Feral Heart

Help & Guidance => Game Help => Topic started by: kittykat2000 on October 25, 2016, 07:54:26 pm

Title: My controls go back to default?
Post by: kittykat2000 on October 25, 2016, 07:54:26 pm
   I tried searching for another thread that had the same problem as mine but I came up empty. My problem is that I will change the Head Track to Command and the Cam Faster to =, but almost every time I log back in, these controls are automatically set back to default. Sometimes when I log in, only Cam Faster will be at default, and vice versa. Why do my controls keep going back to default? I see no way to 'save' my changes. The only buttons are Default and Change. I'm assuming there's an auto save after changing a control? Are my changes not auto saving for some reason?

Thanks for your help.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: Kynvuu on October 25, 2016, 09:34:43 pm
You can try changing these controls manually through your files. In your feral heart folder, there should be a file called "keyboard.cfg" (I believe this is the correct one with your controls. I don't have my computer right now with the folder to reference it, sorry! If not, try your settings. cfg file). Open this file with a word editing software such as notepad. In the file you can change the controls to the keys you want by simply typing over what controls are already there. Click save and then enter you game to see if the changes were saved and applied.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: kittykat2000 on October 25, 2016, 10:49:37 pm
I don't know what keycodes correspond to Command and =. Opening the Keyboard.cfg file tells me what keycode a control is set to. I do not need to change anything in Settings.cfg

EDIT: I don't know what the default keycodes are for Head Track and Cam Faster but when I change them in game, and reopen Keyboard.cfg, the keycode for Head Track is 91 and Cam Faster is 13.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: Kynvuu on October 26, 2016, 12:22:50 am
The keycode for = should be 187, try changing the number for cam faster to that. I don't believe the Command key is a registered key to the javascript language because its only used on Macs. Each browser has a different key for command:
Firefox: 224
Opera: 17
WebKit (Safari/Chrome): 91 (Left Apple) or 93 (Right Apple)

You can try inputting these to see if they will work but since Feral Heart was originally only formatted to work with PC keys, you may have to end up choosing a different key to assign for the head track.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: kittykat2000 on October 27, 2016, 10:52:23 pm
Actually, if it helps at all, I am running Windows on my Mac. When I go to change the controls in Feral Heart and press Left Command, it shows up as Left Windows in Feral Heart. Is there a keycode for the Left Windows button?

EDIT: When I change Cam Faster to =, in Feral Heart, it says it was changed to "Prev Track". What ever that means.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: Kynvuu on October 27, 2016, 11:50:42 pm
I don't believe it makes a difference because the Command key isn't registered into the java language that the keycodes FH is using. I'm not sure how your keyboard is exactly registering Mac Keys and then transferring to Windows keys, so it would probably be best if you visit this website to determine the keycode for your specific keys:
Simply go to the site and hit the key you want and its keycode will appear on screen. This will hopefully sync up your keys with the correct keycodes and you will be able to figure out what codes you need to include in the keyboard.cfg.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: kittykat2000 on October 28, 2016, 12:00:12 am
It says the keycode is 91. When I enter this into the column for Head Track and open Feral Heart, it says the key is Undefined:91. It didn't always do this. But, if I manually change it by clicking Change and then entering the key I want, it shows up as Left Windows, and not Undefined:91 despite being the same key.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: Kynvuu on October 29, 2016, 02:23:16 am
Is your keyboard set to an English keyboard? That might affect the keycodes.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: kittykat2000 on October 30, 2016, 02:49:01 pm
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: Kynvuu on October 30, 2016, 04:39:32 pm
Hmm, could you perhaps provide screenshots of what your keyboard.cfg looks like as well as the options in game? Its strage that after typing the keycode into the cfg that it would still not match up.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: kittykat2000 on October 30, 2016, 08:19:19 pm
Forgive me, but I don't know how to upload pictures into my reply.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: Kynvuu on October 30, 2016, 10:50:06 pm
Ah no worries, its alright. All you have to do is upload the image to an image hosting site such as Imgur.com (http://imgur.com/) and then copy the Image Address (Normally you can copy this to your clipboard by right clicking and hitting "Copy Image Address") between this code:
Code: [Select]
[IMG]Address here[/IMG]
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: kittykat2000 on October 31, 2016, 01:07:26 am
Do you know of any free image hosting sites that do not require me to set up an account? I tried to upload some pictures using tinypic.com but they're not showing up in the preview.

Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: Kuri on October 31, 2016, 02:46:08 am
Yeah tiny pic doesn't work here anymore.  Imgur used to work without an account but it doesn't seem to work at all now.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: kittykat2000 on October 31, 2016, 01:56:53 pm
I've since lost the password to my main email account and I don't exactly want to make an entirely different account just to be able to make an account on a website I'll never use again.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: Kynvuu on October 31, 2016, 03:19:51 pm
You could possibly try Photobucket. I'm not sure if that requires an account or not. Or just google image hosting site.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: kittykat2000 on October 31, 2016, 08:32:39 pm
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: Kynvuu on October 31, 2016, 10:30:09 pm
I did some researching on the javascript and it looks like 91 is indeed the key for windows Left/Command Left. I believe it's giving you that undefined:91 message in game because Feral Heart does not support this key, as it is unique to an operator system. You may have to choose a different key to assign the head track, unfortunately. Is the cam faster working with the = key though?
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: kittykat2000 on November 01, 2016, 08:42:58 pm
The = key for Cam Faster actually shows up as "Prev Track" in Feral Heart when I press that button. So, when I click Change and then press =, it shows up as "Prev Track". This button also goes back to default after a while. I don't know why it would label the = key as "Prev Track". I don't even know what that is. What's also weird is I can press = in the Feral Heart chat box and it shows up as =, but when I press = when I change the controls, it shows up as "Prev Track".

I believe Feral Heart simply doesn't have the keyboard mapping right for my Mac keyboard. I did download the Windows version of Feral Heart, but I am using a Mac keyboard. I know this problem is only significant in Feral Heart because I can press all the keys I would need to in other Windows programs and games, but not Feral Heart for what ever reason.

If you know of any file I could edit that would change the mapping of my keyboard, that'd be great.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: Kynvuu on November 01, 2016, 10:07:47 pm
Unfortunately I believe the keyboard map is programed directly into the game, so without the source code I don't believe we're able to alter any of that. There could also be an issue with the mac keyboard and syncing up correctly with Windows keys and FH might have a hard time recognizing keys because of that. I don't use a Mac myself so I'm unsure of how the Mac Version registers keys. The last thing I could think of to help would be if you do some searching on the forums you might come across a user with a mac who could give you the keycodes for the mac version.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: kittykat2000 on November 02, 2016, 08:01:49 pm
The Mac keyboard syncs up very well to the Windows keys in other Windows programs, all except for Feral Heart. I can press the Left Command key and it works as the Left Windows key, making the Windows Start Menu pop up. I do not believe there is a issue with the syncing up with Windows keys, but rather Feral Heart itself having the issue of recognizing these keys.

Yes, it might be helpful to have the Mac keycode for the = key, but if Feral Heart is registering the Left Command key as a Windows button, why would I insert the Mac keycode for the = key? But I guess it's worth a shot.
Title: Re: My controls go back to default?
Post by: Kynvuu on November 02, 2016, 08:46:14 pm
Ahh okay, I see. I think your best bet is to find someone who can give you the keycodes for the FH Mac Version and try to match yours up with that.