before. I know you said you really didn't want to do this, but i may help to solve future issues.

If in fact that is too much trouble, you may want to try exporting your map first before entering it in game. Sometimes before exporting, the map won't always show objects when you go into game. Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Map Objects Not Showing
Post by: DragonsFire05 on October 03, 2016, 08:55:58 pm
Hm, okay. So there is no way to rename the existing group then? And if not do you know if making a new group with the same files will fix the in-game objects or will I have to go back into Map Maker and replace everything?
Title: Re: Map Objects Not Showing
Post by: Shazadah on October 03, 2016, 10:46:23 pm
I think I know an easier way around this. I'm on mobile though and have no access to my computer so allow me a minute or five to write it all out for ya...

OK. To answer your question about making a new object group, it will only partially solve the problem here, but you'll have to do it yourself. And no, it isn't possible to rename an existing group without causing more problems.

Like Kynvuu explained, find the meshes you want and bring them into Object Maker to place them into a new group. This is easy to do by going to the mesh's already existing group and opening it into Object Maker, and just changing the Group Name, then save. Of its an object without a group, do what Kyn said and type the mesh in manually (so like if you want the oak tree mesh, type in oaktree.mesh, click Add New and then add the texture you want). Once it's all done and the objects you want are in a new group (no need to make a new group for every mesh, they can all be added into the same custom group) are saved, go through and export them.

Now, the next step is switching the objects in your map from the ones you used to ones you just made a group for. This is easier than a lot of people think. Head on over to terrains and find the folder with your map's name on it. Click that folder to open it. Inside you'll see .cfg/.material files that you can open with Wordpad, so open the one that says "MapNameObjects". In the document is a bunch of numbers for every object that's in the map, per object used. Those are the coordinates of your objects in your map. On each new line of numbers should be the name of the Object Group and the Object in that Group that was used. All you have to do is change the Object Group name to the new group you just made, and the Object name if you renamed the object for your group. Example, I want to change the trees I used in my map, so I find where it says [MyTrees/OakTree] and change it to [RandomGroup/WeirdTree]. Save the document (if a warning message pops up, just click yes), and open Map Maker to make sure all the objects are in place. If they are, then test the map in-game (no need to export if this worked), and you should see your objects. Making any sense? I hope it's thorough enough, but if not you can check out my video tutorial on it HERE (https://youtu.be/RfTBPlFQYUs), it might explain the process better than I did here.

Hopefully this helps you out if even a little bit. Good luck!
Title: Re: Map Objects Not Showing
Post by: DragonsFire05 on October 04, 2016, 03:21:54 am
It worked! Thank you so much! You saved me from having to practically restart my maps xD. Ty to everyone ^_^ I really appreciate the help. Now would there be a similar method to fixing height maps by any chance? I just found this out but I download a height map to use for one of my maps, and like the objects, it shows up fine in Map Maker but when I go into FeralHeart it's a completely different height map for some reason.
Title: Re: Map Objects Not Showing
Post by: Shazadah on October 04, 2016, 04:06:39 am
It worked! Thank you so much! You saved me from having to practically restart my maps xD. Ty to everyone ^_^ I really appreciate the help. Now would there be a similar method to fixing height maps by any chance? I just found this out but I download a height map to use for one of my maps, and like the objects, it shows up fine in Map Maker but when I go into FeralHeart it's a completely different height map for some reason.
Odd. Try renaming the heightmap image, and you should be able to switch the name in Map Maker just fine, but if not then you can change it in the "MapNameTerrain.cfg" file (the .material version is just ground textures, the .cfg is everything from the heightmap image to the size of the map, etc). Inside where is says "Heightmap.image=" is where you'll wanna change the name to the newly named heightmap.

You could also try opening the heightmap image in GIMP (or whatever program you're using), change the mode to Grayscale, merge all your layers together and make sure its 513x513, and then export it with a new name. You can follow the other steps I've given above. Let us know the ending result.

Glad to have gotten the objects issue taken care of.
Title: Re: Map Objects Not Showing
Post by: DragonsFire05 on October 05, 2016, 01:34:27 am
Hm, well I tried both the ways you suggested but no luck. I also tried just making the height map myself but oddly enough that didn't work either...and sometimes the portal shows up in Cape, sometimes it doesn't. Maybe it's just something with the whole map file.
Title: Re: Map Objects Not Showing
Post by: Shazadah on October 05, 2016, 01:55:01 am
Huh, most peculiar. Sometimes exporting a map helps update it, maybe try exporting it and see if it shows up as it should in-game? If that doesn't work then try remaking it altogether. If you want to transfer objects in a map to another one that is the same, you can easily copy those .cfg/.material files to another map's folder, just be sure to rename them in the appropriate places (I do this for making maps with different seasonal settings).
Title: Re: Map Objects Not Showing
Post by: DragonsFire05 on October 05, 2016, 02:53:10 pm
I did end up remaking the map and that solved the heightmap problem but then the mask was off xD. I did however, try exporting the map after that and it seemed to fix the problem. Ty for the help ^^
Title: Re: Map Objects Not Showing
Post by: Kerriki on October 05, 2016, 10:00:39 pm
Locking this up now since the issue seems to be solved