Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Reaper on October 17, 2016, 03:15:40 pm

Title: How did you come up with the design of your character?
Post by: Reaper on October 17, 2016, 03:15:40 pm
For my characters designs I wanted my character Segador just to be a regular feline with just brown die and no markings and for Baine I was trying to make him more of a monsterous look, and hybrid look. So I made all of his fur color match the color of his mane, and as for his markings I just picked out random markings and decided the one I picked was good.

So, how did you come up with the design of your characters?
Title: Re: How did you come up with the design of your character?
Post by: Enoki on October 17, 2016, 04:26:28 pm
Ah! Interesting topic!

As f'er me and Enoki, I was just playing around with the character creator and the item packs. He ended up looking like a speckled forest when I finally finished messing around with everything. He wasn't meant to end up being used, but I liked how he ended up so I kept him. Later down the road, someone asked if I wanted a preset f'er him. Not knowing how to do such things m'self back then, I happily agreed to make a reference f'er him.

LOL. As ye can see, Eno's looks 'ave improved along with m'drawing skills. This was the first ever drawing of Enoki and I was darn proud of it way back when. His feathers look like the color of vomit, but hey, we all go through phases and Enoki is no different.
Title: Re: How did you come up with the design of your character?
Post by: Kerriki on October 17, 2016, 05:42:17 pm
Aye, cool topic ^^

For my characters it's basically just messing around in character creator and liking the end result cx
Title: Re: How did you come up with the design of your character?
Post by: ArcticGalaxy on October 17, 2016, 07:02:43 pm
Just about the same as everyone here really, Azura started out as a random creation of mine, and then I kinda switched her markings up to give her a bit of a more human look. And the others...yeah just random creations. xD
Title: Re: How did you come up with the design of your character?
Post by: Kynvuu on October 17, 2016, 07:47:50 pm
I'm quite indifferent when it comes to making up a character. Sometimes I'll plan it out and other times I'll just see whatever I can make in the character creator. When I know I want to make a specific type of character either to hang around on or RP with, I will however plan that out. Usually I throw together a color palette and see what I can make of it. For Kyn, for example, I knew that I wanted her to be some shades of purple and blue. The markings kinda just came as I went.
Title: Re: How did you come up with the design of your character?
Post by: Tortuga on October 18, 2016, 04:23:30 am
Ooh! Good topic!

For RP, I tend to design characters according to significant personality traits, since I believe it grants a nifty "theme" and direction to their look. For instance, I'll make use  of soft, cool and/or muted colors for calmer,  controlled and quieter characters while using brighter, bolder ones for energetic, spontaneous and loud ones. Other times, I'll use markings to make statements about the character -- like my character, Oyoo, who has permanent cub spots meant to reference his more childish nature.

Otherwise, I just make what looks cool. Particularly for "sparkle" characters. Heh heh.
Title: Re: How did you come up with the design of your character?
Post by: amythealpha on October 21, 2016, 10:26:31 pm
Oooo, fun topic!

For Lillie (my main FH fursona): I actually made the color pallet first (something I rarely do), and then put those colors together and messed around in FH creator for a bit
For HummingKitten (my main fursona): I actually based her design on one of my Mweor characters. Her name was Jessica I think? (That name always reminds me of the Pokemon creepypasta rip me) So yee
Title: Re: How did you come up with the design of your character?
Post by: Vwang on October 21, 2016, 10:58:41 pm
Wingedflyer was when I was playing around with patterns. then i kind of got crazy of it
Title: Re: How did you come up with the design of your character?
Post by: Melon on October 28, 2016, 06:33:53 am
One of my characters named Rune was originally named Delta and was going to be rather cruel looking, I decided on a more whitish and more oceanic look and it ended up with Rune . Have no pictures of her.
Title: Re: How did you come up with the design of your character?
Post by: Aclediptus on October 29, 2016, 12:28:53 am
Whenever I create a character (FH or other) I would always focus on building their personality first, then I find a color scheme that's matching enough. The colors usually come in mind spontaneously, but I'm a little picky on my choices and don't like it when one looks too similar to the other. I just pick what looks good and what reflects their personality the most.
Although I do seem to link my FH characters mostly with an elemental theme (iron, plant life, desert, caves, etc.)
i.e. Telluris, the old grumpy one, has dull brown colors and is affinitive to earth. But his green markings show that he's not all that plain, emitting more of a wise and calm sort.
Title: Re: How did you come up with the design of your character?
Post by: OnionKnight on October 31, 2016, 10:32:30 pm
Honestly, whenever I create characters its rather...At random. I'll play around with the character creation for awhile with a few words in mind:

Realistic - Canine - Bright eyes
Semi-Real - Canine - Dark Eyes
etc etc..

I'll try out different colors or markings until I find something I like, that looks good and works. Even then after the character has been created I consider it a rough draft, due to the fact the more I look at my characters the more I wonder how one character or another would look with this marking, or this tail, or these ears etc etc.. That, or I'll create random characters off-FH using free linearts on DA, and even them a majority of them never see the light of day on feral-heart. I've got a million stored characters I swear.
Title: Re: How did you come up with the design of your character?
Post by: magicfairy on October 31, 2016, 11:18:56 pm
It really just came to me one day. I got really excited it was something I could easily imagine and have look good at the same time.
I did have one big inspiration for Green though, which was LupisVulpes' (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFtM8Vl0VwKeEMSCdJ5EjAQ) character Sad Blue. Sad Blue mainly inspired her main color, which happened to be blue. My main issue with making a fursona was the main color and apparently looking at Sad Blue really helped. I then gave her a very fuzzy black jacket and light red eyes (It wasn't even intentional that red and blue make my favorite color), changed the shade of blue, and yeah that's how Green was born. There was no plan involved in any way possible.