Feral Heart

Game & Forum Discussion => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Algebra on November 02, 2016, 11:29:48 pm

Title: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Algebra on November 02, 2016, 11:29:48 pm
How did you stumble across Feral Heart?

What was your input when you first joined?

What were some rememberable moments? (Friends made, becoming popular, etc.)

Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Reaper on November 02, 2016, 11:51:47 pm
I stumbled across Feralheart by randomly searching animal games to play on a site and then I saw the game Feralheart and decided to play it. When I first joined I was excited on playing, and when I got in the game it was a little confusing at first because I was new and didn't know any buttons yet, and I also didn't know how to design my avatar so I was stuck with a brown wolf, but thankfully I found out how to customize my character. xD My rememberable moments was when I joined many groups, and I made a lot of friends. Also I remember participating in a dance line In old bonfire island. They were fun while it lasted.
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: OnionKnight on November 02, 2016, 11:56:36 pm
I was originally playing a game called Wolf Quest, and I heard about Feral Heart from a few friends on Wolfquest so we all decided to give it a shot. c: We never went back to WQ after realizing what an improvement from that this game was. It was confusing, my characters were ugly asf but jumping into Roleplay was super fun! I'm glad I found FH.
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Morgra on November 03, 2016, 12:53:20 am
I found it before it was released. I think I was watching some YouTube videos and in the recommended videos was an Impressive Title video. I was curious so I clicked on it, and read in the comments about it. That's when I had learned Impressive Title died and was being replaced with FeralHeart.

When I first joined, everybody was new so we were all confused together I guess xD. Back then there was no Lonely Cave and the map where you started out in was Bonfire. So, I remember staying in Bonfire for a long time in the lag before realizing there was a portal to other maps. I was so excited. I remember the first time I saw Fluorite I was amazed at how large of a map it was. And, I was even more excited when I found out there was even more than that (The Cape and Temple of Dreams). I joined multiple small roleplays here and there. I did a lot more rp back then than I did later on.

I'm so happy I found FeralHeart. It's been an awesome experience overall.
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: ArcticGalaxy on November 03, 2016, 01:43:31 am
Like a lot of players, I stumbled across FeralHeart through Wolfquest. It seemed like an interesting game and I waited three weeks for registration to be open and here I am two years later. xD

I absolutely loved it from the very beginning. Just the community and the game in general. It's a great place to spend time chatting with friends! And I've made so many friends and I wouldn't be the same without them!

I think the one memorable moment was when I became a MOTS this past summer. I just never would have dreamed in a thousand years that I would be nominated and then voted in for such an honor. ^^
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Algebra on November 03, 2016, 04:38:56 pm
Aw these are all so cute stories and discoveries! <3 Thanks for sharing :)
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Aclediptus on November 04, 2016, 01:30:35 pm
I found FH from my longtime friend, back in middle school they talked about it and I considered joining in on the fun. That was 2014. I didn't know jack of what this game is all about and what its mechanics are, but it was this large chatroom.
Unlike most users in the game who have an interest in Warrior Cats, played WolfQuest, just love animals in general, or all of the aforementioned, I had zilch. Never have I thought I stumble upon this community, the whole concept and the theme is just really not my thing.

First time running the game I was bewildered, what the heck do I do, what do other people do? From the start I fortunately made a good looking character who still gets praise 'till today. Soon I learned how they roleplay here and found a nice pack with a great leader, I never bothered joining in packs at all, and I've never involved myself into serious roleplaying. But I had a nice time.

Feral Heart surely had influenced my life, it was probably the first social community I've come upon and it has helped me gain confidence. Thanks y'all.
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: VortexAlive on November 04, 2016, 01:53:21 pm
I found FH while searching for a game that used animals instead of humans, it was actually my first find! I was excited to try it out but never could have guessed at the amount of freedom or creativity this game gave its players as an online game, truly awesome in my opinion. I learn quick when it comes to playing games, I figured out all the controls easily and watched what others did for a while to get an idea of what the game was really about. My real interest didn't settle in until I started making maps (I'm in no way saying I'm good at making them, I just find it entertaining! ^.^).
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Felfonz on November 13, 2016, 05:41:55 am
Alrighty, I stumbled aross Feralheart two years ago. My friend cheeta6810 showed it to me. I though the graphics were the worst and the controls were too weird. Adding onto that: I was also way more shy than I am now (which is still quite a bit). I disconnected whenever somebody talked to me. Eventually I just stopped playing because I wasn't getting out to enjoy  the game. To make a long story short, I ended up downloading Virtual Space Amino on my phone, joining my first roleplay (a literate, open world dragon/rider rp). It was so much fun after I got over my fears. I rocked that roleplay. Now that I'm playing Feralheart again, I've just gotta find some cool people with a cool roleplay and then I can rock this place, too.
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Hooli on November 13, 2016, 06:06:42 am
How did you stumble across Feral Heart?

I found FH in November of 2011, through WolfQuest, like most people. I was looking up games like WQ on YouTube and stumbled across a FeralHeart video, and little 12 year old Hooli was almost immediately smitten and couldn't wait to sign up.

What was your input when you first joined?

I was thrilled when I first joined! I loved every bit of the game. I remember spawning in Bonfire Island and being all confused about how to do this and that, and where everything was. I was pretty lost but I grasped the basics pretty quickly, but even after that I was completely in awe over the maps and how pretty everything was. [The game looked pretty nice for a 12 year old with low standards.]

What were some memorable moments?

I have many memorable moments. From meeting some of my best friends to having many memorable RP sessions. I also remember making my first map after being taught how to by some amazingly patient player.. [Unfortunately I forget their username.. but I still thank them for teaching me how to do it. ;w;] It wasn't the best map.. a pretty crap Warriors' map, tbh. I got better, though! I also remember making my first preset, which again, wasn't the best.. [they still aren't the best but what can ya do?] This game has given me many memories which I'll always keep close to my heart!
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Pearbear on November 17, 2016, 03:07:30 am
When I was about 11, I was obsessed with animals because I thought they were so interesting & cool. I used to ONLY play games that I could be an animal, haha. I would Google 'fun animal games' constantly & that's pretty much how I found Feral-heart.
I thought it was SO COOL when I first downloaded it, & I was so excited to explore the new world.

My memorable moments of early Feral-heart for me is... starting drama, to be honest.  :-[ {dun dun dunnn~} Hahaha. A bit embarrassing, but I've learned to laugh at my mistakes. I remember joining a warrior-cat clan group & me & this other girl would constantly fight over this boy kitty we both had crushes on, hahaha. I mainly have memories of that group. Although I was a dramatic little rascal back then, it still makes me really happy to think back to my early days! :)
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Kouvinxx on November 17, 2016, 08:06:54 pm
I stumbled across FeralHeart through WolfQuest. My, uh 'pack' told me about it. I decided to give it a shot. I didn't have a great experience when I first joined but I carried on playing anyway. I stayed rather hidden, role-played by myself. I was and still a very nervous and shy person. After a while I met my best friend. We instantly clicked, it was great. We still talk and are currently planning on meeting each other in real life soon!

My most memorable moment will be when I joined TEC, now TKC. I was so excited to join and I felt so welcome. I soon became a higher up within the group. I adore them, they're now family to me and I wouldn't be able to live without them!<3
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: TwistedSorrowzz on November 17, 2016, 10:28:45 pm
How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
I came across Feral Heart by talking to some friends on Roblox, We were talking about a new game coming up and ended up talking about FH; I'd never heard of it and decided to check it out; I'm glad I did!

What was your input when you first joined?
When I first joined I found it quite simple to find where I was going; I didn't feel confined to stay in one area. I explored different places and met many nice people.

What were some rememberable moments? (Friends made, becoming popular, etc.)
Some of my favourite moments were sitting and talking with friends; And still is. I met most of my friends by just messing about in local chat; The community of FH is one of the most supportive I've seen.
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Vwang on November 19, 2016, 12:00:20 am
I found it through wolfquest and some other things i forgot about. It looked so cool. I always floated around but it gives me memories. that urges me for the old maps (sowwy)
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Bread on January 22, 2017, 05:51:31 am
I believe I stumbled across FH while browsing Youtube in late 2012 or 2013 since then I've made multiple accounts that I've forgotten the passwords of. But when I first found this game I was thrilled! I've had so much fun over the years. I've had some pretty great moments. I remember one time I made a character called "Egg" when I got my first item pack. It was literally just a giant egg. But I would normally go to old bonfire and just sit on people, normally goofing around. I didn't do too many roleplays. But once I made a pretty cringe worthy warrior clan, it only had like 3 people in it including me XD
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: sanrio on January 22, 2017, 06:01:23 am
How did you stumble across FeralHeart?
I found it while talking to Pongo (They're my friend), they kept going on about how you can RP and make so many new friends.
I wanted to sign up but I couldn't since the registration was open, but Pongo was able to give me their spare account.

What was your input when you first joined?
I'm not really sure, I just sort of sat at Grounds and stared at some of the beautiful charas people make!

What were some rememberable moments?
I don't really have any yet as I only started playing a few week ago.
But I've had fun talking to people on the forums.
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: turtlies on January 22, 2017, 06:11:47 am
How did you stumble across Feral Heart?

Wanted games like WolfQuest, so I googled some 3D animal games. I was able to luckily register the first time I got on the site (this was in about 2012).

What was your input when you first joined?

I thought it was incredible. Everyone was so friendly and talkative, and I quickly got sucked into some silly Bonfire stuff. And, naturally, got lost in South Pole. Multiple times.

What were some rememberable moments? (Friends made, becoming popular, etc.)

Honestly just all the dumb RP's and groups I joined, and the friends I made. Sadly I'm not in touch with most of the people I used to regularly hang out with on FH, but I do remember all of those good times I had.
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Vwang on January 22, 2017, 06:27:22 am
When i was 7 years old i was like "HEY LOOK AN  ANIMAL GAME, OMG IT HAS WINGS!!1!1!"
Edit: whoops I didn't know I already posted on this, ignore this thread XD
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: barghosts on January 22, 2017, 04:46:33 pm
i vaguely remember how i found feralheart- through third party conversations i think?? but when i started playing FH it was like A Whole New World was playing in the background lmAO i thought it was the greatest experience ever. the controls were confusing, and my character creations weren't exactly the best (i still have my first FH character in my character list just to remind myself how far i've come in character designing). BUT BOY WAS I SCARED OF EVERYONE, i would always avoid getting too close to people because i didn't want them to get mad at me for invading whatever they're doing or just invading their space. ;v;
so i would mostly hang out at the adoption centre (RIP adoption centre you'll be mist), and then this one time my character was "adopted", person that adopted my character met a KH (great game) RPer who i befriended, and during those times we would RP quite a lot of angsty RPs (one of them still makes my heart ache to this day ;; )
the best part about this game? i met my lover through this game. it's been 2 years since the confession and i thank this game and the staff for making this game a reality. thank you for bringing us two together <3
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Siarczek on January 29, 2017, 02:42:08 am
I found out about Feral Heart through WolfQuest, I believe. If I remember correctly, it was when I was watching WolfQuest videos on Youtube and I saw a video about Feral Heart. This was in 2011.

I honestly don't have that many great memories from FH. I was never active in the community and just spent most of my time exploring or making maps, so I never really made any significant memories. Then I took a huge break in 2013 and only returned to the game in 2015, where I started becoming active in the community. I joined a group for the first time and then joined Unchained before it got disbanded. This was all during the summer of 2015, right after I graduated high school, and I was incredibly nervous about starting university- FH became an escape where I could forget about the world for a while. That was a fun time.
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Komoe on January 29, 2017, 04:33:27 am
How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
I had just moved away from home and started university! It was early 2011, and I really wanted to play games where I was in the form of an animal. I found several during this search; The Endless Forest, WolfQuest, and, of course, Feral Heart. I was really excited about FH!

What was your input when you first joined?
When I first joined, I was really shy with strangers. Unsure of how to approach people. And looking back, I made terrible, loud looking first characters! I wanted to explore absolutely everything I could in the game! I loooved exploring!

What were some rememberable moments? (Friends made, becoming popular, etc.)
I remember getting lost in Ficho somehow! xD And I stumbled across two people who were RPing! They got mad, and told me to get out of their territory, and I apologized and told them that I was lost. Immediately, they became sooo kind, and one of them showed me my way out of there. I remember working for hours, trying to get up Ascension! And going to the dead ends. The rewarding feeling of making it to the top, and my wonder and excitement when I went to the Sky's Edge. Eventually, with enough practice, I was climbing Ascension for fun. Making my first preset ever took me hours and hours, since I didn't know how to use Gimp effectively! But I really enjoyed the process :) 
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: starkwolf on February 09, 2017, 06:38:30 pm
How did you first come across Feral Heart?

YouTube. I was desperately looking for some sort of wolf game, came across this first.

What was your ?input? when you first joined?
I liked it, if you mean my opinion. I don't know that I really contributed that much if that is what you mean. I have always just barely tolerated the fact that there are absolutely no built in combat mechanics. But, I needed something. Eventually I tried WolfQuest, but at the time it was very buggy, and there are things that I strongly prefer about this to WQ.

Most memorable moment:
I have a few memorable moments about just RPing with people in general maps. Had a rather interesting one with one of my characters.

Title: .
Post by: NaomiOkami on February 14, 2017, 06:39:19 am
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: GeminiFromHell on February 15, 2017, 02:43:49 am
How did you stumble across Feral Heart?

Uegh... That was so long ago. I used to play WolfQuest (cringy now that I think about it XD) and somehow I heard of FeralHeart. About a month later, I was dealing with registration and making my own account. That was the first time I signed up.

The second time was actually really recent... Like maybe 2 or 3 days ago. Anyways, I decided to revisit it and found that it had updated. I thought that maybe it had been remodeled (as I come to find out, not really, but still it's fun) and signed up. Luckily I didn't have to wait for millennium to sign up and got in on the first try. I'm crossing my fingers hoping it's a good sign.

What was your input when you first joined?

Fun... But really overbearing. Bonfire Island was really spazzy for me, so I was like, "What have I done..." But I stayed for a while. Unfortunate I was really uber shy, so I didn't make many friends or companions, but I had a small (and I mean small) few who I could count on. My characters never were really colorful; I've always been kinda a realist. So my characters were realistic and detailed; but I think they came out that way cause I read A LOT and was VERY insecure. So, I never really had characters that I've regretted too, too much.


Now, my first time back on was fun. I basically turned off the FH music and played the Witcher 3 soundtrack (which makes everything really edgy, if anyone was curious) over the natural sounds of the maps and ran around exploring the different maps. Plus the people are super friendly; I appreciate that.

What were some rememberable moments? (Friends made, becoming popular, etc.)


Mmkay, one day I came home and literally threw my bags across the room and fell on my bed. I remember I was so so so done. After blasting my music and napping (I can actually nap through loud music, but anything else just bothers me) I got on the computer and started up FH. I just went up to some random (beautiful/amazing/magical) person and we just clicked and randomly started RPing. That person was my spirit animal; I miss them in retrospect.
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Jazzie70380 on February 26, 2017, 05:25:01 pm
 How did I stumble across FeralHeart?  For me~ I was sitting there at my grandfather's laptop and had stumbled across a feral heart music video.. I was amazed to even find it so since then (which I found the game like about sometime mid 2014? ) But registration wasn't open or was, but my dad didn't let me join/my grandpa warned me about viruses since we had no clue about feral heart not even having one. So I waited to play for about four years since I was busy with school and registration wasn't open until I watched a new video of the update with 1.15 patch I clicked to the game and come to find out the register was open. I was excited about it all and happy to join the feral heart peeps! Yes, I had good days on feral heart like becoming a member of a pack for role play ( I'm still with them today ) or role playing with my other friends. I still am having a good time with it even if no one talks to me~ but anyways this is how I got to join/play feral heart. ( And yes my father allowed me to join after knowing there won't be harm he was just doing a fatherly thing )
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Avani on February 27, 2017, 10:59:43 pm
How I stumbled across the game? Quite simply actually! c:
After Impressive Title shut down, they announced about FeralHeart on the forums.
I immediately registered and quickly got attached to the game. The characters
and the maps were very exciting to me, and I absolutely loved taking part
in roleplays. I made a bunch of friends who I share many great memories with.
One of my dearest memories will have to be with The Olympus Pride, I adored
the fellow pride members. We had our own maps and spent a lot of time together,
but the roleplay sadly died out eventually. I luckily still have some screenshots from it. <3

Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: forks on February 27, 2017, 11:17:43 pm
How did you stumble across FeralHeart?: Hmm...well, it was almost three years ago, and me being my animal-lover self, I searched the web for animal games, and I eventually found FeralHeart! Nothing too complex, aha.

What was your input when you first joined?: I liked the idea, but I was a little put off by the "registration isn't always open" thing. It took at least six months for me to get an account that worked right (oops) and when I did, the game was a little confusing and I preferred to be on the forum. However, I quickly got used to it, and fell in love with the game.

What were some memorable moments?: Creating my first character was probably pretty memorable, huehue. Meeting amazing people like AlphaEclipse was something that I'll never forget, either. Honestly there are so many amazing people here, it's crazy <3

Nice topic idea, +floof!
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Vespian on February 27, 2017, 11:39:46 pm
How did you stumble across Feral Heart?

A friend of mine, username: Skywave, suggested the game to me. We were young at the time, no older than 15-16. Perhaps younger. We sought a place to freely roleplay and that's when Sky found Feral Heart after some months retiring from the game Wolf Quest due to the insane chat filter.

What was your input when you first joined?

I was giddy, full of joy and excitement. It was like walking into a new world with new opportunities for me and that glee only increased upon running around and about on a (horribly made) skeleton wolf.

What were some memorable moments?

Getting lost in Fluorite Plains, receiving compliments from other users about my character (heaven knows why), and roleplaying with my two friends at the time, Skywave and the user Tiger Tooth.
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Bluminescent on March 01, 2017, 01:04:17 am
How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Honestly I was just looking for some animal games to play when I was younger because I was bored. Found FeralHeart and decided to give it a try. Honestly I don't regret finding this game, it's great for when I'm bored and don't have any other ideas. It's kind of sad though, because as the years have gone my friends have slowly disappeared. I only really see like three or four online at a time now. I wasn't able to get on for the longest time because when the new login system was put in place, it wouldn't work with my mobile hotspot. It only started working when I finally got a router last year during Christmas.

What was your input when you first joined?
I thought it was an amazing game. Even though I was quite.. well.. annoying, and made my characters look absolutely horrific at first.

What were some rememberable moments? (Friends made, becoming popular, etc.)
Yes, a few! I remember the first role-play I had, sort of. I wasn't the best role-player back then, I was still a bit illiterate. I also remember a big warrior cats role-play I was in... I was part of the group for quite a while, and it was fun! I honestly miss so many things on this game..
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Zaroie on March 03, 2017, 01:43:21 am
How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Being obsessed with wolves I was looking for 'Wolf games' when I stumbled across the site. From that point I stalked the url until I managed to catch the registrations open and make my first account.

What was your input when you first joined?
I was floored, amazed with how well the game ran compared to others I'd looked at and I instantly fell in love.

What were some memorable moments?
My personal favorite moments were some spent in the roleplays I joined a few months in after first joining Feral Heart.
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: Snoozysnore on March 16, 2017, 04:40:30 pm
I actually don't really remember where I first found FH. I know I stumbled across CS back in 2011-2012, and that lead me to Chatlands, Wolfquest, Worlize, and possibly Feral Heart somewhere in the mix. I couldn't possibly remember exactly though. I had always been into games like Wolf Quest, so FH wasn't that different or alien to me. I enjoyed it, naturally! As I am still on today. My tastes of sites changes, sure, but FH always had a special place in my heart I guess.
I remember back in the old map I would meet my friend every day in the snowy area, which was our favorite, haha. I miss that map a lot!
Title: Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
Post by: SpazPaint on December 01, 2017, 07:32:50 pm
How did I find FeralHeart?

A few years back, I used to play a lot of animal roleplay games on Roblox. I mostly played on Warrior Cats and Wolf Pack roleplays. If I remember correctly, I think someone I was playing with told me about FeralHeart and Wolfquest. I couldn't get Wolfquest to work on my computer, but I decided to check out FeralHeart instead.

Bascially, if it hadn't been for Roblox, I wouldn't be on FeralHeat  ;D

I still pop my head into Roblox roleplays sometimes (although their new word filter/censor system is kinda weird).