Feral Heart

FeralHeart Roleplay => Characters => Species => Topic started by: VineStar12 on May 02, 2011, 08:07:27 pm

Title: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: VineStar12 on May 02, 2011, 08:07:27 pm
This is the main topic for a new breed of fox called the Rainbow Fox. If you wish to create a character of this breed then please read all of below, create your character according to the requirements and dimensions, and post it here with the filled out form. If your character was properly put together then I will accept and you will be a member of the Rainbow Fox breed! I only ask that people fill out the form and characters here so that I can keep track of the breed. This is my first breed so if you have any advice then PM me. If you have any questions then PM me. Read on if you're still interested. Sorry, I can currently only do links to images.

This Topic ---- Main Information
1st Post ---- The Males
2nd Post ---- The Females
3rd Post ---- The Pups
4th Post ---- The Current Packs/Clans/Groups

The males are the dominant gender of the breed. They are, on average, larger and stronger than the females and they do not get along with other males well unless they were friends as pups. They show their dominance to females and other males by defending their territory and fighting. Some males travel in groups when they are 1 year old and go their seperate ways eventually. They reach adulthood at the age of 3 years.

The females are the non-dominant gender of the breed. They are, on average, smaller and faster than the males and  they tend to travel with other females for company. They show their dominance to other females by marking and defending their own territory. If a female has pups then, usually, her friends will help with babysitting and defending the territory until the pup is old enough to hunt. The females also rely on each other, for example, they will help any other female in need. They reach adulthood at the age of 3 years.

These are possible looks for your fox. If you need an example character then look at the posts below.

Tails- Wolf, Thin, Tail-Less (Only if your fox was in a fight or was born with this defect. Please ask me first!)

Eyes- Any.

Ears- Any.

Manes- Any.

Tufts- Any.

Head Markings- Any.

Body Markings- Toeless Socks.

Tail Markings- Any.

Eye Colors- Any.

Marking Colors- Any.

Pelt Colors- Any.

Tuft & Mane Colors- Any.

Underfur- White.

Tail Tip- White.

Above & Below Eyes- Any (please make sure both are the same color but different than the pelt color).

Nose Colors- Any.

Male Dimensions-
http://vinestar12.deviantart.com/art/Male-Dimensions-207912309 (http://vinestar12.deviantart.com/art/Male-Dimensions-207912309)

Female Dimensions-
http://vinestar12.deviantart.com/art/Female-Dimensions-207912694 (http://vinestar12.deviantart.com/art/Female-Dimensions-207912694)

Pup Dimensions-
http://vinestar12.deviantart.com/art/Pup-Dimensions-207912819 (http://vinestar12.deviantart.com/art/Pup-Dimensions-207912819)

Your character's dimensions don't have to be exact to these dimensions, but please make it similar. These are average dimensions for males and females 1 year and older. Please make pups exactly to these dimensions and gradually change them as they grow.

Rainbow Foxes can be very social when they choose to be. Some form groups (usually called a "clan", "pack", or "coven") that only allow its own breed and other breeds of foxes. The males will usually lose their loner traits once they join one of these groups. Sometimes Rainbow Foxes are found traveling with wolves and/or lions, since they aren't so picky about who they travel with.

Breeding for Rainbow Foxes isn't that simple but not too complex either. The males cannot just mate with a female just to pass on his genes, thus rape can rarely occur. The female must be willing to become pregnant for pups to be born. This means that the male must establish a bond with the female before they can mate. By then the male might've fallen in love with the female and wants to be her long-term or life-long mate. Most pairs that have mated will usually be together for quite a while but eventually, about half of the pairs will seperate and move on. Males and females can mate as long as they live, thus the breed being plentiful.

But, there is a special time every year that the Rainbow Foxes (that are sexually mature) will have the sudden urge to mate. It is called The Heat. The Heat is usually around November-January. It is given this name because 70% of the female Rainbow Fox population are in such heat that they tend to be careless and let pups be born from any male they mate with. This results in pups being born but being descended from different fathers and looking quite different from its littermates whose genes are from other males. During this time, males with long-term or life-long mates defend their territory and mark it more often to keep other males from mating with his female. Then in the early spring a lot of pups are born.

Rainbow Foxes become sexually mature at 2 years and start their search for a mate. Their first choice is to find a friend from their puppy months and try to find a spark. If this does not work then they keep traveling farther and farther in search of a mate. They mate whenever they are ready after becoming sexually mature.

Homosexual and bisexual foxes are very rare for this breed. If you wish your character to be homosexual or bisexual then ask me first! There will also be NO pups born from a male & male couple or a female & female couple. They can adopt pups though.

If a male and female have bonded and mated then there is a good chance of pups being birn. If the females was willing, and fertile, then the pups should be born 2-4 months later. The average pups oer lutter is 2-5 but it isnot unusual for it to be lower or higher. When a pup isfirst born, it is born with a thin coat of full colored fur and markings it will have for the rest of its life. Pups usually start growing their manes/tufts at 6 months. When a pup is born it is blind, deaf, and cannot walk. When it is 2 weeks it can hear. At 3 weeks it can see. 1 month it can walk and trot. At 2 months the pup is running, exploring, and getting in lots of trouble. When the pup is 6 months old it will learn how to hunt and other survival skills. When it is 10 months its parent(s) will test how much they've learned. The parent(s) will then abandon the pup at 1 year.
 Then it is on its own until it finds friends or a mate.

Please read the following rules:

1. Make the dimensions similar or equal to that of the gender your character will be.
2. Please do not make a character of this breed if you're not active with it.
3. If you breed your Rainbow Fox and have pups then please post them here (as long as their are part Rainbow Fox).
4. You can NOT breed your fox to any species other than a fox (which means you can breed with any type of fox, that is not part wolf, but you can't breed with any kind of wolf).
5. Please do not breed your fox to foxes that are 1/2 wolf and 1/2 fox, I want this breed to be of only the fox species.
6. You can NOT have pups until both mates are 2 years old.
7. Please don't make your fox too realistic (realistic colors allowed but please add at least 1 unnatural color).
8. If you make a character then please fill out the Form so that I can keep track of this breed.
9. If you are planning to make/have a pack/clan/group of Rainbow Foxes then PM me with info about it so that I can add it to the list!
10. Please make sure that your character follows all of the Requirements.

Please meet these requirements when making your fox.

1. Must have toeless socks (any color).
2. Must have a WHITE tail tip.
3. Must have WHITE underfur.
4. Must follow the Looks section for any other details.

Please fill out the following form if you've created a fox of this breed.


I hope you consider making a character for this breed! I'm also hoping for it to be popular someday!
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox -WIP- (Don't Post)
Post by: VineStar12 on May 04, 2011, 11:21:19 pm
The Males!

Total Males: 1

Name: Skandar
Age: 2.5 years
Mate: None
Pup(s): None
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox -WIP- (Don't Post)
Post by: VineStar12 on May 04, 2011, 11:27:14 pm
The Females!

Total Females: 3

Name: Kallik
Age: 2 years
Mate: None
Pup(s): None
Sexuality: Straight

http://codelyoko12lover.deviantart.com/#/d3h5idm (http://codelyoko12lover.deviantart.com/#/d3h5idm)
Name: Ravensong
Age: 1 1/2 years
Mate: None
Pup(s): None
Sexuality: Straight

http://i52BannedImageSite/2ufbtjd.jpg (http://i52BannedImageSite/2ufbtjd.jpg)
Name: Karisha
Age: 1 year
Mate: None
Pup(s): None
Sexuality: Straight
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox -WIP- (Don't Post)
Post by: VineStar12 on May 04, 2011, 11:33:44 pm
The Pups!

Total Pups: 1

http://98midnight.deviantart.com/art/Riki-209936236 (http://98midnight.deviantart.com/art/Riki-209936236)
Name: Riki
Age: 5 months
Gender: Male
Parents: Unknown x Unknown
Sexuality: Straight
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox -WIP- (Don't Post)
Post by: VineStar12 on May 04, 2011, 11:36:52 pm
The Current Packs/Clans/Groups!

Total Packs/Clans/Groups: 0
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: Liebe on May 09, 2011, 09:03:33 pm
I would love to make one of these cool foxes! But, unfortunately, my FeralHeart program isn't working and I can't log in. I will make sure to tell you once I can get back on and I've made one of these.
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: VineStar12 on May 09, 2011, 09:15:42 pm
I would love to make one of these cool foxes! But, unfortunately, my FeralHeart program isn't working and I can't log in. I will make sure to tell you once I can get back on and I've made one of these.
Okay, that is fine! Thanks for showing interest, and I hope your program works soon!
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: Kiyoi on May 23, 2011, 01:18:27 am
hmmm, seems interesting, ill try it to keep you company, i like to help out, but please no maps, i cant download and enter them for some reason...
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: Liebe on May 23, 2011, 01:45:46 am
Picture: http://98midnight.deviantart.com/art/Riki-209936236 (http://98midnight.deviantart.com/art/Riki-209936236)
Name: Riki
Age: Pup
Gender: Male
Mate: Too young
Pup(s): Is one
Sexuality: Straight

Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: Liebe on May 23, 2011, 01:46:22 am
I got him in action, too:

http://98midnight.deviantart.com/art/Riki-Sitting-209936901 (http://98midnight.deviantart.com/art/Riki-Sitting-209936901)

http://98midnight.deviantart.com/art/Riki-Again-209937412 (http://98midnight.deviantart.com/art/Riki-Again-209937412)
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: aelitastar on May 25, 2011, 02:18:20 am
picture: http://codelyoko12lover.deviantart.com/#/d3h5idm (http://codelyoko12lover.deviantart.com/#/d3h5idm)
Name: Ravensong
Age: Teen
Gender: female
Mate: A little to young
Pup(s): None
Sexuality: Straight
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: VineStar12 on May 25, 2011, 07:07:29 pm
Picture: http://98midnight.deviantart.com/art/Riki-209936236 (http://98midnight.deviantart.com/art/Riki-209936236)
Name: Riki
Age: Pup
Gender: Male
Mate: Too young
Pup(s): Is one
Sexuality: Straight

Could you give me an exact age for Riki please? Anywhere under 1 year is considered a pup. Other than that, you're accepted!
picture: http://codelyoko12lover.deviantart.com/#/d3h5idm (http://codelyoko12lover.deviantart.com/#/d3h5idm)
Name: Ravensong
Age: Teen
Gender: female
Mate: A little to young
Pup(s): None
Sexuality: Straight
Could you also give me an exact age for Ravensong? She'd have to be younger than 2 years, since she is too young to have a mate. Other than that, you're accepted! :)
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: VineStar12 on May 25, 2011, 07:12:08 pm
hmmm, seems interesting, ill try it to keep you company, i like to help out, but please no maps, i cant download and enter them for some reason...

There won't be an exact custom made map for this breed since some people cannot access this. No matter how many people create one, there will NEVER be an official map. (Since I'm creator of the breed, I have authority to approve or reject the official map(s). Thanks!)
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: Tripwire on May 25, 2011, 08:32:46 pm
Picture: (http://i52BannedImageSite/5jwj6r.png)
Name: Skandar
Age: 2.5 years
Gender: Male
Mate: None
Pup(s): none
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: Krystal on May 26, 2011, 12:05:26 am
Picture: (http://i52BannedImageSite/2ufbtjd.jpg)
Name: Karisha
Age: 1 year
Gender: Female
Mate: None
Pup(s): Is only 1 year old...
Sexuality: Err what? Straight I guess??
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: aelitastar on May 26, 2011, 12:17:17 am
ravensong is i guess 1 and a half lol
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: Liebe on May 26, 2011, 12:32:57 am
Riki I guess is 5 months.
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: VineStar12 on May 27, 2011, 09:10:40 pm
Picture: (http://i52BannedImageSite/5jwj6r.png)
Name: Skandar
Age: 2.5 years
Gender: Male
Mate: None
Pup(s): none
Accepted! Did you use a preset? It looks pretty cool!
Picture: (http://i52BannedImageSite/2ufbtjd.jpg)
Name: Karisha
Age: 1 year
Gender: Female
Mate: None
Pup(s): Is only 1 year old...
Sexuality: Err what? Straight I guess??
Sexuality means is your fox gay (homosexual), likes both genders (bisexual), or likes only the opposite gender (heteorsexual)? By "like" i mean the gender your character would mate with. Accepted! She looks so cute!! Like a watermelon or strawberry!
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: Tripwire on May 28, 2011, 05:14:02 am
Nope no preset I have feralistic installed into my game =)
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: Krystal on May 28, 2011, 02:01:07 pm
Thx!! She would only mate with males though...
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: VineStar12 on May 28, 2011, 07:22:17 pm
Then that means she is heterosexual or straight
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: Sejia on July 29, 2011, 03:19:47 am
Are you still accepting applications? I like this idea ^^

Picture: (http://i54BannedImageSite/xqhl5h.jpg)

Age:Pup- 4 months
Mate:Too young
Pup(s):Too young
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: ILoveYou on July 29, 2011, 03:30:14 pm
Mate:Too young
Sexuality:Bisexual :D
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: Thunderlion123 on July 30, 2011, 02:27:19 am
Picture: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2im4bbk&s=7 (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2im4bbk&s=7)
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=t8850p&s=7 (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=t8850p&s=7)
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=jku448&s=7 (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=jku448&s=7)
Name: Haywire
Age: 3 years
Gender: Female
Mate: None yet
Pup(s): None yet
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Title: Cool :D
Post by: xXHeavensLightXx on July 25, 2012, 07:03:28 pm
Wow! how amazing! il be sure to make one! im a girl of corse mine is probaly going to be named Starlight or Ally :o ;D :o ;D
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: SilverTW on July 25, 2012, 11:23:54 pm
Cool eh?
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: Kayla.. on July 27, 2012, 07:18:22 pm
Picture: (http://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa390/AliceCullen_/screenshot_07272012_161237414.png)
Name: Akira
Age: Pup-6 Months
Gender: Female
Mate: Too young
Pup(s): Too young
Sexuality: Straight
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: SilverTW on July 27, 2012, 09:54:37 pm
I find these cool
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: Tessel. on September 15, 2012, 03:06:47 pm
They sound pretty cool.
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: HowlStar on October 08, 2012, 09:41:36 pm
This species is pretty interesting. I'll think about making one (though I know I'll end up making one anyway XDD)
Title: Re: The Rainbow Fox (Read Inside!)
Post by: CreamWolf on October 11, 2012, 06:02:29 pm
Well this is a very good species I see - every aspect of it is covered in great detail. c: -Passes cookies around.-